A Halloween Challenge
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A Halloween Challenge
When I was a child, my folks would place a full-size cardboard witch atop one of our living room chairs as a fit greeting to tiny trick-or-treaters entering our home to fill their pillowcases with cheap candy.
Yes, in the 1970s we routinely walked into strangers’ homes.
I was always terrified of that witch, though. I can still see her crooked, pointy nose and dank, ulcerating wart. The hinged joints invited me to splay her appendages in foreboding positions certain to startle any little costumed entrant. And her bloodshot eyes seemed to follow me back to my room, where I cowered at the thought of that crooked, pointy hat clinging to wiry hair.
Even now, 50 years later, I can still see every detail.
Just imagine the permanent, hellish horrors we’re silk-screening onto the minds of young children today as we force them to behold the embellished set designs of hell’s inner sanctums. Tombstones, ghosts, blood-dripping demons, mocking skeletons — these outnumber the neighborhood’s trees.
What is it that makes Americans this excited about celebrating death and darkness? More precisely: Who is enticing them to be thus excited?
We’re living in a day in which hell seems to garner more headlines than heaven does. Our Enemy, the cunning Serpent, seems to be lauded as an honored guest, while the Creator and Sustainer of all things gets patronized and pushed to the back of the line. And those who serve the Serpent are deemed highly reasonable, while those who serve Christ are condemned as wholly unreasonable.
The Halloween season presents the reality of two kingdoms. One kingdom offers life, love, healing, and hope. The other pitches only death, hate, brokenness, and fear. The critical question is: Which kingdom do Americans find more desirable?
All of this does bear frightful implications and consequences.
Innocent Israelis recently awoke on the morning of a high holy day only to get thrust into a September 11–type nightmare that has led to a war.
Sounds like something hell would do.
Here in our own country, children are being convinced that their nascent, volatile thoughts and emotions prove they should immediately proceed with surgical separation, sterilization, castration, and mutilation.
Sounds like something hell would teach.
Wayward teens are suddenly dropping dead because the pills they’re taking (though they shouldn’t be) have been laced with illegally imported fentanyl.
Sounds like something hell would push.
Young girls are groomed to believe the best way to prove they don’t rely on toxic men is to flagrantly engage in noncommitted sexual exploits — with those same men. But no worry, there’s no risk — any resultant offspring can be expeditiously eradicated. Young men are being groomed to believe that pornography is a harmless pastime to be enjoyed in private — all alone, in front of a screen. How harmful can arrays of pixels be?
I could continue down this ghoulish trail, but I think your conscience gets the point.
If the Scriptures describe accurately Satan’s quest — to “steal, kill, and destroy” — why in heaven’s name would anyone adorn their sacred home, yard, business, or classroom with fiendish replicas depicting what evil, fear, and destruction might look like?
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things (Philippians 4:8 ESV).
In view of hell’s determination to defile everything that is true, lovely, pure, and excellent, should we wink at and promote evil through some sick, miserable excuse for “neighborhood entertainment”?
Or shall we rather consider that the same Lord who commands heavenly hosts of warrior angels also bids us to set our minds on things above?
Dressing up your kid as a Buzz Lightyear for frolic at your church’s Trunk-or-Treat may help assuage a few hesitations. Or maybe just turning off your lights and camping out in your basement until hell’s extras quit ringing your doorbell could be the answer.
But admit it: Neither option tastes like salt or shines like light. Right? So why play games in that same arena where witches conjure and the demonized offer blood?
Maybe the best way is for Americans to take off the costume, put on Christ, and fast and pray that satanist plans would be foiled this Halloween, and that not a single child will suffer harm.
Let’s start to “treat” hell like the accursed “trick” it really is.
What is the Lord showing you about Halloween? Start a discussion on the IFA Community and see the daily prayers. Click HERE.
Keith Guinta is an IFA contributing writer. Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images.
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October 31 is Reformation Day; the day that Martin Luther pounded the 91 theses onto the door of Wittenberg Cathedral and helped to stop the selling of indulgences, which had come to resemble what Jesus had said that His house would be a House of Prayer, but you’ve made it a den of thieves.
I believe the times we are living in we are called as Christian’s to be the light in the darkness. October 31st is not the devils day but the day the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it. For the past 10 years my husband and I have been led by the Holy Spirit to set up a tent outside in front of our home, play worship music, set up tables with inspirational books and bibles, along with hot dogs, chips and volunteer prayer warriors to help pray for families, children & teenagers. Glory to God the Harvest every year has grown for its not by power nor by might but by His Holy Spirit healing and salvations took place glory to God. Bibles and prayer given out the powerful testimonies of the goodness of God. The devil will not have the last say so on Oct. 31, Jesus is the Lord of the Harvest , the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to the children, Jesus said forbid them not. Who are we to say what the Harvest should look like when they come right to our door what an opportunity to minister the gospel to those who are lost that need to know and experience the love and forgiveness of Jesus. Come as you Jesus said. My life changing experience knowing Jesus and His love changed me when I myself was hiding behind a mask of hurt and rejection. I received that revelation from the Holy Spirit when His word says to come as you are wether wearing a costume or not He just wanted my heart and to know Him as my Lord and savior. We give you all the glory Jesus. Blessings to you all for being such mighty warriors for Gods Kingdom for such a time as this.
I think Halloween is a bad holiday that most people don’t realize the history behind it so even Christians celebrate it.
Praying for salvation for everyone so that they can know Jesus and have the Holy Spirit to make the right decisions and guide their lives, in Jesus’ name. Amen
Amen & Amen!!
We have been teaching our kids the hymns of the Reformation since conception. I won’t lie. We like the fun of dressing up as favorite characters, occupations etc., and did do some form of trick-or-treat for several years, but we always hated the candy which we think is just a gateway drug into harmful pharmaceuticals, etc. (why else would drug stores carry do much junk food along side of medicine?). So we’ve always tried to find some way to trade in candy for other better treats. Each year we do less in that area. And we all loath church trunk-or-treat events! This year, our 14 year old who now plays the organ for our small church wanted to do a Reformation hymn sing with Grandma & Grandpa! So we did. And read a story about a persecuted Christian in Africa saved from a Satanic cult that performed horrendous sacrificial ceremonies. A Mighty Fortress is Our God! Let’s get back to All Saint’s Hallow’s Eve & the Reformation! The Word of Christ FOR US is forever! Verbum Domini Manet in Aeternum!“The Word of God Endures Forever”. Lord Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word! Amen. Next year, we were planning to make it a bigger event at our church. I thought root beer floats would be fun, but I like the idea of a fast & moving prayer vigil below better!
Be “wise, because the days are evil, redeem the time.” (Ephesians 5:16 DRB)
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed.” (Romans 12:2 NASB)
Why let Satan and darkness have All Hallows Eve? –let’s take it back, again!
–why ‘camp out in your basement’ or ‘turn your lights off’ ? –when “you are the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14) reflecting the Light of the World, Jesus.
“Supplant the pagan holiday with a Christian observance. … The evening before All Saints’ Day [November 1] became a holy, or hallowed, eve and thus Halloween.” This was done for close to six hundred years. [Britannica]
Give the trick-or-treaters candy with a gospel tract –making holy the unholy now-ghoulish-recruiting-day. As the approach your door, –pray for them in tongues! Replace ‘jack-o-lanterns’ with ‘Jesus-o-lanterns’ with Christian symbols.
Say a Jesus-centered blessing to those pleading for candy. As they leave, tell them: “praying for God to bless you in Jesus’ name!” Have a huge poster of Jesus at your door the can see from the street! Have your come-to-the-door costume as a Biblical character!
“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good” (Romans 12:21)
Dear Heavenly Father we pray for eyes to be opened to the satanic pull of the young and not so young with the 31st of October. We call forth Your angels to be around the children for their minds and hearts to be opened to the Spiritual man living inside of believers and to hear Your voice Lord, leading them into Your perfect salvation. May they rejoice over life and never death. Satan, take your hands off the children, in Jesus Holy name. Open the minds and hearts of the parents to choose life for their children instead of celebrating death and thinking it is okay.. We take back this day for Your glory Lord God, as more people will hear You speaking to them and salvation to come to them this day. In Jesus Holy name. Amen
When we lived in another sate many years ago, the area was known to be the home of some 13 Witches Covens each coven having 13 witches or warlocks. A former Catholic Seminary had been taken over by one of these covens with rumors that they did sacrifices there. (I can’t verify that except that the rumor was fixed deep in local minds.)
Soone year our friend suggested we find people from our church willing o caravan on the ring road around the city and county. Five cars showed up. the Drivers were told just to drive safely around the area they were assigned as we split up to cover the area.. The front seat passenger was to pray out loud. The back seat passengers were to go through their bibles and call our passages they could find that seemed good for the day.
The next day I took my young son to the park when a woman looking like she was dazed or in a trance walked woodenly up to us and pointed her finger at the Jesus pin I had on my coat , saying, ” I am forced to tell you that I am a witch and every year we cast spells at Halloween. This year for the first time, not one of our spells worked.”
All Praise to King JESUS!
I appreciate your article and the uplifting scripture, Philippians 4:8. Has anyone noticed that the Halloween decorations have become supersized? Giant 2 story skeletons walking, two story black cats and ghosts, etc. Brought the giant Nephilim to mind, the ones that were so vile, G-d had to destroy them in the flood!
I couldn’t agree more! Lord turn our hearts from darkness to Your marvelous light.
I never allowed our children to celebrate Halloween. It symbolizes everything that is darkness and it’s roots are satanic. Jesus told us to come out from among them and BE SEPARATE! It’s a good thing that our children see that they are different from the world and learn to stand up for what is right and what they believe in even when standing alone.
Just wondering why you removed my comments about the evils of Halloween?
Have been trying to convince people of the problem with that celebration for the last 45 years . . . . Did I tread on somebody’s toes? They answer to GOD!
On today’s Headline Prayer Live I mentioned our friend Melissa Thomsen urging people to bring Light to this dark day by sharing Scripture. Here’s the tag she’s recommending: #SendTheLight23
And here’s a short film she created to encourage people to send the Light today: https://www.facebook.com/RichSwingle/posts/pfbid02nFtj62Tov2g7ekzJA59GpvSJawdFNsMxPFFSH43FKobQ1DZ5pqcGaBV78ifVUQFsl
Lord, You are omnificent — all creative — and we pray You would inspire us to be creative in how we send Your Light today!
I pass out little bibles with salvation scriptures along with candy and a tract for children. I also hand parents an adult tract on what Halloween is about along with salvation verses.
Now is the time to turn on our LIGHT! If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and heal their land! Sounds good to me…. Can’t miss Jesus’ example as He walked through the terrorists of His day and supernaturally moved away from attackers. He was found in communion with Abba in His quiet spaces, and sleeping in storm tossed boats ,because He knew where His power came from…. Armor up!
Very well stated! I have also thought it best for the Church to not participate in any way at this time of year. Celebrating a Fall Festival on Halloween Day does not redeem the evil. Only standing in prayer and fasting.
If children come to my door I give them tracts . I won’t turn them away without anything but I don’t reward them with candy but I give them truth.
AMEN !!! AMEN !! AMEN !!
I truly believe that God’s children will be held accountable for not praying & standing against this evil. I’m so glad that Intercessors for America are placing information into our hands, so we can pray and pass it along!
It is such a travesty because the word Halloween means “All hallow’s eve” the evening before All Saints’ Day, which is a
historical holy day for Christians.
“Thank You Lord for The Truth (Your Truth), being spoken above. I stand in agreement with this and thank You Lord that ‘Your Word never returns void.”
Amen. What great thoughts for today.
Lord we agree together that you will place a protection around the United States and foil any plan of the enemy to hurt any innocent people. Lord we come against todays evil. Thank you for Your love and peace.
I agree, Keith. We do not need to use a celebration of evil to try to share the Gospel, either. It sends a very warped and confusing message. We should be careful to ‘abstain from all appearance of evil’, because many do not have the discernment to know evil from good.
Prayers for the salvation of all my relatives, friends, enemies, acquaintances, etc. who are, and who might possibly be, involved in or fascinated by the occult
The first people I saw this morning when I was walking my dog was a woman loading her two young children into the car. It was still dark but as they walked to their car I could see the little one was dressed as a ghost and the older one was a goul with a light up mask on. As I passed the weary looking mother said good morning. I offered them all up in prayer to be saved and delivered from that darkness. It is a living nightmare masquerading as a socially accepted sacrifice to Satan.
Dear Lord Jesus,
May people’s eyes be opened to the satanic plot of the enemy that is woven and played out on this day. Open people’s eyes to the evil they embrace on this day and take back this day for your Glory and for your praise!! Expose evil wherever it hides and creeps and stalks, expose it by your glorious light and show it for what it really is!! Expose the pure evil behind the war in the Middle East and show the powers of darkness behind the spirit of Islam, the Real spirit of Islam. Cover the innocent in your Blood and Redeem the lives that hang in the balance. May the captives be set free and those who lend themselves to do the enemies’ work awake from their slumber, May the scales be removed from their eyes and the stoppers from their ears so they could see and hear You clearly. And may they see You in us who believe and follow Your light, not a cowardly reflection of the world’s mask, but the shining light of Your image in us. I Pray that You be revealed in those who believe. Lord, deliver us all from this present darkness and from this present evil!! By Your Power and by Your Might through the Holy Spirit, in Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen & Amen!!
I only learned recently that All Hallow’s (holy) eve started in France when parents dressed their children in costumes to teach them about the lives of holy saints, like Patrick, Mary and Francis of Assisi.
In the early sixties, when I was a child, the costumes were never about evil, yet became more demonic in the next decades.
As so much in our culture, what was meant for good has been subverted and used for evil.
Lord, please forgive us for our participation in celebrating the demonic and give us wisdom to speak your truth in love about our convictions. Amen
Having been in the occult, I know full well what this day brings across the globe!
We are strongly admonished in the Word not to participate in anything this day stands for.
Light has no fellowship with darkness!
I join with my other brothers and sisters in fasting and praying against the meetings taking place on this day!
I am fasting because I know what evil will be done before midnight. It’s a global demonic celebration that I come against in the Name, the power, and the authority of Yeshua haMeshiach! I tear down the spiritual strongholds over every nation, I bind the principalities and territorial spirits over every nation, I pray confusion into the camp of the enemy, I plead the Blood of Yeshua against every curse, incantation, spell, and sacrifice, I place angelic skirmishers in strategic places to thwart the enemy’s plans, and I place angelic warriors around the meeting places of the minions of darkness and proclaim, declare, and decree that their power is BROKEN in Yeshua’s Name! Amen!
I too know the evil that lurks and hides and stalks on this day and this night and I stand with you in this prayer against darkness, evil, and deception!! I pray God’s Angelic forces against the secret meetings and all spells, hexes, and vexes going forth. May they fall to the ground as ashes under our feet and may those be returned back upon the lives of those sending them for God’s purpose of salvation and redemption. Lord, release the redemptive Power of your Holy Spirit tonight upon everyone who chooses to conjure evil and mark their souls for the Kingdom of God!! I proclaim, decree and declare that evil shall NOT overcome Righteousness, but Righteousness shall overcome evil on this day and every day forward, in the Holy, Mighty and Powerful Name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior and the Redemptive Power of His Blood, Amen & Amen!!
Yes and Amen!
More than ever before
Evils coming out of the closet,
Out from under twin beds
Dancing with children
Teasing sugar-plum heads.
Time to push back against nonsense,
Led by Chaos supreme.
That stand for willful ignorance.
In every mean-spirited meme.
Tolerance has gotten us steadily but surely desensitized to the harm of evil. Cartoons of monsters as sweet and colorful helpers of children is only the beginning. The Bible tells us to guard our gates, search our hearts and ask ourselves the question, “Why am I allowing this?” If the answer is to be entertained, please realize that entertainment needs to be godly and not demonic. We need to wake up to the danger in front of us. There is so much coming at children that shows me there must be great anointing on them. At least if you’ve never known Jesus, you cannot be a threat. We need to help children know their LORD and Savior Jesus. Help us to wake up!
I hate going into stores during this time and be forced to see Halloween garbage. It was easier to avoid before they started displaying as early as the beginning of September. Although she doesn’t dress them in ghoulish outfits, my Christian daughter and son-in-law participate in Halloween! I hate it. My prayer is that she and others, who think it’s ok, are convicted in their hearts to the truth.
I’m sorry your daughter participates. Mine does also. A kindergarten teacher and “pastor’s” wife, mother of 3 girls, they all dress up as zombies, or other types of ghoulish outfits. She was taught the truth when living with us. Her wolf in sheep’s clothing has convinced her that participating is not only harmless, but welcoming unbelievers into the “church”. Talk about evil deception! Lord have mercy when you open the eyes of daughters.
I am reminded of the hymn, Stand up, Stand up for Jesus, ye soldiers of the cross. Lift high His royal banner; it must not suffer loss. From vict’ry unto vict’ry, His army shall He lead. ‘Til every foe is vanquished, and Christ is Lord indeed.
thanks Keith…not only exposing darkness / death, but also offering Godly alternatives = fasting, prayer & life !!!!!!!
Let’s say you have a spouse that you are hopelessly in love with. You love them so much, you would do anything for them. They are your world. You are entirely devoted to them. And in your vows together you promise to love each other with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. Except for one to two nights a year. This (or those) nights, you’re going to play around with the thought of cheating on them. Don’t worry. You’re not going to REALLY cheat on them, youre just celebrating those that do. You’re going to mull over it for a day. It’s only a day. And the next day, you’re back with your spouse. Nothing happened.
That’s what we do when we celebrate the very things God hates: the occult, demons, the things you would only find in hell, etc. When we celebrate these things, we are flirting with someone other than God and potentially committing adultery.
It is my prayer that we are convicted of committing such acts and that we, as Christians, do not use witnessing to others as an excuse to play around with the things not of God. Let us be separated from the secular world as God is holy.
“When we celebrate these things, we are flirting with someone other than God and potentially committing adultery.” – an absolutely correct statement! We must live our lives according to instructions given by our Lord Yeshua in Mat 22:37 He told him, ” ‘You are to love Adonai your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.’ (CJB) To TRULY love God, we need to understand what He expects of us: Exo 20:3 ב “You are to have no other gods before me. ” (CJB). Nothing, not even ourselves should stand between us and our God – that is His expectation for His people.
Many Christians have been blinded to the evils of halloween. They seem to think of it as a harmless day of fun. They need to be educated with the truth!!
Lord, remove the blinders from Your childrens’ eyes – show them the SPIRITUAL truth about halloween. Convict them of frantenizing with Your and our enemy, deliver them, and set them free! We reclaim October, especially October 31, for You and for Your glory! In Jesus’ name!
Hallelujah!! Be glorified, Lord Most High!!
Finally…Another Christian that sees the harm!
Let’s start celebrating Reformation Day as Christians and forget about Halloween. The less attention it receives, the better!
The enemy continues to steal, lie and destroy – let’s not give him this day any longer. Celebrate the day that Martin Luther nailed his thesis to begin the discussion of ‘sola scriptura’. If you want to dress up – dress up as Martin Luther. If you want to give something out – give out God’s word.
I love the Word of God. It is Life!
Please understand that many believers that worship in a catholic church also pray, even with ifa. There are orthodox Christians in Africa and all over the world. We can’t judge other believers.
I believe that the Catholic Church gave some credit to Martin Luther for re-discovering the doctrine of justification by faith. You’re right, there are Christians in many different denominations.