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I Prayed have prayed
Father God, we pray for our health professionals--give them strength and protection. May they seek You for comfort, protection and strength.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

In the face of COVID-19, health care workers are being hailed as heroes. Selflessly serving patients while putting themselves at risk, treating patients in new and difficult ways, all while bearing the emotional pressure themselves. Recently IFA hosted a prayer call, joined by two doctors who shared how IFA intercessors can be praying for healthcare professionals.

How can we pray for healthcare professionals?

  • Fear and anxiety in healthcare professionals. Concerns about the deaths of healthcare professionals as well as the pressure and stress of caring for patients in this now-changed landscape are weighing on them.

For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. (2 Tim 1:7)

  • Loss of normalcy. Loss of in-person patient contact results from mandatory social distancing. It is very difficult for Christian professionals to share care and concern and connection and pray with patients without touch.

And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. (Eph 5:2)

  • Isolation. A result of this pandemic is no in-person meetings and no casual camaraderie with colleagues. People are afraid to take their masks off. Yet, large Facebook and other groups have formed to develop global collegiality and information sharing among physicians.

    The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him.  (Ps 28:7)

  • Collaboration. Pray for wisdom as this novel disease is treated. Pray for sharing of the Good News, hope, and grace of Christ by Christian health professionals. Pray for an increase in the quality of healthcare despite the challenges.

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. (1 Thes 5:11)

  • Risk of infection. Pray for trust in God, for protection, and for the Christian health professionals have opportunities to share the hope that they have in Christ.

Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. (Jn 15:13)

  • All healthcare workers. Doctors, nurses, lab technicians, housekeeping, food services, etc., are all exposed to the coronavirus and are on the front line of this crisis. They all need prayer.

For I know that as you pray for me and the Spirit of Jesus Christ helps me, this will lead to my deliverance. (Phil 1:19 NLT)


And what will help all of us deal with this crisis? 

      • Spend time in the Word of God
      • Trusting God’s Promises
      • Worship and Praise
      • Avoiding social media to focus on Christ

The list of prayer points are from an interview with Dr. Sarah Coors, a neonatalogist from Houston, Texas and IFA intercessor.

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IFA'S LATEST COVID-19 PRAYER POINTS | Intercessors for America
April 15, 2020

[…] for healthcare workers across the country and in your community. Pray for freedom from fear and anxiety, for protection, […]

April 11, 2020


Christine Martha
April 9, 2020

Thank you SO MUCH for having this pop-up prayer! My daughter Teri is a tech in a busy ER in Central IL, and my husband is an EMT on an ambulance. I have been struggling with fear about their safety and that of their wonderful co-workers. It is a very trying time for us, and knowing that so many were praying specifically for them is so encouraging! There is so much power in the prayer of unity – there the Lord commands the blessing! Thank you again, from all of us involved in health care!

Betty Meneses
April 9, 2020

3 chaplains from Naperville,
Illinois, together prayed all these prayers for healthcare teams across our nation.

Thank Father that You hear our prayers and You answer.

In Jesus’ holy and mighty name. Amen

Michelle Craven
April 9, 2020

Jesus, thank you for another day to worship you and give you praise. We agree together on this earth to pray for your protection and mercy on all the workers on the front line. Please help those that don’t know you come to know you in a real and personal way. Give them wisdom in treating every situation. Give them peace that passes all understanding. Give them joy of the Lord for their strength. Thank you for the work they do. Protect their families and keep everyone healthy and safe. I pray that someone would come up with a way to wipe this thing out completely and quickly or Jesus you can just miraculously make it stop if it is your will in Jesus name. We love you, we thank you, we praise and worship you. In Jesus name we agree and pray all these things Amen.

AN ANSWER FOR THE TRAUMA FROM COVID-19 | Intercessors for America
April 9, 2020

[…] Dr. Coors shared some critical prayer points for health professionals. Many of us know a doctor, nurse or health care worker–her insightful prayer points brought insider perspective for prayer. To see the list of prayer points for health professionals, visit our article in Headline Prayer here at this link. […]

April 8, 2020

[…] Dr. Coors shared some critical prayer points for health professionals. Many of us know a doctor, nurse or health care worker–her insightful prayer points brought insider perspective for prayer. To see the list of prayer points for health professionals, visit our article in Headline Prayer here at this link. […]

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