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Lord, we pray that You would continue to protect our children. That you would give divine wisdom to the families in America in regards to education and what our children are hearing, seeing, and watching.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

More than 5,000 teachers have signed onto a pledge at the Zinn Education Project that states they vow to teach their students the concepts of Critical Race Theory (CRT), even where it is banned by law.

Making the claim that bans on teaching students America is a racist, sexist, oppressive country mean they will be taught “lies” instead, the Zinn Education Project’s pledge states:

Lawmakers in at least 26 states are attempting to pass legislation that would require teachers to lie to students about the role of racism, sexism, heterosexism, and oppression throughout U.S. history.

The project claims the laws “aim to prohibit teachers from teaching the truth about this country: It was founded on dispossession of Native Americans, slavery, structural racism and oppression; and structural racism is a defining characteristic of our society today.”

“[H]ow can one teach honestly about the nature of our society without examining how today’s racial inequality is a systemic legacy of this country’s history?” the Zinn Education Project asks, and continues:

From police violence, to the prison system, to the wealth gap, to maternal mortality rates, to housing, to education and beyond, the major institutions and systems of our country are deeply infected with anti-Blackness and its intersection with other forms of oppression. To not acknowledge this and help students understand the roots of U.S. racism is to deceive them — not educate them. This history helps students understand the roots of inequality today and gives them the tools to shape a just future. It is not just a history of oppression, but also a history of how people have organized and created coalitions across race, class, and gender.

“We, the undersigned educators, refuse to lie to young people about U.S. history and current events — regardless of the law,” the project urges teachers to write to their state legislators.

The project says it hopes to achieve its goal of 6,400 signatures.

The Zinn Education Project is a campaign inspired by radical leftist Howard Zinn, author of A People’s History of the United States.

The project aims to indoctrinate America’s students in identity politics and the organization of social justice movements, including the teaching of Critical Race Theory, a Marxist cultural ideology that embraces the concept that all social issues should be viewed through the lens of race and that claims white people are oppressors while black individuals are victims.

During its virtual representative assembly that convened at the end of last week, the National Education Association (NEA), the nation’s largest teachers’ union, resolved to promote the teaching of CRT in K-12 schools and to oppose any bans on its instruction, as well as on the teaching of the widely discredited New York Times’ “1619 Project.”

NEA also announced it plans to join with Black Lives Matter at School and the Zinn Education Project “to call for a rally this year on October 14 – George Floyd’s birthday – as a national day of action to teach lessons about structural racism and oppression.” . . .

The nation’s other large teachers’ union, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), has denied CRT is being taught in K-12 schools, but invited activist academic Ibram X. Kendi to speak at its TEACH professional development conference this week.

The Biden education department referenced Kendi in April when it proposed a rule to establish priorities for grants in American History and Civics Education programs that incorporate Critical Race Theory- based curricula, such as the “1619 Project.”

“As the scholar Ibram X. Kendi has expressed, “[a]n antiracist idea is any idea that suggests the racial groups are equals in all their apparent differences—that there is nothing right or wrong with any racial group,” the Biden education department stated.

During his discussion with members of AFT, Kendi said, “[T]o be antiracist, is to admit the times which we’re being racist. To be racist, is to constantly consistently, deny, deny, deny, like Donald Trump.”

How are you encouraged by thousands of teachers standing up against CRT? Let us know your thoughts and prayers for America in the comments below!

(Excerpt from Breitbart. Article written by Dr. Susan Berry. Photo from UnSplash)

Want to see who is on the list? Check out this article: https://www.dailywire.com/news/here-are-the-thousands-of-teachers-who-say-theyre-willing-to-violate-law-to-keep-pushing-crt


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July 19, 2021

These teachers should be terminated as well as the administrations allowing this to happen. Let’s keep spreading the Gospel in this lost world because Jesus is coming soon! Let’s be ready when He returns without spot or blemish!

Vickie Skelley
July 14, 2021

One of my pastors said Sunday that abortion was legalized, the church was silent, divorce, homosexuality, out of wedlock shacking up, having children out of wedlock, church said nothing, same sex marriage legalized, church is silent. Will they be silent with CRT? Most likely. This is what is coming folks to the schools. They will get it in. It will divide the country and parents against children. That is the marxist goal. The only thing he suggested is don’t put your child in public school, homeschool if you can, or find a good private school. It all cost money. But our children are worth it. The breakdown of the family unit, and single parenting has made parents dependent on the schools as their babysitters. Let’s be real. It’s true. They have the parents trapped. I personally have written my local school superintendent and will be attending some school board meetings in the fall. A first for me. I think a lot of folks are waking up to just how corrupted the public schools are and they have been going this way for decades. The frog in the pot are the parents. The water has been increasing in heat for decades and now it’s boiling.

This is what happens when God is pushed out. We are witnessing the fall of a nation. God has pronounced judgement on the whole world. It’s in the bible. Seek Jesus, follow Jesus. Listen to the Holy Spirit something that has been missing in so many of the churches of Christ. His sheep hear His voice and none other will they follow. I don’t know that all of this is not Romans 1. God sends judgement against a nation. He has sent so many warnings, yet America refused to turn from it’s idolatries, abortions, perversions, greed, hedonism, paganism, etc. etc. etc. America use to be a Christian nation. It is no longer. Even the churches are apostate and that is a sign of the times. I know some folks are annoyed at me. But as a Spirit filled 62 year old follower of Christ for decades, I believe I hear the Spirit and have discernment. America needs to repent. But will America repent?

Jesus is coming soon. Be ready. Get folks saved by sharing the gospel.

Pattiann Wilk
July 13, 2021

CRT is a major attempt at the fallen ones to keep the blacks in a continual state of victimhood, anger and
hatred of self and others. There’s been so many years, money, programs and false attempts at raising the blacks out of poverty and non-worth – so why hasn’t it already been accomplished? Simultaneously, this false teaching will bring the consciousness, feelings and world of whites down to the victimhood, anger, hatred level of the blacks. By doing this, they will be able to abuse and control everyone. Why hasn’t the focus been spent on raising the consciousness and world of blacks and whites and every race out of a low to non-self-worth, which will create a higher consciousness and better world!!! We all know why they’re not doing this.

July 13, 2021

Father God,

This is another form in which the enemy seeks to divide and destroy through massive deception. It’s ironic that many want the sins of the past to once again fall on the sins of this generation, but they fail to instruct children in the ways of Truth. Why are they pushing this while stifling the power of the Ten Commandments and the Christian Worldview? Because this works for the enemy! He knows our weaknesses and uses them for his gain. There is nothing new under the sun. Racism, sexism, elitism all forms of separation have always existed since the fall. They will continue until Jesus returns. As the body of Christ, You ask us to hold fast and stand firm on Your Word. Lord, open the eyes that they may see this deception. Help us all to recognize that government, education, affirmative action and all other institutions and philosophies of man can not solve the sin problem of the human heart. Only Jesus can and as we humble ourselves to His will, we will be encouraged, strengthened and enlightened. Lord, bring many to Yourself through this massive move by the enemy. We pray against CRT and the damage it has brought to many. This is not just a problem in America but all over the world. The enemy is working overtime as his days are clearly numbered. Lord, through the power of Jesus, help us, guide us and enable us through Your spirit to speak Truth! Open the hearts of parents, administrators and teachers to love one other more than these damaging curriculums. Impart wisdom and reveal the truth of what is happening all over the world. Lord Jesus, come quickly! Keep us as we wait, watch, warn and work to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In Your Name we pray! Amen

July 13, 2021

The Zinn education project and the people who subscribe to their tenants are all deceived into thinking that the problems are related to their lists of “sins” and these “sins” must be taught to our children.

They are correct in part because the problems of our country are a result of sin. Adam and Eve’s sin. But they won’t teach that because that would be teaching Christianity.

The problems in our country are all stemming from a refusal to submit to the God who created us, the God who loves us, and the God who died for our sins that we all commit daily. I noticed they didn’t list murder as a problem instead they list the police as a problem. We live in a very confused world and every day I have to remind myself to be like Jesus so the blind will see.

Meanwhile, I do pray that God will stop their agenda and God will protect our children.

July 13, 2021

Heavenly Father, we repent for being blind and ignorant to the ever encroaching evil that has infected and affected education In this country. Open our eyes and our hearts to embrace, fight for and pursue truth not the evil lies that are being pushed. Cleanse the minds and hearts of those who have been infected with these lies. Help us to take responsibility to seek Your truth, teach and promote Your truth and accept nothing less.

July 13, 2021

Posted below find a link to the teachers who have signed on to teach CRT. Scroll down the article to find the names listed by state. Share the list with those who still are sending their children to public schools.


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