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Father, we pray over this monkeypox situation. Protect us from this virus, but, more importantly, prevent the government from weaponizing this illness as they did with covid.
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Following the WHO’s decision last week, the Biden administration has declared monkeypox a “public health emergency.”

From Fox News. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra on Thursday said he was declaring a public health emergency over the monkeypox outbreak.

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“In light of evolving circumstances on the ground, I am declaring a public health emergency on #monkeypox,” Becerra said in a statement. “We are prepared to take our response to the next level in addressing this virus and we urge every American to take monkeypox seriously.”

The monkeypox outbreak has infected more than 6,600 Americans. The emergency declaration frees up federal money and other resources to fight the virus, which may cause fever, body aches, chills, fatigue and pimple-like bumps on many parts of the body. A public health emergency can be extended, similar to what happened during the COVID-19 pandemic….

Do you think monkeypox is a public health emergency? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from Fox News. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Veronica Deevers
August 10, 2022
Barbara Ferraro
August 8, 2022

Once more our government is going to try and control us again with this latest threat. All of us who know and love God know very well that the people in our government who do not know and love Him, are going to do their best to try and keep the rest of the population under their control. God has other plans so they better be prepared for what is going to happen in their lives as well, the lives of those who seem to think that they know better than God, but He has a surprise for them all and it will be on its way to not just our country but all the world very shortly. Now I cannot give you a date or time, because it is being done according to God’s schedule.

    Barbara Ferraro
    August 8, 2022

    I pray for all those in our government who simply do not understand that they are not in as complete control as they believe, I pray for their eyes to be opened to the truth instead of all the lies and disruption that they are putting forth, believing that they know best. I lift them all up to God Almighty who can turn them around completely to believe in Him and the Bible. I pray this will happen all over this country in the next few days.

Darlene Estlow
August 8, 2022

Father, bring many to you in the homosexual community. May the truth beer spoken aloud. Give us hearts of love to those affected, looked Jesus does.

Deb Gibboney
August 8, 2022

Father, we continue to agree with You and decree and declare that ALL DARKNESS WILL BE BROUGHT TO LIGHT, EVERY WICKEDNESS EXPOSED AND YOUR JUSTICE EXECUTED UPON THIS EARTH that Your Glorious Gospel go forth from this nation into all the world.

Deb Gibboney
August 8, 2022

ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! Monkeypox/shingles is however, one of the studied and proven side effects of the jab. We will be hearing more about this as it runs rampant, unfortunately, through the targeted homosexual communities. AND it will begin to reach “pandemic” numbers right before the midterm elections. The devil is unable to be creative (like God and His Humanity) but he is persistent.

Patti Humphrey
August 8, 2022

No, just like Covid the government is using this as another weapon, to instill fear in the nation , thus control over our lives. God’s word says: “For God has not given us a spirit of fear but He has given us a spirit of power, love and a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7.

Eileen Burnett
August 8, 2022

This allowance of a disease that affects mostly gay men is not by accident. We as Christians are being goaded into saying hurtful things with our tongues in much the same way that the politician from Florida did about that young abortion activist from Texas… and look at how it backfired. We are meant to speak in wisdom, not hate. He mocked her for being overweight and rallied others to do the same and now they have raised millions to support abortions.

Let us not fall into the trap that shows us as being intolerant and insensitive bigots. We are not wrestling against people, but principalities. Powers. These people who are being infected? Regardless of how you feel about their behavior, they are suffering. Pray for them, and for wisdom in how to respond, because the world is watching us… and lying in wait.

    Darlene Estlow
    August 8, 2022

    Amen. May we be Christlike when dealing with this.

Allena Jordan
August 8, 2022

You can only cry “wolf” so many times. Wickedness shall not prevail in our land. God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify Your Father in heaven. Father, let Thy Kingdom come and Thy will be done across this nation! Whom shall we believe? We trust in You alone. You are our hope and our salvation. Deliver us from this evil, Lord. Help us to be outspoken regarding the real truth about the spread of this infectious disease. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Betsy West
August 8, 2022

I believe that this is the next obstacle that is being contrived to interfere with the November election and once again encourage mail in ballot voting.


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