I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray for the NYPD. Strengthen the officers who remain, God, so that they can protect and serve against the odds.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

As the NYPD suffers a hemorrhage of officers, those who remain are struggling to manage. We must pray for these cops and their communities.

From New York Post. More than 1,500 NYPD officers have either resigned or retired so far this year – on pace to be the biggest exodus of officers since the statistics have been available, The Post has learned.

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Some 524 cops have resigned and 1,072 have retired as of May 31, NYPD pension stats obtained by The Post show.

The 1,596 total is a 38% spike from the same period in 2021, when 1,159 cops called it a career, and a staggering 46% climb from 2020, when 1,092 left the force by the same date.

Anti-cop hostility, bail reform, and rising crime have fed into frustration among the NYPD rank and file, according to one NYPD officer who recently fled for greener pastures at a Long Island police department after 6 1/2 years with the New York’s Finest.

“The city is out of control — especially since bail reform,” according to the former Queens cop, who asked to be identified only as “Joe.” The mantra now is “get out while you still can….”

“The last few years so many people had been leaving and manpower was so low that you’d go to work and you’d answer 25 to 30 jobs a day and you’re burnt out by the end of the day,” he said, adding, “there was no time for law enforcement” because it would be “radio run, radio run, radio run all day long.”

Even when he made an arrest, “they were back in the precinct picking up their property the same day….”

The mass departures will have repercussions, law enforcers said.

“The NYPD is sliding deeper into a staffing crisis that will ultimately hurt public safety,” Police Benevolent Association Patrolman Union President Patrick Lynch said.

“Low pay, inferior benefits and constant abuse from the City Council and other anti-cop demagogues has pushed attrition to record highs,” Lynch added, noting the Department “is struggling” to fill Academy classes….

“It will take 20 years to fix this mess,” said Joseph Giacalone, a John Jay College of Criminal Justice professor and a former NYPD sergeant.

“The city is bleeding blue and only the cop haters will be celebrating… There’s no way to stop it. Activists, abolitionists, and their pandering politicians have done so much damage to the profession, that it will take a generation to fix, if at all.”

How are you praying for the officers of the NYPD? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from New York Post. Photo Credit: AJ Colores on Unsplash)

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MaryJo Coleman
June 19, 2022

Jesus we have nowhere to go except you! Peter even said that. Please have mercy on New York City and what has happened. We repent and renounce all the violence, the wickedness, the murder! The celebration of babies being murdered is repulsive and very offensive to your heart. Please tear down the evil satanic altars of abortion and defilement! This has much to blame for what has happened. Oh God that you will not turn your face from this city God. Lord make the Statue of Liberty that is in the harbor be a beacon of light to those who come here and those who live here. And may Your grace continue to pour out on this city. YOU are the answer God. AMEN.

June 19, 2022

The first thing that came to mind was the lawlessness of Sodom where Angels were even targeted for crime.
… Father may your mercy be upon th believing citizens and law enforcement of NYC in Jesus name we pray!!

June 18, 2022

Come down South! Red states love our Police Officers and treat them with respect! We’d love to have NYPD Officers join police forces in the South where they will be welcomed and appreciated by law-abiding residents.

No one should have to be a police officer in a Blue state. No one deserves that.

And I where Wall Street stockbrokers are leaving NYC in droves for offices in Florida. When asked the reasons for their transfer requests, they all gave the same answer: crime.

So NYPD, please apply to Police Depts down South. New York citizens will happily follow you!

And God bless all of you!

    June 18, 2022

    * Excuse my typo; should read:

    And I read where Wall Street stockbrokers are leaving NYC in droves for offices in Florida. When asked the reasons for their transfer requests, they all gave the same answer: crime.

June 18, 2022

Precious Father God, place a hedge of protection around our Police officers and their famies, Grant them wisdom in every situation they face, Give then strength for each new day. In the Name of Jesus I pray and we thank you for hearing our pray Amen

June 18, 2022

FATHER GOD please direct the leaving police officers to better jobs in states that will respect and honor them! Protect the citizens of New York and let them stand up and actively support the remaining police. Let the citizens change their cities in NY by soundly voting out of office the politicians that hire private security while denying safety to the citizens in JESUS NAME! Amen!


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