I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray for an end to abortion! We ask that your love for life would prevail in Idaho and every state.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

With the Supreme Court on the verge of potentially giving the abortion issue back to the states, these kinds of laws are now more important than ever.

From Breitbart. The Republican-dominated Idaho House passed legislation on Monday which would ban abortion after six weeks of pregnancy when a fetal heartbeat is detected.

The bill, called Senate Bill 1309 or the “Fetal Heartbeat, Preborn Child Protection Act,” passed in a  51-14 vote and is set to cross Gov. Brad Little’s (R) desk, CNN reported. The law would allow the father, sibling, grandparent, aunt, or uncle of the unborn baby to sue the medical professional who performed the abortion….

The law’s private enforcement mechanism is similar to Texas’s pro-life law, which went into effect last fall. Under the Texas law, anyone in the United States may sue anyone who helped a pregnant woman obtain an abortion after six weeks or when a heartbeat has been detected. Both laws forbid state officials, government employees, politicians, etc. from enforcing the law themselves….

However, Idaho’s law differs from the Texas law in that women who are victims of rape or incest are able to obtain abortions if they are able to provide a copy of a police report to the physician who would perform the abortion….

The law would allow an exception for medical emergencies in which an abortion would be necessary “to avert [a woman’s] death” or to fight against a “serious risk of substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function,” according to the bill.

According to the legislation, any licensed healthcare professional who “intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly performs or induces an abortion” violates the law and “commits the crime of criminal abortion.”

“Criminal abortion shall be a felony punishable by a sentence of imprisonment of no less than two years and no more than five years in prison,” the bill text reads….

The CEO of Planned Parenthood Jennifer Allen asked Gov. Little to veto the legislation…

GOP Rep. Steven Harris, the bill’s sponsor said the law will “end many abortions” in the state.

“We heard in testimony in the committee; we heard in testimony here today that this will end many abortions in Idaho,” Harris said. “Let’s save some babies….”

Are you encouraged by this news? Share your prayers for the unborn below.

(Excerpt from Breitbart. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Herb Johnston
April 21, 2022

Lord, as my brothers and sisters have noted here.. as we lift up to you Governor Little, – I pray in Jesus name that you would give him courage.. and strength in it his heart.. and in his soul to not give in to the pressure Lord- to follow the worldly thinking and go with the flow of evil period. we thank you for the language in the bill-,even though there is some wavering in it.. and we do pray for stronger language straight down the middle.. to stop all together these crimes against children- and against You,..Lord and against Humanity.
we thank you for this bill and I pray Lord that you would encourage the governor’s heart to continue to stand against this no matter what..and that the legislator’s in Idaho would have the similar courage and conviction to continue to vote down and end abortion in Idaho.
in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen

March 20, 2022

Father, I pray that he, the governor, would not back down, he would not fear man, he would, fear You , knowing that You are the author of life. You are the One who forms a baby in the womb. May he be strong in You and in Your power for the sake of the baby to be born. Father, we pray that we will see all 50 states, rid there state of abortion and know that all life is precious.

Janet Conner
March 19, 2022

Very glad to learn that Idaho’s Governor may sign this bill to prevent the killing of babies. The sooner the better.

Karen jones
March 19, 2022

Thank God for changing the hearts of man to protect the unborn that do not have a voice

March 18, 2022

Dear Jesus, I life up Governor Brad Little to you for strength and courage to sign the fetal heartbeat bill in spite of all the opposition he will receive from the radical left. I am thankful for every governor and persons in high office who are willing to stand in the gap for the unborn. Lord, please forgive us for sacrificing over 60 million babies on the alter of inconvenience.

March 18, 2022

Please Lord God encourage the governor to sign this bill and make it law in Jesus’ name. Amen

Connie Seglem
March 18, 2022

🙌Praise God, the battles are starting in the States!🙌

March 17, 2022

Has the Governor signed this bill? Your article does not say. Sadly this is all political manuvering in an election year. Our legislature is full of RINOs who are in deep trouble this year, hence, they are giving conservatives something that comes up every year in our legislature.

    March 18, 2022

    The prophetic birth pangs are in progress as we continue to fight the battle to save the babies in their mother’s womb.
    May the minds and hearts of mothers choose life for each of their unborn children.

March 17, 2022

Praying and believing for the day when abortion is NOT legal anywhere in the United States!!

Esmeralda Winchell
March 17, 2022

Lord, give courage to my governor to be bold and stand firm and sign the bill.

March 17, 2022

This is great encouragement! Praise God for the good news out of Iowa. Now, let’s enforce this law vigorously.

March 17, 2022

In Genesis 18:17-21 talks about the Lord visiting Abraham and their conversation. On the table of that conversation was “ the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah “ which was great and very grave. The Lord told Abraham “ I will go down to see whether they have done altogether according to the OUTCRY which has come to Me…”.
May we continue to cry out to God day and night to deliver the lives of the unborn in this nation from the death sentences framed into law against them. God is the just Judge.
He will hear and He will act! In Luke 18:1-8 , in the story of the unjust judge, Jesus’s affirms to His followers that God is the just judge that hears outcry’s and will act on our behalf. But He also said, “when the Son of Man comes will He find faith on the earth?”
We know the darkest days are upon us, and yet in those darkest days we can continue to seek Him for justice, even in the midst of chaos. Let us not give up in our outcry against abortion to the Lord, He will visit us and reward our faith.

Diane Konicke
March 17, 2022

Thank you dear God whose very breath has given life,
Please Father in heaven bring us your desires in all the
Peoples in the world , open our hearts towards you, we
so need you to give us your understanding.
Thank you!

March 17, 2022

Pray our Governor has the strength and backbone to do this. It is time someone took a stand for the unborn

March 17, 2022

Yes! Another state joins the list of saving the unborn.

March 17, 2022

a step in the right direction, but still needs to be changed to NO ABORTION IN ANY STATE..!!

March 17, 2022

I Pray That Many Women and Children Will Be Saved By This Bill, And Live Happy, Healthy Lives In Jesus Name!



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