How Pelosi’s Omnibus Bill Will Fund Abortions
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How Pelosi’s Omnibus Bill Will Fund Abortions
With Roe v. Wade almost vanquished, it is easy for many pro-lifers to assume rest on their laurels. We are, however, still on the defensive, as seen with Pelosi’s new bill. We must stay vigilant if we hope to rid out nation of abortion once and for all.
From The Daily Wire. Late Wednesday night, Nancy Pelosi’s House of Representatives passed a $1.5 trillion spending package that included — among other obscene provisions — some highly lucrative kickbacks to Democrats’ friends in the abortion industry….
Tucked away in the more than 2,700-page long bill were numerous provisions that either directly or indirectly support pro-abortion organizations such as the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) or a newly created $200 million fund for a “Gender Equity and Equality Action Fund” that we know will go toward promoting abortion across the globe. The UNFPA openly calls for “the realization of reproductive rights for all” on its website — a clear embrace of abortion extremism — and has previously been defunded by Republican presidents for its ties to the abortion industry and partnerships with China. The Gender Equity and Equality Action Fund is a new program buried deep inside the omnibus that pro-life organizations, such as Family Research Council, worry will export the woke gender ideology that has already infiltrated America across the globe. Furthermore, it would pave the way for the worldwide abortion cartel to wrongly promote abortion as necessary for women’s empowerment….
Additionally, the legislation includes funding for public universities in California that, starting next January, will be required by state law to provide chemical abortions to their students — at taxpayers’ expense. We all ought to be able to agree that a college dorm room is no place to have an abortion; unfortunately, the abortion lobby in California managed to get this bill through. While federal dollars may not be paying for these abortion pills directly, Americans will be nonetheless footing the bill for the salaries of the doctors and nurses and to obtain supplies for the student clinics facilitating the abortions.
This should not be the case….
That’s how the swamp operates. Terrible provisions are tied into legislation, we are told that the bill has to pass, only to — in this case — fund the taking of innocent life both here in America and across the globe.
When Republicans take back the majority, we must be amply clear — not one single dollar for the taking of innocent life….
How do you feel about this bill? Are you contacting your elected officials about this Omnibus Bill?
(Excerpt from The Daily Wire. Photo Credit: Getty Images)
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Government officials need to be improving our nation not murdering babies in the womb or soon after birth. Our constitution gives us life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness which is a good indication that even the children in the womb and newly born are to be given that opportunity. Gender is not a choice. It is a gift from God as to which one we are born. People who support the LGBT moment should never be allowed to Influence children with the confusion of those who chose to label themselves incorrectly. Stick with governing according to our Constitution not personal when agenda.
Father, we ask for Your mercies and intervention against the evil forces that would continue to kill our precious babies. I ask for Your hand of cleansing of all government officials who promote this agenda. I ask Father for their salvation, for a heart of repentance and a birthing of revival in them. Hear the cry of our hearts, cries of our unborn and all the precious ones killed over the last many years. You are a merciful God and we plead for mercy, we plead for repentance and a powerful revival. Amen
CO Reps Froelich and Esgar along with Sen. Gonzalez (all women) are the sponsors of a bill equally as heinous as Maryland’s intended. They will all hear my thoughts. My prayer is for a crushing defeat of this attempt and all to come. I believe more will. I also believe we have authority in the Name of Jesus Christ, to pray to God, The Maker of Heaven and earth, who hears each and every one. I praise the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit over MD, CO, and any other state willing to stand against Him. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God. He will judge His people. Hebrews 10:30,31
Dear Representative Froelich,
I am not your constituent but I value life at every stage. Equity is defined as justice according to natural law or right. What you have sponsored in HB 22 -1279 has nothing to do with justice. According to natural law, all human lives are sacred and each one is bestowed with intrinsic rights that no human can remove.
Jesus Christ said on the Day of Judgement, we will have to give an account for every carless word word we have spoken. How will you be able to justify this when you stand before Him? On that day, we all will. I value the word of God above all and hope and pray this legislation suffers crushing defeat. I hope and pray adoption will be presented as the option to an unwanted pregnancy not murder. I hope and pray your life will turn toward good. You are required to act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with God. I hope and pray this verse will take root in your heart to enrich you and those you love.
I am praying for you Meg Froelich.
In sincerity,
Matthew 12:36 I tell you this, you must give an account on Judgement Day for every idle word you speak.
Micah 6:8 He has shown you what is good. And what does the Lord require of you but to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.
Senator Julie Gonzales, not Gonzalez…..
We continue to decree and declare that the covenant that our nation has made with Sheol is broken! We declare that the principality supporting abortion in this nation have been defeated. The legal system in this nation supporting abortion is detached from the spiritual powers of child sacrifice. The word of life has done this in the nation in the world will see and know it was King Jesus who did it. Amen. And Father now, we cry out for Nancy Pelosi, we say, Nancy, today is day of salvation! Today is the day of the fear of the Lord. Today is the day to choose LIFE! Jesus says to you today, Nancy Pelosi, choose life!
The weapons of our warfare are mighty to the pulling down of strongholds!!! We will not relent until this strongman is bound and we are collecting his plunder.. in our beloveds name we pray……..fellow intercessors remember to lift up each other as we stand in th gap