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I Prayed have prayed
Father God, thank You for what You are doing and have done and what You will do in Ukraine.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Here is the latest update from Intercessors for Ukraine:



We thank God:

– for a comparatively quiet night in most of the cities of Ukraine;

– for the perseverance of Ukrainian army and warriors of the territorial defense crews;

– the schemes of Putin to speedily conquer Ukraine are falling apart;

– for the extremely high patriotic spirit of Ukrainian people and unity of all to defend our land from the Russian occupants;

– for higher authorities of our country and the President of Ukraine turning their hearts to God and praying for God’s protection of our people and land;

-for the unified prayer of representatives of all confessions that took place in St. Sophia’s Cathedral, where they pleaded for and proclaimed peace in Ukraine.


Yet there are threats to battle, such as:

– genocide of Ukrainians taking place in Kharkiv through air bombardment and heavy shelling over residential areas of the first capital of Ukraine;

– missile strikes constantly over Kyiv, Sumy, Chernigiv, Mariupol, Mykolayiv, small towns of Kyiv region. In addition to that, Russian troops keep Kherson, Sumy, Trostyanets under seige;

– Russian invaders proceed towards the town of Energodar that has Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, the largest one in Europe;

– Russian rocket ships in the Black Sea water areas are ready to launch rocket fire and landing near Odessa in order to take that city by storm.


We call for everybody to stand fervently in praying and fasting for:

– genocide against Ukrainian people through air bombardment to be stopped in Kharkiv and Kyiv;

– for deliverence from seige of Kherson, Sumy, Kyiv and Trostyanets;

– for the defence of Mykolayiv, Zaporizhzhya, Odesa, Energodar and, more important, Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant;

– for Russian plans of landing in the Black Sea Odesa area to be completely destroyed;

– for the warriors of Ukrainian army and territorial defense teams, for representatives of all power structures in Ukraine who courageously fight for peace in Ukraine;

– for God’s divine wisdom to come down on the President of Ukraine and military and political leadership of our country;

– for God’s guidance, favour, and blessing on Ukrainian negotiation team who is currently holding negotiations with Russia.


With God we will win! 🇺🇦🙏


“Though a thousand fall at your side,

though ten thousand are dying around you,

these evils will not touch you.

Just open your eyes,

and see how the wicked are punished.

If you make the Lord your refuge,

if you make the Most High your shelter,” Psalms 91:7-9



Please, share with all of your friends in Ukraine, America, Europe, Asia, and Australia.

Photo Credit: IRPIN, UKRAINE – MARCH 1: A Ukrainian serviceman helps a child to cross the destroyed bridge on March 1, 2022 in Irpin, Ukraine. Russian forces continued to advance on the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv as their invasion of its western neighbor entered its sixth day. Intense battles also continue in Ukraine’s other major cities. (Photo by Anastasia Vlasova/Getty Images)

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V L McIntire
April 6, 2022

Kids ‘Killed and Tortured’, Seminary Dean Shot Dead, City Strewn With Bodies: Russia Commits Many Atrocities in Bucha
Dale Hurd
Also, a report from a Ukrainian woman who managed to escape; babies are being slain, children are being used as human shields and women are being raped.

It is genocide. It is a heinous thing under the sun. Seeking Heaven for prayer strategies and wisdom on how to continue to pray and quickly tackle this, to help stop the carnage, in Jesus’ Name. May God receive the glory. Send help from the sanctuary, O God, for vain is the help of man. Through God, we the praying saints and the dear Ukrainian people, shall do valiantly, for it is He alone that shall tread down our enemies.
Protect the innocents, our Father. Shelter them under Thy wings. Bring a speedy end to this foul aggression. Send a HOST of mighty, righteous, warring angels to help battle this evil under the sun. Let some of them be seen, to strike fear into the black hearts of the enemy ( Russian soliers, Chechnya and Syrian mercenaries, also the Wagner group–hired assassins) , and arrest them where they stand. Put their weapons out of commission. Send division and confusion to the enemy. Almighty Father God, please rebuke the devils of murder and mayhem and crush the principalities there, under the Blood- stained heels of Jesus. The Blood of Jesus prevails. We soak Ukraine in the Blood. Bless all the Ukrainian fighters. Give them courage and hope. Strengthen their faith. Bless and protect any volunteer warriors, former servicemembers there, as they fight along side the Ukrainians. Let their every bullet find its mark, give them deadly aim. To God be the glory. Effect many salvations across their land, including President Zelensky. May he humble himself before Almighty God, repent and become a completed Jew. Manifest Your glory in this vile war. Reveal Yourself to the desperate and terrorized people, Lord Jesus. Let them run to the cross and be saved. Turn the tide QUICKLY, O Lord. Save lives, save souls. It is in the mighty, matchless Name of Jesus we pray.

Demetra Huston
March 5, 2022

Father and Lord of Angel Armies, fight against the power of darkness trying to overcome the Ukraine people. Bless this country to be restored quickly and may You be glorified!

Marcella Puentes
March 4, 2022

Thank you for all that you are doing!

Fe Hester
March 3, 2022

Father in Heaven, please surround the Ukranians with your Angels, and protect them from further iassaults, damage, injury, and distress. Please heal thiose who have been wounded, and comfort those who lost their loved ones, and who have been displaced from their homes because of the war.
Please stop the war and help Ukraine and Russia to arrive to peace during their negotiations. In The Mighty Name of Jesus! Amen . ❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏

March 3, 2022

Great reminder to keep praying about this mess. Too bad that people have to die as a consequence. Too bad that wars have too happen in the first place. Thank God that He is in control of everything. to Him be the glory.

March 3, 2022

At the early stages of preparation before this horrific war started, while in prayer I saw a picture in my mind’s eye of tanks surrounding the Ukraine. I felt like the Lord said, “As you see the tanks surrounding Ukraine, know that I too am gathering my troops both in the earth and in the heavenlies.” A also saw an alarm clock going off. (TIME TO WAKE UP !) I pray the angel armies that the Lord is gathering will resist and destroy the enemy in Ukraine and protect the leaders and all the civilians still in the country. Lord, send the troops on the earth you are gathering and in the heavens to do warfare on behalf of this country as you did in 2 Kings 6:16-18 and placed horses, chariots and fire around
Elisha and his servant to do battle on their behalf. We plead for an immediate end to this barbaric war, and especially for the towns that have been targeted for today. Lord bring deliverance and victory for the brave Ukrainians in Jesus’ name and for His glory! Send them all the heavenly and earthly help they need. Be their strong defense and place of refuge…Amen

Elisa Bowlet
March 3, 2022

Praying for the blessed people’s of Ukraine, praying for strength and courage to defeat the enemy, both human and the demonic forces behind Putin and his government that has set their sights against Ukraine. Praying for Ukraine’s courageous president, may he grow ever closer to the Lord, and guide the nation with wisdom and discernment. Amen

Ric C
March 3, 2022

Please end this war, you are not God, to whom you do not believe. You cannot resurrect the DEAD. The USSR has DIED and was buried by the millions of believers in “LIBERTY AND FREEDOM”. You may win the war, but never the BATTLE, of “FREEDOM LOVERS OF LIBERTY”

    Elisa Bowlet
    March 3, 2022

    Thank you Ric. Amen. Hallelujah to God, the leader of the country of Ukraine. Putin is fighting on the wrong side and his plans will be defeated.

Susan CC
March 3, 2022

abide-to endure without yielding
John 15:4-5 Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. I am the vine and you are the branches. The one who remains in Me, and I in him, will bear much fruit. For apart from Me you can do nothing.…

Dear Heavenly Father, You put abide on my heart this morning. This is my prayer for my brothers and sisters in the Ukraine. To abide in Jesus Christ for apart from Him they can do nothing. They are surrounded by danger, they are in the valley of the shadow of death, but You are with them. I pray You will continue to fill them with strength and courage; keeping them unafraid or terrified of their enemy. Let each one hear You say, I am the LORD your God who goes with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you. I ask this in the Name Above All Names, Jesus Christ. Amen

March 3, 2022

Father God, as we pray for the Ukraine and every city listed that is threatened, I pray that you would send ambushes against the enemy through the praises and prayers of the saints. Let those prayers be a prayer shield about these areas and communities. I also pray for the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit to seek out our sins and bring us to repentance to change our ways. Break through the battle fronts with powerful prayers and a warring spirit. Scatter the artilleries and knock down the missiles. Put terror in the hearts of the invaders and make them turn their backs and run. Shut down every demonic spirit that feeds into Putin’s mind and bring confusion and fizzle out their plans, quickly. Divert their attention to the wrong targets , may they stumble and fall , and not rise up again.
In Jesus’s Name

raleigh b Robertson
March 3, 2022

i believe God will unify the two countries through his Word and all will be stronger in their faith because of this conflict

Rosetta Evans
March 3, 2022

I stand in faith with the Christians in Ukraine and in Russia. I pray more soldiers from Russia will surrender to Ukraine and lay down their arms in Jesus name.
I pray for the darkness that has processed the mind of Putin to be removed that he could receive the glorious gospel and be delivered and saved . As Saul on his way to Damascus. Blind his sight that he may see Jesus.
I pray for provision for Ukraine to be fed and meet their needs according to heavenly riches . In Jesus Name I ask and proclaim victory in Jesus.
I thank you God for sustaining Ukraine. I thank you God to those Jews that have made it to Israel safely. Continue to sustain the Jewish people and protect them on their journey.


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