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I Prayed have prayed
Lord we need you to move! War is underway, and we need you to intervene. Do not let this escalate into nuclear conflict. Protect your church. Protect the innocent. Bring peace, God, and give wisdom to our leaders.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Tensions have finally boiled over into war. Moments in history like this are when intercessors can shine or shrink back. Let us not shrink back.

From Fox News: According to the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, a Ukrainian transport plane was shot down, killing 5 soldiers. At least 40 Ukrainian military members are believed to have died as Russia continues to invade the country. Those death estimates are expected to rise…

As Russian troops launched their anticipated attack on Ukraine on Thursday, the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) warned airlines to avoid flying over Ukraine.

The agency cautioned airline operators flying in airspace within 100 nautical of the Belarus-Ukraine and Russia-Ukraine borders to exercise “extreme caution,” Reuters reported.

On Thursday, flight radar maps show that airspace over Ukraine has largely cleared after Russia began its land, sea and air invasion…

The wide-ranging attack on Ukraine on Thursday hit cities and bases with airstrikes or shelling, as civilians piled into trains and cars to flee. Ukraine’s government said Russian tanks and troops rolled across the border in a “full-scale war” that could rewrite the geopolitical order.

Ukraine Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said the country severed diplomatic relations with Russia and called “on all our partners to do the same. By this concrete step you will demonstrate that you stand by Ukraine and categorically reject the most blatant act of aggression in Europe since WWII…”

At least 6 planes, 2 helicopters and dozens of enemy armored equipment were destroyed as Ukraine defended itself from an all-out Russian invasion, a Ukrainian government minister claimed Thursday in a post to the Ukrainian military’s Facebook page…

Smoke and debris were seen at a Ukrainian air defense base in Mariupol, a port city in southeastern Ukraine, in the aftermath of an apparent Russian strike on Thursday.

The Russian military claimed to have wiped out Ukraine’s entire air defenses in a matter of hours, though its claims couldn’t immediately be verified.

An Associated Press photographer in Mariupol heard explosions and saw dozens of people with suitcases heading for their cars to leave the city…

Britain’s biggest domestic lender Lloyds said on Thursday it was on “heightened alert” for cyberattacks from Russia as the crisis in Ukraine has worsened.

“We’ve been on heightened alert… internally around our cyber risk controls and we’ve been focused on this now for quite a while,” Lloyds CEO Charlie Nunn told reporters after the bank’s full-year results.

Preparation for potential cyberattacks was discussed in a meeting between the government and banking industry leaders about Russia on Wednesday, Nunn added. Lloyds has been on heightened alert for the “last couple of months”, Nunn said…

More than 40 Ukrainian troops and at least 10 civilians have been killed in the hours since Russia launched attacks on the country, Ukraine’s leadership said Thursday.

Ukraine needs our prayers, how are you praying? Share in the comments!

(Excerpt from Fox News. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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February 25, 2022

Father, You have no reason to hear us, yet You do and we thank You. We are grateful to You.
We have thrown marriage back in Your face. We have decided You are insufficient and we raised haughty eyes as if to be gods and attach parts to people and inject them with hormones and call them a third gender. A failure.
We have fed Baal-Zephon with the blood of unborn and now born alive aborted children.
We repent. We ask for forgiveness and ask You to remember the prodigal son,
remember Abraham, who interceded for Lot, a carnal believer, and lied twice about his wife, remember Aaron, who led Israel to build a golden calf when fear led to paganism.
Father, this is where we die, crucified to our old natures and seek You, and You only.
Fight for Ukraine! Deliver them from the hands of he who mocks You! He knows Ukraine is a land of believers, but he taunts You.
Father, we come to You because You are mankind’s only hope, because we are so messed up that we need You to show the world that the God of heaven and earth listens to His people and acts on their behalf.
Father, we know that You will give permission to evil to beat up saints. But, that’s just it, You give permission. So, now we come to You asking that for this time, You bind, rebuke, cast down, expose and expel every demon behind the evil behaviors of men in leadership in Russia, China and the USA.

In Jesus’ name.


February 25, 2022

FATHER GOD please send YOUR angels to surround and protect both Ukrainians and Russians as Putin attempts to conquer Ukraine. Let his attempts fail and let the Ukrainians remain free from satanic tyranny. Dear FATHER please fight this battle for them and give them victory in JESUS NAME! As the people are fleeing and the Russian citizens are protesting this war action, send laborers to witness JESUS to them all in JESUS NAME! Thank YOU FATHER GOD for ending this action quickly as YOU fight for the Ukrainians in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!

February 24, 2022

ABBA,Father, You are the Great I AM, the SOVEREIGN LORD and KING. You set kings on the throne and You dethrone them on the appointed time. ABBA, we declare Your soveign rule and reign over this situation. Thank You for sending Your armies of angelic warriors in the warzone and for bringing conviction in the heartsof men by Your Spirit, and for giving eyes to see and ears to hear the King coming. Father, prepare the Bride by raining down Your Glory and restore Your fear in the hearts of the Church.
Father, raise up Your warriors and make them willing in the day of Your power,
ABBA, glorify Your Name and be exalted in the nations that the world will see that You are YHWH ZEBAOTH
In the Name of YESHUA, AMEN

Luana Harris
February 24, 2022

Pappa we bring the Ukraine people before you. We ask that you go before them and protect them. We pray the world Governments will step in and stop this aggression. Most of we pray your will be done! 🙏

Kim Dillon
February 24, 2022

Father God, we know only You offer us a kingdom which cannot be shaken. Amen. (Hebrew 12:28)

Every knee shall bow.
Every tongue shall confess. Amen.
(Philippians 2: 10-11)

Mrs. Rita Pope
February 24, 2022

Praying that the people of the Ukraine will see the supernatural Hand of God at work to free them from the tyranny of the Russian government. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

February 24, 2022

The roots of my mother’s family course through Ukraine. I wonder, in this time, whether, as they left to come to America, if they prayed for the land they were leaving. I believe that they did, and I hold up those prayers now with my own: Our Father in Heaven who sits on the throne, have justice and mercy on us. Comfort those amid the conflict, give wisdom for those making decisions and taking action. I know Ukraine, Russia, Europe and all countries are part of your plan that you work from your perspective in Heaven. All praise, honor and glory is yours. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Niki Wilson
February 24, 2022

Father God, strengthen the Ukrainian military and pray they place their faith in you to stave off the advancement of Russia. Protect American and Ukrainian military, innocent civilians in Ukraine and your church in this war. I pray our government will be strong, call on your name and make decisions based on your guidance. Evil is abound and the world needs your protection, Lord.


February 24, 2022

I Pray for the leaders of both countries to know God’s truth and peace and be transformed by his Holy Spirit, and that they would seek to lead their countries in the way of peace and not war.
Ask God to intervene. Pray for wisdom as world leaders maneuver, strategize and speak out. Pray that God would move in their hearts and guide their steps and plans.
Pray for peace, comfort, and protection to cover the people of Russia and Ukraine.
Ask to see God’s glory amid this great struggle. Pray that God would be glorified through the people of Russia and Ukraine who are following Him.
Ask for open doors of opportunities for the Gospel to be shared and received. Pray that God would make His name known across Ukraine and Russia as the result of any conflict. Pray that the people of Ukraine and Russia will still have access to God’s Word.

Laura Wymore
February 24, 2022

Father I ask for mercy, protection for all families in ukraine, protection from the fear that is penetrating the country. Bar the demons of fear and grant faith in the fire. I pray that every person calls out to you God. Bring many into your Kingdom tiday. I pray for the Angels of God to be visible to the church as they fight the spiritual battle, the unseen enemy that seeks to destroy. I ask for the strength of David as they fight off the attacks. In the name of Jesus, King of Kings and Lord of all. Lord PLEASE wake up the church in America to pray!

Verna Knox
February 24, 2022

Father, you warned us that in the last days there would be wars and rumors of wars. We pray for our brothers and sisters in the Ukraine and in Russia that Your peace will overpower the evil forces set against them. I pray that you will take the heart for war out of the Russian Army, and that You will turn them back. Father, Putin is testing the waters. Let him find them bitter and not worth the costs. Let Your awakening come across the lands. Turn what Satan has for destruction and death into glory and restoration. In Jesus name let it be.

Randie Ray
February 24, 2022

I’m praying there will be no violence or death. Lord, let there be a ceasefire!
Lord, please protect everyone there and please protect all Your people.
Lord, let there be a mutually beneficial agreement to come to Ukraine and Russia.
Lord, please let Russia be confronted with Your strength that they may be turned back.


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