I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we lift the Uyghurs to You and ask You to intervene in their circumstances. We ask that they be treated justly and fairly. We also ask You to bring them to the knowledge of Your Truth.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Chinese authorities have seized and sold at auction tens of millions of dollars in assets owned by jailed Uyghur business owners amid a broad government campaign to assimilate ethnic minorities in the country’s northwest Xinjiang region.

Since 2019, Xinjiang courts have put at least 150 assets…valued at a total $84.8 million up for auction on e-commerce sites…

The Uyghur group said it recorded seizures that were clearly linked to court cases involving charges related to terrorism and extremism….includ[ing] cases of people identified by Chinese state media as extremists, or whose families reported they had been accused of such activities.

Western scholars and rights groups say Chinese authorities level these types of charges as a pretext to implement policies targeting minorities in Xinjiang more broadly. China says it is fighting terrorism and separatism…

In recent years, China’s government has clamped down on…Uyghurs and other ethnic minorities in Xinjiang, razing mosques and other religious sites and confining hundreds of thousands of people in a network of internment camps.

The auction entries also shed light on what Uyghurs say is another aspect of China’s campaign: the dismantling of companies and personal wealth belonging to Uyghur business leaders.

One of the properties put up for auction was a four-story building in the western city of Kashgar…The building was owned by a wealthy Uyghur exporter named Abdujelil Helil.

…Mr. Helil was arrested in 2017 and charged with financing terrorist activities. The next year he was sentenced to 14 years in prison and stripped of $11 million in personal assets.

In October 2020, a man named Chen Chuhong…acquir[ed] it for $8.3 million…

Before the crackdown, Uyghur business owners often served as a bridge between the government and their communities…

Now, Uyghur activists argue, they have become targets.

A Wall Street Journal analysis of corporate records of companies in Hotan city—home to several prominent Uyghur real-estate developers—indicates that orders by municipal authorities to freeze Uyghur entrepreneurs’ assets increased sharply in 2018…

In 2017, one Uyghur business owner had company shares frozen following orders from a local court. The next year, the number jumped to 22…

The auction records also shed light on the unraveling of Uyghur business legacies like that of the Hemdul family, who owned a number of properties in Korla…

Mr. Hemdul’s two brothers, Ruzi and Memet, oversaw the family’s businesses until both were detained in 2017. Mr. Hemdul said he hasn’t heard from either since. In 2019 and 2020, a local Xinjiang court listed several of Ruzi Hemdul’s properties for auction…

Also listed for auction was Ruzi Hemdul’s 40.5% stake in the real-estate company that built the two towers in Korla…

Omerjan Hemdul doesn’t know what allegations were leveled against his brothers. He said he believes the Chinese government targets rich Uyghurs by accusing them of sponsoring terrorism..

Does your heart go out to the Uyghur’s and other ethnic minorities in China? Share your prayer in the comments below!

(Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal. Article by Eva Xiao and Jonathan Cheng. Photo Credit: Kevin Frayer/Getty Images).


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Darlene B Estlow
September 28, 2021

Father of Mercy, touch the Uyghur’s hearts with their need for you. We ask that you would deal with China in its godlessness and its dealing with religious groups.

Lynne Wurgler
September 28, 2021

Lord, I pray for the Uygers to come to know you, the One True God. May these desperate times drive them to the One who can never be taken from them if they call on His name for salvation.

Marsha Bashor
September 28, 2021

Please Lord , please move on behalf of the innocent-in China and everywhere!!! Save them!!!Help them!!! Free them!!!

September 28, 2021

Lord, please intervene on behalf of the Uyghur people. Reveal Yourself to them and give them understanding of Your love for them and they can place their trust in You. Expose the deception around the idea “they are deemed dangerous because of them sponsoring terrorism.” Thank You Lord! All praise, honor and glory to You.

Karen E. Kendrick
September 28, 2021

Lord intervene on these people’s behalf.
There is the beginnings of some of this happening here in the USA where people of faith are considered “dangerous” in some way!
Lord remove these ones from power over us here & in China and all over the world whether in social media government or regular media or education etc.
Take out communism that removes You from every area of society.🙏🙏🙏

    September 28, 2021

    And yet, Jesus said “Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil falsely against you for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”
    Matthew 5;11-12


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