I Prayed have prayed
Father, do not let our nation be one of deception and lies. Strengthen our leaders with greater integrity and may they be lead by Your righteousness.
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Excerpted from The Daily Wire, “Calls for the resignation of Democrat John Kerry, the Biden administration’s Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, picked up steam on Monday following an explosive report published over the weekend in which Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said that Kerry told him that Israel was behind hundreds of attacks on Iranian assets in Syria.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki and State Department spokesman Ned Price both refused to comment on the report when asked about it on Monday, saying that they do not comment on leaked materials.

Kerry decided to respond to it after Price and Psaki both declined, claiming, “I can tell you that this story and these allegations are unequivocally false. This never happened — either when I was Secretary of State or since.” . . .

“If this tape is verified, it would signal catastrophic and disqualifying recklessness by Envoy Kerry to Foreign Minister Zarif that endangered the safety of Americans and our allies,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said in a statement to The Daily Wire. “And it would be consistent with his long pattern of empowering Iran’s regime. Kerry poured hundreds of billions of dollars into the Ayatollah’s terrorist bank accounts, was a close confidant with Zarif during the Obama administration, and was caught repeatedly meeting with him during the Trump administration (notwithstanding the Logan Act) — and has never publicly accounted for what they discussed.”

Mike Pompeo, former secretary of state and CIA director, told the Free Beacon that the report proved “what I’ve said for years: That [Zarif] continued to engage with former secretary of state Kerry on policy matters after Kerry’s public service and, according to Zarif, Kerry informed the Iranians of Israeli operations.”

Pompeo continued, “Before we cut a deal with Iran that reduces Americans’ security, it would be good to know what the arrangement, if any, may have been between these two leaders.”

Other notable responses to the report include: . . .

  • Donald Trump Jr.: “Imagine for a second a Trump official sitting on the NSC, like Kerry does, told Iran details about Israeli strikes? I believe the media would be screaming TREASON and they wouldn’t be too far off, but of course they’ll say and do nothing because they’re useless propagandists.”
  • Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN): “John Kerry must resign immediately. The investigation should be retrospective.”
  • Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR): “These reports are concerning—I’d like the opportunity to ask Secretary Kerry about this in a closed hearing.” . . .

Excerpted from Fox News, “U.S. Special Climate Envoy John Kerry on Monday denied allegations that while he was serving as secretary of state under Barack Obama he informed the Iranian foreign minister of Israeli operations in Syria.

In a Twitter post, Kerry called the claims – detailed in leaked audio obtained by several media outlets – ‘unequivocally false.’ . . .

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif alleged in the audio that Kerry told him that Israel had struck around 200 Iranian targets in Syria. . . .

Republicans were quick to jump on the reports as a betrayal to Israel – a key U.S. ally in the region – with some even calling for Kerry’s resignation from his post in the Biden administration.

. . .As previously reported by Fox News, Kerry has been accused of colluding with Iran to undermine President Donald Trump during his presidency in an effort to ease relations between the U.S. and Iran.

Kerry has said he met with Zarif on at least two occasions during the Trump administration, for which Trump said he should be “prosecuted.” . . .

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(Excerpted from The Daily Wire and Fox News. Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

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