I Prayed have prayed
Thank You, Lord, for intercessors who are becoming more proactive. Raise up more of us for such a time as this, and show us how to go from prayer to action.
Reading Time: 5 minutes

For 50 years, IFA has served this nation and its leaders through prayer. This mandate has not changed, but God is now bringing about fresh initiatives and ways for intercessors to go beyond the prayer closet, to get boots on the ground and make a direct impact. IFA Chief Program Officer Kris Kubal recently had opportunity to speak with two IFA state prayer leaders and the IFA state prayer coordinator about ways the Policy and Prayer effort is making waves state by state.

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In the fall of 2021, the Lord began revealing a strategy to Kris and to IFA President and CEO Dave Kubal. In response, they started raising up state prayer leaders who could host calls with other intercessors within their states to pray over the issues. The next step was the national Policy and Prayer initiative, at the nation’s capital, with IFA assembling intercessors and government leaders. Here, intercessors can learn the hearts of the people who represent us in government, and they can get specifics on how to pray as well as what to pray.

All prayers are great, but specific prayers really hit the mark. This is all great news and offers intercessors the  chance to connect with state leaders and with like-minded intercessors living nearby.

Pennsylvania state prayer co-leaders Bill and Betsy West recount some encouraging stories about happenings last month at the IFA Policy and Prayer event in Harrisburg. “The aftermath has been explosive,” said Bill. Through the oversight of Holy Spirit and IFA, he says, lawmakers and intercessors were brought together at the state capitol.

Intercessors gathered together for Pennsylvania’s first Policy and Prayer event

“Every state is different and has different needs,” said Bill. “We were able to hear from elected leaders, and their prayer requests. Usually, Christians play the defensive — the Enemy does something, and we react. This is offensive: We went into the Enemy’s camp, and we took back what he stole from us. The beauty of Policy and Prayer is, it’s proactive. If there’s any reaction, it’d be the Enemy, and not us.”

Intercession can be a lonely business. It’s hard to find that community of people who have your desire to see prayer change things. “When national Prayer and Policy was launched, we were coming out of COVID,” said Kris. “We noticed there were people who longed for community, and we thought: What can we do? We wanted to do more than just pray. We also were getting calls from friends and meeting leaders in our state, lawmakers, and those on the frontlines who were weary and needed prayer. They have been given a God-given mandate and are working hard on the frontlines, and they need reinforcements. They don’t need people to help with policy. They need people like Aaron and Hur — to come alongside and hold up the arms of godly leaders in our government and pray for them. As they told us how we could specifically pray for them, it gave us insight. We could take that intel and now put our boots on the ground and pray on-site.”


Each state has issues of its own. What are the bad things happening in your state that you can pray into? If we watch the local news, we will see themes that need prayer. Pay attention to what’s going on in your state.

“In Pennsylvania, energy is at the forefront,” said Bill. “They want to shut down gas and coal. We heard of issues of life, where organs were being harvested from babies born alive. We prayed about that, and it was exposed. We had controversy due to election integrity. At the Policy and Prayer, we had speakers come forward and bring much-needed facts. When we prayed together, we felt things break open.”

West Virginia state prayer co-leaders Ed and Donna Rollyson say they are already seeing a stirring in their state. On the National Day of Prayer, they held a time of praise and worship on the steps of the state capitol. Despite a drug epidemic in the state, said Donna, “doors are opening in that regard. People want to talk about it and present solutions to the problem. We have come across people that are excited to be involved in Policy and Prayer. We expect it to become evident as we proceed.”

State Policy and Prayer events give the Body of Christ opportunity to unify while praying for the state. West Virginia will be the next state to hold a Policy and Prayer event, in the capital city of Charleston. The prayers will be held where the House of Delegates meets.

The Wests shared how it all began with prayer calls. “We bonded through the phone calls,” Betsy said. “Through the calls, we formed relationships and friendships. When we brought them to the state capitol in Harrisburg, we met for the first time. We were able to pray specifically for our area. People are excited to come into the building and pray. We had two judges, two state representatives, and a state senator come. They were taken by surprise that we have no political agenda. They shared their heart and received prayer from those who attended. They received our prayers, and the intercessors felt empowered by this. This is synergy.”

“IFA’s Policy and Prayer has no agenda,” said Kris. “There is no lobbying, no favors. It is about building kingdom inroads to pray. We are not there for ‘business’ — only kingdom business.”

These gatherings vary in size, depending on where they are held, but they are meant to be intimate. This gives elected officials a chance to share their hearts, and as people pray, it becomes something of a healing balm.

State Prayer Coordinator Amy Sabat recalls praying for a leader in West Virginia: “That woman willingly received the prayers and wept,” Amy said. “Afterwards, she went on her way.”

In Pennsylvania, Bill West had a similar encounter. After the speaker finished his presentation, he lingered awhile. Bill was able to engage with him, and they shared hearts, desires, and disappointments. That speaker was totally open to conversation. “I was able to speak life and see a response,” said Bill. “A bond was built.”

Added Betsy: “The Church is coming ‘out of the building’ and is now embracing government and politics. The Enemy would love to keep us under fear. We are seeing the Church partner with government, business, and leaders; if we bind these three cords together, we will see transformation and reformation in our communities.”

And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him — a threefold cord is not quickly broken (Ecclesiastes 4:12).

Isn’t this exciting? The Enemy is trying to thwart a growing movement in which intercessors are rising up to pray with divine authority. The devil wants to keep us fearful of taking action, and he hates it when God’s people wake up and start acting like more than conquerors.

If this interests you and you’d like to get your own boots on the ground, start right here. At that link you can connect with your state prayer leaders and join the prayer calls. Then you can build relationships with other intercessors within your state or find events near you. We are strengthening and growing the IFA community, and we would love for you to join us!

Let’s pray together:

Father, we thank You for these newest initiatives connecting and equipping the Body of Christ. Bless these statewide gatherings, and knit together the hearts of intercessors as they pray for those who represent us in government. We pray for open doors and for divine connections between intercessors and leaders. Please provide the resources needed for each Policy and Prayer event. And thank You for the fruit we’re already seeing! In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Share your own prayers for these initiatives and the direction of our states and nation.

IFA contributing writer Gloria Robles is a passionate intercessor with a prophetic voice for today. For more from Gloria, go to Spotify or Anchor and listen to her podcast, Something To Share. Photo Credit: Intercessors for America.

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Valerie I Vanorden
June 8, 2023

AMEN Lets raise up Ezras and Nehemiahs in this day of need! let the blackness of evil be but a backdrop for Gods chosen gems–His church! Kneel and bow down to JESUS and then Rise up and gp forth and PRAY!!! Jehovah Jirah, God is our PROVIDER! Jehovah Nissi — He is the God who sees! Amen!

Priscilla Meyenburg
June 8, 2023

Father thank You for raising up voices of the Intercessor to help point us in the correct direction. Father God I take Authority over the words that America has bought into the Marxist and globalist lie that America is nothing special or is a force for evil at this point. I know that Illinois for one has strongholds that has presented evil recurring problems for many, many years. The corruption and wrongdoing in public office has been a bipartisan affair in Illinois. One governor after another has either been imprisoned for felony convictions. God, what can be done to alleviate these elections to help and get a honest Constitutional person that believes in Truth, in the people, the children In Illinois. God I know many prayers has gone forth and A Man of God ran for this position in 2022, but still a Governor that believes in Abortion, transgender,, passing bills in the darkness causing “ abomination” criminal laws that make the streets more dangerous was elected. God I pray this Safe T For Criminals Act will be removed as the Governor needs to be removed. I pray for leaders and authority figures who can break these stronghold’s with prayers. God my spirit tells me that one of the reasons for these elections being won is: that the votes are coming from communities that voters are in fear if they do not vote for government leaders who impel these voters to elect again and again the leftists leaders who do not know You. God, Satan has the control of division over the state of Il. As well as the Baal spirit, that needs Gods words spoken in Authority from prayer warriors, pastors, and others to stop this evil. Romans 13 says “The authorities that exist have been established by God.
2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.” God has given US the authority for us to pray using this authority. Father, we ask You to breathe a great momentum of Your Words into the Christian Churches and it’s people so they can not shrank from acknowledging the evilness that is surrounding this nation as well as others. Father God rain fire, passion, and great zeal onto the people of Il. Revive them and others to cover this state with the Holy Ghost promises of Your words. Father, we need miracles of love, transformation of attitudes, removal of fear, and deliverance of evil, Jesus In Illinois we need a deep cleansing of Your Blood. I declare in Faith that you will do this, as we appeal to You based upon Your obvious will and purposes. We thank You for the Authority to bear in this state. God we honor Your words and Thank You for this appeal in Christs name. “Proverbs 16:18
New International Version
18 Pride goes before destruction,
a haughty spirit before a fall.”🙏🙏✝️🇺🇸

Darlene Estlow
June 7, 2023

Thank you, Father, for raising up the state IFA groups. Strengthen each intercessor and the leader for that group. May we not falter or fail in the mandate you have given us to pray. Thank you, praise you, for results of our prayers!

Karen Secrest
June 7, 2023

Know that Prayer alone will save many as the bombs fall on California. So many have become indifferent and lost hope that now the Father is saying masses of prayer warriors will be used to turn the tide during this great Shaking. Recall 9/11. The colored lights on the rebuilt tower mocking Life and Know the Father always has a purpose in the “shaking”. It Will be violent, lasting and before the full moon.
Blessed Be the Name of the Lord..

JoAnne Morris
June 6, 2023

Being able to communicate with our Father in Heaven is one of the best gifts he has given us. Yet we easily forget. God awaken us and help us be constantly mindful of your presence and power.


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Dave Kubal
IFA President
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