I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray that You would strengthen our leaders. Help them to stand against China, God, and to stand for freedom, truth, and justice.
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China is demanding that the U.S. submit to its narrative and desires. We have to pray our government does not bend the knee to the CCP.

From PJ Media. After claiming its spy balloon was a harmless weather balloon and angrily condemning the Biden administration for shooting the balloon down (after it crossed the continental U.S.), the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is now not only demanding that the U.S. take all the blame for the incident but also that the U.S. abandon its unofficial ally Taiwan. …

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CCP state propaganda outlet Xinhua News published a statement from a Chinese Foreign Ministry (FM) spokesman on Feb. 19. The spokesman said that China acceded to a U.S. request and that Wang Yi, director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, unofficially met with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken “on the margins of the Munich Security Conference.” …

Wang accused the U.S. of “an abuse of the use of force and violation of customary international practice and the International Civil Aviation Covenant” by shooting down the spy balloon …

What the U.S. needs to do is to demonstrate sincerity, and face up to and resolve the damage that its abuse of force has done to China-U.S. relations. … All consequences arising thereof shall be borne by the U.S. side. …

[The] spokesman’s statement added:

Wang pointed out that to maintain stability across the Taiwan Strait, “Taiwan independence” must be firmly opposed and the one-China principle must be credibly followed. On the Taiwan question, the U.S. side needs to respect history and the facts, abide by political commitments, and act upon the statement of “not supporting Taiwan independence.” …

What do you think of China’s demands? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from PJ Media. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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February 25, 2023

Liars and the father of lies.

February 25, 2023

Our fighters should have shot them down before they entered our air space. The administration showed its weakness by not doing so. Obviously the administration treats our air space like they do our southern border.

February 25, 2023

This is China’s doctrine of gradualism! 1st they demand we apologize for shooting down an “alledged” weather balloon. Should we do so we are now to apologize for shooting down any Chinese payload under a balloon. Should we do that, we are now in a position where we cannot shoot down the EMP payload balloon sweeping over Nebraska. Clever doctrine of encroaching and dismantling our Sovereignty. Shoot it down, anything within 12 miles of our coastline, reverse engineer the electronics, and immediately propose and fund and manufacture overwhelming countermeasures as deterrents. Peace through strength!

February 23, 2023

We should not submit to China’s ridiculous demands of apologizing for shooting down the spy balloon after it crossed all over our country including key locations of our missile bases. We need strong leadership for our country.

Annette rousseau
February 23, 2023

We need to pray for our leaders they do NOT succumb to CCP. thank you for your hard work and investigations.

Shpend Shyti
February 23, 2023

Heavenly Father, I pray that you stop the hands of evil ones in the country and abroad.
I pray that you expose the traitors of the country and stop them from serving US enemy.
Help us Father to stay focused at the foot of the cross, to stay united as the body of Christ.
Guide us Father, help us to have clean hearts, help us to be strong in such a challenging time.
Bless our country Father and our people with the hearts for freedom and prosperity.
In the Precious Name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

Rachael Friedlander
February 23, 2023

As the body of Christ we do not and will not back down from defendeing and protecting our nation. NO to China’s demands and we Do support Taiwan. China might be under the impression that our president is weak but we the people are a nation under the Great I Am and because of his Spirt that goes before us WE ARE STRONG. WE ARE HIS PEOPLE and no enemy on this earth can touch that. Yes praying for China.

Darlene DeAngelis
February 23, 2023

Father God you see all of your people called communism dictatorship do as your told mentality or you will be killed father God release your wrath on these people release your wrath and shake them to the core of their soul father God you see what communist China is doing you see what they did to the United States of America because there was a president that went up against them Father God anybody that has evil ulterior motives need to be dealt with as your scriptures say vengeance is mine saith the Lord this leader from communist China needs to understand the words in your word called the Bible this man needs to turn from his evil ways and stop dictating to a country that does not belong to them at all along with the World Health Organization destroy everything that is of the devil lord change these people’s evil hearts Lord protect the United States of America as we protect the United States of America and Christianity thank you Father God for all you do and thank you Father God for reset and giving us a second chance because you are a god of Second Chances

Peg B
February 23, 2023

Heavenly Father, we hear the empty voice of China CCP, Not the true voice of Your followers who live there. China has taken no responsibility for the Corona virus unleashed upon the nations. No apology comes from their lips, instead they use wicked speech and deceit. No repayment for stolen intellectual property from the US. No acknowledgment of the abuse against humanity within their country or the organ harvesting they do. Let their leaders stand before Your throne of judgment and give an account. Until such time as they will acknowledge Your name as Great and Mighty, let there name be made small. We pray for Your true church in China to flourish and let the wickedness of darkness, pride and deceit be overthrown. Job 41:11 God reminds us ” Who has given to me, that I should repay him? Whatever is under the whole heaven is mine.” Let these words be manifested. In Jesus’ matchless name. Amen.

Joan Mallette
February 23, 2023

We should not submit to China’s ridiculous and unwarranted demands. We are a Sovereign nation and should have shot down that spy balloon when it was first seen over Alaska.

Sue Blair
February 23, 2023

Never apologize for doing the right thing and for standing fir truth, righteousness and freedom!!

Carol Robertson
February 23, 2023

China views America as weak, full of people who want to satisfy their every desire, and political leaders who lack intelligence, strengy, and self control. The President is seen as ineffective, and as being led around, instructed what to say or do, by those around him. We must not apologize for their failed attempt to recover a spy balloon, and under NO circumstances can we abandon Tiawan. Praying for our country and China. Good people, with a godless government

Brian lynch
February 23, 2023

If anything, they need to apologize to us!!

February 23, 2023

China is like a bully on the playground that hits you with his ball and then want to make you retrieve it from the street! FATHER GOD please save and deliver the Chinese government from satan’s clutches and mind in JESUS NAME! Amen!

February 22, 2023

This is an old trick, too slow to be a sleight of hand. The editors of PRAVDA made great use of it. It begs the question, “when you saw “People’s Democratic”, are you ingesting hallucinogens?” No, this is, in part, what Paul spoke of when he referred to the god of this age blinding the minds of unbelievers.
The reason why every strong president was hated , the reason why Jesus had a hit taken out on Him was because truth really does cause pain up front, whereas communism, like hell cause pain after the bait is taken and eaten.
Father, save President Biden, save Hunter Biden after You usher in a president who will lift Your name up in worship.

February 22, 2023

That our leaders get some backbone and stand up against the tyranny of China. Father God forgive our leaders for walking in fear and not trusting You to make a way thru this. Jesus help up to pray for our leaders.

Ralph Altomare
February 22, 2023

Pray that the US leadership will stand against these lies and deceptions from China’s foreign policy-propaganda department.

Carol Rundell
February 22, 2023

Father I ask you for Strong leaders not to bow to satanic countries in Jesus name that’s what defeated Israel and that is what is defeating our leadership. We honor you and your word as the only way Truth and Life in Jesus name. We don’t owe our enemies anything


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