State Prayer Call:
Thursdays at 7:00 PM EST
(605) 313-5502
Access Code: 7130757
State Leader(s): Jesse and Julie Blake
Contact Email: [email protected]
Governor: Glenn Youngkin
Capital: Richmond
State Motto:
Sic semper tyrannis, translated "Thus always to tyrants"

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Dear Heavenly Father,
Look down on Virginia & guide & direct its citizens to vote for leaders who are truthful & upstanding. Ferret out those who do not stand for justice & life. Deliver these leaders from evil & guide them into your truth. May your will be done on earth as in heaven. Ame.
Father give your people the courage to stand for your truth in the face of opposition. Even when opposition comes from friends and family and those Christians in name only. Your word says if we do not stand firm in our faith we will not stand at all (Is 7:9). May your people put on Your armor (EPH 6:10-18) and activate it with fervent prayer to take down the enemy strongholds; despite the enemy’s propaganda to dehumanize and misrepresent us. We are your church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.
Dear Lord please watch over Governor Youngkin and his administration along with our Senators Warner and Kaine. Please guide Congressmen Good and Spanberger as they work each day to serve the people of Virginia. Please let them talk with you and your son Jesus to make we do your will in the service of our nation. God Bless them each and everyone 🙏🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸✝️✝️
Lord Jesus, I pray for our state leaders both Republican and Democrat, that they will seek You, do Your will for our state and nation, protect life, protect our borders, let our country be a force in making disciples for You. Lord, You are in control, You put our leaders in place and You have the plan and purpose. Father, Son and Holy Spirit, guide them all and let them seek You, hear You and obey You in all they do. Thank You for how you will work in the lives of these leaders! I pray this for all of us, Lord God! You are the answer to all things. In Jesus’ holy name I pray! Amen!!
Yehovah bless you and keep you: Yehovah make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you: Yehovah lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. (Numbers 6:24-26 RSV)
Dearest Father, thank You for the leadership You have given our great State. Protect them and guide them as they stand for righteousness and justice and the restoration of our State and nation. May we have leaders who serve You, Lord, and who understand that righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any nation. May they always seek You first in all matters. Please guide them into all truth, according to Your word. Thank You, Father. In Jesus’ Name. Amen..
Father, we come before you in the powerful name of Jesus asking Your give us leaders that will bring Glory to You in these upcoming elections in Virginia and nation wide. Amen
Father, I lift up to you the commonwealth of Virginia and I ask Father that you would give us congressman, senators, representatives, sheriffs, school board members every position of authority men and women of God after your own heart. Thank you Father for hearing our prayers , in Jesus name, amen
Our Father in heaven, holy is your name! May your kingdom come and your will be done on earth and here in Virginia as it is in heaven! Lord give our leaders wisdom to make decisions in line with your ways as revealed in the scriptures. Give courage to God-fearing leaders to choose ways to honor you and protect us in ways that will be good for all of our country and the world! In their communications, and their policies, their legislation and their alliances, may you be pleased!
Father, I pray that your church prevails in standing up for morals and virtues. I pray as believers we will pray for our leaders with urgency. In Jesus Name. Amen
Father bless our leadership with wisdom and discernment so that they will make appropriate decisions regarding citizens in the commonwealth of Virginia. I pray that Your righteousness will touch their hearts and souls as they make decisions on issues of life. Joe DeLong
Father, I come to you in the mighty name of Jesus and ask you give the Commonwealth of Va. Congressmen, representatives, governor, judges as at the beginning. I ask that you bring us into line with your original intent for our commonwealth. Father we repent for going our own way and electing government officials in our own understanding. Help us to seek your face in all we do.
Heavenly Father , we come together in agreement and stand on your promises of protection against evil. We stand on your word that if God before us who can we against us! We ask for wisdom, courage , endurance and strength for all of those in leadership in Va. as well as our country . Your word says, if my people who are called by name will humble themselves you will save them ! God help us to humble and reveal to us your will in all things! For you alone are worthy and we give thanks for your mercy and grace in Jesus name we pray AMEN
May you find it in your heart to hold all our citizens in the utmost regard! Please think of us as your brothers and sisters as you make your decisions. Perhaps encourage fewer new laws while upholding the commonsense provisions. I pray that you give of yourself not to get anything in return and that you follow the 10 commandments.
Lord I pray that Your will be done in Virginia as it is in heaven! Thank you for the godly leadership we have present in our state with Governor Youngkin, Lt Governor Sears and Attorney General Miyares, surround them with godly influences who will support them on their leaning side. I pray that you will continue to raise up godly leaders at the state and local levels who will not be afraid to take a stand in Your Name! Close doors on those who are not upholding godly values but instead are promoting confusion and deception, and open doors for those who have a desire to promote Your values and Your love to those around them. Direct and guide the residents of Virginia to vote biblical values in the primaries in June and the elections in November as this is such an important year with redistricting and all seats of the House and Senate up for election. Thank You Lord Jesus for what You are doing in this state and we pray You continue to keep Your hand of protection upon the godly leadership which You have placed in positions of power and influence for Your glory! Amen
Lord I 🙏 for a steadfast mind. As you know I been treated wrong my whole life. By family friends authorities injustice. I do know you will serve Justice on my behalf. I ask for my hard work to pay off i.e. Entrepreneurship rewarded to me and for my Native country and the country I was born in i.e. to let my hard work payoff. Creating a better physical environment for whoever accepts my service. Creating a clean energy ecosystem hopefully for the world zero emissions and less dependency on fossil fuels. And it would also help with climate change. It’s not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country. i.e. Solar and Wind Energy Green Technology onshore and offshore. In your son Yeshua (Jesus) Name I Ask.
Lord please be with our communities and families during these difficult times. Please guide us in our words and help us reach our representatives regarding our concerns. Please send aid, compassion and love where it is needed and forgive us of our sins. Help us to follow only you and your Word. Amen.
Lord please be with our leaders. We know your ways are higher. Your will be done. Please bring guidance in the struggle for balance between peace, justice, compassion, love, and forgiveness in this world. We need you now more than ever Lord.
Thank You, Father God, for the quartet (Gov. Youngkin, Lt. Gov. Sears, AG Miyares, Sec. James) of leaders and Heads of State that you have placed in Virginia. Thank You that they confess and proclaim the Name of Jesus, The Christ. We pray that you would place your Power of Love, Wisdom, Understanding and Compassion on their hearts, watch over and protect them as they go forward leading the direction of this state. I thank you for the people who were awakened to reality and the dangerous path that we were following and who voted for change. Cover These persons and their families with your protection, mercy and grace.
For our two Senators, sometimes I feel almost helpless as if they are far off the path of truly protecting and working for Virginian and for our country. They seem to be so far from a Biblical Worldview and principles, with doubtful and questionable ideologies. I pray, O’ God that you will surround their lives with your Spirit and will draw them into a true and real relationship with your Son, the Atoner and Counselor. We pray by the power and hope we have in THE NAME of Jesus.
Father in Heaven, please pray for break through of believers in Virginia to do Jesus Will and overcome evil Jesus way.
We ask that you will give us a attitude to Love Each other.
Reconcile the various factions of the faith in Jesus will with each other your way.
But most especially walk with Jesus always and as believers do his will and not satans will. Discipline us to do Jesus will always, together.
Father God we ask that you would send out your Bible believing non compromising brave men, and women out into this State to tell the people what your word says about all the issues in the state so your will, will be done in Virginia and the word of God would become alive in all that live in this state. and it would spread like a wildfire through this nation and around the world Father we thank you for what you have done and are doing and going to do though you people and for your people in Jesus name I pray Amen
Father God, in the Name of our savior Jesus Christ, I ask that you open the eyes of the hearts, minds and spirits of all leaders at all levels to your guidance for what is best for our state, our country and our world…all spirit guided and guarded by God our Father !! Amen
Abba Father, I thank you for appointing these leaders that we have in Virginia and ask that you anoint them continuously at work and at home. Protect them and fill them with faith, courage and conviction to stand against any tyrants for Your TRUTH, internally and without Virginia. May God bless them all for the sake of this country.
Father, I pray that election integrity would prevail in Virginia. Especially I pray that LOUDOUN County would halt the outsourcing of printing and distribution of absentee ballots from a third party in Washington State and return to the their past practice of printing and distribution in house. Lord, protect our elections from all harm and danger. Let truth and honesty prevail. May the powerful Name of Jesus protect the integrity of LOUDOUN County election process.
Father, praying in the name of your love, JESUS. Praying for the leaders of my state of Virginia. Praying for wisdom, for knowledge of your direction and plans, praying for opened eyes and ears to hear you. Praying over the Black Robe Regiment conference in July – being held in Virginia Beach – that you would send more pastors than ever before. That more hearts will be stirred to attend. Let this be the continuation of saving this commonwealth and our nation from its wicked and sinful ways. No matter the future days – we accept your plans for us and pray over them. Amen
Father, I thank you for the state of VA. I commit this state to you. Father please break up the Stony ground of people’s hearts who don’t know Jesus, and put a desire in your childrens’ hearts to introduce Jesus to them. Holy Spirit put the right words in our mouths when we encounter individuals that come across our paths. I pray that our leaders will seek you for guidance and wisdom concerning leading this state. Thank you Father, in Jesus name, Amen.
Father, I thank you for this beautiful state. Thank you for our new Governor, and Lt Governor. Thank you Father for keeping our state elected officials safe. I plead the blood of Jesus over those who are decision makers for the state of Virginia, and those who are choosing to step-up and do what is right. Father, I ask that you expose the corruption, and abuse of any illegal mistreatment of funding for the school systems here in Virginia. I pray that you tug on the hearts of individuals who are supposed to be in the position(s) of any area of the school board, and all of its governing functions. I plead the blood of Jesus over our children, our elderly, our teenagers, our young adults, and those men and women in-between. Father I ask that you use Virginia as a catapult for change for your Glory. In Jesus name, Amenâ¤ï¸
Praying for the state of Virginia that it would be a leader among states for godly leadership and legislation.
Abba Father we come to you as your children who love you, adore you and trust you. We give you thanks for your unending blessings. You are on the throne and you reign supreme. We have only to look up and keep our eyes on You. We bring to You now this great state of Virginia and we ask you to bless her from North to South and from East to West. We bring to You now all those who hold seats of leadership in this state and we pray for the veils to be lifted from their eyes so they may be guided by the light of Your truth as they represent all people in this great state. We bring to You now all Virginia’s citizens – that they may come together in unity under your watchful eye. We pray this state will respect the gift of life and protect its most vulnerable citizens – the unborn. We pray this state will uphold and protect the rights of all individuals. We pray this state will protect future generations by educating our children without doing them harm. Father we ask you to bless us, protect us and give us this day our daily bread. Amen.
Amen, please be with our families Lord. Make straight our paths and bring us together. <3