
State Prayer Call:
Mondays at 7:00 p.m. EST/6:00 p.m. CST
(605) 313-5735
Access Code: 7590487
State Leader(s): Vaughn Cassidy
Contact Email: [email protected]
Governor: Bill Lee
Capital: Nashville
State Motto:
Agriculture and Commerce

Post Your Prayers For Tennessee

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Submitted Prayers For Tennessee

September 27, 2024

Praise God for Governor Lee’s proclamation making September 30th the state wide voluntary day of “Prayer, Humility and Fasting. ”

We pray for protection over Governor Lee and all others seeking to do God’s will and fight evil. “

September 19, 2024

Urgent Prayer Need/Request/action required- Chattanooga, Hamilton County TN – When: Monday, September 23rd, 5:30 – 6:30 PM
Where: East Lake Community Center, 3610 Dodds Ave, Chattanooga, TN 37407
“We’re not a Sanctuary City and don’t force us to be so.”

(Posted on Nextdoor)
Please read the information below regarding what is happening in Chattanooga. I am asking as many folks as possible to please RSVP and plan to attend the meeting on Monday, September 23. Mayor Tim Kelly is trying to make Chattanooga a sanctuary city for illegal immigrants. If we don’t speak up now, we have no right to complain later.
Chattanooga’s Office of New Americans
Read about the “Office of New Americans” meeting below. The ONA was created by Mayor Tim Kelly to be a part of the Department of Equity and Community Engagement. Not everyone would go to this meeting, but please consider sending emails with your concerns. They need to be flooded with communications.

Karen Clay – [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) or 423-355-7003 (Neighborhood Relations Specialist)

Perrin Lance – [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) or 423-567-5389 (Mgr: Neighborhood Services & Development)

Mayor Tim Kelly office – [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) or 423-643-7800

Who wants undocumented and unvetted immigrants in our neighborhoods?

Who wants the possible dangers of the released mentally ill and criminals so close to our families and children?

Are there assessments about human trafficking?

We’re not a Sanctuary City and don’t force us to be so.

Our tax money is going toward “enhance access to resources”?

Who is funding this ONA? Is the director a volunteer or is this a paid position?

The American citizens are doing all the giving whether we agree to or not. I support immigrants who want to come into our country and culture the right way as many have done for decades, but not the way we are experiencing now!

September Roundtable – Office of New Americans

What: Neighborhood Services is proud to continue our 2024 Neighborhood Roundtable Series! September’s Roundtable will feature the Office of New Americans (ONA) as they inform us of their mission to welcome and engage our newest neighbors. The Office of New Americans serves to integrate the City of Chattanooga immigrant and refugee integration strategies through an equity lens.

Hosting will be Kelly Valcarce, the Director of ONA. A key part of the strategy has been the introduction of “Bridging Communities” meetings (https://mayor.chattanooga.gov/kelly-administration-launches-bridging-communities/ (https://mayor.chattanooga.gov/kelly-administration-launches-bridging-communities/)). The Bridging Communities meetings are a bimonthly collaboration of nonprofits and service providers aimed at supporting Chattanooga’s immigrant and refugee populations by enhancing access to resources, improving service coordination, and fostering community integration. Come learn more about our newest neighbors and how we can welcome and engage all into our neighborhoods! The public is invited to attend!

When: Monday, September 23rd, 5:30 – 6:30 PM

Where: East Lake Community Center, 3610 Dodds Ave, Chattanooga, TN 37407

Parking: Free parking is available at the Community Center and side streets.

Questions – For any question, please call Karen Clay, Neighborhood Relations Specialist at 423-355-7003 or email at [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])

RSVP – Please RSVP this event:

https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1oN3_dO9tYV6oGV2bsCtUp80RA0Rw79jSm63MQrAWB6w/viewform?pli=1&pli=1&edit_requested=true (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1oN3_dO9tYV6oGV2bsCtUp80RA0Rw79jSm63MQrAWB6w/viewform?pli=1&pli=1&edit_requested=true)
(copy and paste into URL)

August 10, 2024


This is powerful. World Overcomers church in Memphis!
Thank you Lord for Fearless Truth spoken to honor you!

Sherry A
May 23, 2024

Lord, I pray that YOU would touch the hearts of those intent on doing evil in TN (or any place in this nation). I pray that the organizers of these events would have a personal encounter with you and recognize their need to repent of their sins. I pray that they would submit to you as Lord and Savior, and bring you the full measure of honor due your name. Bring these evil efforts to nothing Lord Jesus. In your Holy Name, I ask these things.
“The Tennessee Student Solidarity Network will hold a “Justice School” in July to teach individuals as young as 15 how to organize protests and campaigns for “progressive movements.”

The group’s program will be held at an undisclosed location every Sunday from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. beginning July 7 through August 18.

Registration for the program, which is marketed toward individuals aged 15 to 25, closes on June 25.

The group lists the following topics each weekly class will cover:

Week 1: Theories of Power
Week 2: Patriarchal Racial Capitalism, a history of the development of class society.
Week 3: Successes and failures of US movements, the growth of neoliberalism.
Week 4: Organizing Conversations & Power Mapping
Week 5: Leadership Identification
Week 6: Turning an Issue into a Campaign
Week 7: Case Study: Wins & Failures of the Anti-Apartheid Struggle in South Africa (& youth’s role)

The Tennessee Student Solidarity Network is “incubated” by the statewide group A Luta Sigue, which is a “movement incubator dedicated to supporting the creation and development of autonomous power-building projects and campaigns led by working-class leaders and youth in Tennessee.”

Sherry A
April 16, 2024

Heavenly Father, I pray in agreement with this article that the attacks on our legal system are defeated in your power because you are the one who brings victory over the enemy. I come along side of all those who are unjustly accused (because there are many) by the enemy of your kingdom and ask that you encourage and strengthen them in their homes and in their work. In Jesus Name, Amen

“The vicious attacks on Dr. Eastman, the skewed portrayal of fair lawsuits by left wing media, and the growing intensity of lawfare should concern us. They conspire to erode the fairness and impartiality of our legal system as envisaged by our founding fathers when they established a system of checks and balances in our three-branch government. Individual federal and state laws represent the way constitutional law is handled. The more the rule of law is being misused for political purposes, the weaker our Constitution becomes as an absolute and impartial measure against which individual cases should be adjudicated.

“Part of the impartiality of our Constitution comes from biblical law embedded in it. I believe that is why the legal system in America is under heavy attack in so many different ways. The devil hates anything related to the Kingdom of God, including Christian principles in the founding documents of a nation. Lawlessness will abound where the law loses its absoluteness, which is his ultimate goal.”

Sherry A
April 16, 2024

Lord, I ask that you would touch the hearts of those who work to hide their evil and unlawful actions in TN universities and schools at every level, such as Guy Harrison, director of DEI for the School of Journalism and Media, UT. May each one repent and turn from their evil ways. Lord, I pray for the protection of students that they receive your wisdom and reject these unholy plans. In Jesus Matchless Name, I ask these things. Amen

“The University of Tennessee announced in November that it would be renaming its DEI office as the “Division of Access and Engagement,” according to The Daily Beacon, a student newspaper. The university did not point to state laws on DEI as a reason for the change in a statement to the Daily Beacon but Guy Harrison, director of DEI for the School of Journalism and Media, said that the move was to prevent the full blacklisting of DEI.”

April 11, 2024

Lord, we thank you for what you are doing in/on college campuses. In preparation for May 1 at the Thompson-Boling Arena in Knoxville, we ask that you would make the fire of your Holy Spirit break out and draw EVERY student, teacher, and those just passing by into a deep honest state of repentance so that they can be washed clean, and be made new in your salvation, purchased on the cross. May those who surrender to you as Lord and Savior be lovingly lead in the ways of Truth from your Word like Paul mentored Timothy. May they grow strong in the Spirit so they can withstand the the lies of Satan and defeat him with the Sword of your Word. May they boldly share the Gospel with others so that your Truth reaches the ends of the earth in this generation. In the matchless Name of Jesus I ask these things. Amen https://ifapray.org/blog/revival-is-spreading-throughout-u-s/
“Unite US is next scheduled to host an event on May 1 at the Thompson-Boling Arena in Knoxville, Tennessee, on behalf of students enrolled at the University of Tennessee.”

April 2, 2024

‭Ephesians 6:12 NLT‬
[12] For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.
This scripture seems to fit with our prayer time from last night’s call together. Thank you Lord for reminding us that you called us to love others into your kingdom. Thank you Lord that you hear our prayers that the hearts of the people are surrounded to you alone. Thank you Lord that we get to be workers in your field.
All glory and honor and the victory are yours Lord Jesus. Amen.

Sherry Anderson
March 13, 2024

Please be in prayer for our state as bills are currently being considered concerning state sovereignty. Our AG has a misunderstanding which needs to be covered in prayers. Also lift up Representative Hulsey as he provides wisdom so that Truth is embraced in our state.
Here is a source to provide clarity for your prayers:
“Representative Hulsey presented HB2795 to the Public Service Sub Committee and I must say he did a BRILLIANT job of presenting the facts about the authority of the states v. the authority of the federal government and provided proof that the states and the people of the states are the final arbiter of the Constitution. I was so proud of Representative Hulsey and his brilliant presentation. “

January 27, 2024

Lord, help all intercessors to pray bold powerful prayers because YOU are able! Thank you Lord for today’s reminder (1/27/24) from the PA IFA Group that you invite us into times of powerful prayer.
“…God’s Ways Are Greater Than Our Own
But God spoke to Betsy and to many other Pennsylvania intercessors, telling them that their prayers were too small and reminding them that He is a merciful, miracle-working God who wants to do more than we can ever ask or imagine. …”
Praise your name Lord God.🙌

Vaughn Cassidy
January 8, 2024

Precious and holy and mighty Lord, help us know how to pray. There is a storm coming. Should we pray AGAINST the storm? Pray to be led THROUGH the storm? Should we pray FOR the storm because you want us to be changed by going through it? Forgive us as we doubt. Forgive us as we hold grudges. Forgive us as we lack trust. Forgive us as we work to achieve our OWN will and not Yours. Guide us as children that call out for their father in the dark. We love You. Amen.

Vaughn Cassidy
December 4, 2023

I take refuge in the Lord.
So how can you say to me,
“Flee like a bird to the mountains.”?
2 Look, the wicked have bent their bow
and placed their arrow[b] on the string,[c]
to shoot from the darkness[d] at the upright in heart.
3 When the foundations are destroyed,
what can the righteous do?

4 The Lord is in his holy Temple;
the Lord’s throne is in the heavens.
His eyes see,
his glance[e] examines humanity.[f]
5 The Lord examines the righteous,
but the wicked and those who love violence, he hates.
6 He rains on the wicked burning coals and sulfur;
a scorching wind is their destiny.[g]
7 Indeed, the Lord is righteous;
he loves righteousness;
the upright will see him face-to-face.

Michelle Lindsay
October 30, 2023

“The king’s heart is like channels of water in the hand of the Lord; He turns it whichever way He wishes.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭21‬:‭1‬ ‭AMP‬‬ so I decree the Lord is guiding all leaders of the 7 mountains to fulfill His plans and purposes in Jesus Name.

Carol Wendt
August 31, 2023

Our Heavenly Father, Glory be to you for You are the Almighty and have authority over Your everlasting Kingdom. We pray for justice to come to those involved in the killing of a TN resident in Henderson, TN in his own home by federal agents. Until we know the answers to questions regarding the killing, there seems to be an injustice done. Lord, this is becoming too common that it is alarming to us. Give us insight and wisdom in how to pursue and persevere in praying for this increasingly common occurrence.
Have grace and mercy on the grieving mother of this man who has unanswered questions. Help those who pursue trying to get the truth with perseverance and strength to not give up. In Jesus Christ’s name we pray. And we pray for Your justice to prevail! Amen

Sherry Anderson
August 26, 2023

In case you missed this encouraging article & prayer for Tennessee:

“Susan Eddlemon wrote this prayer, in the form of a collect, for her Anglo-Catholic church in Tennessee: 

“O Most High and Almighty God, the stronghold of all who trust in Your defense: We continue to declare over all the counties of Tennessee, especially [they list eight at each prayer meeting]; that You are their refuge and fortress and their God, just as originally covenanted with You by our Founding Fathers and Mothers. We dedicate this Land, this State of Tennessee, and ourselves according to the Cape Henry Declaration of 1607 to reach the People within these borders with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We call upon You to deliver them from snares and pestilences of the enemy and to cover them with the angelic charge of Almighty protection. May the truth of their founding in You establish and protect them, their leaders  and governments, cities and towns, that they fear no destruction or evil coming against them. Deliver them, Heavenly Father, for the sake of Your Son our Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.”

Todd Ussery
August 25, 2023

Help me pray locally for my community and state.

Sherry Anderson
August 12, 2023

So thankful for the powerful prayers coming from our state. Lord, my your people rise up in every corner of this state to proclaim you as Lord and Savior, so that captives are set free, and those who are sick are made well, all for your glory Lord. https://ifapray.org/blog/from-marches-to-movements/
From the article: “I’ve heard reports from Jackson, Tennessee, about people coming out of their homes to join the procession, despite the fact that the city had experienced heavy rainfall the previous night. Due to the weather, the numbers were smaller than anticipated, and yet the atmosphere was supercharged with faith and expectancy. Police officers and firefighters were prayed over, and others who received prayer received Christ as Savior.”

Barbara French
July 4, 2023

Do you know about Kings Hill House of Prayer in Nashville set on the highest elevation in Nashville overlooking the Capitol and downtown Nashville? Go to KHHOP.org to learn more. Prayer for Nashville, the state and nation 24/7 over 7 spheres of influence. You can join online prayer.
We had a large group online this morning for prayer for our nation. Join us.

Sherry Anderson
July 4, 2023

Perfect prayer for our state and nation on this July 4th, 2023
Father, give us Your heart for America. And lead our nation toward deep repentance and into true revival.
“It’s a big step — and a challenging one. But if you are willing to take it, let’s do so together with the following prayer:

🙏LORD, I admit that I have been shaken by what I have seen taking place in the world around me. I repent for wondering whether You are in control of what is taking place in my nation. I ask You to forgive me now for those times when I have doubted You.

With this prayer, I affirm the truth of Psalm 2. You, O God, are in control. You have installed Jesus, Your Son, as King forever on Your throne. He is in charge. You are in control.

Rather than acting indifferent to that truth, I choose now to offer myself to You in intercession. In the same way that Derek described, I ask You now: please give me Your heart for my nation. Help me to see it as You see it. Allow me to be part of Your solution as You bring restoration and redemption to my land.

I humble myself before You. I want to be a faithful disciple You can count on to stand in the gap in intercession for my nation and for the people in it.

You are in control, O LORD. You have all power and authority to bring the change and breakthroughs that are so desperately needed. Amen.”🙏

Cheryl Rees
May 12, 2023

Praying for Tennessee to stand with Israel and receive the blessing of God. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May those who love you be secure. May there be peace within your walls and security within your citadels.” For the sake of my brothers and friends, I will say, “Peace be within you.” For the sake of the house of the LORD our God, I will seek your prosperity. Thank you Jesus 🙏🤲🇮🇱

Stephen Goode
May 10, 2023

Thank you leaders and those who are serving the people of Tennessee. We have prayer groups all over the world who are standing in the gap and on the wall for God’s purposes for the State of Tennessee. May you have God’s wisdom, favor and insight for such a time as this. Be bold, take courage and may you taste and see that the Lord is good…..

Carol Wendt
May 5, 2023

Heavenly Father, rain down showers of wisdom and discernment for our legislators and public officials that they might be convicted every day to base their decisions upon your will for all of mankind. We ask that you put a shield of armor around them to thwart off temptations to be bribed or pressured into voting against their consciences. Fill their hearts with strength and courage to present and defend legislation that is in agreement with You. May your showers of conviction help them grow and become fruitful in keeping our nation on a firm foundation and free from corruption. In Jesus Name I pray! Amen

Deborah Wilson
May 3, 2023

Jesus, we thank you for every leader for the state of Tennessee. We ask that you give them wisdom from above as they make decisions for the people/families of Tennessee. Give them strength, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, compassion, mercy, grace, and fill their lives with your goodness. Bless them as they serve you and our state. Lift them up today and let them feel your love and presence today.

Sherry A.
April 6, 2023

Please be in prayer that Chattanooga would NOT participate in the proposed 15 Minute City rules, which was presented for discussion and approval this week (4/3).

Jim Shasteen
March 30, 2023


Stephanie Robertson
March 1, 2023

Lord please be with our leaders. We know your ways are higher. Your will be done. Please bring guidance in the struggle for balance between peace, justice, compassion, love, and forgiveness in this world. We need you now more than ever Lord.

February 25, 2023

Memphis has become an extremely dangerous city. The safe suburbs are also being hit. Please pray that God puts a hedge of protection around our city, that the criminals are punished and we retain a safe, God fearing community. Open up our politicians, eyes too prosecute those that break the law and hurt others. Stop the excessive crime.

Susan Hines
February 24, 2023

PLEASE PRAY INTECESSORS – A Plea from the Residents of Columbia, TN for the fight to not become a major landfill and dump facility for about 1/2 of the state of Tennessee. We want to petition the God of Heaven on this wise!

Trinity, otherwise known as Remedial Holdings, is trying to push through a regional mega-dump, but disguising it. This proposed dump on the former Monsanto property would be as large as the Middle Point Dump in Murfreesboro and would be on the banks of Green Lick Creek and the Duck River. It would be serving half of TN.

Trinity is trying to dodge the law and land-use restrictions by saying that there has been an existing dump on the Monsanto property since the 1950’s which is false. Since the closure of Monsanto, a tiny landfill for phosphorous only has existed and been in use. This small landfill is now being used as a tool to build a dump on 100’s of acres of the Monsanto property, including part of the Harlan Family Cemetery. This company, Trinity, has a total disregard for our community and is trying to propose this dump on our river as a solution to the waste problems of TN.

They are planning disposal of municipal solid waste and industrial waste, metal salvage, waste tire processing, and wood waste saying there will be no odor and no noise, although they will be processing and “recycling “ materials and doing energy recovery. All of these processes are loud and we all know that municipal solid waste from half of TN will incur odor and that traffic associated with transporting waste will also be problematic for our roads and bridges in that area, not to mention be loud and odorous. The uses for which the infrastructure was built years ago will not withstand the heavy toll that this sort of facility would take. This decision would become a major pollution and environmental issue and challenges to our wastewater systems for our residents!

Trinity, otherwise known as Remedial Holdings, is trying to push through a regional mega-dump, but disguising it. This proposed dump on the former Monsanto property would be as large as the Middle Point Dump in Murfreesboro and would be on the banks of Green Lick Creek and the Duck River. It would be serving half of TN.

Trinity is trying to dodge the law and land-use restrictions by saying that there has been an existing dump on the Monsanto property since the 1950’s. Since the closure of Monsanto, a tiny landfill for phosphorous only has existed and been in use. This small landfill is now being used as a tool to build a dump on 100’s of acres of the Monsanto property, including part of the Harlan Family Cemetery. This company, Trinity, has a total disregard for our community and is trying to propose this dump on our river as a solution to the waste problems of TN.

They are planning disposal of municipal solid waste and industrial waste, metal salvage, waste tire processing, and wood waste saying there will be no odor and no noise, although they will be processing and “recycling “ materials and doing energy recovery. All of these processes are loud and we all know that municipal solid waste from half of TN will incur odor and that traffic associated with transporting waste will also be problematic for our roads and bridges in that area, not to mention be loud and odorous. The uses for which the infrastructure was built years ago will not withstand the heavy toll that this sort of facility would take.

If approved, this would cause harm to all the local residents of Columbia, Tennessee and the environment on such a large scale! It Harm to the beautiful local wildlife habit, poison the air, water, soils of farmland and even cause noise pollution in an area where there is peace and quiet. Please pray saints with us!

    Stephanie Robertson
    March 1, 2023

    Lord please be with the residents of Columbia, TN in their struggle to keep their space clean and safe. Please provide a peaceful resolution to this struggle Lord.

Janeen Kingma
January 16, 2023

Holy Father, thank you for what You have done in raising up those who love truth and will not back down from issues. Help those types of people to lead our state back to Your Word. Remove corruption from government, and let truth be seen. Let corruption be revealed, and bring evil ways into the light. Let churches rise up in righteousness, and let church leaders repent and follow You, so that they can lead in righteousness. Make leaders out of men and women of prayer, and bring Tennessee under the umbrella of your Truth. Heal and transform our schools. Thank You for Your miracles! In JESUS’ precious Name.

Stephanie Robertson
December 19, 2022

Lord please help our religious leaders to continue to be strong and to follow your ways with precision. Please help our leaders of government to be just and fair. Please help them to find the happy medium whenever possible. Help them to practice compassion and love in their work and to take on the great weight of their choices with confidence.


Rebecca Cole
October 24, 2022

I pray for an awakening in Tennessee – a call to prayer for “Volunteers” to rise up all across this state and flood the heavens with prayers and appeals on behalf of this land. I pray for hearts to be repentant and that a refreshing would fall on your people clearing away the fog and weariness that have kept them muzzled. Put an urgency in the hearts of your people to answer the call to prayer. Let us realize that the lives of our children, grandchildren and future generations are hanging in the balance. Awaken our hearts again to the power of prayer. In the Mighty Name of Jesus

    Barbara French
    July 4, 2023

    Prayer for Nashville , the state of TN, the nation and all nations plus Israel.

Stephen Goode
October 12, 2022

We pray for Memphis and the issue of crime and for the Sheriff’s officers and departments as we need them more than ever. My sister-in-law was accosted while filling up her car last week. 3 men tried to steal her purse while she was finishing up. Their eyes met and he and the other two left in their car. They were not successful but she was really shaken up by this incident. We need a break through in the judicial system and those judges who can make a difference. Lord hear our prayer. in Jesus Name. Amen

    February 25, 2023

    Please pray for safety in our city and criminals be stopped.

Linda Buell
September 11, 2022

Our state will look to God for wisdom and knowledge.

Jacque Gellman
August 2, 2022

Father, as our state Supreme Court prepares to interview candidates for the State’s Attorney General, I pray that you grant them wisdom and discernment. Guide them as they evaluate their judicial records and the character of the individuals. Do not let them be received Lord. This is a powerful position that requires a person of strong Christian character, a constitutionalist who will stand strong. I pray Lord I pray your will be done, in Jesus name. Amen.

Jacque Gellman
July 28, 2022

As this week of early voting draws to a close, I have been praying voters would be more mindful of who they vote for. Many resources are available to better inform us who are strong conservatives, moral and upright in character. There are way too many wolves in sheep’s clothing sitting in our government. I pray God’s will be done by removing from office those we cannot trust to represent us. In Jesus name, amen.

Thomas Kerns
July 23, 2022

Lord Jesus,
Rescue those lost around us through us by the power of Your Holy Spirit.

In Jesus name,

Debbie Allen
July 20, 2022

Dearest Heavenly Father,
I lift up our state leaders today and all that you watch over them. Deliver them from evil and give v then each a gift if discernment. Breath over them Your precious Holy Spirit throughout their term and guide them with Your Word that You have written in their hearts. Help them to stand boldly, giving them words of conviction and truth. Inspire them to follow a plan worthy of Your calling. Help them to seek You first, to trust You, and obey Your guidance. Speak to them, LORD. Give them a fresh annointing and help them to be a watch for for the citizens of Tennessee. In Jesus’s name I pray.

Cynthia H Taylor
June 24, 2022

Heavenly Father thank You so very much for the victory you gave us in overturning Roe vs Wade today! I’m thankful my state of Tennessee is a trigger state and new laws regarding abortion are coming soon. I pray for our hearts in this state to completely turn from ending life in the womb. Every woman needs our prayer and help. Let us know how we can engage in love those considering abortion. We know it never ends well and leaves a lifetime of heartbreak. Forgive us!!! We repent from our wicked thoughts and actions to holiness, purity, righteousness and love in Christ Jesus. Lead us on Your paths of righteousness and LIFE! Fill us with Holy Spirit and action plans to help those find You. Help me help in Tennessee! In Christ Jesus My Lord and Savior, Cyndee Taylor.

Pamela McMillan
June 8, 2022

In the name of JESUS CHRIST of NAZARETH I come before you FATHER GOD thanking YOU for love, mercy, grace and forgiveness. Thank YOU for Calvary! I know YOU are in control and ask for YOUR will to be done. Guard us and guide us and supply the needs of YOUR people. YOU are the GOD of all flesh and there is nothing too hard for YOU! Thank YOU for hearing our cries…😔💔🙏🏻


Pray For Tennessee Leaders

Bill Hagerty (R)
Senator (Tennessee)
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56 have submitted prayers
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have prayed
Marsha Blackburn (R)
Senator (Tennessee)
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140 have submitted prayers
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have prayed
Bill Lee (R)
Governor (Tennessee)
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112 have submitted prayers
I Prayed
have prayed
Tre Hargett (R)
Secretary of State (Tennessee)
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8 have submitted prayers
I Prayed
have prayed
David Lillard (N)
Treasurer (Tennessee)
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4 have submitted prayers
I Prayed
have prayed
Jason Mumpower (R)
Comptroller (Tennessee)
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6 have submitted prayers
I Prayed
have prayed


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