
700 Capitol Avenue, Suite 100
Frankfort, KY 40601

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Submitted Prayers (4) for Andy Beshear

George L
June 9, 2024, 2:59 am
Father God, protect and defend this Governor of our state. Guide him in your righteous path. Keep safe, healthy and secure him, his loved ones, staff, and state. In Jesus Holy name Amen Amen
George L
August 13, 2022, 7:05 pm
Father, protect and defend this man who has chosen public service in the arena known as politics. May all. in Kentucky who are called by your name humble themselves and pray in accord with 2 Chronicles 7:14 that the land known as Kentucky become healed in body, mind, and spirit. By your spirit give this man who desires to serve us great discernment of those things placed before him. For many have agendas good for others while hiding weights placed on the scales of their judgements. Many would sacrifice his good name and career of service to further their own ends. Father, protect and defend this man who serves us. In all things defend and protect his family, loved ones, assistants and those who support and advise him. By your Holy Spirit lead him tin the paths of righteousness which are founded upon the the rock of your word. All else is standing upon sinking sand. All things were created by the Word of God, everything else is not a thing at all but an imagination of no valid form or being. Protect him from those selling imaginations as truths. In Jesus Name, Amen and Amen.
Barbara F
June 1, 2022, 12:00 pm
God I lift up Andy Beshear to You. I pray he will let You lead him in the governance of Kentucky. That he would make godly decisions and live in the center of Your Will and not be lead by ungodly people. I ask this in Jesus precious and holy name.
Carl B
May 24, 2022, 3:07 pm
LORD GOD, We come before you with humble heart, to ask you to look down on our state, Kentucky, and its governor, Andy Beshear. Be with him LORD in his governance of our state! I believe Gov. Beshear to be a good and Godly man with a good heart! And even though his thinking and agenda do not line up with Your will for our lives, and we do not agree with him on most of his decisions, we ask You to come into his heart, give him GODLY principles, and open his eyes and let him see the righteousness of Your ways, and turn his heart to Godly principles! I pray that he governs our state with these GODLY principles, and turns from the wicked and ungodly principles and the people who help him choose these ways! Put people in his life that will help him make decisions that will honor YOU, and give you the glory that YOU DESERVE! Keep him and his family safe. Continue to bless our state, and all of its leaders! In your precious SON'S name we pray!


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