
State Prayer Call:
Thursdays at 7:30 PM EST
(339) 207-6901
Access Code: N/A
State Leader(s): Laurie Springer
Contact Email: [email protected]
Governor: Eric Holcomb
Capital: Indianapolis
State Motto:
The crossroads of America

Post Your Prayers For Indiana

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Submitted Prayers For Indiana

Art Wilmoth
November 7, 2024

Heavenly Father we rejoice that Mike Braun was elected as my Governor of the State of Indiana, and his wife. Bless them both as they serve the people of Indiana; May they both sense your presents leading them; Raise up a godly cabinet, and encircle them with excellent talented, and gifted men and woman that work well with him to accomplish your will for Indiana. May he refuse the evil, and chose the good. In Jesus Name. Amen

Gordon & Laurie Springer
November 4, 2024

Psalm 20:7 NLT
Some nations boast of their chariots and horses, but we boast in the name of the Lord our God.
We glorify you Lord, King of kings and Lord of lords. What a great God we have! We praise You the awesome one God of truth. Thank you that we can enter into your presence all across Indiana and our Nation to declare we are One Nation Under God!

Shelly Dobbins
October 30, 2024

Dear Father in Heaven,
Look down on Indiana & give your wisdom as we vote for our leaders. Place those in office who are honest, trustworthy, & accountable to you. Lead them not into temptation, & deliver them from evil. Ferret out any evil strongholds that have been established.
May your will be done on earth as in heaven. Amen.

natosha Barnes
October 12, 2024

Father in the name of Jesus we pray 🙏🏽 for repentance ,forgiveness , and restoration for the state of Indiana in you
Lord let there be a burning in are hearts and full commitment to brotherhood, sisterhood and the sanctity of Family in the hard times to come Bless us Lord to work as a unit together in peace under your banner We ask your hedge of protection around us and and with in our boarders Lord lead us in the fight to stand in boldness together for those things that are pleasing to you in Jesus name we pray 🙏🏽 Amen

Laurie Springer - IFA State Leader for Indiana
October 10, 2024

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Deut. 31:6
Thank you for this promise, Lord, the You will not leave us until our assignment is complete, You will be with us to see this through, finishing everything that was started. Thank You for the grace we need to continue on this path, regardless of the opposition, until we have completed this mission TOGETHER! Amen

Beth Houser
January 26, 2024

Holy Father, we rejoice to find that we are not alone in this battle. We glorify Your Holy Name for confirming that as always You have a remnant. We join our hearts and voices with our spiritual family in Indiana, humbled and repenting for our slumber, echoing the chorus of praise, accelerating the petitions for righteousness and justice, resounding the pleas for revelation, protection, wisdom, and guidance. Your Kingdom come! Your will be done! In the precious name of Jesus, amen. Family of 3 praying over IU Southeast, public libraries, the Ohio River, and all of Indiana and our beloved nation. Blessings to all!!

Marie Norris
January 15, 2024

Abba Father, let us not forget to pray for the State of Indiana. I join in standing in the gap with other believers. This is the cross roads state of America, and Lord we know our country is at a crossroad. Pour out your mercies today. May your people have your peace and receive your grace. Thank you Lord Jesus

Laurie Springer IFA State Co-Leader for Indiana
December 7, 2023

Isaiah 55:11 “So it is when I declare something. My word will go out and not return to Me empty, but it will do what I wanted; it will accomplish what I determined.”
Father, we stand in the gap Indiana, according to Your word We ask that You wash our state with the blood of Jesus to remove the veils that may be over our eyes because of sin. We declare that as You remove the veils, we will see the truth, embrace the truth and walk in the truth. Amen

Laurie Springer - IN State Leader
October 30, 2023

Lord, we lift Congress to you as they review the $100 billion bill put forth by Biden’s administration. May 1 first and foremost Congress be seeking your direction as they take the bill apart and separate it into three important matters. Israel, US borders, Ukraine. May this bill be split in three parts individually reviewed so that Israel with God’s help, will have funds to take down evil once and for all and that the US will secure its borders. Amen

Laurie Springer IFA State Co-Leader for Indiana
October 24, 2023

I declare the incoming speaker will be a reformer and will have an unwavering allegiance to the Son of God and the kingdom of God.

I declare they will be willing, able and passionate to take on the challenge of paying the price and the cost of protecting biblical principles America was founded on.

I declare with their heart of purity a life led by holy fear for our Creator, they will live the life of a reformer.

I declare they will live under the flag of the red white and blue but be guided by the banner the blood of Jesus of Yeshua and the word of the Living God.

I declare with their heart of surrender they will not allow the darkness to steal the life of the unborn.

I declare what their heart of surrender they will not allow the evil seed of Islamic influence to rule in the United States of America.

I decree God’s will be done on Earth and it is in Heaven!

Gordon & Laurie Springer
October 14, 2023

We humble ourselves
Father and bring Israel, American and the Nations before you.
1Gather together—yes, gather together,
you shameless nation.
2 Gather before judgment begins,
before your time to repent is blown away like chaff.
Act now, before the fierce fury of the Lord falls
and the terrible day of the Lord’s anger begins.
3 Seek the Lord, all who are humble,
and follow his commands.
Seek to do what is right
and to live humbly.
Perhaps even yet the Lord will protect you—
protect you from his anger on that day of destruction. Zeph 2:1-3

Laurie Springer IFA State Co-Leader for Indiana
September 28, 2023

We are those who stand for righteousness that exalts a Nation!
America SHALL be SAVED!
America WILL NOT be ruined!
As this shaking brings a Re-Set there WILL NOT be any unnecessary damaging consequences!

Laurie Springer IFA State Co-Leader for Indiana
September 21, 2023

Righteous Judge and King of kings let us enter Your gates with thanksgiving and Your courts with praise. Holy is Your name, You are greatly to be praised and adored. Thank You Lord that the Ekklesia is mandated to legislate heaven on to earth. So as God’s official judge, legislator, and law enforcement agents we come in the name of the resurrected Jesus whose we are and whom we serve. That at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow, all things in heaven, things on earth and things under the earth.
Heavenly Father, we stand in Your presence because of the shed blood and finish work of Yeshua on the cross. Lord of all the earth, we call forth Your verdict of justice and righteousness over this Nation’s judiciary as we war for our Nation’s godly inheritance. We declare we are ONE NATION UNDER GOD!

Laurie Springer Indiana State Co-Leader
September 18, 2023

Lord, I lift up State and Local Elections. Lord I’m asking that You to move in the churches across this State so that many, many church leaders will be inspired to invite candidates to their services to be introduced, to speak and to participate with the body of Christ in new and innovative ways that will cause a great and mighty surge of voter and governmental involvement in all 7 mountains of influence. Glory to You Father. We are standing in great expectation of all the good things that are happening in Indiana and across the Nation!

Laurie Springer IFA State Co-Leader for Indiana
September 7, 2023

We ARE the Calvary!
God’s grace is being made easily accessible in this hour. His grace to unite and join together as one, and to conquer the wickedness that is attempting to overtake you and your world, is yours. We are the Calvary! I pray God will infuse you with boldness as we stand against the strongholds, witchcraft, divination, deceit and unrighteousness in our sphere of influence. In the Church, Families, Business, Media, Government, Arts and Entertainment. Go in God’s grace as we take back this Country for Jesus – the Prince of Peace!

Gordon & Laurie Springer
September 2, 2023

…..He adorns the humble with his beauty, and he loves to give them victory. His godly lovers triumph in the glory of God, and their joyful praises will rise even while others sleep. God’s high and holy praises fill their mouths, for their shouted praises are their weapons of war! These warring weapons will bring vengeance on the nations and every resistant power— to bind kings with chains and rulers with iron shackles. Praise-filled warriors will enforce the judgment decreed against their enemies. This is the honor he gives to all his godly lovers. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!
Psalms 149:4‭-‬9 TPT

Laurie Springer IFA State Co-Leader for Indiana
August 19, 2023

Lord, we pray from Your promises and decree that the love of God will fill up every church, home, school, business and every broadcast, in Indiana. That Your light is shining in every dark place as you RE-SET Indiana and the Nation! Glory to God!!

Laurie Springer IFA State Co-Leader for Indiana
August 19, 2023

Psalm 37
1Don’t follow after the wicked ones or be jealous of their wealth.
Don’t think for a moment they’re better off than you.
2They and their short-lived success
will soon shrivel up and quickly fade away,
like grass clippings in the hot sun.
3Keep trusting in the Lord and do what is right in his eyes.
Fix your heart on the promises of God, and you will dwell in the land,
feasting on his faithfulness.
4Find your delight and true pleasure in Yahweh,
and he will give you what you desire the most.
5Give God the right to direct your life,
and as you trust him along the way,
you’ll find he pulled it off perfectly!
6He will appear as your righteousness,
as sure as the dawning of a new day.
He will manifest as your justice,
as sure and strong as the noonday sun.
7Quiet your heart in his presence
and wait patiently for Yahweh.
And don’t think for a moment that the wicked, in their prosperity,
are better off than you.
8Stay away from anger and revenge.
Keep envy far from you, for it only leads you into lies.
9For one day the wicked will be destroyed,
but those who trust in the Lord
will inherit the land.
10Just a little while longer and the ungodly will vanish;
you will look for them in vain.
11But the humble of heart will inherit every promise
and enjoy abundant peace.
12Let the wicked keep plotting against the godly
with all their sneers and arrogant jeers.
13God laughs at the wicked and their plans,
for he knows their day is coming!
14Evil ones take aim at the poor and helpless;
they are ready to slaughter those who do right.
15But the Lord will turn all their weapons of wickedness back on themselves,
piercing their pride-filled hearts until they are helpless.
16It is much better to have little
combined with much of God
than to have the fabulous wealth of the wicked and nothing else.
17For the Lord takes care of all his forgiven ones
while the strength of evil men will surely slip away.
18Day by day the Lord watches the good deeds of the godly,
and he prepares for them his forever-reward.
19Even in a time of disaster he will watch over them,
and they will always have more than enough
no matter what happens.
20All the enemies of God will perish.
For the wicked have only a momentary value, a fading glory.
Then one day they vanish! Here today, gone tomorrow.
21They break their promises, borrowing money
but never paying it back.
The good man returns what he owes with some extra besides.
22Yahweh’s blessed ones receive the land,
but the cursed ones will be cut off
with nothing to show for themselves.
23When Yahweh delights in how you live your life,
he establishes your every step.
24If they stumble badly they will still survive,
for the Lord lifts them up with his hands.
25I was once inexperienced, but now I’m old.
Not once have I found a lover of God forsaken by him,
nor have any of their children gone hungry.
26Instead, I’ve found the godly ones
to be the generous ones who give freely to others.
Their children are blessed and become a blessing.
27If you truly want to dwell forever in God’s presence,
forsake evil and do what is right in his eyes.
28The Lord loves it when he sees us walking in his justice.
He will never desert his devoted lovers;
they will be kept forever in his faithful care,
but the descendants of the wicked will be banished.
29The faithful lovers of God will inherit the earth
and enjoy every promise of God’s care,
dwelling in peace forever.
30God-lovers make the best counselors.
Their words possess wisdom and are right and trustworthy.
31The ways of God are in their hearts
and they won’t swerve from the paths of steadfast righteousness.
32Evil ones spy on the godly ones, stalking them
to find something they could use to accuse them.
They’re out for the kill!
33But God will foil all their plots.
The godly will not stand condemned when brought to trial.
34So don’t be impatient for Yahweh to act;
keep moving forward steadily in his ways,
and he will exalt you to possess the land.
You’ll watch with your own eyes
and see the wicked lose everything.
35I’ve already seen this happen.
Once I saw a wicked and violent man
overpower all who were around him,
a domineering tyrant with his prideful and oppressive ways.
36Then he died and was forgotten.
Now no one cares that he is gone forever.
37But you can tell who are the blameless and spiritually mature.
What a different story with them!
The godly ones will have a peaceful, prosperous future
with a happy ending.
38Every evil sinner will be destroyed, obliterated.
They’ll be utter failures with no future!
39But the Lord will be the Savior of all who love him.
Even in their time of trouble, God will live in them as strength.
40Because of their faith in him, their daily portion will be
a Father’s help and deliverance from evil.
This is true for all who turn to hide themselves in him.
Psalm 37

Jeff Britton IFA State leader for Indiana
August 17, 2023

Indiana has mobilized hundreds of believers to actually anoint the borders of Indiana. In response to prophetic words from national ministries, dozens of ministries, including IFA Indiana, have traveled to our state borders, anointed them with oil, declared our state in service to the Lord and prayed for his blessing on our state. One such “journey” included a private plane that flew the boundaries of the state declaring Gods mercy and blessing.
The next step was to anoint our own properties as well as the borders of our thoughts as we expectantly wait for October and the promised reset in our nation. What is the reset from the Lord? All we know is to prepare!

Jeff Britton
April 18, 2023

Thursday Prayer call is open to all. 11:30 (605) 313-5371
Access Code: 8120308
Considering a prayer call for Men. Anyone interested?
let me know: [email protected]

March 30, 2023

Father God you here the prayers and decrees of our heart. Lord we need healing of our nation but we need healing of the lies that have taken place upon family and children. The enemy has no authority here in Jesus name! You are the beginning and the end we thank you for the work that has been done and we wait for the work that’s still ahead of us. May we has your body of believers /followers humble ourselves more and more like never before. It’s in your son’s name Jesus who is mighty to save….Amen.

Heath Myers
February 24, 2023

Praying for revival in Indiana. Praying for revival in Martinsville, IN. Lord, set the captives free, heal the sick, Christ be revealed, baptize all in the Holy Ghost! Amen. Lord, send revival now. Amen.

Jon Karle
February 23, 2023

Praying for arrests of child traffickers, and for children in the foster care program to be placed in loving Christian homes.

Mary Jo Barnett
January 31, 2023

Heavenly Father, I thank you for binding the ACLU. I pray Your Will be done in Indiana. Nothing is too big for You.
Amen 🙏

Jeff Britton
January 12, 2023

Every Thursday at 11:30 +1605-313-5371 CODE: 8120308

Debra Bradford
December 16, 2022

Hello Indiana. Father I thank you for the Wind of your Shift blowing through Indiana and out to the World as we set the precedence for others to follow. Let a Spirit of harmony come upon it’s citizens. Let Salvation, understanding our times and illumination guide them out of deception and into perfection. Cause a Great Turning and a Divine order to be rooted this day. Let the passion of your desire unfold and become sealed with and through the Hoosiers, releasing a New Sound of Liberty, Justice and a Love for the Father restored. In Yeshua (Jesus) name, Amen.

Jeff Britton
August 18, 2022

8-18-22: Prayer today at 11:30. 1) Repentance personal and as intercessors for Indiana, Nation & Int’l. 2) Somehow, a key moment for Ukraine, intense prayer for lessons learned and relief for believers and those who cannot defend themselves. End result is spiritual renewal. 3) School starts, Safety Angels at the doorways, workers into school boards and teacher authority to lead and guide. 4) Holy Spirit led to multiple topics but the Lord showed us to look deeply into core issues and cut the root, not treat the symptoms (swat at the flies) 5) Be where God is, don’t focus on the enemy. Wise as serpents, harmless as doves. 6) Abortion denies the enemy the death he craves… so as the number fall, beware as he refocuses on other violence. Schools/Pre-election conflict and larger global aggression. 7) Prosperity for the state, as Woke corps threaten to leave Indiana over abortion… the Lord’s blessing to fall and bring new business opportunity and attract and retain talent. 8) Beware future attempts to rewrite constitutions, national and by State. 9) Kinsey institute ground zero for sexualization of children. Protests to begin in September to reclaim ground in Bloomington.
“Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in every way. The Lord be with you all.” – 2 Thessalonians 3:16

Jeff Britton
July 27, 2022

CAPITAL REPORT DAY 1: Special Session of the Indiana Legislature started Monday July 25th. A rally was held inside the capital, until the space was full and the doors were closed. This left many outside. I am guessing pro-life people were outnumbered 25:1? Standing near some of the bravest most faithful musicians/men I have ever seen, hundreds of pro-choice screamers churned by with maybe 3 dozen of the worst blasted curses and profanities through megaphones inches from these pro-life witnesses. The name of Jesus drew demonic shrieks, threats and profane displays. The police had to step in eventually to keep the chaos from becoming personal assault. Every Christian should experience this at least once to understand what we are actually fighting. The enemy manifested some of the worst human behavior I have ever seen right in front of my eyes. We did not antagonize, but stood silent for peace, praying with simple signs. Examples “Stand for Life” “Value Life” “Devalued Life is the Real Pandemic” “Life is Good. Death is Bad. It’s pretty obvious” What was OBVIOUS is the contrast between Light & Darkness. Just the word “Life” drew out horrible responses. One way of understanding where you are is to see who is standing next to you. Pro-choice people need to consider the “quality” of their companions. Wow! The day was really rough, but worth it. Where else do we have a chance to speak God’s truth into – visible – tangible – screaming in your face CHAOS? Then feel the Lord create a new thing? Saddened for others, yet, blessed in the middle of the grief.
The next day, Tuesday Indiana “Right To Life” filled the Capital with hundreds and brought a peaceful presence. Very few screamers showed up. I think we wore them out and bound them on Monday! Ha Ha! Praise to God! Don’t be afraid. Now is the time for the believers to step forward and apply the victory that we already have in our hands. The angels are ready to go. They are not on our side or the enemy’s side… they are on the Lord’s side, so make sure you are aligned with the Lord and the angels will follow your faith into the battle.
Tip: Bring ear plugs. The path to victory can sometimes be very loud. 🙂

Donna Cherry
July 22, 2022

Declarations and decree for Indiana. I decree peace within the streets of our cities. Deut. 20:10 I decree that every assignment of violence and murder in our cities will be broken. (Lord, confuse the wicked, confound their words) Psa. 55:9 I decree that our cities belongs to Jesus, the great King and Jesus defends my city. Psa. 48:2; Isa. 37:35 I decree that the businesses will flourish like the grass of the earth. Psa. 72:16 I decree that revival and transformation will break out in our state. I decree that great joy is being released in our state. Acts 8:8 I decree that God is the builder and maker of Indiana. Heb. 11:10 I decree that the spiritual name of our state is THE LORD IS THERE. Ezekiel. 48:35
Let us welcome His presence in our city; God is our only hope and we must trust and turn to Him. Amen!

Luanne Alderden
July 21, 2022

Yes and Amen to the precious prayers. LORD of Hosts, our Father in Heaven, release your warring angels to our state and tear down every altar of Baal or any other idol or principality which receives the sacrifices of babies and children. Restore the hearts of the fathers and mothers to their children from the time of conception. Abba, there are many opportunities and loopholes for child sacrifice in the proposed new laws. While we thank you for closing the gap, we declare and decree your will, your way for ALL babies to have the right to life in your heavenly courts and in the State of Indiana. Let our Indiana laws reflect your laws. Remove officials who are compromising on this issue and replace them with persons of your choosing. Raise up men and women who are called by your name, the Abraham’s, Isaac’s and Jacob’s, the Joseph’s, Moses’, Joshua’s and Caleb’s, David’s, Daniel’s, Deborah’s, Esther’s, Abigail’s, Mary’s and Elizabeth’s, Peter’s, James’, John’s, Paul’s, Timothy’s, Lydia’s and more! As Indiana is the Crossroads state, lift your banner high, high, high. Be lifted up, LORD Jesus, in our churches and in our streets and draw all men to you! We worship you and praise you and adore you! Thank you for moving in our midst! We lift our voices and may our shouts of praise to you tear down the enemy fortresses and walls. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Jeff Britton
July 19, 2022

Indiana prays that a light be shone on all persons contemplating mass shootings. That they become known to the police, to their friends family and those around them, that they would come to their senses (like the Justice Kavanaugh shooter did when he turned himself in), that they be interrupted and that members of the public intercede in some way. While we lost 4 souls in the Greenwood Mall shooting, there was an individual who was legally carrying a handgun that stopped the shooter soon after he began and well before the police could arrive. Read the IFA article here:
While we cannot take this as a victory, we do see God’s hand here… now let’s all double down to cover our states with the protection of the Lord’s mercy and justice.

Jeff Britton
July 18, 2022

If you need a ride to Indianapolis from Fort Wayne contact Laurie S at [email protected] or Jeff B at [email protected] Nice coach ride,So clean it smells like victory! $35 a seat with Lunch and snacks.

Rochelle Fox
July 14, 2022

FATHER GOD, I thank you for the Crossroads of America, Indiana today! I acknowledge that nothing, absolutely nothing goes unnoticed by YOU. I therefore, humble myself before the Throne of Grace seeking Your face for Mercy, forgiveness and righteous judgement as we see the increase of preborn infants being slaughtered, Post Roe vs Wade ending! With this in mind, I stand against the Death angel, unclean spirit and desire to abuse and destroy innocent unborn lives! I pray for Representatives John Jacobs and Curt Nisly who DESIRE LIFE AND THE ABOLITION OF ABORTION! Help us to form prayer vigils, and teams with boots on the ground. These two are like Joshua and Caleb ready to go into the Promised Land and take what is ours; babies that are being sacrificed for science and the pleasure of those who are possessed and being destroyed by the root of all evil; money! I ask for More Labors for the coming Harvest after parents and their infants are rescued from the hands of the enemy! I call out to the Body of CHRIST to Unite to save these babies! We know that our Constitution gives us inalienable rights, AS “LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS.;” WE as YOUR Ambassadors are asking for Discernment, Direction and divine Wisdom as to how we Will end the slaughter of YOUR Precious creation, babies growing inside the womb! ABBA, YOU have made it easy for us and all YOU REQUIRE is FAITH! Help us to stand shoulder to shoulder, UNITED FOR LIFE on JULY 25th, 2022 at NOON in front the State Capitol again, to show YOUR LOVE to all who are ignorant and those who stand by HOLY SPIRIT CONVICTION TO STAND UP BOLDLY IN THE FACE OF OUR ADVERSARY. WE recognize that this is SPIRITUAL WARFARE! Thank YOU for opening the eyes of those lost in darkness without hope and in need of a SAVIOR, YOU JESUS/YESHUA! I pray that chains be broken, scales fall from blinded eyes and hearts are surrendered to YOU, as veils of deception are Ripped from their hardened hearts toward TRUTH and Righteousness! I ask this with a grateful heart for YOU MOVING MIRACULOUSLY FOR YOUR NAME SAKE, AMEN! Prayer Warriors please Text 4life at 66866 GOD IS AWESOME! I was just invited to 7/26/22 at State Capitol for the Love Them Both Rally! Thank YOU ABBA! 🛐🛐🛐

Jeff Britton
July 12, 2022

Praying for July 25th Rally at State House. Buses coming from all points in Indiana. Message me if you need a ride! [email protected]

Also Right To Life has buses running on TUESDAY 26th if you can make Monday the 25th. Contact the RTL office in your area.

Praying that Indiana will take A STAND for life and not sit this one out. “Lord, convict the church to take action based on their claims to faith. Continue to shake our comfort!”

Jeff Britton
July 2, 2022

Pride Month? Psalm 23 23 Love the Lord, all of you who are faithful to him! The Lord watches over the faithful. But he completely pays back those who are proud.

Roe V Wade? Indiana Prayer team is lifting up adoption. We are all adopted into the kingdom when we receive Christ.
“Lord, awaken your people and let them come forward to save these unwanted lives through adoption. Your word in James 1: 27 teaches us the kind of belief that you accept as pure and without fault is when widows and children who have no parents are in trouble, and we take care of them.”

Mark Brickey
June 30, 2022

Father God, creator of all that is good and beautiful, thank you for our Country, for our State and for being alive at this time in history. There is so much going on, it’s dizzying! I pray that You keep your hand on each of our leaders, that You help them to keep their eyes open & hearts turned towards You and Your Word. Strengthen each of them to stand firm for our lives & people – abortion, medical, immigration, hiways and so much more that affects our daily lives. May each of them seek you each morning as they prepare to serve the State, let them be reasonable & good in your sight.
Mark Brickey

Jeff Britton
June 16, 2022

Indiana! Please note the new call in number as of 6-16-22. Same time. Thursday 11:30

Carol J Devarenne
June 1, 2022

Lord Jesus, how I pray for Indiana and all the people who live here. How I pray for our Indiana leaders. Oh, that we all would want to do what is right in your sight more than anything else. That our hearts will be softened and our ears and our eyes would be opened. That we love your word and we love to seek your face. We thank you for life. We thank you that our names and our families names are written in the lambs book of life. I pray these things in faith and we will give you all the glory, Lord. I pray Ezekiel 36:26 over us all: And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony , stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart. We lift you up Lord and thank you for all that you are doing for us, for pushing evil back and removing and replacing those who are not doing what is right in your sight. Thank you for keeping our Indiana leaders safe and their families and may they do what is right in your sight, always. In Jesus’s Name, Amen.

Jeff Britton
May 19, 2022

Indiana Constitution PRERAMBLE: TO THE END, that justice be established, public order maintained, and liberty perpetuated; WE, the People of the State of Indiana, grateful to ALMIGHTY GOD for the free exercise of the right to choose our own form of government, do ordain this Constitution. Lord, We claim this right, as your will be done and your kingdome comes to earth as it is in Heaven…. We declare this right and post it over our state that every eye can see it, both the people below as well as the powers that are above. Jeff B.


Pray For Indiana Leaders

Todd Young (R)
Senator (Indiana)
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Todd Rokita (R)
Attorney General (Indiana)
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4 have submitted prayers
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Diego Morales (R)
Secretary of State (Indiana)
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3 have submitted prayers
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Jim Banks (R)
Senator (Indiana)
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0 have submitted prayers
I Prayed
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Mike Braun (R)
Governor (Indiana)
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Micah Beckwith
Lt. Governor (Indiana)
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