Todd Rokita (R)
Attorney General|Indiana

302 W. Washington St., 5th Floor
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Submitted Prayers (4) for Todd Rokita
Gordon & Laurie S
September 28, 2023, 12:43 pm
Father, we ask for your protection over Todd. May he continue to walk in the path you have planned for him and may nothing... not one thing interfere with your cause and your calling on his life. May his path straight, give him wisdom, discernment and favor. Open doors for him to walk through and shut doors he should stay away from. Father, You are Holy and worthy to be praised!
Gordon & Laurie S
August 19, 2023, 2:28 pm
Lord, protect Todd and all of his staff, may they see Your mighty hand at work in everything they do. Give them Your favor and advance Your plans in Indiana. Glory to God.
Ron & Sue K
September 24, 2022, 8:55 am
We pray for a "Spiritual Reawakening" in the Country, and for our fellow men and women to stand for Biblical & Constitutional values, and that we come peacefully together to stand up for our LORD and HIS TRUTHS, above all else first!!
Kim L
July 20, 2022, 9:25 am
Dear Father, thank you for our Attorney General Todd Rokita. Lifting him up to You today to humbly seek Your finest guidance and direction in fulfilling the job he's been chosen to perform for our state. We know pressures to conform are stronger than ever but it is not a match for You! Thank you that You are Sovereign over all! Please bless this man and his family as they walk with You. In Your Perfect and Precious Name Jesus, Amen!
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