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Lord, thank You for all You have done for us and will do in the future. You are a perfect, wonderful God. We worship You today.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

The following is an excerpt from our daily devotional Fellowship With the Father, written by IFA contributing writer Remco Brommet.

During a worldwide crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic, and national crises like racial unrest, unemployment, and natural disasters, we often see the fragility of mankind trying to operate without God on display. I don’t know about you, but in me that magnifies the sense of how great God is. The words from Isaiah 45: 6b–7 come to mind: “I am the Lord, and there is no other. I form light and create darkness, I make well-being and create calamity, I am the Lord who does all these things. The purpose of calamity is to expose our weakness and remind us that we are created beings, not gods. And we were created to depend on God. To walk in reverent awe of His greatness while being deeply grateful for His loving kindness and grace toward us.

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So, as we, His people, slow down, simplify, come, are still, listen, pray, and bless, we do so with an underlying attitude of worship and thanksgiving. Even when we wage war and strive in battle.

Worship — because we see His might at work. We are on the winning side.

Thanksgiving — because we may have confident trust that whilst He is busy shaking the world with pestilences and such, He still loves us, hears us, meets our needs, works in us. And when I say “us,” I mean the “people of His own possession” (1 Peter 1:9). Millions of people around the globe that have been saved and are indwelt by the Holy Spirit at the same time!

I have no words for the awesome greatness and glory of our God. Fear and warm fuzzies at the same time. Fear because my great Father is taking the world to the woodshed. Warm fuzzies because daily He whispers my name and reassures me of His love and the orchestration of my life amid this chaos.

Today’s Prayer Assignment

Worship! Give voice to your reverent delight in His glory. Give thanks for His great mercies toward us who believe. All day. Every day.

As you drive or walk around, observe His glory in nature and let it spur you to give voice to your admiration for His glory on display.

As you enjoy the little things we so often take for granted — a roof over your head, a car that works, a good cup of coffee, a tasty meal — remember to give thanks for His care for you.

Here is God’s promise to a grateful heart:

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving [here it is!] let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6–7).

Download this entire series in a PDF format.

Share your worship and praise with us in the comments!

Remco Brommet is a pastor, spiritual-growth teacher, and prayer leader with over 40 years of experience in Europe, Southeast Asia, Africa, and the U.S. He was born and raised in the Netherlands and pastored his first church in Amsterdam. He moved to the U.S. in 1986. He and his wife, Jennifer, live north of Atlanta. When not writing books, he blogs at www.deeperlifeblog.com and assists his wife as a content developer and prayer coordinator for True Identity Ministries. Jennifer and Remco are passionate about bringing people into a deeper relationship with Christ. Photo Credit: zbindere/Getty Images Signature via Canva Pro.

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