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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, may Your will be done and would You continue to give Your wisdom and direction to our President and his advisors.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

In a dramatic election-year request, the Trump administration Thursday night asked the Supreme Court to strike down the entirety of the Obamacare law, saying it wrongly limits consumer choices, raises Americans costs and violates the Constitution.

In a closely-watched filing, the Justice Department told the justices that the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate violated the Constitution, and if that provision is struck down, the rest of the law must be terminated. . . .

In identifying harm to American consumers, the DOJ cited two of the law’s least popular impacts among critics: rising costs and fewer insurance choices. . . .

The filing, as expected, lays out President Trump’s arguments against the law as he heads into a fall election against Joe Biden. Democrats immediately expressed dismay at the course chosen by the administration, saying striking down the law would cost up to 20 million Americans their insurance in the middle of a pandemic.

Editor’s Note: Attached below is the link to the brief:


(Excerpt from Just the News. Written by John Solomon.)

What do you think will be the result of this in the Supreme Court and in the court of public opinion? Leave a comment.

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June 28, 2020

God, you alone are the righteous Judge over all the earth. I thank you for hearing our collective prayer, petitions and declarations. I thank you for our President and Vice- President. I thank you for these Godly men.They are honorable, they have wisdom, they meditate on your word, they hear your voice, they have dreams and visions. They hear and see the things of your Kingdom. No weapon formed against them or those you have assigned to them will proper. Thank you for uncovering the tactics of our enemy. I thank you your angels take charge over the areas you have commissioned them. Praise, Honor and Glory! In Jesus Name.. Amen

Ali croteau
June 28, 2020

I hope they outlaw Obamacare worst law EVER

June 28, 2020

Thank You Lord for sending us the President as a wrecking ball to the establishment in Washington that has long since remembered and honored the Constitution of this land. We pray for the wisdom and the faith of our Forefathers, we ask for grit and determination to be used by You to return Your Word to our schools and the public square. May we bless those that trust in You, may You bless those that Bless Jerusalem and as we love our neighbors may we remember that Vengeance is Mine sayeth the Lord. Have mercy on us our Great Lord in Heaven. Amen

Carren Robinson
June 27, 2020

I believe that every Supreme Court Justice will be influenced by the power of the Holy Spirit. As they look into our Constitution, their eyes would be opened, and they will express God’s Will in their decision.

Pastor Karen
June 27, 2020

Something established on a mountain of lies must fall.

Dear God reveal to us the real goal in this move, President Trump always prays and listens to a host of ideas so I pray Lord that the advice to request this was a result of prayer and professional advisors.
Amen and amen

Jacquelyn Miller
June 27, 2020

Father God, I remember in your word, when your Son Jesus was here on earth, he did things that were seemingly against the ‘law’. Jesus always had people in mind rather than to flow with the ‘status quo’. He healed on the Sabbath, ate with sinners, and forgave sins: just to mention a few. I believe Your heart is hurting today when You see the way we are treating those made in Your Image. Jesus said that what we have done to the least of these, we have done unto Him. Please forgive us and have mercy upon us. In Jesus’ Holy Name. Amen.

Gerald Deaton
June 27, 2020

Striking down this lawless act should have already been done. I pray God’s will be done.


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