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I Prayed have prayed
Father, show us where we have taken offense and are spreading poison.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

The sound of birds chirping outside my window woke me up.  Slowly stretching, I ran my hand down my arm. Something didn’t feel right.  With a quick glance, I discovered that during the night a red rash of poison ivy had spread from my wrist to my elbow.

The day before I had worked in my yard, clearing brush. When I finished, I took off my gloves and laid them on the cart.  Walking back to the garage, I glanced down and noticed some weeds.  Without thinking, I leaned over and plucked up the weeds and tossed them into the woods. 

Later that evening, as I washed my hands, I noticed a small patch of poison ivy on my wrist.  Just a few bumps.  This was something I dealt with throughout my childhood.  In those days, I was diligent to not scratch during the daytime hours. However, nighttime was a different story.  As a child, when I slept, I scratched, spreading the rash.

It had been a long time since I have woken up with the spread of poison ivy.  As these thoughts ran through my mind, the Lord spoke four words to me.

“Don’t spread the poison.”

I knew God was speaking something much deeper than poison ivy.

Fear has been rampant, brought on by the daily media exposure of the COVID19 along with the recent protests.

Like the poison ivy on my arm, chaos has spread almost overnight across our nation with rioting and looting. Emotions are at an all-time high because of the fear and quarantine. But before we emerged from that crisis, the death of George Floyd and the consequential protests began –  some which turned violent.  More innocent lives were lost. Businesses were destroyed.  Dreams were crushed.

We would have thought that would be the worst of it. It should have, but it wasn’t.

A spirit of division has been loosed upon the earth like nothing seen before. If we speak out against it, we are judged and criticized.  If we don’t speak out, the result is the same. There is no right answer that satisfies the angry.

In quiet contrast as the birds chirped outside my window, I contemplated the red itchy bumps running along my arm. I heard His gentle voice God remind me, “Don’t spread the poison.”

Offense is poison.

It can spread as quickly as a forest fire. It breeds anger and nothing good ever comes from reacting in anger. The pressure to engage, once in offense, has been tremendous and many have succumbed.

If not dealt with in repentance, offense will lead to hate.  And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another (Mt. 24:10). We are seeing this even now.  Yet, that is not the worst of offense.

1 John 3:15 says in the New Living Translation, “Anyone who hates another brother or sister is really a murderer at heart. And you know that murderers don’t have eternal life within them.”

We cannot simply brush offense aside.  It has dire consequences and ultimately can affect our eternal life.  It doesn’t get more serious than that. We must, as a Body, refuse to have any part in offense.

I once read that offense is like an automatic weapon.  Once we pull the trigger, it keeps firing.  I believe we are seeing just that in our world today.

Unless we begin to see offense for what it is and repent of it, it will continue causing chaos and hurt.

As I stated earlier, it was never during the daylight hours the poison ivy would spread, it was always in the darkness, as I slept.

It is the same way with the poison of offense. Poison is spreading in the darkness. Think about it.  The peaceful protests are always during the day. However, at night, the riots begin. Offense, hate and anger rises up in those present. Looting takes place. Bricks begin to fly toward innocent people.  Business and dreams are demolished.

On June 19, in the early afternoon, police were able to foil the attempt of protesters from destroying Confederate statues in North Carolina.  Yet, as darkness fell across the city, the rioters attached ropes and pulled down the statues, dragging them through the streets.  In the darkness, poison spreads.

Those who are mired in the depths of offense, scratch their itch…spreading the poison. Woe to the world because of offenses! For offenses must come, but woe to that man by whom the offense comes! (Mt. 18:7)

Jesus said these words, “I only say what I hear my Father say, I only do what I see my Father do.”  Wise words indeed.  May we daily follow His example and refuse to spread the poison.

Editor’s note: It is so much easier to see the poison of offense spread by someone else than in ourselves. Please take the time to ask God to search your own heart and bring any offense in you to light. Please pray for IFA and the IFA community, that we would be people who hear the convicting voice of the Holy Spirit and respond quickly to it. And that this would be a community of grace and truth. If you will commit to pray for IFA in this way, please leave a comment.


(Kim Potter is a writer, minister and the founder of A New Thing Ministries, which sends a daily teaching to thousands of people all around the world. Her articles have appeared on The Elijah List, Charisma, Spirit Fuel and iBelieve.com. Kim’s message is one of hope. She speaks to the heart of those who have grown discouraged or disappointed by the circumstances of life, imparting hope. For additional information, or to receive her daily writings, go to www.anewthingministries.com )


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Michael Guidera
June 28, 2020

One day we are battling the true enemy in the spirit world, the next day we see the chaos in the natural and we react to what we see or something said and realize we just spread the poison. We are being tested to walk in the Spirit. When we fall short, we have the mediator, Jesus Christ , to go to, repent , ask for wisdom and His love, get back on our feet and stand firm. Through every trial that leads to victory, God also is refining us, changing us through the heat of the battle, through the struggling. My flesh rebels, it is frustrating, but the word says, “ count it pure joy whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1:2

    July 10, 2020

    Thank you for your use of powerful scriptures over this topic!

June 27, 2020

Lord, please convict all of us who come to you in prayer…we must be on our faces before you in order for us to pray in your will about us, our family, community, country. Show us your way…we open our hearts to hear and do. Amen.

Karen Secrest
June 27, 2020

We are compelled this day to choose. The Lord says if you aren’t with him, you are against Him and will suffer. Dont be surprised at the coming judgment. The very earth has a stench that needs to be washed away.
I pray always that IFA and all aligned will experience the Goodness and Mercy of our Lord.

Virginia McManus
June 27, 2020

I thank God for your prayer guides, prayer points and your hearts. I pray for all of you each time I open an email and begin to pray over the needs. The Lord is faithful to bring you all to my heart for prayer at different times. I am thankful that you are willing to be out there in the midst of all the turmoil.

June 27, 2020

Offense leads to unforgiveness, if not dismissed;
Unforgiveness leads to bitterness, if not released;
Bitterness leads to anger, if not uprooted;
Anger turns to rage, if the sun is allowed to set;
Rage turns to hatred, if not conquered with control;
Hatred leads to murder, if not quenched with love.

We humbly come to You and ask that You to forgive us for taking up offenses, harboring unforgiveness, bitterness, anger, rage, hatred, and murder, if even just an iota in our hearts. (Mt 5:22) We confess our sins, our insensitivities, our muted listening, our misunderstandings, and our passive action and repent of the same. (James 1:19-20) Enable us to persevere, to develop Christ-like character, and with our eyes turned to You, hope. Pour Your love in our inner most hearts through Your Spirit. (Ro. 5:3-5) May we be people of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, against such there is no law. (Gal 5:22) May Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. (Mt.6:10). In the name of your son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we pray, Amen

Sandra Kersh
June 27, 2020

IFA emails have been a spark in my awakening. I have been on pause for years. The Prophetic words shared are confirmations of my beliefs. I will pray for IFA. Thank you

Patricia Asmussen
June 27, 2020

I heard it put this way. “When someone hurts your feelings you want consolation, when someone offends you, you look to hurt someone else or the person who offended you.” As Christians, knowing the eternal consequences for offense we should practice not being offended. We should look at everything through a lens of eternal perspective. Guard your hearts brothers and sisters for out of it flow the matters of life. Serious business in the Kingdom. Guard what you see, what you hear and what you say. We are light and salt. I minute at the throne of grace can cure thousands of years of hurt. The wrath of man does not work the righteousness of God. Cast all our cares on Him because he cares for us. It doesn’t get any better than that. Father in Heaven thank you for my brothers and sisters. Thank you for the time that they take to bring matters before the throne. Help us to realize not everything deserves a response. Thank you for the secret place of the Most High you are awesome. In Jesus’ name Amen

Tennessee girl
June 27, 2020

Lord, please protect us from temptations to get offended. Give us Your charity for people. Help us love Your word so nothing will offend us. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Jackie Prentiss
June 27, 2020

Lord,offense is poison. I’m saddened by the people who are called by Your name living in offense and are caught up in the behaviors of this present chaos. Lord You are well aware of all that is happening. Lord forgive us Lord heal us and Lord thank You giving Your insight & guidance to the IFA to pray as we ought to pray. In Jesus name I pray this. Amen

June 27, 2020

Lord, the enemy is crafty and uses offense to separate and destroy. We ask for forgiveness and Your Holy Spirit to keep us free from offense. Help us to fix our eyes on You and to see others as Jesus see them. Lord, please let Your Truth and the good news of the Gospel of Christ bring many to Yourself. Help The Church to do its part free from political correctness and fear! Lord, strengthen, edify, encourage and empower Your Church as we prepare for Your soon return! Maranatha, Come Lord Jesus, Come quickly! In Your Name! Amen

Betsy J
June 27, 2020

I will pray for the IFA community, that we would quickly hear & obey the Holy Spirit; not react to the enemy’s bait. Speaking the truth in love, taking no offense.

Vanna Almond
June 27, 2020

Father, we pray the Holy Spirit will lead all pastors to bring this message to their people! God fill hearts to repent of where we have walked the wrong paths!

Grant us supernatural power to see truth and turn to you Lord!

I the name of Jesus!

June 27, 2020

Heavenly Father we pray for IFA and the IFA community, that we would be people who hear the convicting voice of the Holy Spirit and respond quickly to it.

We decree and declare that IFA would be a community of grace and truth and not speculations and opinions.

We thank you God that IFA and IFA community seek you first and obey your word and submit to the Holy Spirit. In Jesus name. Amen

June 27, 2020

Even before the request to comment my heart was led to pray for IFA.
All glory to God!
Father, enlarge this tent You have created for IFA. Pour out Your wisdom and discernment upon them and please bless them with bearing fruit for Your Kingdom. You are our Unstoppable God. May Your army be constant and consistent in praying Your Word.

Pastor Judy
June 27, 2020

Dear Lord I will pray for the precious family of faith which included the IFA that any offence in us will dry up and die like the fig tree and that we would be directed by the love of Christ through the Holy Spirit in every prayer and every interaction with every creature we meet our engagements will be of the Good News and the Gospel of Jesus Christ our weapons are not carnal but spiritual of pulling down of strongholds stay on the frequency of God Stay on God’s frequency I pray our discernment will be clearer to see as God does in every situation that we may encounter…The kingdom of darkness will not prevail against the church of Jesus Christ …Amen

June 27, 2020

Dear Lord,
Like the old song says, “These are the times that try men’s souls”, popular in the times of the US War Between the States, currently, the people of our beloved country are now being tried and tested….including people of faith in our Father God Almighty, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!

But God! You always know the way we ought to go! Thank you, LORD! Help us to be strong and stand with You and Your Word! A fruitful tool given by God to the Body of Christ to undertake unified prayer is the organization, Intercessors for America (IFA). Thank you, Lord You led me here, only recently, for such a time as 5this! I pray for those of us who pray together in the IFA community that the Holy Spirit will convict each of us of our sins, known to us and unknown to us, and when He does, that we will quickly respond by confessing and repenting of these sins quickly and then pray that God will heal our land and forgive us and those for whom we intercede! I pray also that the IFA community will be a community of grace and truth, in Jesus’ Mighty Name! Amen and Hallelujah!

June 27, 2020

We do have a platform to stand on as Christians and that is the platform of obedience to our Father. What He says we must declare.

I too am frustrated over the unrest all around me and am being challenged to daily bring those situations to God in prayer.

All this Evil IS NOT winning. It is only showing itself as being like a man who is desperately trying to stay above the water for a bit longer because he knows he is drowning. God continues to be sovereign, and even though these physical lives of ours may well be laid to rest soon, God will get the glory as we stand on the platform of obedience

June 27, 2020

Yes, I agree to be open for our convicting Holy Spirit to alert us to offense and the freedom to live without it.


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IFA President
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