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A growing number of young people now favor socialism over capitalism. According to author Mary Eberstadt, that’s because these young people have been deliberately miseducated, and they should learn more about the history and truth.

“Partly because they have been deliberately miseducated about their country’s past,” Eberstadt said…

Eberstadt said that it’s now been generations that a certain kind of anti-Americanism has been dominant, especially on university and college campuses.

“What young people need to understand is that there are deep reasons why they’re being fed that narrative. They are being deprived of the grandeur of their country’s history and its lessons. And the reasons for this are that they are the backbone of a political movement that exploits them, called progressivism,” Eberstadt said…

In June, an Axios/Momentive poll showed that 51 percent of 18–24-year-olds view socialism positively, 54 percent of this age group view capitalism negatively.

Eberstadt said there’s a great need for young people to understand the history of communism and socialism and other truths that their teachers have deprived them of for political reasons…

“What students need to know that they are not told, what would make them far less interested in socialism, would be working knowledge of the tragedies that have transpired under plans to re-engineer human beings on a mass scale,” said Eberstadt. “We’re talking about the great famines. We’re talking about other collectivized activities that have ended up imprisoning and murdering people in the name of an abstract, higher Marxist good. And history is littered with these examples, as we know, and letting children and teenagers in on that fact is an important part of the teaching of history tomorrow.”

What do you think? Let us know in the comments!

(Excerpt from The Epoch Times. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Anand Veeraraj
January 8, 2022

Democracy is better than dictatorship

Curtis Guhl
January 7, 2022

Regimes don’t give up power voluntarily. The propaganda is” we can have the government we want with out reverence to God.” This denies that God is the law giver. We need to put God’s government back in our schools. God’s law concerning governments is to peacefully preach the gospel. Lord help us preach the truth peaceably in our schools without dissension.

Yvette Emard
January 7, 2022

Yes, this is the root cause of the condition young people are promoting. Yet the real tragedy is that not only are they completely ignorant to the understanding and application of capitalism but they do not even understand what progressivism is! They have no reality base of which to determine and apply their opinions, they are simply following a trend that one day they will regret and hate when they start experiencing the affects, and as most mature and older adults do, revert back to conservatism and capitalistic values. We need to pray for this young generation but those of us who know and understand need to educate them ourselves and not accept this as the next cultural norm. Let’s do something about it! May God be glorified.

Jeanne Wilson
January 7, 2022

In south texas, kids are no longer taught government at all in school. It used to b a required course! They started years ago in their changes. They are very patient. We were lulled to sleep!

Cameron B Wiggins
January 7, 2022

This began in the 60’s. Socialism is now at our doorstep and our nation may not recover – unless there’s a revival of biblical proportions. Pray hard!


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