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LORD, we praise You for being our shield and our fortress. We ask that you give us perseverance to pursue godly knowledge today and every day, particularly as we become willing workers in the harvest field of government and education.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Analysis. Did you know there is only one constitutionally-empowered law enforcement officer? Sheriffs do not work for mayors, county executives, and governors. Established by the constitutions of every state, elected by the people, sheriffs are the highest-ranking law enforcement officer in every town, hamlet, and county.

During his appearance at the 1984 National Sheriffs’ Association Convention, President Reagan said, “Thank you for standing up for this nation’s dream of personal freedom under the rule of law. Thank you for standing against those who would transform that dream into a nightmare of wrongdoing and lawlessness. And thank you for your service to your communities, to your country, and to the cause of law and justice.”

We just experienced years of  government-mandated lockdowns, forced school closings, shuttering of small businesses and other mandates against our 1st Amendment and 4th Amendment rights. If sheriffs fully understood and executed their authority, the Democrat-led tyranny we endured for two years might not have occurred.  As one county sheriff candidate stated, “The County Sheriff is the Chief Law Enforcement Officer. The County Sheriff is the one who stands between the Government and the people”.

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Unfortunately, our ignorance about the history, authority, role, and responsibility of the sheriff’s offices in America has the potential to cause great and unnecessary turmoil in our communities in the coming days.

A wise warrior is better than a strong one, and a man of knowledge than one of strength. (Prv 24:5)

As I considered this passage in relation to what we are experiencing and what God would have us prepare for in the coming days, the reality is that people who have knowledge of and refuse to surrender their rights are ones against whom tyranny will not prevail.  I believe this to be true in the natural and even more so in the spiritual.  In The Art of War, Sun Tzu said, “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”  How is one subdued without ever having resisted?  In part, by being ignorant of our authority, power, and our rights and obeying unlawful mandates and civil government edicts. We ensure their victories when we lack the knowledge to resist.

What I am about to say is a touchy, almost untouchable subject, but one that the Church must not hide from. I believe the mandates and gubernatorial edicts requiring masks and limiting our movement and commerce were not lawful.  They were the demands of man, unlawfully enacted. I believe the Church erroneously interpreted Romans 13:1-14 as justification to surrender both our God-given and our constitutionally-given rights.  God’s people and many Americans capitulated without resistance.

Many lives, businesses, and homes could have been saved if sheriffs who were willing to say no to government overreach were in office.  During this election cycle, we have the opportunity to prayerfully consider the importance of our vote for sheriff. Let’s consider with what party platforms the sheriff candidates align and how that will impact their actions on our behalf. Do they align with the party whose national platform has removed God and whose legislative agenda flies in the face of our Constitution?

Let’s take the opportunity God is giving us during this election cycle to gain the knowledge necessary to make wise choices before we cast our votes.  To do otherwise may result in our submission to the enemy of our soul, without our ever having truly resisted.

(Find out more about how sheriffs may be crucial in the fight for election integrity–watch Pray with America’s Leaders featuring Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote.)

Have you considered the importance of the office of  sheriff ? How are you led to pray? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

Mavourene Robinson is a homeschool mom, author, and intercessor. A former Senior Professional Human Resources, Mavourene began full-time ministry in 2014. A life-long learner about the intersections of faith with international relations and public policy, Mavourene is actively engaged in the areas of government, education, religion and domestic policy. *Mavourene Robinson is not endorsing a specific Sheriff candidate. Use of the candidate’s website is for the sole intended purpose of sharing information about the role of the Sheriff. Photo Credit: Illumination Marketing on Unsplash.

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Zoe Ella
June 30, 2022

The Federal government may mandate things, but it is the local sheriffs who decide whether or how to enforce those mandates. Choose your sheriffs well.

    July 3, 2022

    Choose all our officials well.
    We believers have been pointing fingers and praying hypocritical prayers way too often. There are a lot of self identified Christians in the Democratic party as well as the Republican party.
    We the people choose our elected officials, so we need to elect wisely.

Nancy B Bryda
June 30, 2022

In the revolutionary war, as the American people’s representatives under the thirteen English colonial charters, the signers were lower civil magistrates interposing themselves between the people and the king. This was under the authority of the laws of nature and of nature’s God to restore the rule of law in order to secure the people’s God given rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Romans 13:4 supports this which states that a ruler is a minister of God and therefore duty bound to God to wield the sword against evildoers, even evildoers who held a higher civil office than they. I do believe we are in a similar situation today having an evil ruler. I declare that this principle is and will be put into effect with Sheriffs and also others in government positions. Pastors at this time in history supported this principle and directed their congregations to take part in the Revolutionary War as freedom fighters. I decree this same biblical response on today’s pastors to save our constitutional republic in this good against evil battle for the soul of America. The church in the revolutionary war were the freedom fighters directed by pastors to birth a constitutional republic birthed on biblical principles. Eric Metaxis wrote a book – If you can Keep it. The forgotten promise of American Liberty. I decree we are and will keep it as we actively participate in God’s plan to save America with both revival and reformation of government. We are birthing twins in this season.

    Cynthia Weatherwax
    July 3, 2022

    Dear Nancy B, I believe you are right! Interesting concept of birthing twins of Revival and reformation. Like you said, our country was founded on biblical principles. I see the church (Body of Christ) being cleansed from wickedness as the squeeze and pressure of no compromise of the word of God is spoken and applied to our lives. True believers that is. As we obey the Lord and back our pastors, leaders and elected officials that serve the Lord and stand for freedom and life. Thank you for your words of wisdom.

      Nancy B Bryda
      July 6, 2022

      I agree with you and there is a mighty army rising up to defeat the enemy at the gate. Unity and one accord in Jesus to fight the toothless lion. We are territorial takers in this season of war.

Penni Bulten
June 30, 2022

This also applies to immorality directed at children! The Constitution was not intended (nor was the Bill of Rights, ) to protect those who would endanger children through the normalizing of sexual content directed at children. Most states have laws against this, as they should.

Cynthia Weatherwax
June 30, 2022

I knew that the Sherriff’s role was very important. I did not put it together about how Sherriffs stand between the government and the people. I pray that we would re-educate ourselves in these matters. Lord give us wisdom and courage to stand and not be moved in Jesus name.

June 30, 2022

Thank you for sharing this! i never knew what the difference was. i’m so glad for IFA, and all those who contribute. i’m learning so much, and maturing as a “watchman”/intercessor!!! Lord Bless you!!!

June 30, 2022

Wow May God bless you and your family

Steve Olson
June 30, 2022

Our Sheriff in Larimer county is term limited and we just held an election for a new sheriff. Our out going sheriff is a Godly man who understand his authority under the constitution. When our progressive board of health issued mandates that violated our rights as citizens, our sheriff stated that he would not enforce the unconstitutional mandates.
We have a progressive board of commissioners. Their response has been to constrain funding of the sheriffs office and jail. Citizen are rallying around our sheriff for taking a stand to support our constitutional rights.
Praise God.

June 30, 2022

Yes, I worked for our County Sheriffs office years ago and I am currently seeing the result of the capturing of this office by a permissive, left leaning, spineless Sheriff. May God draw him to Himself. If he will not yield, may God replace him with a man or woman of morals, honesty, integrity, justice, faith and allegiance to God Almighty and not a political party.

    June 30, 2022

    for us in maricopa county as well. a progressive who fooled the masses w a well-funded “moderate” style campaign n got elected. i’m praying that we will get a courageous, constitution-representing, Godly man/woman back in!

Nancy Berkey
June 30, 2022

I pray for God’s protection over every law enforcement entity and each law officer. I pray they do rightl by the constitution and not be afraid to enforce the law.

June 30, 2022

Thank you for this article. I am always in prayer for my city’s police force. I call my Chief by name! I’m in prayer for my neighbors and my neighborhood. I pray for a stretch of road near my home. It’s important to do, it gives me strength and I know God is working.

June 30, 2022

The Democrats don’t care about fixing the babies, they only care about the money from baby parts. Thest women who keep getting pregnant while on drugs or alcohol need help.
Law Enforcement are being targeted because the DAs are not ding their job, Harris paying bale with BLM donation money doesn’t help.
Close the borders before more caravan people murdered by drug cartel.

June 30, 2022

Awesome article! Thank you!

Joyce Neeley
June 30, 2022

Ro. 12:1-2
” Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, Holy and pleasing to God— this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is — His good, pleasing and perfect will. ”
Praying Holy Spirit of JESUS for the WORD of KNOWLEDGE to be manifested and Holy Spirit revival be poured out to all believers throughout the world. 🙏 Praying in JESUS NAME. AMEN

Lorraine Abbott
June 30, 2022

Lord give us your wisdom and discernment as we vote for those whom YOU want in our leadership positions at every level this coming mid-term election in November. May your sovereign will be victorious. AMEN!

June 30, 2022

Real power is when we can reach everybody in the world with daily prayer! Amen….

June 30, 2022

I had forgotten about the authority of the Sheriff as stated in the Constitution! Thank you for reminding me! Saints, please get a copy of the Constitution and read it! After the Bible, it is the most important document we could read! You can get pocket sized Constitutions from Alliance Defending Freedom, Prager University, and I believe your congress reps! FATHER please educate us to our authority with YOU and our authority with America in JESUS NAME! Amen!


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