I Prayed have prayed
Lord, thank you for freedom! We are so grateful for this country, and we pray and give you honor that you will continue to be the center of this country.
Reading Time: 5 minutes

IFA is partnering with Christians Engaged to host a special prayer event in DC on the morning of the March for Life. We hope this article by President and Founder of Christians Engaged, Bunni Pounds, inspires you to join us, either in person or virtually. Read and let us know what you think in the comments. Details about the event can be found here.

I have never gone to the national March for Life.

I am stunned just saying it ā€” but it is true.

Though I have been a pro-life advocate for over two decades, worked for pro-life Members of Congress, and even run for Congress, I have never gone to the national March for Life.

Regional events like our annual Dallas march (where the infamous Roe v. Wade case took place), events at our state capitol, or the Life Chain each year in my local community are ways I have attempted to keep my voice consistent on this issue ā€” but this year is different.

The Last National March for Life?

I have to go to Washington, D.C., for the March for Life on January 21st and I have to take others with me.

Here is why: Could this be the last national March for Life?

This question keeps pulsating through my mind.

Could next year be the first year that we are organizing larger rallies in our individual states and seeing Texas, New York, California, and Mississippi all make different decisions as it pertains to protecting the lives of the unborn?

I pray so.

Could the Supreme Court overturn Roe this summer in response to the Mississippi case ā€” Dobbs v. Jackson Womenā€™s Health?

Please ā€” God! I pray.

Will SCOTUS Overturn Roe?

Congressional leaders are calling the Mississippi case the ā€œmost consequential abortion case in decades,ā€Ā and if SCOTUS overturns Roe ā€” the decision making on this issue will go back to the states where most pro-life and conservative leaders believe it belongs.

As the 6-3 conservative leaning Supreme Court heard oral arguments on December 1st ā€” there was a sense that not only would the Court uphold the Mississippi ban on abortion after 15 weeks, but they might reverse Roe v. Wade. A decision that conservative Justices like Clarence Thomas have wanted to do for years. He even said in 2020 that RoeĀ ā€œhas not a shred of support from the Constitution.ā€Ā That statement alone is extremely telling.

Justice Brett Kavanaugh, one of the newest SCOTUS members who was nominated under President Trump, even pushed back during these oral arguments against the thought that the court overturning precedent indicated a dysfunctional court.

Referring to cases like Brown v. Board of Education and Miranda v. Arizona, he said, ā€œIf you think about some of the most important cases in this courtā€™s historyā€¦thereā€™s a string of them where the cases overruled precedent.ā€

If we really think as Christians that the overturning of Roe is a possibility ā€” then this year is critical for the American people to see the Pro-life movement show up and be united like never before in Washington D.C.

A Place of Connection and Unity

President Trump made history in January 2020 becoming the first sitting President to attend the March for Life gathering after sending his Vice President Mike Pence the year before ā€” also setting a precedent.

The March has been happening every year since 1974 ā€” making it a place of connection and unity for Pro-life advocates and organizations ā€” whether they are Catholic, Protestant, or other religious affiliations that affirm life. This year ā€” organizations like Concerned Women for America, Save the Storks and Focus on the Family are joining together at the Marchā€™s Expo with Priests for Life, Catholics for Freedom of Religion, Proud Catholic Company and more. This is a unified effort across religious lines.

With the knives coming out by the national media concerning the resistance of the American people to this potential reversal ā€” people of faith across denominational lines need to make the trip and stand in solidarity for the pre-born. (Actually only 58% according to the Gallop poll in June 2021 say they are opposed to the ruling being overturned)

Statements like former Vice President Mike Pence made over a month ago need to be spoken with boldness and clarity and we as people of faith need to be there to hear them and support them. This is what the March for Life facilitates. Listen to this statement by the former Vice President on December 1st that hopefully will be spoken again in a setting such as this: ā€œIn the 48 years since the courtā€™s ruling, unborn children have been relegated into a caste of second-class citizens, devoid of the most basic human rights, Precious babies have lived outside the protection of the law, and at the mercy of a culture that devalues them and an abortion industry that profits from their suffering.ā€

The Church Must Stand Up for the Preborn

Like no time in history ā€” the church of Jesus Christ needs to stand up for the preborn. We need to choose inconvenience (by hopping on planes dealing with over the top vaccine mandates in Washington D.C.) and a hit to our family budgets ā€” to stand up for LIFE at this watershed moment in our nationā€™s history.

When I am 80 years old on the porch of my East Texas home (Yes, I am going to have it one day!), and my grandkids ask me where I was when Roe v. Wade was overturned ā€” I want to tell them that I was in Washington D.C. standing up for LIFE on that exact year.

I want to tell them that when I read these Scriptures (Jeremiah 1:5 and Psalm 139:13) ā€” I wept over the holocaust of my generation and saw a national breakthrough.

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I want to make sure I am mobilizing churches, ministry leaders and Christians everywhere to spend the marketing dollars we need to compete against Planned Parenthoodā€™s online murderous marketing to women. I want to compel people to reach women who are on the verge of making those life and death decisions through ministries like Human Coalition and thereby rescuing their babies.

Right to Life for the Preborn

Since our brave state legislators in states like Texas took a stand to limit abortion ā€” I want to do my part to recruit more volunteers and donors for our local crisis pregnancy centers as they are overrun now with women needing help ā€” afraid they might be pregnant.

I want to make sure everyone knows that God loves and cares about these precious babies in the wombs across this nation and that He has a purpose and destiny for their lives. We must give them the Right to LIFE.

This is an incredible moment in our generation. Will we show up?

For me, in 2022 at the March for Life in D.C., the answer is YES.

Will you join me?

Let us know your thoughts and prayers on this article in the comments below!

(Permission given from The Stream. Bunni Pounds is president of Christians Engaged. She is a former congressional candidate, 15-year political consultant and motivational speaker. Photo credit : Getty Images)

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marsha Hansen
January 13, 2022

As the blood of Abel cried out from the ground,so let the blood of these slaughtered babies cry out, and be heard, not only by God, Who has already heard, but by those who killed them, and those who support abortion, which is murder.

Jessica Renshaw
January 13, 2022

YES! Roe must be overturned. But as I point out in my two recent IFA articles, the personhood of the unborn requires more. Roe must not only be overturned BUT NULLIFIED AS A PRECEDENT FOR ALL ABORTION-RELATED DECISIONS.

By merely overturning Roe we will revert back to what we had before abortion was legalized in every state through all nine months of pregnancy–that is, CHAOS. Instead of one war we will be fighting battles in all 50 states, playing one opinion and decision against another, with constant contention over an arbitrary “point of the beginning of life” or invisible “line of viability”–heartbeat, brainwaves, sensation of pain. In some states babies’ lives will be safe after six weeks, in another state only after six months–or not at all.

But as my IFA article, DOBBS: THE ELEPHANT IN THE COURTROOM demonstrates, what is in the womb is a PERSON as defined by the Constitution, from the visible burst of light at the moment of conception through all stages of pregnancy.

Because of that personhood, the life of the unborn requires constitutional protection from conception on. as my sequel, “EVEN IF ROE IS OVERTURNED, IT’S NOT ENOUGH” points out. No court at ANY level, whether the U.S. Supreme court or individual state courts, no individual or group of individuals, has the right to make decisions regarding abortion, whether to allow them or restrict them That decision has been made–by God–and cannot be determined by human judges, lawyers, doctors, parents or political activists.

THE ELEPHANT IN THE COURTROOM https://ifapray.org/blog/dobbs-the-elephant-in-the-courtroom/
EVEN IF ROE IS OVERTURNED, IT’S NOT ENOUGH https://ifapray.org/blog/even-if-roe-is-overturned-its-not-enough/

Karen Michelsen
January 13, 2022

I know these are difficult times, but I find it hypocritical that March For Life is going along with vaccine and other coronavirus mandates being enforced in DC. Surely people are aware that aborted baby tissue is used in the so-called vaccines. This isn’t about the money already spent. It’s about doing the right thing. In God’s economy, He rewards that. This event could be moved to a friendly venue and still be a national event. God will make a way. I appreciate everyone’s hard work, etc. I am praying for a safe event, wherever it is held.

    Brenda Dormann
    January 13, 2022

    Karen. I agree with. You

    Vaccines and March fir life are an oxymoron.

Christine Rhyner
January 13, 2022

Lord God, we pray that You would enlighten and convict the Supreme Court of the lack of Constitutionality of Roe v. Wade, no matter how much some of our gov’t officials say it is a Constitutional Right. Give these justices the courage to make the right decision and reverse this curse on our nation of upwards of 70million slaughtered children. Raise up great numbers of people to participate in this year’s March for Life. Place Your hedge of protection around this event, give to the pro-life movement bold, truthful words to share with any counter protestors that will silence them. We ask for a great change of heart in the people of this nation to embrace the sanctity of life and to be well informed of the horrors of full-term infanticide, of the handing over of their pre-born babies to serial killers who mercilessly and callously destroy children made in Your image. Convict this nation of the abomination of shedding innocent blood, and enlighten them on how these babies are now commodities for grotesque experimentation for profit. Return power to the states to make decisions, rightfully so, based on the wishes of the people who put their elected officials in authority to represent them. Silence the mouths of those who enrich themselves from Planned Parenthood. Continue to close these clinics. Thwart and frustrate the efforts of those manufacturing abortion pills for women to kill their children at home, marketed as convenience! May this event be the largest, boldest, and yet most compassionate in our nation’s history and forgive Your church for not rising up by the tens of millions over the 50 years of destruction of life in the womb. Amen.

Joan Dinse
January 13, 2022

I pay with all my heart that Roe will be overturned. Am praying especially for Justice Kavanaugh because of the insults and false accusations he and his family have endured. Justice Thomas is so right!

Donna Matts
January 13, 2022

May we His people have broken and contrite hearts over the murder of our babies here in America. May we see massive REPENTENCE sweep through our churches for OUR sexual sins. pornography fornication adultery. divorce and adulterous marriages. May our lives line up with His WORD!!!

January 13, 2022

If I was younger and healthier, I would go but I will be there in prayer. I’m suffering from a pinched sciatic nerve and my spine has arthritis all up and down it, so I can’t travel. God bless all who do go and please Lord and God, keep them all safe. Amen

    Jessica Renshaw
    January 13, 2022

    Shelly, claiming healing for your sciatic nerve and spine, in Jesus’ name..

January 13, 2022

Lord I pray that churches within driving distance of DC will make a point to rent buses or caravan with church members and show up. All those that are able bodied and can take the day off or donā€™t hav e to work that day and can show up will consider going. Amen.

Maureen Kerr
January 13, 2022

Thou shalt not kill says the Lord.

Gail Segars Rainey
January 13, 2022

Yes, I want to be there in person, but I need a ride from Eatonton, GA. Anyone going to Washington, DC from the Middle GA area? I have not been to DC since 2010. Surely someone is attending from my area. I don’t own a car, but I can help pay for the gas!!!!


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