We just learned of a foiled kidnapping attempt against Michigan’s governor, Gretchen Whitmer. The news media have been reporting on it non-stop. According to an article from CNN thirteen people were charged Thursday in an alleged domestic terrorism plot to kidnap the Michigan Democratic governor.
Federal and state authorities reported that the alleged scheme included plans to overthrow several state governments that the suspects “believe are violating the US Constitution,” including the government of Michigan and Whitmer.
Although the media has positioned the suspects as “Far-Right wing,” that is inaccurate. They are pure and simply anarchists—not unlike those burning down our cities. They are people intent on taking down a leader or nation in which they disagree.
As we consider this attempted attack against Governor Whitmer, let’s rewind over the last three and a half years as numerous well-known individuals have made public threats to kill or harm the president and overthrow the Trump administration simply because they didn’t agree with him and became enraged:
Kathy Griffin was pictured holding what appeared to be the decapitated, bloody head of President Trump.
Madonna publicly proclaimed, “I have thought often of blowing up the White House.”
Barbra Streisand shared an image via Twitter of a large high-heeled shoe with the name Pelosi on the side, piercing through the body of a caricature of President Trump. Beneath him, you could see red blood spilling out.
Actor Johnny Depp publicly made a threat against Trump, stating, “When was the last time an actor assassinated a president? I want to clarify, I’m not an actor. I lie for a living. However, it’s been a while, and maybe it’s time.”
Last week, professors celebrated Trump’s coronavirus diagnosis and numerous left-wing individuals openly tweeted they hoped he would die.
How did our nation get to this state? It is because of a spiritual pandemic that has infected not only our nation, but the world. As the global community runs in fear of Covid-19, the truly fearful virus is this spiritual pandemic which has incited rage and murderous intent that culminates in insanity in those infected. In fact, I have been so troubled for so many months about this that I have written a book. Find out more–https://gumroad.com/karenhardin.
And we see it everywhere.
Threatening the President of the United States is a class E felony under United States Code Title 18, Section 871. It consists of knowingly and willfully mailing or otherwise making “any threat to take the life of, to kidnap, or to inflict bodily harm upon the President of the United States.”
The offense is punishable by up to 5 years in prison, a $250,000 maximum fine, a $100 special assessment, and 3 years of supervised release. Immigrants who commit this crime can be deported. See 8 U.S.C. § 1227(a)(2)(D)(ii).
Think about that. Just five years in prison for threatening the president. If you threaten a congressman you could be imprisoned for up to ten years. How does that make sense?
But the penalty for those who were planning on kidnapping Whitmer? One news source reported that if convicted, they face the possibility of life in prison.
Why is Governor Whitmer’s attack front page news, while we ignore, or treat as acceptable, threats and attacks against the president, as well as repeated attempts by Pelosi and the House to remove him from office and overthrow the government (their latest attempt to apply the 25th amendment)?
Lord, we pray a hedge of protection around President Trump, his family, his staff, the secret service, and others from any and all threats, attacks, and assassination attempts. We also pray for Governor Whitmer, for her protection, and for all of our governmental leaders–that these violent attacks will be exposed and foiled.
Lord, we pray for our nation and this world. Lord, heal us from this spiritual virus that has infected the globe and released chaos.
Lord, we pray for truth and justice to replace corruption. You said what is bound in heaven is bound on earth and what is loosed in heaven is loosed on earth. Therefore, where justice has been withheld, we pray it would be loosed and perpetrators held accountable. We bind deception and the murderous spirit that has been unleashed and we declare you have no authority here. Go back to the pit from which you came! We decree that peace will replace the violence in our cities and lawful actions and order will replace lawlessness.
Thank you, Lord, for healing our land and protecting our leaders.
So what do you think? Why are threats against President Trump ignored? Leave a comment . . .
Karen Hardin is a literary agent, author, and intercessor. Her work has appeared in USA Today, World Net Daily, Intercessors For America, Charisma, CBN.com, The Elijah List, etc. To order her new book: “INFECTED: How to Stop the Global Spread of Rage, Deception and Insanity” go to: (gumroad.com/karenhardin)
To join the city-by-city prayer movement to save our nation go to: www.city-by-city.org.
For additional information on her ministry, business or to sign up for her prophetic blog go to: www.karenhardin.com or you can contact her at www.prioritypr.org.
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The US Justice Department has been corrupted, and there is no longer a Rule of Law.
We the people have forgotten what the Founders did for us. They sought God in prayer to find His wisdom to guide their writing the rules which would guide this new nation. Most of us , myself included, have not learned the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. It is not taught in public schools. Our blindness to this necessity to Freedom has put us in very high risk of losing it.
It is time to Wake-Up America. Know the written words that protect you (in Scripture and in our founding documents) and then Stand On Them against All their enemies!
Why? Because the devil is on the loose!
People have been blinded and deceived.
Christians need to wake up and fast and pray!
Churches need to repent of neglecting prayer and return to holding prayer meetings.
Isaiah 55:6-7 KJV
Seek ye the LORD while he may be found,
call ye upon him while he is near:
Let the wicked forsake his way,
and the unrighteous man his thoughts:
Seek ye the Lord while he may be found,
call ye upon him while he is near:
and let him return unto the Lord,
and he will have mercy upon him;
and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon
Lord please protect President Donald J. Trump today as he is scheduled to be in an airport hangar rally in Muskegon, MI. God bless him and his family. Thank you for keeping him safe in Your loving care. Let it be clear through the media who these anarchist’s really are such as the enemy of righteousness, and their motives against Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and the capital and the USA government takeover. Let these celebrities and civic leaders choose their words wisely and not threaten and deceive authorities and citizens. I think today is supposed to be a special day for the president. Father God bless him today and keep him safe. Let good conquer evil in Michigan and the US Republic in Jesus mighty name.
there are so many mean, vindictive people in the United States today. We need God to be able to return to our homes and workplaces. I pray, dear God, that you will convict us of our sins of being complacent and too tolerable to those who want to take you out of our lives. Please return O God to our hearts and help us as Believers to show your way is the Only Way to Heaven and take us there. I love you Lord with all my heart and soul and mind. Thanks for saving me and helping me each day.
Lord, be with our President, Vice President and their cabinets, keep them protected from any harm and Lord be with our Nation and let Your protection cover it. Change the hearts of the rioters in this country and let them know of the peace through believing in You. God bless America! Amen
Lord we humbly ask you for a miraculous shift in our nation back to honoring your commands, laws and precepts. We ask for revival in the hearts and minds of both the saved & unsaved. We ask and command in the name of Jesus for the spirit of lawlessness to leave our land…. and we invite and yearn for the Godly spirit and mindset that honors law and justice to come in like a flood to our nation. We have lost our way Lord. Our justice system, courts and officials have become overwhelmed and have gotten soft in applying the laws that protect our nation and the people while at the same time honoring You. We ask that the people of the land would become bold, courageous and hungry to see justice come forth as You see fit. We pray along with truth and justice renewed that your people would faithfully and lovingly help others understand your mercy…and that you can offer new life even in the midst of justice and accountability. We ask this in your holy name – amen.
SIN is the main reason for both sides of the threats. One side for making the threats and the other for ignoring them.
The people who stand against Pres. Trump stands against the very freedom in which this country stands on. He could be our last attempt to free speech, the right to bear arms, our freedom for religion. Our prayers are needed for this country more than ever now. Those who oppose our rights will not stop, neither should we. I’m not sure if the right has the fight in them. So we must become the watchers on the wall, those who stand in the gap, the breach in the wall. Through must tribulation we will enter in, our Nation needs intercessors now.
Amen to that! I am praying and fighting, but I am shocked at the people who are totally blind to the truth, some saying that they have been Christians for years, even church leaders. I am thankful that God is giving me the energy and passion to continue the fight that I am convinced He wants for us and our nation. Holy Spirit help us as in Rom. 8:26-27.
Father God, your Word says that everyone who hates his brother is a murderer. You showed me rats in the White House in 2018, and I am reminded again tonight to pray for traitors to be exposed. I believe there are plots being planned even now to take President Trump’s life if he wins again. Your Word speaks of deceitful workmen. Maybe I’ve watched too much TV, but I think it is very possible that those who hate our President so bitterly are devising a scheme to take his life. If this is so, Lord, then I pray that you would remind them that it is only FOUR YEARS and that it is not worth risking life in prison. Speak to them, Lord. May your kindness lead them to repentance. Rescue them from the darkness that they have allowed into their lives. Those who are dark but are masquerading as light would be stopped in their tracks. The tools of their plot will not work. You would render them useless, Lord. May the rats be poisoned before they can “poison” the President. In Jesus Name. Amen.
They hate him so much. They are happy when they hear people attack him. But it isn’t just that. The rule of law is no where in sight concerning these things. Hillary gets away with m…r.
Only Gods mercy is keeping this nation together and keeping President in power. Please Lord Jesus let him drain the swamp, and keep him and his loyal ones safe. Bless his family.Keep all your servants safe.
If we only knew who owns and runs the news and media here, THAT is who is to blame!!!
I believe that justice is not fair, but perverted depending on who you are and the sad thing is this is the example we live out before our young people. When rich and famous people can say anything and not be prosecuted says there is not justice for the common man, only for the wealthy. I guess Micah 6:8 does not apply. May those who live this way have a heart that is changed by His Spirit for His Glory.
God, encourage us to pray and pour out the Holy Spirit of Grace and Supplication (Zech 12:10). Help us fast, as “fasting and giving lends wings to prayer” (Early Church). Turn our talk to action, repentance, revival and REFORMATION to the covenant of our fathers in Plymouth. Thank you in Jesus’ Name
Our battle is not against flesh and blood meaning not against human being. But our battle is against the spiritual being. In the past I saw that President Donald Trump had wall of protection. But, these days I Often see dark clouds over his head. I see the enemy is unified to attack the president but the body of Christ is divided.
Couple of years ago God gave my friend a dream that millions of evil spirits were holding arrows pointing down to the earth ready to battle but God’s people were not ready at all. Back in march and April when COVID-19 was rampant I saw those enemies were released upon the earth. So, We need to cover him 24/7. For those of us who know how to pray in tongues, we need to continuously praying in tongues for him. Because we do not know what kind of spiritual attack that he is under.
These verbal threats mentioned in this article are only a few of the many I have heard on the radio & TV media, social media, and in news print. It has become acceptable due to the liberal influences in our present culture. The law abiding people would not say any of these things nor threaten their opponents in any way, yet those who resist the lawful order of our government say these things continually without any seeming consequence. Upon this election we will for sure know whether the majority of the folk in our nation are fed up with this and are speaking out in a lawful way (the intended way of our forefathers) or not. This law abiding citizen hopes that that will be the case. I can only speak from the past. When Gray Davis was recalled in California those voices were brought down to a whisper for a while, but they seem to be back to the yelling of the past. Hopefully this lawful reaction will be seen again but this time in national way. That is my prayer that righteousness will be once again be seen in all its glory.
Excellent articleand truthful observations.
Threats against our President, that the majority of “we the people” of the USA elected, are ignored because some of the non majority no longer respect the voting rights of other people and the outcome if it is different from what they desire. It is not about what the voting process revealed, what the majority wants. It is about money, control, greed, discord, disobedience,unforgiveness, lack of wisdom and some of the richest trying to buy the next election! Got some good news, God owns it all! We are to be good stewards
of what He has provided to us, honoring Him as we give back to Him.
God will see the heart of this nation in this new crucial election. Lord have mercy on us.
I leave you with the following Holy Word of God to reflect on,
Romans 9:22-23 ESV
What if God, desiring to show his wrath and to make known his power, has endured with much patience vessels of wrath prepared for destruction, in order to make known the riches of his glory for vessels of mercy, which he has prepared beforehand for glory—
Lord make me a vessel of Your mercy that I may honor You.
Amen, Amen
It’s not out of the realm of possibilities that this whole thing was staged and Whitmer may of have been part of the planning… far fetched? Well… just look was has transpired so far since Trump declared his candidacy back in 2015… never under estimate spirits world that wants to destroy America…
There are many of us in Michigan thinking the exact same thing about Gov. Whitmer.
Also, why hasn’t the FBI investigated Madonna and others after they made incriminating comments about the President? It’s beyond my level of comprehension that these events haven’t been dealt with during these past few years. God help us!
Actually I was thinking that it was an attempt to draw attention. What did Gov. Whitmer do? She tries to link this foiled kidnapping to the President Trump not denouncing white supremacy at the debate. Chris Wallace just set the President up with the comment to denounce white supremacy. The President is not a racist, but if you hear it enough, a weak, unsaved or a saved, unwashed mind would believe it. I had a conversation with someone, and they claimed that the Proud Boys were racists. I told her no they are not. She got irate with me. Although she made some derogatory comments. The prince of the power of the air has done a job on many people including unprepared Christians.
I’m impressed that you spoke up concerning the Proud Boys. One day I emailed my Congresswoman Rashida Talib concerning the abortion issue, and almost immediately my computer started to fail and several strange phone calls came in shortly thereafter. I thought our home was going to be fire-bombed. It has calmed down since. Praise God. You’re absolutely on target when you stated “the prince of the power of the air has done a job on many people…” We will remain vigilant at all times.
Wow! That’s crazy! The first time I actually found out about the agenda of Rashida Talib and the Squad was on the Hal Lindsey Report. This show used to come on TBN, but was no longer being carried. The next show to be cancelled was Discovering The Jewish Jesus. The excuse that TBN gave was that the Christian network was trying to appeal to a younger demographic…sure you are. I use to have TBN when I had cable, but I have been using an antenna for over a year now. I receive more Christian TV for free than ever before! I found out about VoteYourValues.org on Daystar network. I found out about The Return from TCT and CBN News. I began to see a compromise in having certain guests on TBN. I stopped watching before I switched to an antenna. I would rather send financial support to uncompromised Christian TV and various ministries/outreaches.
Yes, yes, and amen. Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft and our nation and much of the world is captured by evil because they rebel against and reject God. Praying with you in your prayer above in this article. You are spot on, and God is hearing our voices crying out to Him. Please, God, intervene on our behalf and please let the Holy Spirit flow over us, heal our minds, and bring righteousness to our thinking. In Jesus’ holy name, Amen. http://www.truefaithlife2018.com
Amen and Amen
Great article! I am in agreement with you. One OOPS… You misquoted the bible.
Matthew 16:19 says, “And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”
Matthew 18:18 “Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.
I wonder as well. Then I read The Bible and I find that there is nothing new under the sun. There have been these types of things going on since the beginning of time. Kings were killed, Presidents have been assassinated, just plain citizens have been killed. It is the depravity of mankind. President Trump is not the first and unless the Lord returns soon, he won’t be the last. This entire world needs Jesus. It is a heart problem and he is the only one who can change hearts. People react out of what is in their hearts, and eventually it will return. Every one of us will reap what we sow. That’s God’s Word.
We’ve just simply as a nation let them get away with what they should be prosecuted and thrown behind bars for! Hopefully someone will get the courage and guts to do just that and begin to show these people they can not attack, influence the nation and just keep on keeping on!
Father, I come in the all-powerful name of Jesus and by His shed blood, I decree and declare that no weapon formed against our president, his family, and those that are for him and not against him, will prosper. I bind and bind separately, the Jezebel spirit, the Athaliah spirit, and the Delilah spirit that have been working in America. I render these spirits powerless and ineffective in America! I repent for the sins of America that have opened the door to these spirits and ask Your forgiveness for the sins of this nation. Father, I ask that You open the eyes of those that have been deceived and let them see the truth. Let them seek Your face, turn from their wicked ways, and Lord I ask that You forgive us and heal our land.
Thank you Karen for your powerful prayer.
Threats against the President are ignored because they can’t be politicized and turned against him.
True threats against the President do not further the narrative the media is trying to establish. So, they don’t report it. They do take the events that can be manipulated, and report them in such a way to take Trump and his supporters down a notch and raise the standing of the democratic candidates and their policies up a notch. By the time the story is released, it has become propaganda, information used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. It is a wicked ploy from the enemy used to deceive.
Father, stop this abuse of power by our media institution and the Democratic Party. I pray you destroy this propaganda machine and raise up news organizations that have integrity and follow guidelines to assure the news printed is unbiased and serves the purpose of only disseminating truthful information to the public.
WHY has not 1 person in the law enforcement field, from local all the way up to FBI or the Attorney General of the US not arrested those that have threatened the life of the POTUS??? Are they ALL bought off?
Or has the POTUS asked them not to prosecute? Does Pres. Trump look at them as veiled threats just like those who said they would leave the country if he was elected?
Good question
Could be they are..keeping secret
IFA intercessors Karen’s City by City site is under attack! As shown by the security notice that is preventing me from access to it! Am I the only one to whom it is happening?
But are we surprised at this
I will try too
I have had trouble, I will try again.
It seems to be working now, hope you can get on it. God bless
Liz would you try again? It is still not working for me!
IFA please fix the comment section
If gets longer and can’t leave a reply
Thank you!
That is why I print out all prayers and have hard copies with which I can rely .
While I do agree it is all wrong, making a public statement or even a ridiculously vile “joke” is hardly the same as a actual attempted kidnapping or attempted murder. It only makes sense that these would get more attention.
I’m not sure holding a bloody decapitated head of the president or saying you often think of blowing up the White House is a joke.
Exactly. WHY? Why is this allowed? Why are these horrible life threatening threats allowed to go on? Is it because they think they’re to important or popular? *****NEWS FLASH*****They’re NOT! All those that publicly did or said something derogatory should be punished!!!!
Come on——who is responsible for rounding theses jokers up. Let’s do it!!!!!
It is only the prayers of God’s people that is holding back the tide of evil! We pray for our President, his family and ALL those surrounding him and may the spirit of deception be revealed and “Lord, give your people discernment!”
I believe every single one of these people should be arrested and prosecuted! I’ve often wondered why there is NO accountability for threatening our President and cannot imagine it would be ignored if these same threats had been Made about Obama!
Lord if it is a law that those who threaten the President should be brought forward. I pray that they would be put forward. So many say this and that and confusion fills the air. Lord we seek your truth above all the noise. That those who mean harm will be brought out so that all will see what is in their hearts. For non of us seek righteousness apart from you. Lord we need your guidence and your heart so that our prayers will be answered. Lord reveal the hidden matters of the heart. Show-prove those who are for you and those who are against you. Let their yes be yes and their no be no. Open our eyes to your truth so we may pray in agreement with your will. Lord set apart the one you have choosen and keep them safe.
Proverbs 6
Even though i walk thru the darkest valley, I will fear no danger for you are with me; for You are with me; your rod and ztaff they comfort me
May the Lord prepare a table before President Trump in the presence of his enemies. May he be as a General going out with the army, surrounded by so many angels and intercessors that he can relax and have dinner even on the battlefield. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Most gracious and merciful FATHER GOD, in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ , forgive us as individuals and as a nation for sinning against You. I praise Your holy Name! You alone are worthy of all praise and honor and glory ! Father, heal our nation as only You can . I pray You draw all the lost souls to the saving grace of Your Son our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST. Help us Your children to be salt and light in this dark world . In the mighty name of JESUS I pray . Amen
Once again, Karen, thank you for exposing the wicked, ungodly behavior of the deceived leftists in this nation and world. We pray a hedge of protection around President Trump and his family, his administration, and his campaign. We thank and praise You for President Trump. He is clearly Your chosen man to be our leader for such a time as this. Please continue to give him courage and the gift of discernment of spirits to know who his enemies are, and what their agenda is. Please give our law enforcement officials the backbone and integrity to deal with the folks threatening our President accordingly. In Jesus name.
Interesting perspective. If a President is elected, or re-elected, isn’t God’s will that it is so?… God’s sovereign and perfect will is enough for those who truly believe in Him, even when your opinion strongly opposes it (Read Romans 13 carefully and prayerfully)-Not my will, Lord but Yours be done! Jesus said that before He died for our sins on the Cross in order to bring the only peace to the world that truly matters…do you know Him?
Also, it is not very kind of you to think that someone deserves to be threatened on any level for any reason…
Jay, you are so wrong. Christians vote for Trump because of his platform. He is against the murder of babies which goes against the word of God, which the democrats r for. He is against same sex marriage which the democrats are for. You had better pray that Trump is relected. If he isnt you will see things in this country that has never been seen before. Because of Trump we still have freedom of religion. If the democrats win the election all churches will be closed forever, your bibles will be burned, you will be put in jail if you mention Jesus’s name. You will be persecuted. Do your research on the agenda of the democratic party. They will destroy u as well as everyone else in this country. Wake up. Pray that Trump will win. Pray against the evil forces of satan.which is the democratic party. They hate christians, god , Jesus & the holy spirit. If the democrats win your freedoms will be gone forever, as well as the rest of us.born again christians do not vote democratic if for no other reason then they murder babies.do you think its ok to murder the unborn because thats what they do.& it is murder.trump is against that. He is trying to defund abortion clinics. Jay you need to wake up.the democratic party scoffs @ Jesus & him cruified. If u vote democratic the blood of the aborted is on your hands & anyone else that votes democratic.
Prayers are ongoing for the president and family and administration. Any scheme to take down Mr Trump has been foiled. I believe that’s what the Left would like to hear about possible threats on Mr Trump’s life, but God has the hedge in place. Exposure is immediate. The Left and deep state will do anything to cause a scene to draw attention to themselves and using Governor Whitmer’s situation is all part of the Left’s agenda to distract Americans and blame the Right for such a plan. Not that we want to see harm come to any elected official but it’s suspicious of “kidnapping” a Democratic Governor – a total distraction- it’s what the enemy does.
We pray and intercede for God’s will be done and claim hedge of protection night and day. We must not be silent with prayers for America and the president – God knows the matters we face!! Thank Lord for your Holy Spirit!!
In response to this and all commentaries on the emotional, reactional response to sensationalist media, particularly with regard to the microcosm of American politics, I would propose considering the sage advice of one of my former pastors: “As your pastor, I am seeking to call us to be engaged citizens, but as Christians, we must never fully align with any earthly political parties or movements, since our higher allegiance is always to Jesus Christ. We are to be wise and discerning about our political choices. Each of us must consider our conscience before God, while always recognizing the ambiguity of our decisions because we serve a greater King and a greater Kingdom.” We are not citizens of this earth, but citizens of a greater Kingdom that includes all sons and daughters of the Most High God and look at the time to come through that lens and be at peace and be people of peace. Jesus was the fully manifestation of truth AND love and we should be repenting, humbling ourselves before Him, being undone in our human depravity, THEN He can work in us and through us to reflect Him in FULL love and FULL truth to a distorted, angry and chaotic world. Our party is the Household of God.
Thank you for this wise statement.
Hysterical reactions do not advance the Kingdom in any way.
You are most welcome, Catherine. I normally don’t response to these things, but felt led to in this case. I agree with you, Catherine. His household, His Church needs to learn from the Proverbs 31 woman, “She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.” (Proverbs 31:25-27). If the Household of God, His Bride, is fully clothed in His precious blood, He will give us the wisdom and kindness we need to bring His Kingdom as we stick to HIS standards, not the “narrative of the day.”
psalm 139
How precious to me are your thoughts,[a] God!
How vast is the sum of them!
18 Were I to count them,
they would outnumber the grains of sand—
when I awake, I am still with you.
19 If only you, God, would slay the wicked!
Away from me, you who are bloodthirsty!
20 They speak of you with evil intent;
your adversaries misuse your name.
21 Do I not hate those who hate you, Lord,
and abhor those who are in rebellion against you?
22 I have nothing but hatred for them;
I count them my enemies.
23 Search me, God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
24 See if there is any offensive way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting.
Father we thank you for President Trump and we pray every day, with indightments coming we cover all who seek truth Psalm 91 protection.
Thanks for the continuous rally cry to the troops, “Pray! Pray again! Pray without ceasing!” Let us agree that every decree will manifest God’s perfect will in our nation, government, and homes.
We also pray that true justice will manifest in our times, when the King of Kings Himself walks through Congress, through the Supreme Court, and through every room and square inch of the Executuve Branch. We welcome you, King Jesus, into every conversation, every communication, and every thought! Have Your way, we pray!
May God’s will override all lies and deception may his man be raised up and brought forth into victory. Lord forgive us for our wayward thinking that does not include you and your reign.
The prosecutors and judges that make up the deep state, feel free to impose their will and retribution on any who oppose them. These evildoers are the despots sprouting all over the United States.
Lord, the Enemy has sown his seed and is still sowing seed. We pray for a complete and utter crop failure in Jesus’ Name. We pray for the restoration of Godly leadership in key positions of power, and we pray that the media cabal which advances this evil agenda by deception, would be completely broken up in Jesus’ Name.
In agreement In Jesus name!!!
Amen 🙏
Amen and Amen!
For many years cartoons, kids tv shows, and movies have modeled disrespect for parents. If children are not taught to respect parental authority they will grow up unable to submit to any authority, and ultimately will deny the authority of God. At this moment in time, more than ever before, we are seeing the agenda to control the minds and attitudes of our children on full display.
Heavenly Father, We’ve seen what Cathy is speaking about and we declare that You are the Almighty, All-Powerful, God of America. And we invite You to restore what the locust has stolen from the hearts and minds of those who’ve been indoctrinated with lies, and other twisted schemes of the enemy through any and all forms of TV as well as any and all forms of education. In the name of Jesus we bind the spirits of lies,deception, manipulation, lawlessness, chaos, and darkness. And ask that You deliver millions of people all across America from the blind captivity of darkness. We ask that their hearts be prepared and opened; that they humbly repent and receive You, Your Truth, clean hearts and renewed spirits. Let it be clear that You are the God of America; that You are ours and we are Yours! In the name of Jesus Christ and to God be the glory. Amen and Amen.
I agree with this prayer for our leaders in all areas of government. I reinforce the prayer with some Scripture. Psalm 91 perfect protection for all those in the public arena who are making such sacrifice of their time, talents, and safety: may The God of Israel defeat the giants from Gath and the Philistines now. Also for binding and loosing according the Matthew 18:18: Father, the rough places are prophesized to be make smooth and the crooked places straight: I decree and declare that today, NOW, all that is crooked and unpeaceful in our great land of the USA be discomfitted, ground to powder and destroyed and forever prevented from operating. Furthermore, Father, I pray an intensive revolution in the Courts of Law and the Law Schools in all areas of law enforcement in our nation. What? We have excellent laws: now let’s teach the men and women called to this high calling to properly and Biblically and Judicially ENFORCE THE LAW WITHOUT ANY AGENDA EITHER RACIAL, AGE OR GENDER TO THE GLORY OF GOD AND TO BRING ALL MEN TO REPENTENCE THAT WE MIGHT LIVE A PEACEABLE LAND. AMEN (Scripture reference for Biblical use of law I Timothy chapter 1 – all)
Spiritual anorexia is the root of such disrespect for authority. As scripture foretold, there is no natural love, no respect for authority in our culture. The roots are, of course, the lack of fear of the LORD. Our churches and we as the church individually are commanded to be light in darkness and truth bearers among a lying culture. We will face Jesus eyeball to eyeball one day and make an accounting for any apathy or complacency we choose to walk in regarding truth.
Lord God we come before your throne of Grace and Mercy, the more we hear about groups of terrorist who are coming against our government, bringing destruction, I cry come Lord Jesus, this is a scream of Satan to for his agenda to rule the world, Father God your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Let us trust in you alone, you are the Author and Finisher of our Faith. I pray in Jesus name amen.
John 7:19
Jesus said unto them : “Did not Moses give you the law, and yet none if you keep the the law? Why go ye about to kill Me ?
And….John 8:44 “Ye are of your father, the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own; for he is a liar, and the father of it.”
O Lord God, send another Great Awakening in America !
“Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the Word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified…and that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men; for not all men have faith.” 2 Thess 3:1
Please join me in praying out loud to our Heavenly Father Psalm 91 on behalf of President Trump, Vice President Pence , Amy Coney Barrett and their families.
Psalm 91:1-16 NIV
[1] Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. [2] I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” [3] Surely he will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence. [4] He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. [5] You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, [6] nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday. [7] A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. [8] You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked. [9] If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,” and you make the Most High your dwelling, [10] no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent. [11] For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; [12] they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. [13] You will tread on the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent. [14] “Because he loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. [15] He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. [16] With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation. ”
In the powerful name of Jesus we pray! Amen
The time has come for REVIVAL and WITNESS to all who need JESUS!! Tell people about GOD and His saving Grace. Give all you can to others who need.. Love one another. Think on Gods goodness and mercy.. Keep looking up for the Lord is always Looking Down! Lord I pray that whomever reads this is Blessed beyond Belief and set free from any pain or fin uncial need. In Jesus name I Pray!!
Thanks for posting this issue, it has long disturbed me as well.
What I have been doing is rising each morning and praying scripture out loud. Specifically for this knotty issue I pray Ps 58 (Passion translation)
Entitled: Judge of the Judges
God’s justice? You high and mighty politicians know nothing about it! Which one of you has walked in justice toward others?
Which one has treated everyone right and fair?
Not one! You only give “justice” in exchange for a bribe. For the right price you let others get away with murder.
Wicked wanderers even from the womb, that’s who you are!
Lying with your words, your teaching is poison.
Like cobras closing their ears to the most expert of the charmers, you strike out against all who come near.
O God, break their fangs; shatter the teeth of these ravenous lions!
Let them disappear like water falling on thirsty ground.
Let all their weapons be useless.
Let them be like snails dissolving into the slime.
Let them be cut off, never seeing the light of day!
God will sweep them away so fast that they’ll never know what hit them.
The godly will celebrate in the triumph of good over evil. (Yes, we will😊.)
And the lovers of God will trample the wickedness of the wicked under their feet!
Then everyone will say,
“There is a God who judges the judges” and “There is a great reward in loving God!”
Praying scripture out loud over these situations where evil is entrenched is about the most powerful and effective thing we can do-
Thanks Lord, You are faithful to perform Your word. I pray this in behalf of our dear President Trump and his family, staff,secret service and administration.
Thank you for sharing this Psalm. It is on point!
Excellent word. Thanks for sharing.
Father, President Trump is in office because You placed him there. There is no authority except through You. I pray that Your mighty power will cover the President, his family, cabinet, and supporters. Protect them from the attacks formed by satan and his cohorts, both spiritual and human. In the all-powerful
name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Heavenly Father, we come to you in the name of Jesus asking for your protection over President Trump, his family, all those in his Cabinet,the Secret Service, and all who are working to save America from the wicked plans of those who seek to destroy this country. Give them your guidance, wisdom, and discernment over all issues they face.
Father send your Angel Armies to surround and protect them from the evil plans of those seeking to destroy this country.
Satan, you do not have any rights to America. We claim the United States of America for Jesus! Lord, we ask that you bind this wickedness and evil,thwart their plans, dry up their funding, cause a spirit of confusion in their camp, and deny them success. Bring them to their knees in repentance that they would turn from their evil plans and come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior.
As it reads in Psalm 33:12 “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord”, may that be America!
Father save us from destruction, heal and restore our land. In the powerful name of Jesus, Amen!
Laos Deo – Praise be to God!
I believe they are ignored because Trump wants to expose the evil. If he cracks down too hard on people coming against him, he risks being seen as the dictator they try to portray him to be. Since the biggest purpose of Trump is to drain the swamp, and he doesn’t prosecute these people–more will be bold, and will be known. In the end, they will face justice.
Also, these people could say they are just talking-and talking can’t be viewed as being threatening.
Could be correct on that. He is very shrewd when it comes to defeating the swamp. God is directing him I believe.
President Trump is a threat to the Globalist agenda and therefore is a target. Behind this anti-American, anti-God “theology” is none other than Satan and his minions which sway the hearts of mankind to serve his purposes. Here’s the good news, all these arrayed forces against Donald J. Trump will not be successful in destroying him, and more importantly, our nation.
I strongly believe that this is evil 😈, trying to destroy good here, but thank God for the scriptures that says,: Light will always triumph over darkness and good over evil.
We released the angel of perfection to watch over the president Donald Trump and his family / staffs in Jesus name