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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, as we face the enemy forces that would lead our students into sexual sin, we declare that You preserve the inheritance for parents and the inheritance of our nation. This day we ask for your deliverance so that everyone will know that we win this battle by Your power. 
Reading Time: 4 minutes

On January 28, 2022, US News reported four occurrences of school staff abuses. The most blatant involved the staff at Baird Middle School in Ludlow, Massachusetts. Stacy Monette, the school principal, allowed her staff members to meet secretly with an 11-year-old girl interested in becoming a boy and her 12-year-old brother interested in becoming a girl. Bonnie Manchester, a Social Studies teacher, who knew the parents, notified them immediately. The parents then notified the school principal of their disapproval. The school principal defended the counseling sessions but fired Bonnie Manchester immediately for violating the privacy rights of the minor students by alerting the student’s parents.

Another incident at Buena Vista Middle School, located near Las Palmas, CA, involved two teachers who stalked students online to help identify students they felt would benefit from attending the LBGT club, You Be You. They recruited a 12-year-old student without telling the student’s parents. The punishment for the two teachers equated to a minor hand slap: The You Be You club could no longer meet, and the teachers could no longer monitor students’ online activity for non-academic purposes.

The Buena Vista teachers who used the internet to find vulnerable children to mentor into becoming transgender did not lose their jobs or suffer suspension even after parents brought the issue to the school board’s attention. The administrator in Ludlow, Massachusetts, Baird Middle School, did not terminate or suspend the teacher who sought to mentor the siblings into a life of transgenderism. Instead, the administrator terminated the teacher who had informed the student’s parents of the grooming process.

Angry parents, offended by the school’s actions, fill the seats at local school board meetings to protest teachers and administrators who circumvent their parental authority and encourage students in transgender lifestyles. These parents take the front-line defense in the fight for our children and our nation.

The parents know the truth: Punishment evades public school perpetrators because powerful institutions support them in immoral decisions. The US Department of Education and the National Education Association are the two chief supporters. They not only embrace helping children in their sexual identity, they also provide tools for the teachers, counselors, and administrators to assist their students in becoming whatever gender the child wishes.

As the largest labor union in the United States for educators, the NEA boasts over 4 million members. The NEA gives strong support, encouraging teachers to come out by sharing their transgender stories with their students. On their website, one can find suggested lesson plans to use in the classroom and information on how to give political support to LBGTQ issues. When a teacher faces opposition for teaching a child to become transgender, the NEA is there with legal support.

The Biden Administration’s Department of Education also provides major support of LBGTQ issues in public schools. Under the direction of Secretary Miguel Cardona, the US DOE secured COVID-19 money and distributed the money to the states under a program called the American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ASP ESSER). Over $122 billion in funds went to states’ Departments of Education. A significant portion of the funds is designated for mental health support. A US Department of Education guide, Supporting Child and Student Social, Emotional, Behavioral, and Mental Needs (page 5), gives the guidelines for schools supporting Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, or Questioning (LBGTQ2+) youth.

Once the individual states distribute ASP ESSER money to independent school districts, those schools will hire counselors who will follow the DOE’s and the NEA’s guidelines. The influx of Social, Emotional, Behavioral, and Mental Counselors into our schools could be parents’ next worst nightmare.

If there is any doubt about the priority of the relief funds, Secretary Cardona dispelled them in a recent press release: Secretary Cardona Lays Out Vision For Education In America. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona assures the American public of increasing access to social, emotional, and mental health supports for all students.

Public schools are undergoing a drastic systemic change, not for the better.

Why Are Teachers and School Administrators Bold To Recruit Students To Become Transgender? Because liberal public school educators have no problem taking over a parents’ right to make moral decisions for their children. The liberal educators believe they know best for our students. They fearlessly move forward, emboldened by the backing of two of the most powerful institutions in America: The US Department of Education and the National Education Association (NEA).

Intercessors united in prayer can be a powerful force for the parents who fight for the moral life of their children in the public square. We can help parents by including the institutions that empower the immoral attack on our students and our nation in our prayers.


Do you see how important you are and how important it is to understand what is going on in our communities, states, and nationally? We invite you to share your thoughts in the comments.

About the Author: Nancy Huff is an educator with a mission to equip believers to pray strategically for the Cultural Mountain of Education. She has authored Taking the Mountain of Education: A Strategic Prayer Guide to Transform America’s Schools. She leads prayer groups to pray at key educational locations across the US. Currently, Nancy serves with Dimensions Alliance Remnant. For additional information, go to: https://takingthemountainofeducation.com/.



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February 16, 2022

As a teacher in a smaller district in TX, this is not happening in my district. However, I do know that the TEA, the NEA arm in TX, has a decidedly liberal bias and goes against parents at every turn. (which is why I’m not a member!) We are having many students with anxiety issues, especially if they listen to mainstream media, and if their parents are also having anxiety. We have only allowed in-person attendance this year, and don’t require masks or contract tracing, so it’s been a pretty normal year. This has helped students tremendously, but they are behind both emotionally & academically, which is also stressful on the teachers!

Jeannie Sparkman
February 12, 2022

As a 5 year retired paraprofessional and member of PEERS retirement, I knew changes were happening in what the teachers had to teach, but not the details! Five years ago, the kids had become violent in the classrooms and many veteran teachers began to retire. That left the younger teachers to manage their classrooms with very little experience with classroom management. I am so shocked at what has become of our children and how the upper management is destroying them! Yes, Satan has entered and is destroying! Pray, pray, and keep praying!

February 12, 2022

This is an informative article about the NEA and Miguel Cardona and the agenda of the Biden Administration money sent to the primary and secondary schools to fund LGBTQ agendas.
I keep praying for God’s answers for the homosexuals. It seems that the world’s efforts to protect homosexuals and legitimize homosexual behavior, is not about healing, transformation or redemption ( apart from Christ we can do nothing); therefore, by funding and legitimizing it, they are actually CULTivating what Romans 1:20-27, describes as “dishonorable passions “, exchanging the truth about God for a lie.
I have really been seeking God for the right answers. Obviously bullying, mocking and tormenting homosexuals is evil; but babying, legitimizing and legalizing it is a gross social and moral disorder.
Our government has no true answers for those tormented by sin….so they disempower God’s people of faith and parents who DO have answers for the homosexuals; but do not legitimize homosexual marriages, cross dressing, adoption support laws, public school teaching of deviant sexual behaviors. Even in Deuteronomy 22:5 the Bible says “A woman shall not wear that which pertains to a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are an abomination to the Lord thy God.” The Lord showed me that doing this , actually releases demons into the atmosphere of wherever it’s happening, allowing demons to come into our homes through the media, or public arenas, etc. That’s a problem! How much more legitimizing it through education!!
We , as God’s people , must cry out to Him for the answers … not to hate people, but to intercede for people and to exercise our spiritual authority to pull down strongholds and to bring into captivity every thought that exalts itself above the knowledge of God and bring it into captivity to Jesus Christ.
This article clearly exposes the problem— we needs HIS answers.

Sandy Roberts
February 11, 2022

Las Palmas is a subdivision in the Spreckels Union School District. Here’s the address:
Buena Vista Middle
18250 Tara Dr.
Salinas, CA 93908

February 10, 2022

Truth be told, we the Body of Christ, are guilty. Jesus left us here on earth to be salt and light. We spend too much time trying to undo what God has ordained. God says in His Word that He raises kings and He deposes them. What we are doing is telling God that He does not know what He is doing; that we know better than He does. We are, in essence, calling God a liar. There is too much time spent on these things and the weightier matters are left undone. Nowhere in the Bible does God condone such behavior. I can understand the actions of those who do not know Christ, but we as His Followers should know better. Jesus took His lot, all the way to the cross. He didn’t go crazy because He wasn’t treated as He thought He should be. He had every right, but He gave His life for all humanity. He could have summoned angels from Heaven to prove who He was. Oh, America, how far we have fallen. That is how the world handles things. We are in the world, but not of the world. How can we display Jesus? “He hath shown thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?” (Micah 6:8). Have mercy and forgive us, O God!

Glen H. Kippel
February 9, 2022

Unfortunately, I have never heard of a “Las Palmas, California,” and cannot find it on Bing Maps. Can you provide some clarification on this?

    christene johnson
    March 2, 2022

    read the article again – Las Palmas is not a town – is a subdivision of school district – – in the town 0f Salinas , CA

C. Smith
February 9, 2022

Parents are the front lines when it comes to protecting their children from the LGBTQ agenda, especially the fathers! Men must lead their families and teach their children God’s ways! Duet. 11:19, Eph. 6:4. A wonderful resource for this is a video from The American Family Association: “In His Image.” Every teen should see this, every youth leader as well. Every family should watch this together and parents discuss with their children!

February 9, 2022

What is the problem with these people? Don’t they see this is the way to destruction of humanity? Or, is this the intent?

Lydia B. Miller
February 9, 2022

Dear God, have mercy on the children! Come Holy Spirit and expose and up root all this evil!
Every where God’s army needs to come together and rise up in prayer! Let’s be a team in silencing the enemy. When people pray God shows up, He is the one who has the power to deliver us.

May God bring an increase of light and a discerning spirit, so that parents become aware of what is going on.
Pull your children out from this evil or make sure you are in a conservative school, private school. Don’t put your children in harms way!

February 9, 2022

If you live in California, please sign the petition to get SCHOOL CHOICE on the ballot in November. There are places to sign: Hobby Lobby, Costco, Sam’s, Walmart, NASCAR and other venues where major activities are being held. SCHOOL CHOICE is about the money provided by the State follows the child, whether it be private, homeschool, charter school or parochial. Let’s do our part to protect our children.

Victoria Foster
February 9, 2022

I have been in the

February 8, 2022

Another reason public schools are so bad. Last thing Covid 19 funds should had been used for.

February 8, 2022

To allow employees with non-traditional gender/sexual preferences in an educational system to actively influence minors is criminal and antisocial. “Sin” is not in the purview of human management. We
leave that to the spiritual realm.

February 8, 2022

I am outraged that this evil has gotten this far. No More. It stops here!‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️

Roxanne Rice
February 8, 2022

My God is love too. But it is childish to think that’s all there is to Him. Consider His love in context of the full Biblical message. He is also holy and just. And He created us to be like Him. Part of that holiness is moral purity. And in His justice, He will call each of us to account for how we have lived our lives.

One of the greatest expressions of God’s love is being made male or female–a beautiful simplicity. Something even a child can understand. God is not the author of confusion but of peace. We do our children a huge disservice when we teach them to be confused about who God created them to be. Being a boy, a man, is a wondrous thing. Being a girl, a woman, is also a wondrous thing. We need to be teaching our children the wonder of who they are.

For those already caught up in this confusion, God has a beautiful promise:. John 3.17. “For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through Him.”. God didn’t send Jesus to shame or reject people for their wrong choices, but to DELIVER them. That’s the greatest expression of love there is.

The simplicity of the gospel–God’s love, holiness, justice, and mercy all in one glorious package. Amen!

    Roxanne Rice
    February 8, 2022

    This comment was supposed to show up under Thomas Havrilla’s comment below. You might want to read his comment first.

February 8, 2022

These sick bastards need to get locked up! LORD, PLEASE COME AND DESTROY EVIL!

February 8, 2022

Grrrrouchy about it over here!

Dr. Alma
February 8, 2022

We rebuke and forbid the Biden Administration, Department of Education, Ed Secretary Miguel Cardona, the NEA, all public school districts and other public agencies from using any public funds to promote LBGTQ agendas. We bind all spiritual entities and human puppets from influencing our children. We cover all our children and families under the holy blood of Jesus. We declare that all their wicked plans shall fail and so shall they who promote immortality.. We declare that these degenerates shall be removed from all positions of influence. We call forth righteous educators and leaders to rise up and protect our children and our parental rights. We pray for righteous revival, revelation of God’s purposes, repentance from debauchery, and renewal of God’s holy will in our nation. We decree Acts 2:17-18:
“‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on my servants, both men and women,
I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy.” Amen! In Jesus’ name. It’s done.

Jim Kohlmann
February 8, 2022

The best way to interact with school boards in this most wicked of blasphemies is to find solid, brave, biblically sound people to run against them in the next election for school board. We need to pray that God will raise up such people all over the country to challenge the wicked, and we need to support those who are brave enough to encounter the threats and intimidation with not only prayers but financial help so that they CAN win. The United States is in a spiritual war on a political battlefield. Satan has chosen this field because it is where Christians are most ignorant and most indifferent. Every adult American Christian citizen must vote wisely in every election, or we may indeed lose this Republic.

David V Lofton
February 8, 2022

Praise the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
God Bless Best Wishes Keep up the Good Fight

If our Nation has the slightest amount of “God’s Grace” left in our account the current Administration, the National Teachers Union, the National Department of Education and all their advocates should be dealt a significant lesson this November at reelection time.

In my personal opinion: Until such time as we can take back our educational system “all Believers” should remove their children from public schools and refuse to support any politician at any level that advocates the policies of the Left.

God Bless you and yours

Lisa Malloy
February 8, 2022

Thank you for this information on the specifics of how this is happening and how it has been funded, this will help me and many others to target our prayers.
We will not give up the kingdom “real estate” of education it belongs to God as do all things and in the mighty name of Jesus Christ we will go to war and take dominion over this enemy and any other that comes against our children which is our inheritance for the Lord. In the mighty Name of Jesus Christ I declare this.

February 8, 2022

Parents who send their children to government schools are abusing their children. Wake Up!!!

paula howell
February 8, 2022

We recently applied to be a foster family. We went through all required steps for qualification. We were just given another qualification task of 8 hours LGBTQ+ understanding and training.

    February 8, 2022

    Shocking! Indoctrinating foster families into this nonsense and cruelty and making it a “qualification.” Praying for you and your family, Paula. Foster children need good, stable Christian homes and influences. Bless you!

    Praying Matthew 19:14 over all the children in our country, in Jesus’ Mighty Name:

    “Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” ~ Matthew 19:14

Dale Wilson
February 8, 2022

Public schools get their money by the number of students they have attending their schools. Because I truly believe that common sense thinking, ‘right’ thinking parents, far outnumber the communist left pushing this agenda… it’s time for these parents and grandparents to start seriously pulling their kids out of the public schools in America and place them in, hopefully, Christian schools or, at the very least, conservative charter schools who will have nothing to do with this insanity being pushed on public schools today. If enough parents started doing this and the dollars start diminishing in the public schools it just might get school administration’s attention. I pray God will move in the hearts of parents to STAND against the things being forced into their TAX PAID public schools. Remember that too parents…. your tax dollars are paying these people!!
God hear our prayers that there will be a hedge of protection placed around our schools. Through the power of Christ… satan has no place there! Amen… and Amen!

David Scott
February 8, 2022

The Communist Party began recruiting gays in 1929. In 1953, a satanist named Alice Bailey founded the Lucifer Pub. Co. at the UN. That same year she wrote a book that promoted adding 13 planks to the Communist Manifesto. She also bragged in her book of being both a communist and a satanist. One of those 13 planks is to subvert the rights of Christians under the 1st Amendment by creating special rights for gays under the UN. I’ve learned from former members of satanist cults, who repented and found salvation thru Jesus Christ, that they indulged in all sorts of perverted, sexual behavior whenever their cults met. Promoting transgenderism is also part of their subversive plan to destroy America. Transgenderism is part of the gay agenda, which is part of the communist agenda, which is under the satanist agenda. The Illuminati planned to use communism to enslave the world over 20 years before Marx wrote his manifesto. Marx was a satanist high priest and also a member of the Illuminati.

    February 8, 2022

    This explains a LOT. Thank you for your edifying post, David. I’m sure a lot of us here didn’t know this.

February 8, 2022

This is why we need Education Institutions like The Bertril Baird Christian Leadership Academy, for parents who are fighting for the moral life of their children and children everywhere. Parents are fed up with the government interfering in their parental authority. We will help parents by having entities like Christ centered academies. This article made me angry to know that teachers are pushing students to become transgender and secretly undermining parents authority. How dare you! The government needs to butt out and the Church needs to stand up and get up and fight. Put on your battle gear and fight! This is outrageous. Our young people need us, and we need our young people.

Virginia Blakeman
February 8, 2022

Father, we come to You alone with the petitions of our heart because we belong to You through the perfect sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord, enabling us to cry out “Abba, Father” knowing the blood is continually speaking mercy over us and this nation that You have given us to steward for Your glory. We know you hate stealing and we know who the thief is, Satan and his cohorts. We know Your word declares when the enemy is found he has to pay back 7 times what he’s stolen – we ask and decree it to be so knowing Your words do not fall to the ground but seed and water the earth and bring forth a harvest of righteousness and peace and justice from Your hand. We thank You for a turn around where sexual sin has tried to rob us. We repent of ignorance on our part and rebellion that gave authority to the enemy’s voice in the earth. We declare every form of sexual perversion against us and our children is bound on earth and the purity of Christ is loosed from heaven to infiltrate us and overwhelm us with Your love. We bind spirits of lust on this earth and loose Your love upon us, our children, grandchildren, our educational systems, government, entertainment and arts mountains and media. We take back the rainbow that was stolen from You, it is Your sign in the heavens that You will not destroy the earth. We declare with You, when the enemy comes in, like a flood the Spirit of the Lord God is lifting up the standard against him – we declare purity and holiness prevails and the blood of Jesus is covering us. Darkness flees at the sound of Your voice through Your ekklesia. Your victory is our stance. We thank You for Your faithfulness. We say, all hail King Jesus, Emmanuel, Lover of our soul and the soul of this nation arise and shine in and through us with a holy boldness destroying the works of evil in Jesus Christ’s name.

February 8, 2022

No one other than a parent has the right to influence a child’s sexual orientation and moral compass. This predatory behavior by the education establishment is abhorrent and dangerous. The US government, in concert with the NEA and the DOE, has declared war on parents and seeks to strip them of their rights to raise and protect their children. What makes it even worse is that they are supporting non-parents (the majority of the LGBT… universe) against children and their parents.

Just think about it, can 2 women on their own or 2 men together produce a child? No! Can people who change their sex reproduce? No. “God created them male and female.” This community chooses to live contrary to God’s plan. Left to them and their ways, mankind will disappear from the earth. These are the people who need the mental and emotional help of these government funded counselors. The problem is the counselors seek to justify these behaviors, rather than calling them out for what they are.

If you choose to live outside God’s law that is between you and God, and while I may not like what you do, it is between you and God and I will pray for you. The minute you start pushing your lifestyle on me, my children, or my community, you have crossed the line and I will seek to protect those I love and I will pray that God brings swift justice to for the innocent upon which you prey.

These predators are an extremely vocal minority bent on destruction of the family, and of children in exchange for a hedonistic, self-centered, and sinful lifestyle. We are all sinners, but these people are encouraging others to sin, young children who are unaware of the consequences these evil people are about to bring to bear.

    Francie Robertson
    February 8, 2022

    The keyword is PREDATOR -Y! Bringing in PEDOPHILE or PRED-OPHILE!
    It’s all the same!

Toni Perkins
February 8, 2022

I stand in Agreement with IFA according to Matt 18:18-20 Because God is For us who can be against us!!! Lets continue to Be Bold in these last days. We must never forget, the devil is Defeated!!! Jesus Christ Is Lord!!!

February 8, 2022

As an educator in 1996, I participated in district faculty meetings where presenters, when questioned how they got parent permission to give support and phone numbers to students questioning their sexual identity, told attendees “we have ways around this!” meaning they did not want parents involved. I was furious! I asked if they would pay medical bills for students contracting Aids as a result of following their support system without parent involvement, and deciding to make serious consequential health choices (Aids, pregnancy, etc.). Educators have no business providing “guidance” that can lead to serious health (physical or mental) consequences for students. I later joined lobbyists in speaking to state legislators to try and pass a bill to stop any tax payer monies from supporting these kind of agendas in public schools. The bill failed.

    February 8, 2022

    Thank you for your courage in speaking out, CT, and in standing up for the families of these children.

    It is shocking that this has been going on in the schools since the nineties; who knows how many children have been harmed?

February 8, 2022

I am praying Math. 19:14!! Lord for to long we (I ) have been complicit in letting the little children sit on the knee of Your adversary and have been taught a falsehood. The enemy is after ‘seed’ of Christ our children! I pray by the power of your name Jesus and the cleansing of Your blood to cover the children for protection from the evil one. I pray You cast this demonic spirit back to hell where it belongs and the Holy Spirit to set our children free from demonic teachers and snatch parents out of the pit they feel trapped in. Children have been sitting on the wrong knee long enough thank you Jesus and forgive our churches for allowing this in. Stand up, stand up for Jesus!!

W J Borden
February 8, 2022

I don’t see how the paragraph on page 5 of the DOE gide provides guidelines. To me it is only stating a fact. I did a quick search of LGBTQ in the document and only find LGBTQ incorporated with other mental health issues, but noting about how they are “supporting Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, or Questioning (LBGTQ2+) youth”

Actually, LGBTQ youth (and adults) need support, just not encouragement in their lifestyle choices.

    Dave Puckett
    February 8, 2022

    No, I didn’t see any guidelines on that page, however I did see on page 26 schools were to engage students and their families to ensure processes for more intensive solutions were appropriate. All these schools are violating this part because they know parents will object to their recommendations of promoting LGBTQ lifestyles. Very evil people who want to promote these lifestyles… oh let’s call it what it is— SIN! As a christian I just can’t candy-coat this and I know God doesn’t want me to either.

john furlong
February 8, 2022

Whoever would do this to children should be executed

Thomas Havrilla
February 8, 2022

Stop posting this self indulgent nonsense. Keep your religious propaganda too your self serving selves! My God is Love. Unsure who the HELL you believe in!

    Virginia Blakeman
    February 8, 2022

    God is love – lust is a demonic sexual perversion not condoned but stood against. Love (God) hates evil Proverbs 6 in all its forms and we prove we love God and we have a reverential fear for Him when we stand against all forms of perversion. We are agreeing with God not hell. We are God’s voice in the earth and we give no authority to Satan’s voice.

    February 8, 2022

    God is love AND justice. One wonders why you are on a Christian site. A Christian is someone who is in Christ, believes He is the Son of God, who died as a sacrifice for our sins to reconcile sinners to our Holy God. He is the Atonement. If you don’t like what you read, don’t subscribe to their emails. Simple. Or, perhaps your conscience has lead you here and by reading some of the articles you will ask God for forgiveness of your sins and become born again.

      February 19, 2022

      Most likely he is involved in some way in that lifestyle or in the indoctrination of the children and the truth of this article has either pricked his conscience or he doesn’t want the truth to be told.
      Either way, his stating that his god is one of love is a cop out that unbelievers use. His god is not the one TRUE God or he would know that God has zero tolerance for sin. Especially the sin of leading the children into perversion and sin-better a millstone be hung around their neck and they drown in the deepest sea then to face the punishment that awaits those who lead the children astray.

February 8, 2022

As a mental health professional who has worked in the schools, I would like to state that the LGBTQ agenda has been inserted into the mental-health field, but that does not equate to dismissing the need for mental health support and treatment for children and teens, such as those struggling with depression, anxiety, bullying, bereavement, parental divorce, etc. Please support those of us in this field who are called to be the light in the darkness: the light of the Word and Spirit of I AM.

Brian lynch
February 8, 2022

Thank you, Nancy, for this enlightening article. This is a very disturbing situation. Obviously, the evil spirits behind this movement are having their way. We are living in the times where right is wrong, and wrong is right. Lord Jesus, by Your great mercy and grace, we take authority over the evil spirits behind this appalling behavior. We bind the behavior that these spirits are promoting. We loose a spirit of decency, righteousness, and respect for our children’s sexuality. In Jesus’ mighty name.

February 8, 2022

I am shock to hear this!!!! Thank you for sharing this much intercession needs for our children. I pray Jesus opens the leaders & teachers eyes to turn back to God!!!🙏

Vicki Kinnison
February 8, 2022

There are so many kids committing suicide because they are so mixed up, they don’t know who they are or what they are. Let them be the people God created them to be!

Barbara Janicki
February 8, 2022

We have always needed to protect our children from criminals and child predators ie. don’t get in a car with a stranger/don’t talk to strangers. So sad and tragic that now our children need to be protected from teachers, the very people we have always entrusted our children’s care, development and well-being to in times past. Teachers were partners with parents in preparing children for their futures with skills they would need – math, reading, spelling, writing, science, critical thinking, geography (sorely lacking now) etc, This is no longer the case, what has been occurring in the dark has now come to light and we must act to protect our children. Not everyone can afford private school but people will band together for home school as not everyone can afford to give up their job to home school their children. Perhaps retired teachers can rise up and help neighbors and friends and grandchildren who need to be protected from all the lies and deception being taught as truth in public schools. This is a time for action – prayer being the first and foremost action followed by whatever those that pray are directed to do. We must not look the other way – our children’s lives are at stake. the battle is the Lord’s – we fight on our knees. http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

    Roxanne Rice
    February 8, 2022

    I agree with every word. I grew up in our school system 60 years ago, when we were protected and cherished for who we were. It grieves me deeply to see what has become of an honorable profession. Thank God for the teachers who still understand truth and are willing to fight for it and for our children!

Tom Chereck Jr
February 8, 2022

Simply praying “Oh deliver us from this evil” isn’t enough. Rush Limbaugh was right in saying as we have stood our ground the eny keeps pushing us back.

We are naive to think we are winning this battle. Only through the wrath of God through Divine Providence and his judgements in the various states at the forefront will this be pushed back.

The World Wide flood, Sodom & Gomorrah, and the tribe of Benjamin incident.

The best we can pray for on the West Coast is God would intervene through earth quakes and volcanoes to once again thwart the current Satanic diabolical schemes or to do battle as prayer teams confronting people’s evil spirits taking authority over them as Jesus taught us to do.

    Roxanne Rice
    February 8, 2022

    Earthquakes and volcanoes won’t do it, but the mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit, which is already underway even in California, will change multitudes of hearts. God loves our children far more than we do, and He WILL deliver them!

February 8, 2022

This is not a new thing just more widespread and open now. Homosexual men and women have been recruiting kids for many years. It happened to one of my children. And, in college I was approached twice to join this choice of lifestyle. Recruitment is the only way they can assure sexual partners. Which is the main goal.

February 8, 2022

And ask Poppa God for His plan when they open their mouth. May it be with wisdom and real, authentic love for the kids. We adults have rights yes, but remind everyone of the responsibility we have to guide the kids, protect them, even from their own poor choices while young if necessary. God has plenty of warnings about misguided sex practices, including awakening sexual activity too soon. The LGBT community has little to no room for restraint and that alone is reason enough for this believer/mom/RN to urge those in government and educational leadership to take what they say with a fine toothed comb to filter out foolishness.
We believer’s must pray, arm ourselves with truth-God’s Word first- and be brave and kind, to share it when HE gives us opportunity.

February 8, 2022

So thankful in the awareness and actions being taken towards notifying everyone about what is going on especially when our children children’s are under attack as well as as those who aren’t aware of what goes on behind close doors Thank you for all you do to keeping us informed and how to pray against all corruption and nonsense

February 8, 2022

If my children were in school these days, I would home school them…this is ridiculous!

    Cynthia George
    February 8, 2022

    I did…So disgusting now a days. The schools here were having kids watch.. Well….to put it bluntly . Porn, drug activity, sexual innuendos, sexual scenes in movies…etc And then tried to make me look stupid when I went into that office at about a mock 10 with my hair on fire! Their words… Oh it’s everywhere anyway. That’s the world we live in. Um, yes we do, but we don’t deliberately shove it into our kids faces. As adults, we’re supposed to protect and keep that filth away from Children. I just got laughed at… And that was it, I’d heard and seen enough. They are not getting my Children! They are God’s Children! God I Pray you hear these patents cries. Stop this immediately and rid these schools of the filth and of Satan controlled evil beings. Open their eyes Lord!! Amen

William Donahue
February 8, 2022

Praising GOD ALMIGHTY for The Strength to keep fighting the Good Fight, in JESUS NAME we pray, amen. Thank YOU LORD 🙏🙏🙏🙏

Esther Gooding
February 8, 2022

Father we thwart and abort the enemy’s plan to destroy our children. Children are a heritage from the Lord. Thank you for safeguarding parental rights. I declare the Kingdom of God in the school systems. The effectual fervent prayer of the righteous avails and prevails. Amen

Elois Smith
February 8, 2022

They should sue the school, and the union should if they were any type of union get Bonnie her job back. Mean while Bonnie should look for a job in a school system that cares about their students not pushing an agenda. Parents should try to get their children out of that school, you cannot trust them. Or find a new principal.

Larry E Smith
February 8, 2022

These IDIOT teachers better be glad this wasn’t one of my children or grandchildren because I would not quit with just a slap on the wrist. I would demand they be FIRED and never allowed to teach anywhere again. This is getting out of hand and needs to be addressed now. These schoolboards need to be held responsible too and the principles who went along with this.

February 8, 2022

If I were a parent I would be talking with my child daily when they come home from school about what was disgust that day. I am a retied teacher and 83 years old at this time. When I was teaching there was no changing gender disgusted at all. Boys were boys and girls were girls. This is child abuse and should not be in our schools. If this is what is going on in public school these days then I would have my child in private school. Period! Parents talk with you kids and find out what was discussed that day.

Connie Harper
February 8, 2022

Jesus, we repent for our nation. We repent of our prayerlessness. We ask for mercy. We need You like never before. Jesus, You are the Light of the world that lives through us and drives out the darkness in this world. As we unite together with our hearts set on You and righteousness, send forth Your light and power, and disarm and dismantle these powers of darkness. Let our children be drawn to Your light and truth of their identity in You. Give them a hunger and passion to pursue THAT, to pursue their Kingdom identity that’s found only through a yielded and surrendered relationship with Jesus.
We believe in Your power in this hour to crack open this assignment of the enemy and pull it down out of its high place. We believe in Your power working through our united effort and front to see our childten set free from this disception and this hidden school agenda disarmed. We will not back down! We will not shrink back, but we will press forward together with a greater confidence in the victory that is ours and has already been accomplished in Christ Jesus. Amen. We raise our Hallaluiah!!! 🎯💯🔥💥

Sandra Tumminello
February 8, 2022

Adolescent children are vulnerable to be guided incorrectly in pursuit of their “true self”. The missing element is a close, personal relationship with the Lord who would guide them into all truth. Many adolescent kids are more comfortable with the same sex and mistake this as a sexual bond. Sexuality is being pushed on kids. Academic achievement and developing Thais talents should be the focus!

February 8, 2022

Thank you for this article. As a pastor, I have seen this effort to groom and recruit children for the gay movement for years. More children were “coming out,” not because they were finding freedom and support for their real selves, but because of this evil effort to persuade them into the gay movement. It is demonic and an assault on the family.

February 8, 2022

The link to Nancy’s site posted does not work. 🥲

    February 8, 2022

    I tried to go to Nancy’s site but it’s not working. I will continue to pray on this issue. God wins!


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