I Prayed have prayed
God, we thank You for Tuesday's night's vice presidential debate. As Americans consider what they saw and heard, we pray that they would make informed and God-honoring decisions in November.
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Intercessor, did you tune into the vice presidential debate Tuesday night? What did you think of this historic debate?

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On the night of October 1, Senator JD Vance and Governor Tim Walz took the stage in New York City to discuss and defend their proposed policies and viewpoints. The questions largely revolved around the presidential candidates, President Trump and Vice President Harris, but both VP candidates also took the opportunity to introduce themselves to Americans, seeking to define themselves as trustworthy and confident.

Following the debate, searches for “who won the vp debate tonight” topped Google trends. Even on Wednesday, news sites and social media still buzzed with discussion over who won the debate.

As these discussions continueĀ throughout the week, IFA has one question for you:Ā Who do YOU think won the debate? We invite you to share your thoughts and comments belowĀ and to respectfully discuss your thoughts with other intercessors!

For those who did not get a chance to tune in Tuesday night, you can watch the debate in its entirety below:

Who do YOU think won the vice presidential debate? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

(Photo Credit: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

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October 6, 2024

J D Vance in every way, hands down!

Susan Elaine Perez
October 5, 2024

J D Vance clearly represents what most Americans want. I pray the Independents realize that!

Dona Schmidt
October 5, 2024

JD Vance won the debate! He was genuine, supportive and spoke very clearly! He spoke truth! The moderators tried tripping him up, he did not allow any frustration to deter him from answering, hie integrity stood firm!

Priscilla Meyenburg
October 4, 2024

JD VANCE won-was knowledge, professional, knew the truth and spoke it. You could feel the love for this country in His voice (America). He also had all of the knowledge to shut out the lies – even the two women. I felt He was operating under Gods wisdom, he made you feel excited about all of the changes in his voice to build America back again. He loves to be a family man just like Trump. He cares about the school children, family time, church time, and prayer. I pray that He will walk along side of Jesus. He is not ashamed where he came from, or the life he led. I am proud of his humbled nature and truth-it showed he will not be tainted by the leftist administration or their threats. He definitely is not a Socialist, communist young person. Proud of what he represents. God pour blessings upon him and his family. I lift Him up to God in the Heavens to get a closer walk with Jesus.

John Morgan
October 4, 2024

Although I can not vote for any party that violently attacks “the least of these”, I think governor Vals statements were less “canned” than were senator Vance’s. I also think senator Vance has a much more difficult task defending the Republican presidential candidate.

October 4, 2024

Thank the Lord, JD Vance excelled and far out ran his opponentsā€¦all 3 of them!

Victoria Rousseau
October 4, 2024

Vance hands down, He was articulate, interesting, truthful, intelligent. calm. He
talked to the American people about the most important issues facing our nation.
Because of his childhood upbringing he knows how it is to be a child with a drug addicted parent. He has wisdom, discernment, and understanding of life. Great pick for Trump and all of us. May God Richly Bless him and his family.

M Stucky
October 4, 2024

JDVance definitely won the debate.
The other guy couldn’t get his facts straight. Praise
I wish he could run for President!

Teena Perkins
October 4, 2024

I was impressed with JD Vanceā€™s performance. He was polite but clear in setting forty policies.

Carmen Hanna
October 4, 2024

Senator JD Vance was being fact checked so he delivered only wise and truthful comments. He told the truth for every explanation he was giving. On the other hand even though he was articulate Mr. Waltz was not truthful, he was cinical and sarcastic in my opinion. He has more experience but he still does not have a heart for the Americans, he would only follow his ideology and liberalism mentality if he became the VP. In the end JD Vance won the debate. Senator Vance was more realistic and told the truth for every issue he was explaining. Vance chose to be wise and respecful.

Ralph Armstrong
October 3, 2024

J. D. Vance won the debate hands down. He did not go in for the kill, though he could have easily. Instead, he took the high road, and even had Tim Walz agreeing with him in several occasions. When Vance was incorrectly fact checked, while correctly answering the issue, the moderator cut Vanceā€™s mic with a smirk. Typical for fake news.

The moderators refused to fact check Tim Walz, though he blatantly lied on at least two occasions. One had to do with the tax rates in Minnesota, among the highest in the nation. The other had to do with the fact that Tim Walz claimed to be in Hong Kong during Tianamin Square.

When it comes to abortion, Bance revealed the extreme left-wing position of abortion for any reason at any time right up to birth with taxpayers paying for it. At the same time nullifying all state laws regulating abortion. Less than 10 % of American people support this extreme position. Vance emphasized the need to let the states decide, while establishing a.national dialog on abortion. At the same time Vance emphasized the need to provide more help for women in crises pregnancies.

All in all, Vance crushed Vilz.

October 3, 2024

Walz is a bag of wind; a fake face spewing unending lies while people are dying. I believe what I see them do, not what they say with their arrogance and misplaced pride of life. You can’t defend an undefendable record with truth. The opposite of what he says is truth. People don’t believe you any more unless they are drinking the kool aid of blind faith. Just look at the record. Vance provides a very sincere, educated, responsible world view with facts and truth. It is amazing that people cannot see, due to communist, globalist monies flowing into media, etc. Fascism, Nazi socialist workers party, occultism, pedophilia? It is sick. Truth has fallen in the street, but the thing about counterfeits is that they are exposed when the true item is shown beside them, even in rigged media coverage. Praying for truth to prevail, people to fall on their knees in repentance worldwide, and in US, so that God’s grace and mercy might grant us another space to send the light into the world, not the darkness of this NWO WEF plot they brag about.

Larry Weiler
October 3, 2024

I couldnā€™t watch but about 5 minutes of presidential debate because of the out right lies told by kamala and how the moderators were focused on protecting her. I watched most of vp debate and to me tim walz came across as unstable and unsure of what their position truly is or not sure of how to bend the truth to make it sound good. Also all claims against President Trump not fulfilling campaign promises in his first term are baloney tim seems to forget how democrats fought Trump every day with lies and lawsuits to derail his agenda. They didnā€™t care that what Trump was doing was helping the American people. The democrats have become a very hateful and angry group. I have been praying that the democrats would repent and return to God and if they refuse to, then may God help us remove them from office and replace them with someone who will follow Godā€™s laws. Trust in Godā€™s will to be done. If that be kamala and tim then the end of time is close. If Trump and Vance win the God is giving us a chance to repent of all our sins and remove all the evil happening the US. šŸ™šŸ˜‡šŸ™

Bonnie Mims
October 3, 2024

Vance won, he made us proud to be a republican! Praying for Trump to get justice. šŸ™

Jan Barwick
October 3, 2024

J D Vance!!! He has Godly Wisdom . Oh how I pray for peace during this election. Satan is on the march, and our Lord is stronger AND He is in control. I feel in my heart Vance and Trump are destined o win!!!

Carolyn Howell
October 3, 2024

I was surprised at JD Vanceā€™s responses with great maturity and calmness. Trump could learn some things from his VP pick if he would allow it. Trump is extremely intelligent. But he does come across very prideful and I understand heā€™s under more pressure than any of us know. Vance gave kudos when needed. But he was intently listening the whole time. I was impressed! I didnā€™t even want to watch the debate, but Iā€™m glad that I did!

October 3, 2024


October 3, 2024

In regard to my comment/prayer I meant to say I find Kamala Harris, Tim Walz as well as a number of others in Congress completely unfit to serve.

Also even as Christians we have both the privilege & RESPONSIBILITY to get out and vote. Please brothers & sister donā€™t neglect to vote in this coming election.

October 3, 2024

I do not think of these debates in the terms of winner-loser. I see it as a time for each candidate to present their stance on various issues. I try to watch how they respond to questions & present themselves. I do not rely upon debate alone but try to research the candidate to find out as much as possible about their true core values.
I find neither Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, along with a number of others already in Congress completely unfit to hold office.
President Trump isnā€™t perfect nor is Mr. Vance, none of us are. Never the less, President Trump has shown competence, unswerving care for America and the working, investing TAX PAYING citizens. Mr. Vance appears to share Trumps concerns.
As for the 2020 election I smelled skullduggery long before the election was held. Personally, Iā€™m convinced that the 2020 Presidential election was stolen, not so much from President Trump but from WE THE PEOPLE! I didnā€™t need President Trump to tell me that the election was stolen, I figured that out on my own. That election shouldnā€™t have been certified. About all that I WILL NOT SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP.
All that said let us continue to pray for repentance, guidance, help, healing, and for the American people to wake to see both the truth of the gospel and the truth of prophecy being fulfilled before our very eyes. May God help us correct the course of both America and Canada, in Jesus name, amen.

Denise Richey
October 3, 2024

God won! And God is going to win the election! Godā€™s team is going to be in office of president of the United States of America!!

October 3, 2024

Absolutely Trumpā€™s Running Mate Vance! He stuck to the point Waltz failed each and every time by prevaricating! There were times when they agreed with each other and they were polite to one another but Vance was succinct in his answers and there is no question that the World was at peace under Trump because under Biden and Harris, the World is out of control. It was Biden who gave a huge sum of money back to Iran Trump with-held it! I rest my case!

Anne Loeffler
October 3, 2024

Vance won the debate without a doubt! Some of the comments by Walz – like supporting school shooters were way out of line!! Vance was gracious yet informative and composed – very impressed with our VP candidate!!

Jessica Renshaw
October 3, 2024

I appreciated Mr. Vance’s emphasis on options other than abortion for pregnant women and working women with small children. But I pray that God’s priority for the protection of the life of the unborn from conception–which neither party acknowledges–will become a priority for whichever side wins the election. Even Roe v. Wade said if it could be proven when life begins we would have to value both mother’s and baby’s life. 1. We now know the exact moment when life begins. There is a visible spark of light when a new, unique life comes into existence and everything beyond that is a continuum of that same life. No woman, legislator, voter, politician or doctor has the right to take that life lightly. 2. When a woman becomes pregnant, it is not just “her body” but TWO precious bodies, TWO beating hearts, TWO precious lives with which she has been entrusted. Is it too much to ask that she at least postpone her own preferences 9 months to provide that life the God-given sanctuary of her body–what in Chinese is called the “child palace”?

Please read my IFA two-part series:
Dobbs: The Elephant in the Courtroom https://ifapray.org/blog/dobbs-the-elephant-in-the-courtroom/
Even if Roe is Overturned It’s Not Enough https://ifapray.org/blog/even-if-roe-is-overturned-its-not-enough/

Elizabeth Salvatore
October 3, 2024

I prayed that God would fill Senator Vance’s mouth and give him wisdom in response. I marveled in what he said and how he conducted himself. I prayed that God would let the truth be known. “Let God arise and let his enemies be scattered.” What was the scripture he quoted? I missed that.

Georganne Snyder
October 3, 2024

The debate on Tuesday helped me to learn who JD Vance is and to appreciate his strength and ability to think on his feet. He was respectful, confident, and relaxed. He clearly understood the issues and explained himself and what he’d do if elected smoothly. God gave us a good potential VP in him. May our Lord’s will be done in Jesus.

October 3, 2024

I thought J.D. Vence did an outstanding job.

Margaret L Garcia
October 3, 2024

J.D. Vance won by a mile or more on substance and demeanor!

October 3, 2024

Vance definitrly outperformed Walz. But it is not just about that. Our job is to continue lifting this country up in prayer. Many people are blinded by the lies that the enemy, thorugh the news media, keeps feeding them. Or they are so hardened against any truth, epsecially God’s truth, they are clining to the lies of the enemy. Let’s continue to put our trust in the One who is the only one who can bring healing to our broken nation.
Lord, Christ Jesus, please help us, those who put our complete trust in you, to not stop praying and imploring you for healing of our country, our friends and family. Break all the strongholds and chains of sin in our lives, and in this country. Let each of us come humbly before your throne in supplication for ourselves, our family, friends, neighbors and country.
In Jesus Name,

October 3, 2024


October 3, 2024

God told me that the debate was a miracle.
And I am claiming that he will seal the miracle.
I interceded during the whole debate.
I thank God for the honor Vance showed to Walz When he could agree on certain points with him. I also thank God that he stood up with a kind demeanor against things he could not agree with.
I had prayed I had of time for both candidates as well. I sensed during the debate where Satan was trying to create a smog of confusion.
The Devil did not win. Praise God.

Beverly Mancuso
October 3, 2024

J.D. Vance, hands down!!

Terry Woods
October 3, 2024

I watched all the Vance campaign videos I could find before the debate and I knew he would outperform Walz. Trump picked a good VPā€¦he will serve us well.

Veronica Johnson
October 3, 2024

J.D, won even though they fact checked him more then Walz.

Terry Klare
October 3, 2024

I believe JD Vance won the debate! I believe in his heart he is completely pro-life and my prayer is that when in office, both he and Trump will once again be strong supporters for the unborn.

Zoe Ella
October 3, 2024

Who “won” is immaterial. Not a sports competition. What is important is if people heard clearly what each candidate stands for Anything else is “prom queen” kind of campaigning. Not important who “won” the debate.

Jan Arthur
October 3, 2024

Vance most certainly won the debate.

Alan Campbell
October 3, 2024

As far as I am concerned, J. D. Vance emerged as the winner. He was capable and didn’t even sweat to stay on top during that event. His opponent was not prepared and was no match for his competition. That was quite plain and painful for all.

David Homan
October 3, 2024

J D Vance won by showing that he isn’t “weird” or any of the slurs that have been hurled at him. (I’ve read several of the other comments and find myself in agreement.)

Debra Scott
October 3, 2024

I think Jd Vance clearly won the debate. He was knowledgeable, articulate, and calmly addressed all questions. He started by introducing himself to many who might not know of him or his background. He was civil and respectful. He made his case on border and economy issues. He defended misinformation about Trump.

October 3, 2024

I believe JD won . He was concise, calm stated policies and facts. If you will look at the state of Minnesota and talk to the residents, you will find out that a lot of what Waltz said is not true. He is for killing babies at birth and after, taking parental rights away from parents and letting the government decide how to raise your children. If they want sex change at age 3 -6 they will be allowed to have it. People need to be aware of the policies and what they are saying really means. Like OBAMA ran on change, well we got change but not the kind of change they were expecting. Harris is TURN THE PAGE, we better be informed by what that actually means to your family and your future. I pray against every hidden evil agenda AND that the glory of GOD will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. Let GOD arise and HIS enemies be scatter. Let light and truth shine into the darkness and the people’s eyes and ears be open before it is to late. In Jesus Name

Joseph P Skaff
October 3, 2024

JD Vance won the debate.

October 3, 2024

Vice President Candidate J D Vance provided much more substantive answers to the questions during this debate. He interjected actual facts and impacts of the existing Biden / Harris administrations policies on the American people and the World. He also provided fact based perspectives on the few high level proposed policies of VP Harris on the American people now as well as in the future. This was much more relevant information than many of the questions posed by the moderators and many of the comments about what may or may not have been done in Minnesota under Waltz. Many friends and relatives we have in Minnesota paint a very different picture of what Waltz’s policies have done to them and the state overall.

VP Candidate Vance also questioned why VP Harris has changed her position on so many critical issues and has not done any of the things she is now proposing to address current issues during the past 4 years as Vice President. A fundamental question many people are asking.

October 3, 2024

JD Vance was informed and calm. He knew his facts.
Walz threw out lies to look better. However, unless one is informed, they donā€™t know they are lies.

Darryl McCullough
October 3, 2024

I think J D Vance was the clear winner. Certainly, he was more commanding, articulate, and at ease.

David Coe
October 3, 2024

JD Vance took the High Road, the Debate. He clearly demonstrated just who he is his clear thinking and ability to calmly answer or respond to questions even the so called difficult questions
He did not allow himself to be pushed around or intimidated by the CBS-debate hostesses. He was factual, honest and succinct
Now you tell me- who won the debate? I think we know it was JD Vance not the ā€œKnuckleheadā€

Judi A Hecht
October 3, 2024

The American people won the debate because we got to listen to grown men discuss differences while showing kindness to the others.
It was nice to hear someone not name call or get defensive but instead just give facts.

Jim Sussex
October 3, 2024

J D Vance. No question.

Brenda Kemp
October 3, 2024

Hands down JD Vance won. He was informed kind strong and respectful. He is young and a good VP pick for the future of America

Sandra Cooper
October 3, 2024

I think JD Vance won the debate hands down. He is very smart, spoke eloquently, and was very relatable to his listeners. While the moderators were clearly biased, he was able to put them in their place without losing his cool. President Trump chose wisely.

Eleanor Cohn
October 3, 2024

Vance was more confident and gave better answers. Could be our President if need be.

Paige Brelsford
October 3, 2024

jD Vance definitely won the debate. He was calm, prepared and clearly understood the issues. He looked presidential and like a leader that really cared about our nation and itā€™s people.

David Ward
October 3, 2024

I think Mr Vance won. He and Mr Trump I believe Love Jesus the American people and America. I Pray for Mr Trump and his family and leaders around him. I also today started to Pray for Mr Vance and his family and leaders around him. Amen.

October 3, 2024

I watched the debate and felt like Vance had the upper hand. The question I asked myself was: what if something happened to the presidential candidate while in office, who would be the better VP candidate to fulfill that office? There is no doubt in my mind that Vance would be the better person to take on that responsibility.

October 3, 2024

Overwhelmingly, JD Vance made his case calmly and clearly.

October 3, 2024

I feel VP JDVance won in that he showed he was willing to work with left to solve problems yet pointed out their failed policies. I would have liked to see both parties admit that taking the life of another is wrong. There have been exceptions for rape and incest but to kill innocent babies 1,000 daily is not the way to go with tax payer dollars.

    October 3, 2024

    Killing innocent babies is always wrong – regardless of how they were conceived. Praying for the complete abolition of abortion – and that America’s chosen candidates will actually be announced as victorious in November!

Suzanne Vogel
October 3, 2024

Vance won. Very articulate and professional. Stayed with the issues affecting our country.

Chris Smalley
October 3, 2024

I felt that J.D. Vance won the debate, despite being patronized by the moderators. The moderators were also solicitous of Tim Walz. ‘Winning’ a debate doesn’t mean that everyone will agree with what he said, but he was true to his beliefs and conducted himself in an honorable and dignified manner.

Carol Dunham
October 3, 2024

JD Vance won

October 3, 2024

ā€œI am a knuckleheadā€.
We never said you werenā€™t Tim.

Renee Robertson
October 3, 2024

J D Vance, by a long shot.

October 3, 2024

False Walz, the deranged game-show host, made a great mop.

Sherridan Gilbert
October 3, 2024

It was refreshing to actually listen to them with respect toward each other discuss their stance on the issues that are effecting our country. It was enjoyable listening to a debate on a mature level without all the name calling etc

Susan Fraze
October 3, 2024

As debates go I donā€™t normally watch them for obvious reasons. It took so much to watch the Trump-Harris debate. All that being said I chose to tune in to the Vance- Walz debate. As yet I had nothing good or bad in my spirit for JDVance but trusted President Trumps choice. Well upon watching this debate I am now won over to JDVance! Great Job!!!

October 3, 2024

America won because we have in JD Vance a God sent man
I predict great leadership from him in the years to come, He WILL be President, duely elected one day. I urge everyone to pray for a resounding victory, with no way to rig come November
PLEASE Vote Early
Bless Trump, Vance, and their families, keep them safe from all who are evil and would like to see them fall

Beverly Steckler
October 3, 2024

Vance of course won the debate. He proved to be the candidate that tells the TRUTH vs the liberal candidate. It was obvious that Vance was ganged up on by the moderators, even cutting off his microphoneā€¦. but TRUTH won out in the end. Praise God!!

Philip Stackhouse
October 3, 2024

JD Vance gave much more intelligent responses to questions during the debateā€¦

October 3, 2024

I was disgusted by it and actually turned it off after about 45 minutes. Vance seemed to do a good job and was well-spoken, but the rhetoric, propaganda, and sound bites—the twisting and cherry-picking of scripture by Walz and his unanswered insistence that the abortion bill point was fact-checked at the last debate were infuriating. CBS should have acknowledged that their fact-checking was fact-checked and in fact, found to be INCORRECT. People have actually demanded apology and retraction. That is a perfect reflection of the lack of integrity that big tech, media, and recent administrations have come to accept as the status quo and it’s hugely disappointing.

The half-truths & twists of truth were everywhere. To say you aren’t pro-abortion when you fund abortion facilities, visit & promote them, and legislate abortion rights, yet call it a woman’s right to health to have the ability to kill your own child even after it can live outside your womb, is not TRUTH. You can be pro women’s health by providing abstinence education, condoms, or contraceptives. You can give women a choice by expanding adoption support and funding, expanding services and pathways to give up children to loving families without penalty, by providing under-supported, unprepared mothers with pregnancy care, employment training & education support, and by reforming the health care system and economy so it’s actually affordable to care for children and adults. You could opt to fund healthcare & college for unwed mothers who opt for birth control, instead of pushing to give those benefits to illegal immigrants. Amber Thurmond might still be alive today if she HADN’T taken abortion pills. What happened to her also happens to women who want their children and miscarry for other reasons. Her death was caused by her choice to get an abortion when her state tried to protect her from that harm. Her death wasn’t caused by her pregnancy. It was caused by her abortion. Her baby also died because of the abortion. Without it, they might BOTH be alive.

I pray for our nation. For God to change hearts. For us to look to Him and submit to His ways and forsake our selfishness, dishonesty, and pride. Let us be a nation of integrity and strong work ethic and let us be a nation that honors the Lord, grateful for what He’s done and reflective of His selflessness, forgiveness, mercy and grace.

Toni Kushner
October 3, 2024

Vance stuck to policy not personnel attacks. I read his biography a few back and thought him to be hard worker and certainly did not things handed to him on a silver platter. I think he will make a good VP.

Robert Moore
October 3, 2024

I think that Governor Tim Waltz won the Debate by a long shot.

Valentin Dumitrescu
October 3, 2024

J. D. Vance

October 3, 2024

Thank you, Father for the display of who You are through vice president elect JD Vance spirit of humility And declare your promises over all who vote the November that You would be honored in glorified in Jesus name, amen

October 3, 2024

I canā€™t say who won. I only watched part of it after it had aired. However, I felt like Vance came across as poised and genuine, whereas Walz seemed to be trying hard to project himself as Mr Nice Guy who had always been a champion of the little people. He seemed to present a facade. I know of some of his record, and heā€™s not a nice guy.

October 3, 2024

No question, J.D. Vance won. He will make a great Vice President. Gov.. Walz looked scared and unprepared. He can’t stand it when the truth is told.

October 3, 2024

I think I am not alone in saying that this country does not need a self proclaimed knucklehead as our VP. Mr Vance clearly set the bar for this debate.

October 3, 2024

JD Vance won that debate. He would be a good Vice President and next president. Thank you Lord

Marlene Schwichtenberg
October 3, 2024

JD Vance did an excellent job. Very impressed and very Presidential.

Rev. Jerry M. Mashek
October 3, 2024

J.D. VANCE Sounded like a Gr8 V P. Candidate and also a 2028 Presidential Candidate!!!Praise the LORD!šŸ˜‡šŸ˜‡āœļøšŸ•ŠšŸ”„šŸ™šŸ˜˜šŸ¤—šŸ«‚šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡®šŸ‡±

Nancy L Blakeley
October 3, 2024


October 3, 2024

At first I thought it was a draw. Both men were civil and polite te each other. Both spoke about the issues. However, Vance kept pointing to the failure of the Biden-Harris regime and the success of President Trump during his time in office. Walz lied about Democrat successes and poor performance. He also did not clearly explain the time he was in China. He also looked nervous. Vance exuded confidence in himself and the Republican ticket. He won.

October 3, 2024

I thought Americans won the debate. To see two men debate each other in a civil, respectful manner was good for America. The debate showcased that we can see each other as co-contributors to this nationā€™s greatness, not as personal enemies.
On that note, both candidates acknowledged the good ideas of their opponent, without compromising their own.
This exchange of ideas displayed a spirit of bi-partisanship and stands in stark contrast to the dehumanization of our opponents through personal attacks, which many Americans despise.
Furthermore, JD Vance emphasized the importance of debating ideals in the public square. He called out his opponentā€™s running mate for the broad censorship of ideas in the public forum . Yet, he also took responsibility for the need to do a better job convincing Americans of different ideals. He was referring to abortion when making this statement. He .called out Tim Walz for not being honest about his partyā€™s demoralizing radicalization of abortion rights including the recently passed abortion legislation in Timā€™s own state. Yet, JD Vanceā€™s rebuttal stopped short of a strong pro-life stance, displaying his own partyā€™s movement away from an uncompromising pro-life position. The abortion argument was allowed to be framed as a womanā€™s right to her own body, completely denying the perspective of the American child who calls to that woman, albeit with a feeble voice, to their Mommy, please let me live! I know you will love me.
Lastly, It should be noted that JD Vance was debating three people Tuesday night, not one. He respectfully held his own position and displayed an openness to working with others to whom he disagrees with. This is not unlike Ronald Reagan. Tim Walz was also a respectful, thoughtful opponent. Therefore, the American people were the real winners Tuesday night, because although we see the future from very different viewpoints, we saw us as one nation.

Debbie Surles Hill
October 3, 2024

If truth won, then so did JD Vance.. I appreciate his even handed approach and ability to articulate without getting heated.
God Bless JD Vance and his family with wisdom, insight and protection.

Lester Charles Young
October 3, 2024

Lord, grant Your people to discern between righteousness and evil and vote in agreement with righteousness.
This kind of debate is not won or lost. Each Candidate gave us a glimpse of what they stand for. If you are a conservative, you would agree with what Vance said. If you are a liberal you would agree with what Walz said. Each presented themselves as what they were.

Lester Charles Young
October 3, 2024

This kind of debate is not won or lost. Each Candidate gave us a glimpse of what they stand for. If you are a conservative, you would agree with what Vance said. If you are a liberal you would agree with what Walz said. Each presented themselves as what they were.
Lord, grant Your people to discern between righteousness and evil and vote in agreement with righteousness.

Eric Santana
October 3, 2024

J.D. Vance clearly won in my opinion.
Walz was clearly nervous and often showed signs of either being false or unsure if his answers. He interrupted a few times but was, hiwever, very respectful in his tone for the most part.
Vance was very respectful and even sounded genuinely concerned for Walz and his family. He was also commanding and fearless while still being civil with the moderators even when they were clearly unfair with him.

Lester Charles Young
October 3, 2024

This kind of debate is not won or lost. Each Candidate gave us a glimpse of what they stand for. If you are a conservative, you would agree with what Vance said. If you are a liberal you would agree with what Walz said. Each presented themselves as what they were.

    Barbara Crouse
    October 3, 2024

    I thought this debate got a lot closer to what a true debate should actually be! I was glad to get to see Walz in action since I (as a Republican) don’t know that much about him. Regarding policies? I definitely prefer Vance. May God move in the lives of both men no matter who wins the VP position.

Laura Hamm
October 3, 2024

I thought that it was very clear why President Trump chose JD. Vance for his VP. He was very calm, professional and very well spoken. Praying that the truth would continue to come out and that God would help us to see the truth and act upon it when voting. I pray that our election will be protected against fraud and that people would realize they need to vote their faith, for the candidate that is running on the platform that lines up the closest to God’s word. God please help us to see the truth and vote accordingly. Thank you Lord for people that are willing to stand for truth!

Stanton Whitmore
October 3, 2024

I felt the debate further exposed the main stream media as biased and driven by a specific agenda. This agenda includes defeating Donald Trump by whatever means possible.

Even though it was clearly a three on one affair( the other candidate and the CBS moderators versus Vance), JD Vance won the night. I believe he came across as intelligent, kind and very capable. He may be President one day. I pray Godā€™s very best for his future.

Our country is going through dark times but a brighter future is ahead for us. In my mind the debate was an example of the best man prevailing in unfair conditions . Even though the deck was stacked against him Godā€™s man, JD Vance, still came out on top and was the clear winner.

October 3, 2024

JD Vanceā€¦he answered the questions asked with knowledge of each subject.
Mr Walz did not really answer the questions, but when on and on about his/Harris ideas.
Vance totally respected Walz and was firm but reasonable.

william John belting
October 3, 2024

JD VANCE won in a LANDSLIDE. HE was believable sincere AND HONEST. The opponent. well …….. you decide. HOW DO YOU SPELL F A I L U R E? THAT IS THE ANSWER!!!!!

October 3, 2024

JD Vance did a great job. Far better than Waltz. Praying for America!

Charles Benham
October 3, 2024

Who won is not as important as the fact that an orderly, respectful debate occurred. I think all politicians in Canada and USA should be required to watch and learn from this event.

October 3, 2024

One spoke with forked-tongue, was angry and deceitful and he is from Minnesota. He lost.

October 3, 2024

At the time he made it, I wasn’t clear about President Trumps pick of J.D. Vance. I just didn’t know enough about J.D. I now understand why President Trump made this pick. If we as a Nation are blessed enough to have President Trump again become our President, We the People will have a second in command that has the ability to LISTEN and effectively communicate, yet I believe will respectfully let the President know privately if he differs on a position. He will have a YOUNG person that is being groomed to take over in the future. A person who has respect for others, but yet holds firm to the ideals and values of this Republic. Who won the debate you ask, in my humble opinion after viewing what I listened to the other night, it was won the day President Trump picked J.D. Vance. Thank you President Trump for this pick, and your wisdom with this one, and may the wind of the LORD be behind you and J.D. to win this Nation back for “We the People”.

Bill&Kathy Doyle
October 3, 2024

Obviously Vance won,waltz was like a deer in the headlights, scared! Inspite of 3 on 1, VANCE rose to the occasion & proved ready to be president if need be!

Vote Confirmed
October 3, 2024

Vance won! The debate was a perfect platform to introduce to America the next Vice President of the United States, JD Vance.

Juliet Canha
October 3, 2024

Senator Vance conducted himself eloquently with grace and truth. I believe he clearly won the debate, especially amid the bias of the moderators.

October 3, 2024

I’m not sure that I can say either candidate “won” the debate.
I was thankful that it was civil, but once again it appeared that the moderators were biased against the Republican candidate.
Overall, I was disappointed, believing that J. D. Vance missed a lot of opportunities to set the Republicans apart in big ways from the Democrats.

Pam Jacobsen
October 3, 2024


Brian Lynch
October 3, 2024

As to who “won” the debate on Tuesday night, I do believe that J.D. Vance had an overall better performance than Tim Walz. I was totally unimpressed with Walz ,especially when he was questioned about his Tianneman Square issue. He sure wasn’t able or willing to be honest about it. For that very reason, I feel that he lost the debate.

Sharon Floyd
October 3, 2024

JD Vance definitely won The debate. He was honest and calm, and Tim Walz lied so much and you could see in his face that he was nervous and being dishonest.

Mary Florio
October 3, 2024

JD Vance won!

Gayle Sajewiczgsajewicz.
October 3, 2024

It appears JD Vance won – he stayed on topic, addressed moderators by name, acknowledged points of agreement with Tim Walz, emphasized the value of marriage and family, and remained calm throughout the debate. Walz, on the other hand, brought Trump into the debate on every topic, continuing the practice of blaming Trump for the sad state of affairs of America. In the end, Vance proved his allegiance to America while Walz failed on four points: his position on abortion (especially legislation in the state of MN), his presence in China and his connection to the CCP, his having declared MN a refuge state for abortion up to birth and the mutilation of children through sex altering treatments, and taxation. MN had a $17 Billion tax surplus – of that eligible single residents received a $250 rebate and married couples a $500 rebate. He committed a significant amount to education what he committed and what was actually allocated are very different. Last but certainly not least was Walz’s inaction when Minneapolis burned on 2020.

October 3, 2024

Vance šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø

October 3, 2024

A donkey or an elephant?
Who won?
My hope is in the LAMBā£ļø

    Les Tingle
    October 3, 2024

    He first rode in on a donkey’s colt but, seems now he might ride back in on an Elephant. Just a thought….no bibilical reference to support. šŸ™‚ Amen. Totally agree, Vance is clearly “presidential timber”

Doris Matherne
October 3, 2024

JD Vance wonā€¦ He was knowledgeable, spoke with kindnessā€¦

P. Baker
October 3, 2024


Melissa Willoughby
October 3, 2024


Susan Brannon
October 3, 2024

I donā€™t look at who ā€œwonā€ the debate but who presents himself more like a Vice President of the once great nation USA. That person is JD Vance.

Jeff Johnson
October 3, 2024

We need to get over this two party paradigm and its illusion of choice. We are being played by a radical, intelligent evil, the spirit of Antichrist, as the Global elite march the ball down the field. Yes vote, but put your trust in Jesus Christ alone. He has to go first, or no nation can last.

Kristine Geiser
October 3, 2024

Definitely JD Vance!!!!!!!!
We knew he would before the debate! He is for Americans along w/former President Trump!

Joe Apichella
October 3, 2024

J D Vance blew him out of the park. He was so professional while Walz was shaking in his pants. Walz appeared confused a lot during the debate where Vance was a true professional and was outstanding in his individual presentations. The two ladies again were so ridiculous and J D put them in their place. Walz appeared confused at times and Vance was extremely prepared and knew what he was talking about. Walz and Kamala are two of the worst speakers that we ever had in government. Trump and Vance can lead us to a point when we need to be. The democrats are in no position to lead our country.

Robin Spears
October 3, 2024

Father GOD I truly believe you were in the midst of of JD Vance you ordained him for this purpose,the winner of this debate was you Yeshua,and vice president Vance it was totally evil against good,and good won,light against darkness and light shinned once again so throughout this election GOD has won and the won who abides in GOD is the winner!!!!!!!

October 3, 2024

JD Vance was very articulate, respectful, bold in his fact filled responses.. He was ready with providing factual answers to each question given to him, and did not allow the moderators to intimidate him.

Cora Hall
October 3, 2024


Nancy Hanbury
October 3, 2024

JD Vance was confident, intelligent, well-spoken, informed, not intimidated by moderators, and was respectful while getting his point across. He most aligns with my stand on various issues according to my faith and Biblical standards.

Candy robinson
October 3, 2024

J.D. Vance proved why D. J.Trump considered him, although young, to be a wise choice for a running mate and possible future president! Well versed on each subject presented, forceful when needed and dignified. The following day many on the left had kind words to say about him. Reminds me of the scripture “When a man’s ways are right with the Lord even his enemies are at peace with him.”

October 3, 2024

Most conservative websites will say Vance won, most liberals will say Walz. Both sides made up stuff. The bottom line is whose policies align with biblical principles. I would have to say Republicans.

    October 3, 2024

    I do not agree that “both sides made up stuff.” I heard several lies from Walz., but did not hear anything “made up” by Vance. Vance did a great job overall, but failed to refute the lies. 2 examples: 1) The border bill won’t solve the border problem because it requires at least 5000 immigrants to come in daily before closing the border and that can be overrided to allow for more, so it would force the next president to continue the open borders policy. 2) Trump neither created, read, or supports Project 25. He is unable to support something he has not evaluated.
    Vance came off as presidential, competent, intelligent, and compassionate, so won the debate. Walz came off as more moderate than he really is, and sincere about serving the people, (though the ideas of Harris/Walz are likely to worsen the current problems with an unstable world, open borders, crime and inflation ) so scored a few points, while looking like a deer in the headlights.

    Roxanne R
    October 4, 2024

    Actually, a surprising number of liberal media outlets said Vance won, and roundly criticized Walz.

Clinton Wallace Alexander
October 3, 2024

Vance won

Tamela M Beulah
October 3, 2024

I feel that JD Vance going to winners the debate. God chose Trump be president of the American šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø and save the American šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø Trump Donald 2024!

    Melinda Izzo
    October 3, 2024

    Only Jesus can save America. People need to sop glorifying DJT. Until he himself bows his knee in submission to Christ and points the country back to God, then there is hope.

      Joe Apichella
      October 3, 2024

      I believe Jesus already made His move by Trump selecting JD Vance. He certainly practices good Christian policies already. Yes I do think the Lord guided Trump in the right position. I think JD and his presentation will put Trump in and together they can bring America back. They will live people in the USA but they will use the proper ways to do it, unlike the idiot in charge now or should I say two idiots.

      October 3, 2024

      Trump is starting to give God all the glory. I’ve seen a change in him since he was shot at. But when if he didn’t, God will still use him. He is a modern Cyrus and Cyrus of old was a proud man and idolator. Many prophets have prophecied about him.

Shauna Perry
October 3, 2024

Vance won the debate.

Waltz was scrambling and looked nervous.

October 3, 2024


October 3, 2024

Clearly Vance was the winner. He was confident and got his point across. Walz on the other hand, confirmed that he is in fact a knucklehead and he got his governing style from China.!

October 3, 2024


Scott Henderson
October 3, 2024

JD Vance won the debate. Hands down!


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