It has been a well-known tactic to release controversial information at times when the announcement may be missed by most people. I always watch for news released on Fridays at 5:00 or sweeping legislative action during times of crisis. As “watchmen on the wall,” some of us must look toward the battle and some must look away from the battle.
This just happened. While most of the U.S. was focused on the COVID-19 pandemic, the highest law-maker in the Commonwealth of Virginia (the state where I live) signed into law sweeping changes on abortion, gun control, and gender language. Nearly a week passed before I even realized this happened.
With the support of the newly elected progressive General Assembly, Governor Northam signed a bill that lifted restrictions on nurse practitioners on performing abortions, eliminated the requirement of a pre-abortion ultrasound, and removed requirements treating abortion facilities similar to hospitals.
It was Good Friday, April 11 when this happened. The COVID-19 pandemic was occupying the 24/7 news cycle on a day when many Americans focused on the passion of Christ.
It was NOT a very good Friday.
If that was not enough, on the same day, Governor Northam signed a comprehensive protection bill for the LGBTQ community, the Virginia Human Rights Acts, which add “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” to existing nondiscrimination laws. The news reports seemed to brag that this was the first southern state to pass this kind of law, foretelling a hoped-for trend.
The day before, he signed into law an expansive list of laws restricting the use of guns in Virginia, including restrictions on sales and purchase of guns, allowing government seizure of guns based on accusation without evidence or a hearing, and increased penalties aimed at parents.
The day after, he signed laws that will open the door for voter fraud as he eliminated the requirement that voters present a form of identification before voting.
Fewer restrictions on abortion. Sexual orientation/gender identity now a protected class under the state law. Gun restrictions. Elimination of voter ID requirements.
While we weren’t watching.
The COVID-19 pandemic will continue to occupy the hearts and minds of many as we transition to the opening of our economy, but we must be vigilant and pray.
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. (1 Peter 5:8)
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The Governor of VA will allow whatever he wants to allow. We can pray all we want to but in the end it is who WE CHOOSE to be in that position. God will not interfere with free will. God will help us out of this hole we have dug for ourselves, but WE have to make the effort to get out of it and make the right choices. Pray for our country and for guidance and wise decisions. Pray for our country to retain its freedom and its constitution and remain a blessed nation.
Was watching. From VA. Know the tricks of enemy to try to devour us. Know Master’s voice in this crisis time.
Raise up the Righteous, Lord! Redeem that Governor, Lord–or remove him from office along with all the ungodly who seek to promote the enemies’ agenda. Let the righteous roar as a lion! These laws must not stand. Mercy on Virginia Lord! In Jesus name!
We, the Body, are given dominion in the earth – let us use our authority and beat down the work of the devil instead of just talking about it! Lord God, bring this Governor and this VA Congress to your mercy for salvation; but if they will not bow before You, remove them and their influence upon their state and and the rest of the country – in Your name Jesus, Amen!
Amen 🙏
Dear Lord,
Deliver America because the rest of the world is dependant on it deliverance.
The devil is really working overtime!!!!!!
I’m praying for the re-election of Donald Trump and the clearing out of evil hearted supreme court justices so Trump can replace them with God-fearing, Constitutional loving justices. Also, for the removal of Northam and other progressive politicians in VA. Perhaps then these evil measures can be reversed. This is absolutely a spiritual battle with evil earthly consequences.
Most unfortunate that no one else was able to have any input but a few secretly, behind everyone else’s back.
I pray this man will be voted out when he runs again.
Or better yet, recalled. I don’t know when his term is up, but he’s Satan’s minion, to be sure.
Praise the Lord that His law Trump’s the laws of our states! Praise God that the ekklesia is arising with the Word of the Lord in their mouths to create what He wishes to create! Holy Spirit raise up a standard where the enemy came in like a FLOOD in Virginia.
Thank you for a response with a solution
MAY THE LORD TOUCH EVERY CONGRESS PERSON’S HEART so they will decide to VOTE THE BIBLE instead of trying to
deny me the freedom to VOTE the BIBLE, even though the Constitution gives me that RIGHT.
Mr Northam will face his Maker one day … in the meantime we are called to pray for him. May the LORD break the bonds the adversary has on him; may the LORD take out his heart of stone and give him a heart beating for the LORD. Dear Father we ask that You move in the hearts and minds of the people of Virginia so that they will rise up and demand a reversal of this evil law.
This verse makes me think of The Deception Reigning in the Democractic Party Leaders and their followers……I am 75 that spirit is there it just has different faces and names…..thru the years……I cannot stop them individually but I do have power/so do you over the demonic powers driving them…..recently I wondered what would happen if we had a United Day of Spiritual Warfare against those forces trying to steal…..kill…….destroy our nation…..using all the weapons God gave us…..believing……releasing…..decreeing…..declaring…..binding and loosing scriptures like 2Corinthians10:3-5…..the scripture that says rebuke the devil and he will flee…..enforcing Luke10:19……we can cast out devils…..let’s get busy……maybe we should pray over the whole deceived democracts that they have new hearts and spirits that heed to God’s Way and Word…..Ezekiel 36:25-27that nothing is hidden that will not be known…..covered that will not be manifested…..Spiritually in their lives……Luke8:17…….they are God’s children too …..it is not them we do not like but the spirits dictating their behavior……to do this we must know who we are…..why we are here…..and get to work …….tomorrow April 26 or/and next Saturday May 2 or Sunday May3 I plan to declare God’s Word over as many deceived children of God that I can…..each of them by name (for God hastens to perform His Word……Jeremiah1:12)join me !?!
Dear Sandy, You are so right! Satan is working overtime! Thank you for your call to pray against him and his dominions. I prayed today and will pray again and again!
Thank you for sharing Sandy – I was thinking along the same lines too! Thank you for providing scriptures to pray. I think it’s important to clarify though that while we are all creations of God -we have to choose to become his children. John 1:12. Praying that many will come to repentance and receive Jesus as Lord and Savior and that God will take back the ground the enemy has taken in Virginia.
Karen thank you for clarifying that we are only children of God when we choose His Direction……I should have said creation !!! I just think as a believers we have the responsibility to fight those forces using them…..
Well, the evil side, had their days of cursing and praying to devil. We should declare our day as you have said and pray that day of spiritual warfare and maybe even fast as well.
Praying and fasting today. Will include Northam in my prayers. Here in Colorado our governor is also a pawn of Satan’s; however we have a 24/7 prayer wall. Also, a church started a 72 hour time of prayer for those who were able to pray for an hour on a Zoom conference. It was truly spirit-filled, and you could sign up for as many hour-long prayer times and for as many of the different topics you desired, i.e. for the Western church; for the sex trade to be exposed and ended; etc. You could also sign-up to lead one.
Can those laws be repealed?
Kathy – Yes, these laws changed existing laws, so they can be changed.
Kathy, I was going to ask the same thing. If there was a loophole to make them null and
void. Something to make them powerless.
This is horrible. I have also heard about other things that have been happening and the media is not reporting anything because of covid19. We have to keep our eyes and ears open. Please Lord help us. Jesus I trust in you.
The media is not reporting, because they like to keep their reporting as something negative about President Trump! They majority of media are leftist / socialist.
Thank you for being the Watchmen on the wall. The Lord has not left Himself without a Remnant in this great United States of America. Where sin abounds Grace much more abounds. There are some true Warriors in this United States of America that cry out through Jesus Christ the Great High Priest and will not bow our knees to Baal. In the meantime Rejoice Rejoice rejoice and rejoice! Jesus is coming back soon! Get out and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Nations! Evangelist Vena Noel-Jackson
I live in Va. I never thought I would see this happen. We prayed Nothrum would not be elected as our governor.northern Va. & the Tidewater area were the areas that voted him in. They are immigrants & the wealthy. We were listening as the governor went as low as he could go to put his agendas into law, & on Easter @ that. Cant get much more dispictable then that. Now he might not allow state open until fall. That isnt reasonable @ all. Oppressing the people as much as he can. I pray God will intervene. We need our churches open again. We need to beable to praise God again in his sanctuary & have fellowship with other believers. Our governor has stold that from us. Along with 1st & 2nd ammendment rights. I pray God steps in soon. Yes, he has now put a curse on our state. Lord have mercy on us all..God said he will give them reprobate minds I believe that has happened. We love the Lord our God with all our hearts all our mind @ all our souls. No one can take that away. Amen
It might be time to move to another State.
U r right but it isnt that easy in times like this. Especially for the elderly
Dear Lynn. Stand your ground and see our Mighty God in action in answer to your heartfelt prayer. I and many others will be in agreement with your prayer. God Almighty will have the last word. Blessings to you 🙏🏻🕊Hedy
You are both so right! It’s not over, until God says it’s over!!
Dear Lynn, We agree with you and Hedy. We cannot fight the spiritual battles if we run away from them. (We battle not against flesh and blood…) Virginia NEEDS you! God has given you spiritual weapons that are MIGHTY. (I shudder to think what would happen if all Christians just up and moved from places that the enemy was gaining a stronghold!) YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Remember the One you belong to will never leave you nor forsake you, and we, your sisters in Christ Jesus are agreeing with you in prayer and will continue to pray for you and our other brothers and sisters in Virginia!
To remove the rats from the swamp, you sometimes have to get a little messy.
May the JOY of the LORD be your STRENGTH!
With affection, concern, and prayers, Katy and daughter…
Yes, if you run away in fear of the rats, they will continue procreating, growing in numbers exponentially.
To Yvonne, Don’t run away from the challenges set before you. “Be strong and of good COURAGE, for I the Lord your God will be with you; I will up-hold you with my righteous right hand…” MANY are behind Lynn and the state of Virginia, lifting them before the throne of grace, battling on their behalf!
My hart is with all of you🙏🏻 over here in Arkansas
Thank u Jennifer. We need all the prayer we can get. Our whole country needs prayer..jesus is our saviour & protector. He is our rock. The anchor holds.
Amen,amen.Lord Jesus,we pray to you to move heaven and Earth to protect the unborn, dear Lord, we call and cry out to you, we need help, for your Word of God is Truth, Perfect, Unchanging, Eternal, Excellent, Life Breathing, per the Pastor reminding us of your Word!Lord Jesus, oh Father, your Word is Truth.
We can still pray for God to remove these certain ones from office. He says to “ask”. God makes these things possible that were impossible.
Annalisa, I agree with everything you said.
I just finished reading Newt Gingrich’s book ‘To Try Men’s Souls’.
I am a history buff and a 30-year former resident of Virginia.
The Revolutionary War started in Boston and ended in Virginia,
The book is a novel with the true detail of a turning point in the war at the time Washington crossed the Delaware. The young men that endured the physical onslaught of weather and war to pull off a stunning surprise attack that restored the winning attitude needed to start a new nation was truly inspirational.
I was doubly interested because I am a high school volunteer.
Today’s kids need exposure to the high price paid by people their age to secure freedom.
Today we are facing a ‘new’ enemy – really the same devil that roams the earth seeking whom he may destroy.
Mighty God, bind us together with the three-fold chord that cannot be broken, in Jesus Name.
Tragically, this just happened to us in Hawaii. I didn’t see it coming and now it’s law. I just got a postcard to inform that from now on there is ONLY mail-in voting. There will no longer be polling places. This crept in without most people knowing about it until it was too late. All my life I have gone to vote at a polling place and now that privilege has been taken away. Hawaii is the 4th state to do this. Please be on guard in your own states, intercessors. This is creepy, maddening, and fraught with potential for massive fraud.
We in Washington State were on e of the first states to do this. I read (I think from Judicial Watch) that over 300,000 ballots were lost in the mail. I wonder which ones!!! We’re from a dem district so we always get ours. My husband always hand carries them to where they are counted (and they are counted). Fight to get your ballot early, so you won’t be disenfranchised.
No weapon formed gains us will prosper!
Righteousness is being restored!!!
In Jesus name
So far, it looks as though they are all democrat / socialist, party of death governors. They never let a crisis go to waste, same as with our Speaker of the House. That spirit of death needs to be eradicated with the life blood of Jesus to break their covenant with death. Get involved in campaigning for whoever is running against them and vote for NO Democrat.
Many people may disagree with what I have to say but after reading most of the posts and prayers concerning Northam, I must speak up. Personally, I will not ask God to have mercy or forgive that man. It would be like asking God to forgive Satan or David praying for Goliath. Northam, on Good Friday, pulled an “In Your face, God” attack on every believer in Virginia. I pray for God to judge his treacherous anti-Christ laws and deliver us from his evil agenda. For God is for us, not against us and that what happens soon will be a warning to others in positions of power and authority worldwide, that God loves and defends His own. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
Barbara, I agree with you 100%. I live in Va. I guess we can say he mocked God right to his face just like the gay community has done. An abomination to God.
I agree that what you suggest will get the world’s attention. But suppose that he has tears, on air, of genuine repentance and confesses his actions as sin and publicly acknowledges Jesus Christ is LORD. and then step down from office. Not only would he be saved, but just imagine what the ripple effect would be. God is so very good to us all.
The Captain of the host is JESUS, we’re following in His footsteps, no foe can stand against us in the fray.
His glory shall be seen upon out land.
For The Lord is Marching On
Messianic Praise 1996 Integrity Music, Inc.
We ask you to rebuke Satan for our sakes, and his worshipers, dear Lord. We ask you who rule completely here and in heaven to purge our land of Satanists who rule us. We ask the you would be waking up America to the take over of our country by these Satanists. It is no mistake this happened on Good Friday. We ask your blood, our sweet Lord Jesus, to bring restoration to the women that have been seduced into sacrificing their child to Satan through abortion. We ask for revival to sweep our country, dear Lord, and that your name would be spoken in praise and adoration and petition. We ask for a final breaking of the Democratic Party in November, and a purging of the Republican Party, and a birth of another party that is strictly constitutional in its platform. We ask for an alignment of priorities for your children who have believed on the name of Jesus, that we would lay down our idol of mammon and be the ambassadors of Heaven you have called us to be. In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen
My home state as well. NRA does good job of spreading the news and several other sources do, too.
My first reaction was anger,then I repented and asked for wisdom.
Psalm 2:2 says “The kings of the earth prepare for battle;the rulers plot together against the Lord and His Anointed One.” Verse 4.. But the One Who rules in Heaven laughs. The Lord scoffs at them. Then in anger He rebukes them, terrifying them with His fierce fury.”
The gov is a man to be pitied, so lost.
I believe these laws will not succeed. When more people start turning to the Lord Jesus, the laws on the books won’t matter.
Pray for repentance and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit!
In my view, your anger was justified based on the “planned deception” of both the governor and many in the legislature of VA. I would be angry too because of the intentional destruction that is purposely being injected and forced on the people of VA. God himself, as patient and merciful as He is… isn’t smiling down on those performing and passing these hideous laws through the power of their elected positions. Yes those “lost” need our prayers but the state of VA also needs Christians to rise up in actions that force the removal of these people who use their positions to create laws that are ungodly and damaging to our Constitution and the people.
Powerful prayer MJ. Nothing is hidden from our Father. He is The Righteous Judge. Blessings 🙏🏻🕊🌺 Hedy
I pray, in Jesus Name, for a strong, Holy fear iof God would come upon this man
Heavenly Father, We come to YOU seeking YOUR face asking for forgiveness for our sins. Father, our nation is calling evil good and good evil. The laws passed in VA encourage more sin which goes directly against Your Word. Your Word says You created us male and female. In Romans 1:26 Your Word says a woman should not have sexual relations with another woman, nor a man with another man. That is an abomination to YOU. Also killing our babies is not Your will. We are allowing children to be sacrificed on the altars of the abortion tables. Father, forgive us. Many young women do not know what they are doing. They have been told lies about the “tissue” in their wombs. Father, we plead the blood of Jesus over the USA. I ask that our nation be cleansed from these sinful ways, along with all the other killings, rapes, stealing, divorce, and other unloving sinful attitudes we have. Let THY Kingdom come and let THY will be done here in the USA and around the world. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen
They know what they are doing but they are trying to hide it from themselves so as to claim ignorance. . Just as the Lord tells us in Romans 2, it is written in our hearts…Prayers for their repentance.
As grieved as I am that Governor Northam has no remorse about signing this legislation into law, I am even more grieved that he chose to sign during the most sacred season–and particularly the most sacred weekend of Christianity. In doing this, he has flaunted his governmental power in the face of Christ-followers and publicly declared (knowingly or unknowingly) that he has no fear of God. Lord, have mercy on him and upon us. Holy Spirit, pursue him with Your convicting truth. King of Glory, King of Kings may he see You as You are.
We are seeing what this pandemic is all about. It’s more than older people and a few others dying. The pandemic is just a distraction. It’s a time for under handing the righteous. It’s a time of sneaking policies past us. We must stay strong with our eyes open. All is not what it seems.
Father God, awaken our nation to repent and receive Jesus as Savior and Lord, and equip Your children with Your truth and wisdom to fight the good fight for our country. We fully trust in Your sovereign power and we ask for You will and plan for every state and our country as a whole to be done according to Your timetable and in Your perfect way. In the precious name of Jesus Christ, amen.
I understand that and I just decree and declare that the plans of the enemy are made to no affect in Jesus name and make our president and us wiser than our enemies in Jesus name. Amen and amen
Makes me sick that some people are blinded by the god of this world. I pray for Gods justice and wrath to be done today to stop this bill in some miraculous way that God will be glorified!
Lord Jesus, reveal all who participated in this evil. Change their minds and bring them to repentance. If they will not repent and change things to righteousness, remove them from leadership. Father, surround these laws and nullify them. Block anyone from participating in the above laws. May your people show love and kindness to all who are caught in bondage or finding themselves in a difficult position, but let them chose Life. In Jesus Name.
This is very saddening. I have felt that they will try and drag out the coronavirus for as long as they possibly can. I am not downplaying the seriousness of the virus, but I am saying they have found this to be an opportune time to work in secret to change laws because the world is watching coronavirus. This is a perfect cover for them.
With a heavy heart I cry out, Father God have mercy on us. We pray for salvation for our leaders who are using this time of crisis to pass their agenda behind closed doors. Father we pray let your light shine in the darkness exposing what needs to be seen. Let a great unveiling come forth. Father we come to you as sovereign Lord, creator, and true and righteous judge. We cry out for the unborn being targeted once again, religious freedoms being attacked, and more they are planning that we cannot see. Father you see them, you know what they are truly after. Father we pray that truth and justice would prevail in our nation in Jesus name Amen.
Evil never sleeps, evil pounces in every opportunity, and evil rejoices with every affliction.Evil prospers when “men of good conscience” do nothing in the face of Evil.
Prayer is our best hope against evil, but that hope must be backed up by action to defeat evil.
David, thank you for your courage to present truth. Your post today goes along with the dream I had last night. In my dream most of the Christians were complacent to the spiritual war waging all around them. The Christians were happy with their comfortable, worldly lifestyles. They were too cowardly to speak up for truth or to do anything politically. We need to pray for Christians to rise up, stop being content with their worldly lifestyles, and join in the prayer battle.
This makes me so ANGRY!
I want to pray fire on them and am immediately convicted, because that’s never God’s heart, is it?
Father, we REPENT for the SINS of Virginia. We cry out, HAVE MERCY ON THEM, FATHER, for they know not what they do! We raise a BATTLE CRY for Virginia to be a SHEEP STATE, a follower of Jesus state, a Bridegroom-loving state, a seated-at-the-table-state. Have mercy, Father! We cry out for their hearts to be pierced with conviction, with gaping holes that only You can fill! Pour out YOUR LOVE, YOUR FEAR, and the reality of YOUR KINGDOM on Virginia, NOW, in Jesus’ Name!
I agree, as also repent for the choices Virginia is making at this time. God forgive the leadership, their congress and Gov. Northam. God intervene and change these laws. Blood of Jesus speak. Lord, we speak, Life, Life, Life to the unborn. I agree, turn Virginia around to be a state that leads out in Life and Righteousness instead of evil. We rebuke the evil plans of satan’s kingdom and ask You, The Lord o Heaven’s Armies to prevail in Virginia. Thank you, Lord, that you hear our prayers and will answer.
i agree with your prayer and would add the names of all states because the defeated foe attempts to lure all by deception…
I’m days late to this sight, sorry. Lisa,there is nothing wrong with righteous indignation. God wanted to destroy all the children of Israel in the wilderness. Moses had to intervene. Also, Jesus overturned the money changers in the temple. He just requires that you not let the sun go down on your anger.
There are times I’d like to do something to these people. I use to be such a patient person, but when I watch President Trump answer questions from the press I am amazed at his patience.
It amazes me because I have been saved for years but he has only known Jesus such a short time.
I got off topic. I’ll be praying for a holy boldness as a Lion to fall on the Christians of Virginia, along with wisdom from God on how to use it.
Lisa, thank you for the hugs.:)
My thoughts on these are:
42 USC 1983 says Northam cannot pass laws that go against the 2nd Amendment.
The Preamble of the Constitution states that We, the people, are created equal and endowed by our Creator with inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness which means no one person is entitled to special protections above another making the legislated “Hate Crimes” laws unConstitutional.
The unborn child being created at conception also is entitled to life, not death, which is a judgement bestowed upon murders.
Northam needs to be taken to court for his overreach.
Father forgive them for they know not what they do!! Pierce their hearts Lord with the sword of the Holy Spirit that they may turn from their wicked ways and repent!!! I pray for your enemies Lord who are also our enemies that they may come to true salvation and repentance!!! Oh Abba Father you don’t want anyone to perish… your heart is that all would come to faith in Christ Jesus our Lird Savior and King!!! Amen!!!
Prayed for N. Virginia and for our country! Can this be overturned? Who’s watching before stuff like this happens. May God have mercy on us and give us strength to speak out against such travesty.
“For the weapons of our warfare are not physical (weapons of flesh and blood) but they are mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds” 2Cor.10:4 Amp. Where the enemy comes in like a flood the Lord lifts up His banner. Lord our trust is in You to take what the enemy means for destruction and redeem it for Your honor.
Yes!! I was trying to remember where that Scripture verse was found! May the Spirit of the Lord raise up a standard against the Enemy, Satan, not Nordstrom, in this hour, and help Christians to stand firm!!
Sign a petition against all this stuff and recall the leftist’s action at these new actions they made on Good Friday 2020. I am still upset the LGBTQ overturned the marriage is one man and one woman stance.
Lord have mercy on the state of Virginia. This reminds me of proverbs, two places, there is a way that seems right to a man but the end brings destruction.
When I read as a child about as in the days of Noah, so it will be when the Lord returns…
In the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
we call out to those people whom God has been preparing for such a time as this:
Come forth and serve as a leader at the top of the cultural mountain of the news media!
Come forth and serve as a leader at the top of the cultural mountain of education!
Come forth and serve as a leader at the top of the cultural mountain of government!
Come forth and serve as a leader at the top of the cultural mountain of business and finance!
Come forth and serve as a leader at the top of the cultural mountain of arts and entertainment!
Come forth and serve as a leader at the top of the cultural mountain of the church in the United States of America!
Come forth and serve as the spiritual leader in each of your families!
For those who have not seen it yet, I urge you to go to You Tube and watch the documentary “Out of Shadows” by Mike Smith, former Hollywood stuntman.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MY8Nfzcn1qQ&feature=youtu.be&app=desktop. (not to be confused with “Out of the Shadows”)
It is a huge answer to our prayers with over 3 million viewers and growing. The LORD is exposing the secrets of the devil and we have great cause to rejoice. Rather than be confounded by the mindset that allows people to vote such liberal agendas into office we can say: ” Yes Lord, continue to expose the enemy, we pray for Your grace to fall upon the people in our nation to realize they have been taken captive in their minds. We pray for more and more credible exposures of the enemy’s lies that have brainwashed the nation. We pray King of Glory, the Way the Truth and the Life shine Your bright light and expose what is going on in the darkness. We pray, Father draw the deceived out of darkness into the Love and Light of Jesus. Let there be the washing of the Blood of Jesus and the washing of the Water of the Word. As our President lifts up the name of Jesus we declare all men are drawn unto Him for IT IS WRITTEN no one comes to the Son unless the Father draws him. We cry out for Your great loving kindness and mercy! In the Name of Jesus we pray and rejoice that You hear us. Amen in the Name of Jesus
Correction …there have been over 10 million views for Out of Shadows. There are many people who are working on different projects to expose what is going on in the deep state. One person is named Suzanne. Please put her on your prayer list for protection under the Blood. Two attempts on her life have been made, but God has protected her. We decree she is hidden in Christ and the documents she has uncovered are coming to the light in the Name of Jesus. Father we send angels to surround her and we pray for her to have clarity of mind as she puts all the evidence together. Thank You Father!! in Jesus’ name we pray.
Amen. Lord I thank you for Suzanne and ALL who are courageous to speak out and expose the evil that has been hidden in darkness.
And that justice be done. Amen.
PSM 91:10-11 “No evil shall befall you , nor shall any plague come near your dwelling. For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways.” Keep up God’s work!🙏
pray Hebrews 4:13
Also pray Psalm 10
David, do the Virginia citizens have any avenues to stop this legislation?
Terri – Yes, they (we, since I live in VA). The State Legislator has a progressive majority. So, vote them out of office or vote the Governor out of office. Gov. Northam changed existing law, so it can be changed again.
Lord, forgive us for our sleepiness as a Body of Christ. Help us to be diligent to pray. Give us grace and strength to guard our country fr evil. Turn back the evil, God, and overturn these bad laws, we pray!
Many Virginia Christian public policy organizations, including The Family Foundation of Virginia, warned Virginia voters this would happen if they elected a Democrat majority in the House of Delegates and Virginia Senate with a sitting Democrat governor. The broad body of Christians were asleep in the November 2019 election, and this is the result. The Democrats boasted in December and January that they were going to undo decades of work by Republicans in one afternoon when they took power. The new LGBTQ laws put all Christian organizations, including churches, in jeopardy of prosecution and lawsuits if they refuse to hire a practicing homosexual because of Biblical grounds. Virginia got the government Virginia chose. Barack Obama was right about one thing. Elections have consequences. The drastic swing in the Virginia electorate since 2008 is unlike anything I have seen in my lifetime. If believers in Virginia don’t wake up and take their responsibilities as citizens and voters seriously, we won’t recognize what the Commonwealth becomes.
Proverbs 29:2 When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, But when a wicked man rules, people groan.
Michael- Exactly right. IFA HQ is in northern VA, so we are now subject to these laws. We are deeply concerned.
Not all if Virginia voted him in as Governor. The Northern VA area is heavily populated and very liberal minded. The same areas that voted Northam in also voted against Trump.
Father God, forgive us. We bring judgement on ourselves as we continue to move away from Your precepts and perfect law. We blaspheme Your Name and reject Your Truth. We call evil good and good evil. We offer our unborn children on the altar of convenience and profit. We take Your creation of man and woman and distort its function and definition. We worship ourselves and exploit the marginalized. Oh Holy God, I ask for Your Forgiveness! Pour out Your Spirit and grant discernment and wisdom. Let us not be taken away by deceit and the emotionalism used by the enemy to distract us from the realities of our actions and choices. Wake up Your church that we may pray, seek Your Will and stand against the enemy! Lord, Your Word encourages us that All Things Are Possible with You! And that You will never leave us nor forsake us. Please Lord, hear our cries for mercy. Please move and change hearts drawing them to Yourself. Expose the deeds of darkness and burn them up. May the enemy have no power over us. May we walk in courage and strength, armed with Your Holy Spirit. Please Father God, use us where You will, or come and take us away! Maranatha, Maranatha, Come quickly Lord Jesus, I pray!
Love and truth is losing! Before Jesus was turned lose to His fate, He was asked “what is truth?” The answer was never spoken because person that posed the question did not wait for an answer the crowd was calling for the release of Barrabas and so the decison was made. As powerful as the Roman ruler was, he realized the moment was larger than he was to the point he recognized love as self-love for in that moment self preservation required the balance of taming the crowd and preserving his job by keeping order in his territory. Truth, then was a judgment not based on a law or fact, it was a decision made to placate the mob and preserve his job.
Then, power and control necessitated for the ruler to sacrifice truth in order to satisfy Rome and his constituents. This same battle is alive and well today. Our government or more meaningful, the deep state has been able to manipulate enough of our population to create division where a majority of barely 50% wins the presidential election. Judicial Watch has identified rampant election fraud that reveals a willingness of the people to align with the power of evil (Satan or his minions) to subvert the truth to achieve their goals.Most importantly, the Christian and their Bible has been aligned with hate speech with our treatment of homosexuals and sexual perversions. While we are taught to speak the truth we have missed the mark because we all are sinners and the difference between hate (self love and jealousy) and love (treating your neighbor as yourself) is self evident by Christ’s sacrifice. We are so close as Candace Owens has been showing the lies as to how government programs actually hurt the ability to live the American Dream. The death of the American family has been statistically proven by a divorce rate approaching 70% leading some government leaders to say the family is dead. Thank God the Church has repented! The election of Donald Trump and his recognition of God, truth and God’s Agape love for all creation to turn to Him and to believe in the work of His Son for all people has begun to turn people back to God while the Corona virus demonstrates the hate and lies by the deep state to abuse the power given by God to rule creation. I pray that God’s love and truth for His creation leads Him to save the world allowing the work in Israel and the total number of Gentile can be increased instead of removing the believers from Sodom and Gommora. Jesus said He wanted to Bless the Father to restore the most of creation to come to the truth which both truth and love stem from a love that stems from subjugating self-love to love for your neighbor as revealed in scripture by the love of the Samaritan who aided a stranger. Praise our Father, His Mercy and Grace witheld from noone and free for the asking until the fullness of His time is reached. Amen
Thank you Jonathan Berry! Your response was stated in such beautiful wording as to the situation at hand! Memorizing, meditating and studying the book of John, has brought me to the same sentiments!
Thank you for your response!
Governor Huckabee has an internet show that has introduced people who are gay and or support the movement but recognize the publc push for the transgender movement is about 0.6% of the population. These people are trying to raise an awareness that the deep state (people who want 1 world government realize that the vote is being manipulated so that our government can be manipulated. The mercy prayer says it all. In John 17; John records Jesus’s prayer where He places the disciples into the Father as Jesus is returning to Heaven. After that prayer, in the ESV Bible Jesus prays not for the world but for those who believe in the teaching by those who carry on. Jesus really did die for the whole world (who accept the teaching and turn back to God confessing their sin to God, believing that Christ is the son of God and His blood shed on the cross reconciles the believer by faith that we are forgiven. I was mystified by the mercy prayer which states Jesus gave His life for the “whole world.” He died for us when we were still sinners so that by faith we could be saved! People who reject God’s Word and His Son Jesus’s death on the cross has no part in the ressurection. This is why it is so important that we not judge anybody so that a person can renounce the world and believe. Amen
Such a good and accurate explanation, Jonathan. The Word stands in opposition to those who think and tell others that all go to heaven because God loves everyone. Yes, He does, and John 17 clearly shows that the Lord Himself said he was praying not for the world but for those who would believe (including future believers). I am encouraged by your post. At times we can feel alone in sharing “what God says” rather than what people are hearing from false teachers. Thank you and others here for speaking the truth, and with His love.
I love your explanations Jonathan
And am fully in agreement with your prayer which has been so beautifully written. Blessings 🙏🏻🕊🌺Hedy
Amen! God bless Candace Owens and Governor Huckabee for getting the truth to the public. And God bless Trump for bringing Christianity back to the White House.
The enemy is still trying to control. But we make our petitions know and our God will bring their plans to nothing. Amen
Jesus is Lord!
Actually I was watching and many other thousands as well. We have sent letters repeatedly through these past few months to our legislators and Gov. Northram!! Also there was a large protest group of pastors that went to Richmond to appeal to legislators. The Family Foundation of Virginia run by Victoria Cobb keeps those who are on her mailing list abreast of all such legislation. This is an amazing organization. I suggest everyone in VA sign up with them !!! They are outstanding!!
Gov Northam also petitioned the Virginia General Assembly to
1. Change local election date from May to Nov
2. Discard the absentee ballots that we were encouraged to use as a way to vote during this “shutdown”
3. Change the date for the Republican Primary from June 9th since his shutdown order would not end until June 10th.
Lord have mercy!
Gov. Northam sounds like he is being controlled by George Soros’ money(agenda).
Oh church why doeth thou slumber?
Are we not called to be alert, 8 be of sober spirit, be on the alert.
Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour, 1 Peter 5:8 NASB.
Lord, I pray binding up those in authority who have craft wickedness in legislation that is contrary to Your Word, Lord, calling the laws they have created canceled in the name of Jesus. I call a loosening of Your faithful to call out this injustice. I call the courts of our land to cancel these wicked and unjust laws in the name of Jesus. And I call the harm intended by these wicked and unjust laws to fall back on those who crafted this wickedness. 11 For they intended evil against thee: they imagined a mischievous device, which they are not able to perform, Psalm 21:11 KJV. 27 He who digs a pit will fall into it,
And he who rolls a stone, it will come back on him, Proverbs 26:27 KJV.
Praise You Heavenly Father.
Revival: Prayer is Not a Substitue for Obedience
by A.W.Tozer
“He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.” (John 14:21)
Intensity of prayer is no criterion of its effectiveness. A man may throw himself on his face and sob out his troubles to the Lord and yet have no intention to obey the commandments of Christ. Strong emotion and tears may be no more than the outcropping of a vexed spirit, evidence of stubborn resistance to God’s known will….
No matter what I write here, thousands of pastors will continue to call their people to prayer in the forlorn hope that God will finally relent and send revival if only His people wear themselves out in intercession. To such people God must indeed appear to be a hard taskmaster, for the years pass and the young get old and the aged die and still no help comes. The prayer meeting room becomes a wailing wall and the lights burn long, and still the rains tarry.
Has God forgotten to be gracious? Let any reader begin to obey and he will have the answer.
Isn’t that what we want after all?
“Lord, help me to obey Your commandments. My spirit is willing, but my flesh is weak! I long to live in that obedience, in order that I may know the Father’s love and manifestation to me. Amen.”
Oh Mari!! You just gave us the answer we need the most! Obedience is greater than sacrifice!! Doers of the Word!! Yes! Pray, but obey!! Hallelujah!! Thank you Mari!!
Yes and Amen! This is what I speak even though many do not want to hear it. Obedience! Truth has a way of unsettling those who want to walk in their own ways. “Lord, in your great mercy, open the eyes and ears of those whom Father is calling to Himself. Melt hearts during this time and loose them from bondage, bringing many sons and daughters to glory. In Your matchless name I pray!”
To God be the Glory that this is being brought before us!!! The Body of Christ!!
Thank you Father God for David Kubal!!
I am about to post what I posted here before that was given to me by the Spirit of the Lord on 11/23/2019
The Spirit of the Lord says
The Body of Christ is in the earth not to condemn but to share the Gospel, to set free those that are bound!
Luke 4:14-18
Matthew 28
Don’t get entangled in the snares of the enemy but rather take the Mighty Powerful Blood of Jesus and place it upon people and circumstances.
Body of Christ do you know who you are? Do you know who lives in you?
Do you know who I Am?
Stop condemning those that are bound and do the work Body of Christ I command you to do!!!
Satan is going rampant in this nation?
What are you going to do about it Body of Christ?
Take my Blood and cover every area, every circumstance!
Take my Mighty Powerful Name and speak to those things that are not of Me!!!
Do you know who you are Body of Christ?
And why you are here in the earth for such a time as this?
End of words given!!!
The following words were given to me on 12/14/19 which I have posted here before and are doing it again!
The Spirit of the Lord says,
I am shaking all things that can be shaken!
All the evil is being brought to light!
Let your Praises be lifted up to your King Jesus Christ!
Take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God and speak to that or those that need to be brought down or destroyed!
I have given you Body of Christ authority!
Take my Mighty Powerful Name and speak to any and all situations that arise!
Do the work I called you to do!!!!
End of words given!
Lastly I post what was given to me by the Spirit of the Lord on March 31st, 2020
The Spirit of the Lord says you are a part of the Body of Christ Maria and as such you have authority to speak to that, that is considered a plague!
Stand in the authority I have given to the church the Body of Christ and tell that virus it is dead!
Do it all in the Mighty Powerful Name of Jesus, in the authority of Jesus’s Name!
And Praise Praise Praise Me your King for what you speak by faith, decree and declare by faith in the Mighty Powerful Name of Jesus will be done!!!
Speak it over your city and state!!!
End of words given!
I have and I am speaking, decreeing and declaring that given above by faith in the Mighty Powerful Name of Jesus over my city and my state!!!!!
And so can you Body of Christ!!!
All to the Glory of God!!!!!!
Amen Maria. It is when we, His voice in the earth decree according to His will, that the Angels, the Heavenly Army is released to fulfill those commands and uncover, expose, and destroy the works of darkness in the earth! This shaking is for the Ecclesia to awaken and arise to do what He has commissioned and equipped us to do! We are to call His Kingdom rule into every mountain and valley so that He will be glorified.
Amen Donna!!!!!
All to the Glory of God!
Maria, that is what I have been declaring every time I hear someone on FOX NEWS talk about the virus coming back In the fall or any other time. I have been saying “it’s dead, I cancel out their words. The virus is DEAD. AMEN!
Thank you Jane for your reply!!!!
We stand in agreement, that is what the Body of Christ is here for to stand in unity against the wiles of the devil in the authority of Jesus’s Name !!!!!!
Thanks for sharing 🙏
The train has left the station!
Surely, GOD had already given the call to people in Virginia to become involved in the government of their respective state BEFORE this happened?
“Because the sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil, (‘people feel safe to do wrong’ NLT).Ecclesiastes 8:11 NKJV. This nation has been moving toward a godless society for the past fifty years due to the laws that have been passed in an effort to sanitize our nation of Christianity. Verse 12 in Ecclesiastes 8 reads as follows, “Though a sinner does evil a hundred times, and his days are prolonged, yet I surely know that it will be well with those who fear God…” God grant us the strength and power through the Holy Spirit to take a stand while we walk upon the face of this earth. Amen!
What an apt Scripture!
In the Mighty Powerful Name of Jesus I cover you Patricia with the Mighty Powerful Blood of Jesus!! The Mighty Powerful Blood of Jesus is your protection, a shield and a weapon against the enemy!!!
Stand Patricia and know that the Prince of Peace is with you and in you!!! And you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you!!
Father in Jesus Name I ask for your Glory to cover Patricia!!!
I love you my sister!!!
I don’t say this lightly. God bless you, Patricia.
Isaiah 40:31
But those who wait on the Lord
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.
Patricia this is totally overwhelming!! Please take some time off from the news. Rest in Jesus. While you’re “off” thousands of others are still praying and God never sleeps! Praying for you my sister in Christ!!❤️🙏🏻🙌
Man cannot legislate for what God has already forbidden, there are always consequences, Virginia’s liberal legislators have just cursed their state.
Forgive them, Father, for they do not know what they are doing. For You are good and Your mercy endures forever. Have mercy on us. Do, God, only what only You can do, convict us, save us, change us into Your Son’s image. Come with Your fear, help us to repent and change our ways. Help us to again honor and respect You and all people created in Your image. Guide the people of Virginia to cry our for salvation and for their sins to be forgiven. Your blood Jesus can wash away all sins. Cleanse us all. Heal our land.
Lord fraud rears it head in many ways. You know the heart and motive behind a man’s heart issues. Lord what man means to use to kill and destroy, to win votes by or to destroy a community I pray Your mercy and Grace over. I pray for Your will in reversing all that was done on Good Friday. Lord I pray for conviction in the souls of those who are dishonest, lack integrity, do not practice righteousness,and are influenced by evil thoughts. Lord I pray that Gov. Northam would seek the welfare of the city to which he has been entrusted to care for. (Jer.29:7) Lord I pray that if it is Your will that you would expose unrighteousness in leaders and remove them. (Psalm 5:10) Lord I pray for the election of godly leaders and protection from godless leaders in government positions.(Job 34:30) Lord please help! Please protect our Nation. Lord I pray for repentance and revival in our people here in America. (2 Chronicles 7:14) Forgive our sins, heal our land through Your mercy and Grace and steadfast love. In Jesus name. Amen
LORD GOD, please turn the Church from sin and blindness, please a Revival that will rock the Nations of this World; especially America. Our Nation has been on a downward path for so long, please Father raise up godly men and women who will stand in the gap and PRAY, against the unseen forces of the enemy. Open the eyes of our backsliding Leaders of the Church of the Living GOD of Heaven and earth. Help us during this time when the devil is raging death throughout our nation and all over the Globe; help us in Jesus name.
The Antichrist is pushing his agenda behind the scenes and our Constitutional rights seem to be eroding without much notice other than THIS red flag. Dear Lord please bring the Christians closer so we can pray,act and be a well informed Joel 2 army of God.
Father God Your hand is not short and nothing takes You by surprise. Forgive our complacency and our apathy, help us oh God to truly repent and turn from our wicked ways. Father forgive us, send Your Holy Spirit, shake us up to be able to scan the landscape and see evil before it flourishes. There’s nothing which You cannot transform. We have let it go through and we ask Your forgiveness. Remove scales from the eyes which cannot perceive the wickedness they’re causing, the transgressions to Your law, and yet, if they continues, if we continue in our blindness, Lord let it be done according to Your will. Remove transgressors In Jesus name. Amen.
Dear Lord, we have sinned so greatly against you in apathy and worshiping the sex god, that we now find ourselves fighting for freedoms we took for granted. Please Lord heal this Nation for the scourge of abortion and now this battle against LBGTQ which is demonic. Lord open the eyes of The Church give us all insight, wisdom, and discernment. Lord remove ungodly leaders and replace them with god-fearing, and life affirming men and women. In Jesus Name Amen and Amen
Lord, we pray that the elected who pass evil laws would have the scales removed from their eyes and turn to you for forgiveness. If this is not possible, I pray, Lord, that you remove them from office. Let the heads of those who surround us be covered with the trouble that their laws have caused. We pray in Jesus mighty name. Thank you, Lord, that you hear our prayers.
Father, we ask that you help us to be cognizant, aware, and prepared for the day(s) that are ahead. Give us ears to hear, eyes to see, and a heart that is willing and obedient to do the things that you have called us to do. Father we ask that you remove the blinders from our eyes, and to lean into your precious Holy Spirit like never before. In Jesus’ name amen.
Lord please help us who serve You be aware of all the evil that men do. Help to find out and expose these sinful plans that godless people come up with. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
My prayer today 🙏🏻 is that every person on this planet…their heart 💗turns to you lord✝️
In your name Jesus.
“That no weapon formed against me, us, your people, shall never, ever, prosper”🙏🏻
Isaiah 54:17
Let’s us pray🙏🏻✝️💗
Thank you l need someone to talk to l am shocked to the replies l was scared to even look.