This week, globalist elites gathered to combine resources and influence into a collaborated force advancing an anti-God, unbiblical agenda in our nation. Fortune 500 CEOs, tech and media moguls, and celebrities joined governmental leaders such as senators and former CIA directors. This year’s agenda included racial issues and crime reform. We ran an article earlier this week on this meeting and developed a Special Report on this topic. Click below to get your copy if you missed it.
As we look over the history of this event and others like this, those of us with spiritual eyes see the power players and the “powers and principalities” at work here. These demonic forces supernaturally enable people with supernatural business strategies and supernatural abilities to make large sums of money. The “prince of the ruler of air” guides these individuals down the path of demonic effectiveness in order to further the goals of a demonic kingdom.
These individuals may be naturally gifted in a particular area such as leadership, corporate leadership, or influence, but these gifts—from God by the way—are hijacked and then empowered for those who are open to this demonic power.
Many of us have prayed about meetings like this in the past, and we need to continue to do so. As I have sought the Lord about how to pray about this year’s meeting in Sun Valley, I learned some attendees reported that a focus on social justice issues in their businesses caused corporate distractions, decreased productivity, and led to tension among leadership teams. It is a very effective prayer strategy to pray that leaders would not be distracted by unbiblical agendas and that their desire for corporate effectiveness would lead them to do what is right.
Our assignment as intercessors is to pray! Click on the message below, download the prayer, and pray in unity about the national demonic influence in our nation.
Share your thoughts and impressions, and let us know you are praying about this issue!
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I have prayed so much for our nation’s seeming 30 front war against Satan and the Dragon of China. I have used the same scripture since the beginning and I continue to share it here: 2nd Kings 6:17 “And Elisha prayed, Open his eyes Lord so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.”
Trump won. Elisha also said to his servant, “There are more for us, than against us.” This is of course a double meaning. Yes, there are the heavenly hosts about us warring on our behalf, but the other meaning is that the audits reveal that there were more with Trump than against him. This is NOT about Donald Trump. It IS about the sacred right of all Americans to have the right to choose who our leaders are.
“Oh let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end.” Psalm 7:9 https://hisinheritance.org/2019/08/21/psalms-spiritual-warfare/
My sister lives in Sun Valley Idaho. She doesn’t understand what is going on there right now. But I do. I am praying for her and praying for those that are at this conference that the Lord God Almighty will show his hand and hearts will be turned. They don’t understand that God almighty is the supreme King and always will be. I pray that He will take that which is meant for evil and turn it into good. I believe we are closer and closer to when Jesus will come and gather up his children. The devil is here and building his dark kingdom. Psalm 2:1-5 says “Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers gather together against the Lord and against his Anointed One. “Let us break their chains” they say, “and throw off their fetters.”The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them. Then he rebukes them in his anger and terrifies them in his wrath saying “I have installed my King on Zion, my holy hill.” 🌟
In 1969, a missionary on furlough from Africa was invited to speak at my church. He told us about a time when he was casting demons out of someone, who was involved in witchcraft. As he rebuked the demons in Jesus’ name, one of them spoke to him in English. It threatened to go to the USA if he cast it out. He asked it why and it said that Satan instructed all demons in Africa to go to the USA if Christians cast them out. The missionary asked why again and commanded it to tell the truth. It replied that the USA was the greatest threat to Satan’s plan for the antichrist. In 2009 Uncensored Magazine had a photo of Obama taking his oath of office standing upon the seat of Satan. Billy Graham was also in the photo with a look of total horror upon his face. the Bible says we are to open the gates to the King of glory, but Obama did that to open spiritual gates to the hordes of hell.
Psalms 2:1-6 NKJV
Why do the nations rage, And the people plot a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, And the rulers take counsel together, Against the LORD and against His Anointed, saying, “Let us break Their bonds in pieces And cast away Their cords from us.” He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; The Lord shall hold them in derision. Then He shall speak to them in His wrath, And distress them in His deep displeasure: “Yet I have set My King On My holy hill of Zion.”
When human beings have more money than they can spend in several lifetimes, what keeps them motivated is their desire (lust) for influence and power. Because these men and women deem themselves ‘superior beings’, they condescendingly assume that they must dictate to the common masses what is be believed and submitted to. When any one person, group, or church resists their corrupted ‘wisdom’, they then bare their teeth and seek to coerce submission by whatever means necessary. The end justifies the means, no matter how heinous their methods are. Their idea of utopia is well defined by the NWO Globalist agenda and their mandate to somehow reduce the world to 500 million in total population… that means only 1 out of 15 people will be considered ‘worthy’ to exist.
What is this but the ancient lie of the serpent, “You shall be as gods”… the bottom line of the New Age Movement in all its satanic tentacles. Prayerfully consider this essay linked as fuel for prayer and greater awareness of the ‘pandemic’ influence of the fallen ones and their minions in the earth:
ABBA Father, we again declare our total allegiance to You- the LORD Jesus Christ- & Holy Spirit. We do cry out for Your Will to be done, ‘on earth as it is in Heaven’. May the schemes and devices of darkness be exposed and their agendas subverted, that the Body of Christ may arise- win countless souls to Your Kingdom, and magnify Your Holy Name & Divine purposes throughout ALL nations, in Jesus’ Name, AMEN!
I cannot really add anything else to all of these powerful prayers–praise God–except to say in the end God wins!!!
If I had known of this ahead of time would have tried to get to Ketchum where Sun Valley is, and prayer walk. I live in Boise area. But am lifting this up that there are people walking there trusting Jesus for deliverance for this elite group who need to be set free.
I asked God what was on His heart on July 8th and heard,
“The nations rage.”
I immediately thought of this group meeting in Sun Valley.
(The following is what I heard and prayed about that day – so I am so thankful to have a chance to pray in agreement with all of you!!!)
“How dare the nations plan a rebellion. Their foolish plots are futile! Look at how the power brokers of the world rise up to hold their summit as the rulers scheme and confer together against Yahweh and his Anointed King, saying: “Let’s come together and break away from the Creator. Once and for all let’s cast off these controlling chains of God and his Christ!””
Psalms 2:1-3 TPT
All of Psalm 2 is important for this season.
I feel their agenda is a Babylonian kingdom agenda. Like the Tower of Babel. Like Babylon in Revelation.
“The woman was robed in purple and scarlet and was glittering with gold, precious stones, and pearls. She was holding in her hand a golden chalice brimming full with defiling obscenities and the filth of her lewdness. On her forehead was written these mysterious titles: “The great Babylon, mother of prostitutes and of the abominations of the earth.””
Revelation 17:4-5 TPT
Babylon is Satan’s mockery of the Bride of Christ. I am seeing her sewn crudely and grotesquely together: a “Frankenstein” of unhealthy pieces. (Eww!)
Their leaders gather as priests of humanism and every evil agenda to control and curse things – the opposite of the Bride as we gather, pray and declare His Kingdom into the world.
I feel there are multiple death agendas plotted among them, and that China – the dragon- is deeply involved, along with other nations.
They have gained an incredible amount of power, control and wealth this past year. We have entered a different type of warfare, set apart from other World Wars or enemy moves because of the true global scope and people involved from so many nations and religions – including the “church”.
Just like God is bringing about a huge Kingdom move and bringing His Bride and all the streams together into seamless unity- the enemy is bringing his false “bride” and kingdom of darkness together too. There is an unheard of unity and powerful voice coming together of all the major enemy streams globally.
I see a translucent gold wall-like force field around this resort/meeting, placed by the intercessors that God is raising up to pray this week.
It gives the impression of “restriction”. Restricting what they are allowed to plot and do.
The weapons may be formed but they won’t prosper. We declare that only a small part of what they have planned will be allowed to be released. The enemy is on a leash. Tethered. And I see a powerful, bright, revealing light from a heavenly magnifying glass aiming straight into Sun Valley and the agenda/people there.
A few years ago God asked if I want to watch Him subdue the nations.
Thank You Jesus that You have asked for the Nations, Your heart is for the Nations -and they are Yours!!!
We declare Your power, goodness, love and huge move on the earth- including Your move, salvation and deliverance among these elite globalists and penetrating into every dark control center on earth.
Dear father, we pray that a spirit of confusion would come on these elites who are meeting. Let them begin to argue with one another and let the fear of the Lord fall on them! They arrogantly believe they can control YOUR world, so we pray you will reveal Your mighty power to them! Show them that You alone control this world. Protect Your children and Your world, from their “plans” Father. Let them see Your mighty Hand, in such a way, that all of their plots and plans will be demolished. Let God arise, and His enemies be scattered! “What the enemy means for evil, Lord, You can turn it for good!” Thank You and praise You, that You are King of Kings and Lord of Lords, now and forevermore! In Jesus Mighty Name, we ask you!
Praying in agreement, Pauline! In Jesus Mighty Name!
“The LORD is known by his acts of justice; the wicked are ensnared by the work of their hands.” ~ Psalm 9:17
Ooops, that’s Psalm 9:16. Excuse my typo!
Thank you Lord that You have revealed to Your Saints what has been referred to in past days as the ‘Deep State”, not as a point of information but as a demonic stronghold that we as Your Spiritual Army can began to tear down, especially its attempts to further destroy your Church before Your return.
We need to seriously pray for those “Christians” who deny this reality and instead have chosen to ‘Yoke with the Woke.’ (2 Corinthians 6:14). May they not position themselves to be part of the ‘great falling away’ but instead wake up, stay up, stand up, speak out, and pray up, for truly God is on our side and we are seeing the victory. We should count it a privilege to be part of His last day army and never take it lightly to do our part. In Jesus Name.
Wow; thanks for this prayer! I have some immediate family members (young adult children) who “yoke with the woke” so I’m praying for revival within my own family.
Amen to each and every point in your mighty prayer, Amen!
It is so obvious when we look around us, that demonic forces are working overtime in our nation .Especially with the Power Elite, where satan has hijacked the God- given abilities of these people, and filled their heads with an unholy agenda. We need to be thankful for the opportunity to pray and intercede. It is our most powerful weapon in the pulling down of demonic strongholds that is available to the IFA. Help us, Lord, to cry out to You as often as we need to do so, and trust in You for the outcome. In Jesus’ name we pray.
This passage in Isaiah 62: 6-7, is an exhortation for each of us. I inserted the place, “America” where it’s written “Jerusalem”. These two verses taught me to intercede with power and persistence for America, our leaders, and specific individuals:
“O “America” (my insertion), I have posted watchmen on your walls;
they will pray day and night, continually.
Take no rest, all you who pray to the Lord.
Give the Lord no rest until He completes His work,
until He makes “America” the pride of the earth.”
I am committed to praying for this issue and against the evil one.
Dearest LORD,we ask of YOU, to guide us in every aspect on, not only this, but in all aspects, of how we must be lead by YOUR HOLY SPIRIT. Please help us all to pray as never before, to seek YOUR FACE. We ask of YOU,to show us YOUR WILL. To love YOU and to love(pray) for others. In JESUS NAME, amen.
Father, in the name of Jesus I pray all of the nefarious plans of the enemy will backfire on them and truth will be revealed. I also ask for justice to be displayed as well as mercy for your people, as well as the world, to see that you are LORD over all!
When I read this article, I was reminded of a Succat Hallel prayer alert from January…Pray to Remove Occult Shields Over the USA. https://succathallel.com/pray-to-remove-occult-shields-over-the-usa/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=mailchimp&utm_campaign=prayer-alerts
1. “Let the occult shields of protection be taken away from everyone involved in theft, fraud, and corruption. May their occult shields of protection no longer be able to hide them from being exposed by the light.
2. “Let witchcraft manipulation be brought to an end in and over the Congress, Senate, the White House, the Supreme Court, the FBI, the CIA, the Department of Justice, and over state executives, courts and legislatures, and over election integrity.”
Thank you Mr. Kubal for this alert. I’m recommitted to pray and agree. May the “leaders not be distracted by unbiblical agendas, may their desire for corporate effectiveness lead them to do what is right.”
Abba Father, You know the dilemma we are facing in our nation as nothing takes You by surprise. I thank You for my Saviour and Your Son Jesus Christ, who saved me while I was still wicked and lost. So many can say this. You simply require for us to act justly, to love faithfulness, and to walk humbly with You. Would you help us Father? Would you help us Jesus? Would you help us Holy Spirit? I pray in this day and all to come, You would lead our leaders and empower them to do Your will in their giftedness. For those who oppose justice, faithfulness and humility, have Your way with them for Your Glory and our good. Amen
Wonderful prayer, Susan; praying in agreement in Jesus Might Name!
Father, according to the Word and in the mighty name of Jesus, we bind every evil demonic force that is behind this gathering. We loose Your Spirit to invade and confuse the agenda. Holy Spirit, fall on everyone involved. Penetrate their spirits and souls. Convict them and cause a Saul to Paul experience to occur. We say nothing is impossible for You. Should any be resistant to the call, we ask that You bring havoc and discord within their camps. Tear down their empires and destroy their influence. Lord, we ask that You release Your mighty warring angels to battle for righteousness. We declare You are Lord and Your righteous ways prevail. Satan and all of his demons are defeated.
Mighty God, we ask you to be present in the midst of this gathering of those who are filled with unbelief and rebellion against You, as in the day of Elijah, and the prayers of the saints be the igniting fire that changes hearts and minds there forever. May eyes and ears be opened, may hearts be made flesh, may voices that spoke against You now shout out in praise as they are awakened and renewed. We plead the souls of the lost for the kingdom of Heaven. Amen.
In the parable of the Lost Coin, Jesus stated “there is joy in the presence of God’s angels over one sinner who repents. Barbara, as I read your comment, I prayed and will continue to pray a huge celebration is taking place in Heaven. “…voices that spoke against You now shout out in praise as they are awakened and renewed.” I pray the Lord will make this a reality as countless repent and are saved!
I was led to pray against this” Tower of Babel.” Crying out to the Lord to come down and touch it, bring division in Jesus name, or they will be able to do anything… As we become more
United, May they tremble at the presence of the King of Glory!
May he come In!!!
When there
is more GOOD in the world then evil! We will win! I Pray ALL the time against these evil forces and people! The power of prayer is unmatched!!…