Did you hear about the major answered prayer of the week? On Wednesday of this week, the IRS reversed their decision and granted tax-exempt status to Christians Engaged. Why was this so important?
Recently, a Texas nonprofit organization, Christians Engaged, was denied tax-exempt status due to its stated activity as a nonprofit organization that exists to educate and empower Christians to pray for our nation and elected officials, vote, and be civically engaged. The IRS denied tax exempt status because they claimed this activity was too closely aligned with political activities of the Republican party.
“The IRS states in an official letter that Biblical values are exclusively Republican. That might be news to President Biden, who is often described as basing his political ideology on his religious beliefs,” said Lea Patterson, Counsel for First Liberty Institute. “Only a politicized IRS could see Americans who pray for their nation, vote in every election, and work to engage others in the political process as a threat. The IRS violated its own regulations in denying tax exempt status because Christians Engaged teaches biblical values.” You can read the IRS denial letter here. On June 16th First Liberty Institute sent an appeal letter available here.
The Christian organization received help from First Liberty Institute, Republican lawmakers, including House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady of Texas and Rep. Mike Kelly of Pennsylvania, who wrote a letter to the IRS Commissioner according to The Washington Examiner. “I am encouraged by the IRS’s decision to reverse course and grant Christians Engaged 501(c)(3) nonprofit status, and I congratulate Bunni Pounds and First Liberty on this hard fought victory for religious freedom,” Rep. Chip Roy of Texas said in a statement.
IFA reached out to Christians Engaged President Bunni Pounds, who is part of our network, and asked what she would like to share about this victory. She told us, “I am incredibly thankful to the IRS for doing the right thing, and we look forward to continuing our mission of educating more followers of Jesus to pray for our nation and to be civically engaged. When we stand up, our republic works for all Americans.” She really wanted to emphasize this: “The prayers of the saints, individual Christians writing letters to the IRS, and godly elected officials speaking up created a reverse in a time frame that is really unheard of. This case was used by God to wake up the CHURCH again – but our hope is that our victory only pushes us all to build more habits of prayer, voting and engagement for the furtherance of our nation.”
The fight for religious freedom is far from over.
As United States Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom, Sam Brownback shared exclusively with IFA, “Religious freedom is the foundational human right. Sadly, it is also among the most abused in the world. The abuse of religious freedom takes many forms, from blocking access to religious material online to putting someone to death for simply converting from one faith to another. No matter what form it takes, the persecution of people’s rights to peacefully practice their faith is wrong.”
In Michigan, sadly, following one’s religious conscience as a United States citizen has brought many to court. In the case of Country Mill Farms V. City of East Lansing, an organic farmer was banned from attending a local farmers market where he did business for many years. City officials banned him after finding that he believed the marriage union is between one man and woman.
In Atlanta, Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran employment was terminated because of his Christian beliefs. Mr. Cochran wrote a men’s devotional on his personal time that mentioned his Christian views on sex. Even though the investigation found him not guilty of discrimination, he was fired from his position. Alliance Defending Freedom filed a lawsuit against the City on behalf of Mr. Cochran. The City of Atlanta paid $1.2 million in a settlement, vindicating Chief Cochran’s First Amendment rights.
Another ongoing religious liberty case involves a Christian graphic designer who specializes in custom websites. In 303 Creative V. Elenis Lori Smith wanted the freedom of creating websites consistent with her religious conviction without being penalized by the government. According to ADF, “Lori learned of Colorado’s “Anti-Discrimination Act” that would force her to create messages with which she disagreed.
In the case of Denton v. Thrasher a college student was removed as President of the Student Senate by the University because he shared his Catholic beliefs with other students. The First Amendment to the Constitution ensures this student’s right to share his faith. Eventually, a court declared that Jack’s free speech rights were violated.
Another well-known case was that of a third grader Lydia Booth. School officials asked her to remove the mask that said “Jesus Loves Me.” Alliance for Defending Freedom filed a lawsuit against the school district.
First Liberty took on the case of Chaplain Andrew Calvert, a decorated soldier who expressed on his Facebook page his religious views about an article published on the Army Times. Chaplain Calvert received a General Officer Memorandum of Reprimand (GOMOR) that was challenged by First Liberty Institute and the formal reprimand was reversed. Chaplain Calvert said, “I am grateful for this favorable decision, and I look forward to continue meeting the spiritual needs of the soldiers with whom I serve.”
The First Amendment of the Constitution protects freedom of speech, freedom of the press, the right to assembly, the right to petition, and the freedom to protest. This amendment also protects the establishment of religion. It excludes the government from creating or favoring any faith. All these protections are very important to ALL of us. Understanding the Bill of Rights and prayer is important for intercessors to carry on an educated debate and to defend your legal right to practice your religious beliefs freely in the United States of America.
Former Ambassador Brownback will be hosting the first annual IRF Summit next week, July 13-15 in Washington, D.C. The summit’s mantra is “religious freedom for everyone, everywhere, all the time.” Lawmakers, civil society members, and faith leaders will put forward their proposals for activism and discuss concrete ways toward one main goal: building a grassroots movement to eradicate religious persecution. The summit is considered the epicenter of activism to take serious action. Serious action means real dialogue about intractable problems related to religious freedom work around the world. Please pray for this Summit to achieve the goal of promoting and protecting religious freedom around the world.
Pray for the continual preservation of free speech and religious freedom in the United States.
Be sure to visit the new Pray for America’s Leaders website to pray for your state leaders and those from all over the Nation!
And join us live on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12:15 pm ET — or (713) 775-7430.
How are you praying about religious liberties in America? Please share in the comments section.
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Thank you Gloria Hensley for speaking out, loudly and clearly, about this unhealthy dependence on the government.
I so agree with you. Perhaps more and more people will come to understand what you so bravely articulated. There is one nonprofit who did withdraw from the government’s “Assistance” and found that their contributions greatly increased! What does that tell us? I think the answer is clear.
What a Mighty Creater we serve.
Thank you for the religious freedom we enjoy in this country, Lord. I pray that we will protect and defend it.
Be careful what you pray for. I move up stream and see this from the other side – as lack of faith. Once again, we are asking that we be chained to the Federal government, even though we are watching in living color what they are doing. I think the mainline Christians like being slaves to man instead of God – our true Provider. We are saying we don’t really trust full provision from God. From the One who gave us His ALL. One again, it’s all about money. Did we forget, all money belongs to God? When Jesus told Peter to pull the fish from the water and look inside, there was the gold coin for which Peter paid the government, and Jesus said “Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to God what belongs to God” and when they thought they were going to drown: “O ye of little faith”. And again, “When I return on the earth will I find any faith?” Jesus, I repent for the Church, Your own people, and the lack of faith and dependence on Your love, that You will never leave us orphans or forsake us. Forgive us for once again, not trusting you to provide for us in everything and even more than we can imagine. We were set free for a brief moment, and prayed to be slaves once again, because we just couldn’t trust in Your Word but turned to the enemy for the money we trust in. I’m so sorry Jesus. Accept from me what grace may be worthy for atonement. Heave Your way Lord.
Praising God for this answer to prayer. God, continue to arise and let Your enemies be scattered!
Lord God,
Thank You for these victories. Thank You that we have IFA so that we can know how and what to pray for. Father, enlighten us to all that is going on in this nation and throughout the world. Help us to faithfully pray for our leaders and the circumstances of these last days. Lord, strengthen our resolve to share the gospel and to stand firm on Your Word. Help us to be lovers of Truth and of the people You bring to us. Lord, help us to have compassion for all, even those that reject You for we know “You desire that NOT ONE should perish but that all would come to repentance.” (2 Peter 3:9). Let that be our desire as well. Place upon our hearts a sense of urgency as the days grow darker and the time grows short. We love You. Help us, lead us and grant us courage and discernment. May all we do bring glory to You, magnifying the precious Name of Jesus Christ! In His Name we pray! Amen
It is so wonderful that Christians are waking up to the fact that God has given us a tremendous gift in America — personal and religious freedom – which we have taken for granted for too long. The battle is huge and widespread and the enemy has his claws in most of our society. I thank God that since our former President took office, that we were given the opportunity to realize that “all is not good in our country” and that we had a duty and responsibility to wake up, take our place in the battle for truth and freedom and ask God’s mercy and guidance through this dangerous time. I know that many of us have been praying for years but it is wonderful to have this opportunity to bring our prayers together as we beseech the Lord for His help and mercy on our nation (and the world). And it is encouraging to see victory when we have it.
Praise God for this development! This clearly indicates, that in spite of all the evil influences in Washington, God is greater, and is on the move in the affairs of this great nation. As far as Biden saying that his religious beliefs influence his actions as President, he is clearly delusional, remaining the pathological liar that he clearly is. It is my fervent prayer not only for the victorious organization, but that we will see more evidence of religious freedom, and freedom of speech, upheld in our land. In Jesus’ name.
Praise the Lord from Whom All Blessing Flow!