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Father God, thank You for all the intercessors in this community!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

We asked Iowa state leader Tom McGovern what intercession means to him.  Now we ask you, what does intercession mean to you? Please share in the comments . . .

I was in business for 43 years. I looked up to other businessmen as my heroes and mentors.

My son became a pastor twenty years ago. I told him that he had the most important job in the world, which was to change hearts and minds for the kingdom of God. I believe this. In fact, over time, pastors became my best friends, and my former business heroes disappeared.

Today, my heroes and mentors are Rees Howells, Derek Prince, and many others who have taught me what true intercession really is. Today, I believe intercessors, especially those who intercede for nations, have the most important job in the world.

God has been speaking to me recently about being in His presence, being pure in heart, about His righteousness revealed through intercession, and receiving His forgiveness.

God, your wraparound presence is my shield. You bring victory to all who are pure in heart. God, your righteousness is revealed when you judge. Because of the strength of your forgiveness, your anger does not break out every day (Psalms 7:10-11 TPT).

I am grateful that God doesn’t give us what we deserve, and I am convinced that the only thing holding back God’s judgment is intercession.

The book Rees Howells, Intercessor details the incredible impact intercession had on the defeat of the Nazis in World War II. I believe as we intercede and connect with God’s heart, judgment can be delayed, lessened, or even eliminated.

Jesus is forever standing in the gap for all of us. Likewise, we are called to stand in the gap for our families, churches, states, and nation.

Jesus called his house a house of prayer, yet many churches don’t pray or make intercession a priority.

As intercessors, we must lock arms with one another and hold up each other’s arms as we agree and intercede for what God has assigned to each of us. How truly wonderful and delightful it is to see brothers and sisters living together in sweet unity! (Psalms 133:1 TPT ). When we get together on our prayer calls and intercede for one another we are fulfilling what God has called us to do to bear each other’s burdens (see Galatians 6:2).

So, what does intercession mean to me? Intercessors have the most important job in the world.

What does intercession mean to you? Please post a comment!

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July 1, 2024

Thanks Tom!

Connie N Mitchell
June 28, 2024

Hello, to me intercession is a priestly role. Going before the Father on behalf of another! It is selfless and full of compassion, you have to be persistent and have agape love for your fellow man! Intercession fits me like a tailored suit, I was created for this role and it is designed for people like myself! Be Blessed!!!

Jeane Whiteside
June 27, 2024

I believe as each person hears from
our Lord and prays they are doing their part to fulfill His will on earth as in heaven. All are different and pray differently but that’s as God made us diverse as He is but it’s the same Spirit that prays through us as He wills. I believe it’s very important to also be joined with others in intercession as we pray. Many streams coming together make a mighty River of life for the nations to come together as He wills.

June 25, 2024

Intercession is when we pray without ceasing. We have a heart to see the need for change, healing, deliverance, restoration etc. Praying consistently until we see the hand of God move. Standing in the authority God gave us, to decree and declare His Word back to Him. Our intercession stirs up the enemies plans and causes choas in the enemies camp.

Dona Schmidt
June 24, 2024

Intercession to me, is believing God for greater works! His desire that all be saved! The knowledge that the government does rest on His shoulders! He is more than able to do what concerns us! To have the privilege to see Him at work in the hearts and lives of people. Believing in Him, and not giving into disbelief.

Kathy Jordan
June 24, 2024

Intercession is the place where you pray the heart of God over a situation. I’ve seen miracles happen and lives changed because of intercession. I’m so thankful for the brothers & sisters in Christ who have mentored the multitudes. Rees Howell, Billye Brim, Derek Prince, The Iversons, etc. That we rise up and pray till the victory is seen in the natural.

Lyman Wade
June 24, 2024

I have been a Christian for forty years now. The morning after I accepted Christ I looked in the mirror and told the Lord if I am going to do this I am going all the way or not at all. I have not turned back. Yes I have tripped a few times but never fell. About a year ago while surfing the internet I came across Intercessors for America. I am new at intercession, but as go on this site most every day I am learning how to be an intercessor. I thank the Lord for bringing me to this site and may the Lord continue to bless this ministry.

June 23, 2024

Intercession, as I understand it’s fullness, is praying until breakthrough… I find this very difficult.

LORD, please help us to pray until we have won the battle, in Jesus name, Amen

    June 24, 2024

    Thank you, Amy. Just your sharing that you find this difficult encourages me. God and I have worked on my HyperAttentive stuff for a good many years.
    Father, when I am distracted and find myself somewhere else, please bring IFA intercessors to the forefront of my mind, and paste it there…no ‘in a minute, Lord.’ Thank you, believing…

Peggy D
June 23, 2024

I look forward to my 8th week of being an Intercessor.
The other Intercessors are Awesome Prayer Warriors.
I Love lifting up our State, Ohio and Our Nation,The United States of america.
God Bless us all because there is much to be done.
I Pray that You would put Your Anointing on all of us who Pray.
Fill us with Your Peace which transcends all understanding.
Give us BOLDNESS and STRENGTH to make a difference in our World by being an Intercessor for others.
We give You Praise, Honor, Glory and Thanksgiving for ALL that You have done and continue to do in us and our World
In Jesus’ Name.,
Amen and Amen.

June 23, 2024

Intercession for me is a PRIVILEGE. One more reason to get with my best Friend and talk. Knowing I can go to him with anything — anytime is the most precious thing to me. He listens. He is always there. He cares about what we cast to him. I can trust him. It does not have to be an elaborate set of words. Sometimes if my heart is exceptionally heavy, it can simply be, Jesus, help!. It is true that he knows what we have need of before we even ask. I am grateful though, that because I have a relationship with God, others I know who are having sickness, or problems will ask me to pray for them or family members and friends of theirs. I am so grateful that they see God in my life and know I CAN and WILL go to him in prayer. Jesus tells us to “Let your light so shine before men that they see your good works and it glorifies your father which is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 I don’t worry about whether I am doing it a certain or “right way.” I don’t think any prayer to him could ever be wrong. Mine are more like conversations with my best friend ever, praying HIS WILL over what situations I bring to him. Knowing I can trust him as his Will is always good and he will be as faithful as he always has been. Praise you my Savior. He promises to never leave us nor forsake us and I choose to stand on his word.

Our preacher is dealing with us at our church in that many Christians want God to carry on and honor his word to us, but we don’t want to do what we need to do or what he directs so he can. My desire is to get into his word so I know all the promises he has given us and so I can try to fulfill his will for me. I want to be like David when he said “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, That I might not sin against thee.” Psalms 119:11 Intercession has brought me closer to my Savior in a lot of ways and I am so grateful for that.

George Leaf
June 23, 2024

Father God, I bow my head before your awesome wonder. I thank you that the delightful aroma that rises before you is from the prayers of the Intercessors of the churches, states, and nations. I thank you that the soft sweet aroma of intercessory pray attaches to those who pray. It spreads gently behind us as we pass through our lives. And those who you have designed and ordained to become intercessors catch the subtile odor and turn toward your awesome throne room. They join in with this band of brothers and sisters that pray thy will be done and not our own. They come carrying the weight of Christs grace into rememberance before you. Amen Amen Amen

June 22, 2024

Making time to spend with God to talk to Him about what is important and urgent for those around me, my country and the world.

isabel seeberger
June 22, 2024

An intercesor is a believer that comes to the Throne of Grace on behave of other- others.
An intercesor never tell other what he-she is praying for. That prayer is between GOD and the intercesor.

Mary Beth
June 22, 2024

Intercession, to me, is the opportunity to know God’s heart, mind, and will – through His Word and Holy Spirit revelation – in order to pray it back to Him. In essence, it is aligning with Him to see His Kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

Shirley M
June 22, 2024

I attended the Wales Revival in Cardiff Wales in 2004 to celebrate the 100 year anniversary of the revival. Over 40 countries were present. When we all prayed together in our own language in the little church in Swansea, it was like a bone-chilling Holy Spirit moment like Pentecost. It was an astounding event. Two book are still essential reading, The Intersession of Reese Howells by Doris Ruscoe and then, Reese Howells Intercessors by Norman Grubbs. They both will change your life in reference to our Almighty God and intercession. Nothing I have read compares to these two books except the Bible. So much more but not enough space. Our Lord God wants us all to be Intercessors. Read Reese Howells definition and actual communication in the two books between our Holy God and Reese Howells. You will be inspired and prayer life will change. Our nation is in trouble. Our God has not changed. Our prayers are mighty. Our God is faithful and hears. We need to cry out to God for mercy and help in our time of need, now and until he returns. God bless you all! Keep going! We are on the winning team!❤️

Darlene Estlow
June 22, 2024

Tom McGovern said it very well. Being in God’s presence to hear his voice and then to lift others before him as he lays them on my heart. My we not be weary but keep looking to the Lord.

Billy Ferg
June 22, 2024

Intercession to me is being in Gods presence, seeking Him , praying Gods will according to His Biblical World View ! For my family & church our nation & situations around the world. I find there is no lack of things to pray for. Holy Spirit wakes me in the night to pray for people & nations . Israel is on my heart a lot ! God send Revival !!!! Rain down on us ! Forgive us & have Mercy on the U.S.

Dan and Michele Akin
June 22, 2024

Intercession means an appeal to our Heavenly Father for other people (the Church, the lost and Israel), situations, wisdom and courage.

Robin B
June 22, 2024

Intercession for me is being a representative or ambassador of Christ. It is humbly taking a need/cause to God other than my own (that’s the difference between prayer & intercession) [and] believing He will answer it according to his will and for the best in the name if Jesus. .

Brian Lynch
June 22, 2024

Intercession for me, means that I cry out to God about the injustices that I see happening all around me. It means taking authority over the evil spirits behind the ungodly behavior of the mislead people. It means wishing and praying for them to experience, and walk in your truth. It means to cry out to tear down strongholds. thank you, Jesus, for allowing me to be an intercessor.

Linda Rice
June 22, 2024

Rees and Derek were awesome! Above reproach.

There are only two goals for intercessors that I see in the scripture. 1. So that the Lord does not have to judge. Ezekiel 22. 2. Fasting as intercession to bind demonic powers. Isaiah 58.

Patricia Marben
June 22, 2024

I’m still trying to understand intercession but I think it’s standing in the gap for someone or something. It’s being the mediator or go-between the person, place or situation and God.

Lori Meed
June 22, 2024

Intercession for me means identification: identification first with God’s heart regarding a situation or a person and then identification with that person or situation. Moses is for me a quintessential intercessor in Scripture. She went time and again to Pharaoh on behalf of his people and God and before God on behalf of Pharaoh. Even when Pharaoh lied and refused to do what the Lord wanted, Moses interceded on his behalf. And the Lord heard Him until the cup of iniquity was full and judgment fully fell. Oh what a merciful God we serve!

Judy Fegley
June 22, 2024

Recently I was reading Deuteronomy 30 verses 11 to the end of the chapter and I saw more than ever before the Lord’s Word, our Sword, is a weapon to know as Jesus did and fought the enemy with in the Garden. As we say to those things that we are fighting His Word, have it in our hearts, and open our mouth and speak to it, God’s powerful weapon works to defeat the enemy. But it is to be in mouth, and spoken. My privilege and responsibility is to do it, and God’s powerful Word does the rest. How wonderful to be made a part of changing our world through prayer.,

Daryl Perkins
June 22, 2024

Intercession means hoping to make a difference through faith, in God and what Jesus did at Calvary


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