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Father, we speak shalom over these evils. May Your spirit of peace be over our nation and thwart any plans of evil, we ask that they would not prevail.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Philip Haney, a frequent guest on IFA First Friday Prayer Calls, is mentioned in this article that details the how the FBI has mishandled the investigation of shooting suspect Alissa. Read to the end to see how he blew the whistle on federal investigators protecting Muslim suspects.

The motive in the murder of ten innocent white people in a Colorado supermarket remains elusive, despite reports that the violent, Syrian-born, Muslim suspect Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, 21, was “linked” to an individual under investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

It is likely that the alleged killer, who was reportedly laughing as he murdered shoppers, would have killed more innocents “but for the quick actions of law enforcement, and the quick thinking of a lot of people in the supermarket…”

The New York Times reported that Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa’s identity “was previously known to the F.B.I. because he was linked to another individual under investigation by the bureau…” One America News Journalist Jack Posobiec reported that Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa has “ISIS sympathies,” according to a White House official.

Click here to read more about Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa’s Victims

One of his wrestling teammates described how Alissa would use Islam as a weapon:


“…Alissa frequently appeared to be paranoid about perceived slights against him, and [teammate Dayton] Marvel said Alissa was often concerned about being targeted because of his Muslim faith.

“He would talk about him being Muslim and how if anybody tried anything, he would file a hate crime and say they were making it up,” Marvel said.

Heavy reported on his social media posts before account was scrubbed:

“In March 2019, Alissa shared a post about the Christchurch, New Zealand, mosque shooting, posting a meme that said, ‘The Muslims at the. #christchurch mosque were not the victims of a single shooter. They were the victims of the entire Islamophobia industry that vilified them.’

Alissa’s father, Moustafa, who owns a restaurant, purchased his Colorado property for $634,000 in 2017, but he still evidently hates the country that has welcomed his family. . . .

It was also revealed in the wake of the massacre that the elder Alissa is highly political, fond of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and harbors a deep-seated hatred for America and Israel based on his social media posts.


The FBI Keeps Dropping the Ball

The Boulder massacre is just the latest in a long string of failures by the FBI to prevent carnage despite having the perpetrator on their radar. See RAIR Foundation USA’s coverage on the Massacre at Pulse Night Club, where “Known Wolf” Omar Mateen slaughtered 69 innocent human beings. . . .

In 2017, RAIR’s Amy Mek reported that former FBI Director Robert Mueller worked with the Hamas front group, the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) to “purge FBI training material” perceived to be offensive to Muslims. . . .

The late founding member of the Department of Homeland Security whistleblower Phil Haney’s first book described the Obama Administration’s effort to scrub individuals from the Terrorist Screening Database to “protect what it considered the civil rights of suspected Islamic terrorist groups” as reported at RAIR. Mr. Haney was found dead of a gunshot wound to his chest on February 21, 2020. Americans still do not have answers in that case.

The narrative about the Syrian-Born murderer at a King Soopers grocery store in Boulder will likely be that he was a mentally ill run-of-the-mill mass shooter, but there is more to the story. . . .

Share your comments on these atrocities below!

(Excerpt from Rair Foundation USA. Article by Renee Nal. Photo by Chet Strange/Getty Images))

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April 10, 2021

Father God, we ask for the truth to be completely revealed in this case and for Your perfect justice to be accomplished in order to bring some comfort to the families who have lost a loved one.
Please remove the people in our government who are corrupt, but strengthen, bless, and protect those who are Committed to doing what is right in Your eyes.
In Jesus name. Amen.

Rebecca Berndt
April 10, 2021

It continues to be an awful and grievous unveiling as we see newly uncovered corruptions. May God have mercy on us to bring the execution of true justice to our branches of government.

Voco Veritas
April 10, 2021

Islam is a device of satan. As such, it is evil and must be eradicated as its doctrines are all about hatred of all non-muslims as proven in the koran that commands its followers to “kill them until all is islam”.

Cheryl Hudak
April 9, 2021

I am appalled by the evil wickedness in our govt, SCOTUS, FBI, CIA, corporations, POTUS, big tech, etc., need I go on? And, how deep rooted this corruption is. Many may not realize this, but most of these victims were Jewish shoppers who were shopping in a Kosher grocery store for Passover. God have mercy on our land.

Barbara Hesch
April 9, 2021

I can’t believe how the death and murder of Phillip Haney is still a mystery. Is anyone really trying to solve this case, and to even imply at first that it was a suicide is an insult to human intelligence. The identity of the murderer would probably reveal how corrupt our government really is so I’m sure that information would never be revealed to the clueless public. How very sad.

April 9, 2021

It is so obvious that many agencies we held a honest are not. The FBI, many in the military are an appendage of the Democrat Party. I’ve already sent an email to Senator Graham stressing Biden’s pick to run the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms MUST NOT BE CONFIRMED. He is very scary, and wants our guns taken. He has lied about Waco, Texas where many innocent children were bombed by Clinton. He claimed the Branch Davidans shot downn government helicopters which was a blatantly false statement. He wants our guns. Over 10,000 gun death homicides in 2019, only 500 due to rifles. We have to keep speaking up for freedom.

    Voco Veritas
    April 10, 2021

    Career politicians like Grahmnesty are all criminals who give their loyalty to the US Corporation, NOT the American People. To expect them to do anything to actually solve a problem is a waste of time as they CREATED evey problem we see in America today!


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