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I Prayed have prayed
Father, give us discernment and direction in prayer.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

The events of this week have many in turmoil.  Some are fearful.  Others are wondering if God is hearing our prayers.

1 Peter 3:12 answers that question.  “For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their prayer.”

God is not only hearing our prayers, but great power is being released because of our continued intercession. 

“The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”  The Amplified Bible says it so well: “The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working].”

God has given His church many weapons, prayer is one of them.

The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God for the pulling down of strongholds (2 Cor 10:4)

Another powerful weapon is found in 1 Timothy 1:18. It is prophecy.

“This charge I commit to you, son Timothy, according to the prophecies previously made concerning you, that by them you may wage the good warfare.”

We have heard it said, “Some peace only comes after war.”  This is a true statement.  There are, indeed, times we must war with the weapons God has given us.

That is where 1 Timothy 1:18 comes into play.

Prophecies from God are powerful.  They are encouraging.  They lift us up when we need to be reminded of what God has said.  But their effectiveness does not end there.

They are also weapons.

There are times we must take prophecies and war with them.  We must stand before God and remind Him of His Word.  Isaiah 43:26 says, “Put Me in remembrance; Let us contend together.”

Furthermore, we must remind the devil what God has said.  He knows full well, God always has the final say.

Below you will find recent prophecies, as well as some by prophets who are now with the Lord. They all speak into the season we are currently in. These weapons were given to us for such a time as this.  To encourage, yes, but also for which to war with.

Listen.  Be encouraged.  Be reminded. Take notes. War in prayer with these prophecies!  The battle is not over.  Not until every Word God has spoken is fulfilled.

Kim Clement – The Trump Prophecies

Hank Kunneman – Presidential Election

Hank Kunneman – Media, Supreme Court, New Era

Charlie Shamp – Pennsylvania

Charlie Shamp –  Halls of the Capital

Mark Taylor – 2011 Prophecy

Jeremiah Johnson – 2020

Dr. Francis Myles – November Surprises

Curt Landry – Prophesy God’s Plan

Wanda Alger – The 2020 Election Will Be Settled in the Courts

John Natale – Trump 2020 Prophecy and November 6 prophecy

A Servant’s Heart – What If????

Jill Steele – Make America God’s Again

“So shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it” (Is 55:11)

Author Kim Potter is a writer and the founder of A New Thing Ministries, which sends a daily teaching to thousands of people all around the world. Her articles have appeared on The Elijah List, Charisma, Spirit Fuel and iBelieve.com. Kim’s message is one of hope. She speaks to the heart of those who have grown discouraged or disappointed by the circumstances of life, imparting hope. For additional information, or to receive her daily writings, go to www.anewthingministries.com (Photo Credit: White House Flickr.)

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Georgi Boev Stoianov
January 9, 2021

Grace and Peace to all American people.
After official certification it has to be followed the decisions and rules confirmed by High Authorities because all they are God`s servants.

Romans 13:1 said :
“ Let every soul be in subjection to the
higher authorities, for there is no authority
except from God, and those who exist are
ordained by God. “

1 Thimothy 2:1-3 said :
“I exhort therefore, first of all, that petitions,
prayers, intercessions, and givings of
thanks, be made for all men:for kings and
all who are in high places; that we may lead
a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and
reverence. For this is good and acceptable in
the sight of God our Savior”

Let the abandon God`s grace continuously blesses all American people from the Highest Ranking Authorities and Rulers to the lowest ones, from Boston to Hawaii , From North to South. Mighty God`s angels to surround and protect all of them every day for God`s glory ! May Lord Yehoshua Hamashiah ( Lord Jesus Christ) through His mighty angels and Grace gives wisdom, knowledge and power to the Rulers and Administration of this great country USA, to protect its territory from every evil things.
USA will continue to be the greatest etalon with newly certified Authorities.
The great God`s visitation through coming awakening on His time and season to be the great blessing for all them.

January 5, 2021

I am praying for justice and the truth to prevail. President Trump won the election by a landslide on November. 3. We must stand with president Trump and and elect him Presudent for 4 more years. 4 more years that he won fair and square. Biden wants to steal the election. God will not aloud it. Pray 🙏🙏🙏

Georgi Stoianov
December 30, 2020

Grace and Peace.
If Lord Yehoshua Hamashiah ( Lord Jesus Christ ) allows, mr Trump will be re-elected for another 4 years period ( 2021-2025). And after that mr Mike Pence can be elected ( after 2024 . . . )
If Yehoshua Hamashiah allows !
Daniеl 2:20-23, John 16:13.
A time for spiritual mighty refeshment – awakening is under way. On God`s timing and season
for American people.

Georgi Boev Stoianov
December 6, 2020

By the grace of Lord Jesus ( Yehoshua Hamashiah ) I believe mr Trump will get 2nd therm and after him may be Mike Pence for two therms. Democrats will go down and will be humilated for all bad things caused for american people and to other nations.
I am not american citizen, but pray for God`s chosen vessel – mr Trump !
The best ever president in the whole history of this great country USA.
Let God glorify Himself in USA for His glory !

Aloja Airewele
December 1, 2020

You all need to repent for dragging the Lord’s name in the mud. He never spoke to you regarding the election victory of President Trump. We must judge you by Deuteronomy 18:20-22. No excuses.

November 12, 2020

Excerpt from Jeremiah Johnson Ministries newsletter, URGENT MESSAGE, Watchmen Wednesday; read in full https://cf.jeremiahjohnson.tv/ww-003-a

“Jeremiah, My people do not recognize the demonic warfare from hell that is being unleashed upon the United States and Donald Trump. Even as a wall is being built, why are My people refusing to build a wall of intercession and prayer around their President and around their nation? Yes, the borders are unsecured but they are far more unsecured in the Spirit realm than you could ever imagine. How is it that a man would see the necessity of building a wall to protect a country but My people cannot even recognize their desperate need to build a wall of intercession and prayer around their own lives and churches? How the American Church continues to sleep and slumber in these days of history has come before My throne and it has greatly grieved My heart!

“I warn you Jeremiah, that as Donald tries to drain the Swamp, the Swamp is going to drain him. His heart will become hardened, his resolve will become dangerous, and the attacks upon his life and presidency will only get bigger and bigger. This will be a result in large part due to a prayerless Church in America that has refused to pray for their President and that has ignored the demonic agendas in Washington D.C. If My people do not begin to gather and call upon My name, great danger will come to the United States of America’ says God.”

November 9, 2020

I have been praying

    Harold Roy Miller
    January 18, 2021

    a lot of christians have prayed and are still praying

November 8, 2020

Thx for this post and links. Listened to Kunneman (youtube of Nov 4 especially good) and Johnson. Helps provide biblical basis for encouragement (which I need regularly because I slip daily into discouragement, especially Saturday when Biden/democrats declared victory) in this election counting process…that it’s not over yet!! I’ll keep praying and exercising authority and faith. Dear heavenly Father, thank You for the vast and rich resources that are so readily available on the internet to keep us believers and conservatives connected and “armed” with what will support us in our spiritual warfare!! In your precious name and authority, I pray, Lord Jesus. Amen.

November 7, 2020

I had a dream that I was in a large room. There were tables with many many lawyers for both sides of the republican and democrat parties. I was sitting at another table with several other people. I leaned over to someone and asked are we going to be deciding the winner? And they said yes. I knew that I was the only person at that table for Trump, and I felt it would be impossible. I awoke thinking about this dream and was reminded that there is nothing impossible for God. God is on our side. Today, Nov 7, I realized that God gave me that dream to pray for the impossible, that though I was only one person, I could pray for there to be a majority in support of Trump and he can still win the battle. I will stand and believe and continue to pray in the spirit for battle ahead.

Harold (Hal) Turner of Florida
November 7, 2020

Yes and Amen. Watchman Warriors, stand on the Wall declaring and decreeing the Word of God given through His chosen Prophets (according to Amos 3:7 and 1 Tim. 3:18) !!! We are in this election process for the “Long Haul” as Prophet Chuck Pierce has stated the decision will be made on January 18. Kingdom of God COME and will of God BE DONE with this our Nation America! To God be The Glory! Amen and Amen.

    Darlene Terry
    December 20, 2020

    Must stand firm and pray the battle is the lord,it’s not over to God say so.

November 7, 2020

“What if???” is the one that spoke most to me and resonated in my heart….the Lord is in control. It is like Him to be full of surprises, to reorient our viewpoint, to expose what our hearts are set on. Let’s wait on Him and rejoice in Him, “though the fig tree does not blossom and there is no fruit on the vine…” (Habakkuk).
My son-in-law suggested that our worst case scenario might usher in the fulfillment of these things in four years. Perhaps with a humbled, reoriented Commander-in-Chief. Amy Coney Barrett did not happen when we first expected it.

    November 7, 2020

    Sad to say, it had the absolute opposite effect on me. It caused a spirit of confusion over me that I have been praying for the Holy Spirit to guide me out of. For some reason it had a very bad effect on me for a few hours. God is God no matter what. It is just hard to hear all these Prophesies that we are supposed to stand on and then hear one that take things in the opposite direction. I am glad that things worked out well for you after hearing this. I will continue to pray for insight. God bless you.

      November 7, 2020

      Thank you for this gracious reply. I’m sorry the word had that effect on you. I’m not saying those prophecies won’t take place – I’m just thinking not necessarily in our timing (like the Amy Coney Barrett prophecies). And with the Lord directing our eyes back to Him. And not to our praying, our fasting, our standing or to President Trump. That’s what was liberating to me. I could be wrong.

        November 7, 2020

        Thank you for your reply. Appreciate it. May God Bless you and yours.

      November 8, 2020

      Thanks for the warning.

      I will not listen to that one then.

        November 8, 2020

        Hi Helen. It may end up being a blessing for you. Pray and ask the Lord first. I have a very long way to go in my faith, so it may have had that effect on me for that reason. For stronger Christians it may end up being a blessing. I’d hate to be responsible for leading you away from something that the Lord might want you to hear. I don’t know. Just pray about it and the Lord will guide you. Many blessings to you and your household.

November 7, 2020


Susan Clark
November 7, 2020

Father, we bring our petition before You as Your Warrior Priests, fighting with the power of Your Spirit and authority given to us by the blood of Yeshua. We petition that the courts of man align with the courts of Heaven, NOW! In the name of Yeshua HaMashiach!

Karen Secrest
November 7, 2020

If God says “Gird up your Loins. He also says, Gird up your Mind.” So yes, we DO wage war with Prophecy. Then the Lord assures us He has heard and has “put a Great Belt around the Body of Christ so we stand together in unity and cohesion”, while he has loosed the belt from the enemy so he “wanders about like a drunken person. Confused and conflicted. Not knowing the future”, while the Ecclesia is still on the path of righteousness.

November 6, 2020

Father, You honor Your word even above Your name and we declare that word now over our nation:
Let justice flow like rivers and righteousness as an overflowing stream in the name of Jesus.
God be exalted in the USA and be exalted among the people of the USA in the name of Jesus.
Mercy and truth prevail in our land in the name of Jesus
Works of darkness and wickedness be exposed. Let the light of the judgment of our Lord illuminate and shine in all evil schemes, destroying its hold and power in Jesus name.Amen

November 6, 2020

The Lion of Judah will restore the roar of President Donald Trump, it will be stronger than ever before!! He will never give up, never surrender, and never concede to false results. He is dressed in the full armor of God; the Lion of Judah with His Mighty Sword in hand goes before him; Yahweh Sabaoth and His Heavenly Hosts follow behind; he is flanked by the great cloud of witnesses, completely surrounded by a hedge of protection, and covered by the blood of the Lamb! He waves the Banner of Jehovah Nissi in one hand and upholds the Blessed Constitution of the United States of America on the other! Those that are for him are both greater in number and greater in Holy Spirit Power than those evil forces of any and all kinds that are arrayed against him. We proclaim, declare and decree that this battle for the soul of America belongs to the Lord, and the King of Kings will be victorious!! AMEN AND AMEN!

November 6, 2020


    Stephen Swanson
    November 7, 2020

    Heavenly Father u who sit encircled above the earth Eternal God Father of all creation we cry out to u in the mighty name of Jesus Christ king of kings and Lord of Lord’s u specialize in the impossible and u call the things that r not as though they were and we stand United in faith agreement in the power of your name that this election be completely overturned in favor of president Trump that your promises over this land will prevail in Jesus mighty name amen !!!

November 6, 2020

Between now and Inauguration Day in January 2021. There may be (unexpected) signs, miracles, and wonders yet to unfold whether here or elsewhere in the world I don’t know — that will completely flip and change the plans and schemes of man as it pertains to our country. — We could have never predicted the pandemic for example or much that has unfolded this past year alone. —

I believe our system is too corrupted to rely on to vindicate the truth of these elections. Even if it goes to the Supreme Court.

So now it is solely on GOD and His will for us.

I pray He shows up in a mighty way. In Jesus’ name.

“I will wait upon the LORD.”

    November 6, 2020

    Me, too. I am praying but scared to death, especially since it looks like from what I’ve read that Trump’s lawsuits are being tossed out.

      November 6, 2020

      Be comforted and encouraged, Gail! Feed your faith, and your will starve your fears and doubts to death!
      Do not give in to
      F alse
      E vidence that
      A ppears
      R eal!
      Receive now an impartation of God’s most Holy Faith!!

      November 7, 2020



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