I Prayed have prayed
Father God, we lift up White House Press Sec. Kayleigh McEnany to You. We are so thankful for her faith in You. Give her strength and endurance and fill her with joy, strength and thankfulness. (Col 1: 3, 11)
Reading Time: < 1 minute

You will be so encouraged by this interview with the White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany. It is a very personal, very Christ-centered discussion. Watch the video and then share how God impresses you to pray for McEnany.


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August 4, 2020

This is my first and last time visiting this site. I can’t beleive the ugly, nasty comments about Kayleigh. She is a child of God.

July 27, 2020

Thank You for Kayleigh McEnany, her gifts and Your Holy Spirit in her life. Give her the armor of God and a tongue and wisdom that can’t be resisted, like Stephen’s, in Jesus Name.
“But they were unable to cope with the wisdom and the Spirit with which he was speaking” (Acts 6:10).

July 27, 2020

Oh please !!! She is the span of Satan !! Anyone who takes a job lying for the liar in chief s nothing but a worthless piece of chitt !!!

Nancy V. Marshall
July 27, 2020

May God continue to bless you Kayleigh. I will certainly keep you in my prayers. You fill my heart with gladness just hearing your testimony.

July 27, 2020

I am beseeching Satan to consume her body, soul, and all. She is an agent of evil.

    Nancy V. Marshall
    July 27, 2020

    If I were you, I would be falling on my knees and asking for forgiveness. Whether you believe it or not, there is a God and a judgement day. I hope you are ready to meet Him.

July 27, 2020

God bless you Kayleigh! You are like Esther in the Bible.
My husband is a pastor in Southern California. You are doing a great job! Our church will be supporting you in prayer!

David Madenberg
July 27, 2020

Way to go, Kayleigh! Keep up the good fight with righteous might. Stand strong in the faith!

Jane Ivy
July 26, 2020

You are doing an awesome job in such a difficult capacity! Forge on girl!!

July 25, 2020

Thank our Heavenly Father for this bold Christ follower.

Harry P. Ness
July 25, 2020

This woman is a lying, vile sack of shit just like her boss. Jesus taugt love, acceptance and charity and all we get from Trump is hatred, divisiveness and greed.

    Cindy Shilinga
    July 25, 2020

    God is in control and will use people in any position to do his work. We need to support by prayer for Gods will to be done not judge others. Itā€™s not our job but Godā€™s to judge. He only knows a personā€™s true heart. Using words to tear others down is not what the Bible says. ā€œAnd you must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.ā€™ The second is equally important: ā€˜Love your neighbor as yourself.ā€™ No other commandment is greater than these.ā€ā€
    ā€­ā€­Markā€¬ ā€­12:30-31ā€¬ ā€­NLTā€¬ā€¬

July 24, 2020

We are all sinners. But I don’t continually do wrong and harm to others and then go and tell people what a Godly person I am. Knowing that I intend to continue doing harm all the while. Many people hide behind God’s name and use his name as a shield to do wrong. And for whatever reasons I see so many Trump supporters confused about God…and how in the world he, or those that defend him, have any alliance with God. We should be praying that God has mercy on his and his supporters souls…not confusing Trump and his supporters with something that is holy. It’s OK to say that he’s a bad man. That you’d rather not vote Democrat but no one needs to assign a Godly impression of him or his supporters. What about this man is Godly? How can someone defend him in the name of God and then be praised?

July 24, 2020

Such hubris. When I see someone who say they know the mind of God, I see a fool and a charlatan. When that someone also lies for someone who has history of abusing young women, who is a narcissist, a bully, a brazen liar among other things and still thinks that God put her there, I just want to give up Christianity and maybe find another religion.

    July 24, 2020

    are you referring to Nancy Pelosis…described her to a T

      July 24, 2020

      And no one goes on TV and talks about how holy Nancy P is. It’s not an eye for an eye. It’s that some people don’t believe that you should take God’s name in vain and use it as a shield to defend an evil person. That’s it. People read articles like this and then the praise that’s being given to a woman who is defending a very bad man…and we are just confused as to why you would drag God’s name into it…unless to say that we need to pray to God for his soul and for those that defend and support him.

        July 25, 2020

        Nancy P talks, herself, about how holy she is…..as we continue to pray for this president, instead of taking your unholy track, God surrounds him with those that would protect him, in God’s name……

          July 25, 2020

          Trump doesnā€™t protect God. He protects his votes. And prayers on the ignorance and fears of those that he believes will keep him in power.

          July 25, 2020

          You are definitely evil….

    July 24, 2020

    ” I just want to give up Christianity and maybe find another religion.”……Pretty sure that’s already the case……and a good thing too, I suppose….

July 24, 2020

God does not place people in positions to lie for a sinister president. What a shame that this woman would mention God and her position with Trump in the same sentence.

    July 24, 2020

    to that person ridiculing-You are SO wrong ! God loves ALL his children & LOVES any precious person saying HIS name -giving HIM Glory -be ye Holy & pure in ā¤ļø then youā€™ll see -loving your own rancor is foul breaking of commandment -God HELP YOU

      July 24, 2020

      Godā€™s name was not intended to be used to defend a sinister man…period. No one should do or defend evil and then claim they did so with the help of God.

        July 24, 2020

        So, you are telling us you are a sinister man???

          July 24, 2020

          We are all sinners. But I donā€™t continually do wrong and harm to others and then go and tell people what a Godly person I am. Knowing that I intend to continue doing harm all the while. Many people hide behind Godā€™s name and use his name as a shield to do wrong. And for whatever reasons I see so many Trump supporters confused about Godā€¦and how in the world he, or those that defend him, have any alliance with God. We should be praying that God has mercy on his and his supporters soulsā€¦not confusing Trump and his supporters with something that is holy. Itā€™s OK to say that heā€™s a bad man. That youā€™d rather not vote Democrat but no one needs to assign a Godly impression of him or his supporters. What about this man is Godly? How can someone defend him in the name of God and then be praised?

          July 25, 2020

          Perhaps you are confused about what a Follower of Christ is……first off, I’ve yet to see him claim what a godly person he is…that’s your erroneous take, what about him is godly? let’s see, he blesses Israel, he supports christians, he hates abortion, supports only a man and woman as husband and wife, loves family….what are these major sins of continually wronging and harming……..perhaps you need to quit looking in the mirror and projecting yours sins on him….or better yet, turn off your TV…..

          July 25, 2020

          Dan, I am not taking an unholy track but the opposite. I am not supporting a man who is undeniably evil. Or those that defend evil using the name of God. No one needs to list all the evil Trump has done and continues to do. Donā€™t suffer a fool out of fear Dan. Donā€™t follow a part time. pretend Christian that has shown over and over that he cares for no one. I pray for you. I pray you no longer worship evil after he is voted out of office and your praise of him are simply out of fear.

          July 25, 2020

          to “Darling”……you call him evil but haven’t defined why you call him evil…..I’ve given you a litany of good he does, that God loves, including true servanthood….yet you can’t define your end…..you are clearly what the Bible describes as this generation where you call evil good and good evil and damnation is sure to come on you and those you follow….

July 24, 2020


Pat Patterson
July 23, 2020

Praying for you and others that depend on our Lord and Savior for leadership in their lives to deal with the climate we live in.

Barbara Bradley
July 23, 2020

Iā€™m so impressed with Kaleigh. Iā€™ve noticed from the first press briefing I watched that she must be super intelligent and courageous to tackle any questions they throw at her. She definitely is in my prayers. I know her Faith will continue to guide her.šŸ™

donna E wood
July 23, 2020

May our Lord bless and protect you and the leaders. Prayers for you because you let the Holy Spirit lead you and it shows Christ shows on your face even before I knew you were a Christian, I could see Jesus in your face. Sara Huckleberry too.

Dianne Coffman
July 22, 2020

Thank God for you and your not being ashamed of the gospel. Praying for you and President Trump.

Greg Middlebrooks
July 22, 2020

All I can say is God be with her!!!

    Francis Jones
    July 22, 2020

    She has been add it to my list of heroes in my life. I think she’s an amazing woman. She was God sent to us. Thank you for playing a part at saving this great nation.šŸ‘

Debra L. Haupt
July 22, 2020

I admire you for what you are doing and for what you have been through. Thank you for your strength, your message and especially for your standing up for our country. God Bless You!

July 22, 2020

Thank you so much for what you do and being the voice on Christians in our country!!! God bless you and the United States of America!

July 21, 2020

God Bless you Kayleigh!

LORD, we pray for Kayleigh as she takes the shield of faith, wherewith she shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. That she continues to be wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove. And in doing so, may many lost souls choose, by your Holy Spirit, to surrender their lives to our Almighty God. In Jesus’ name, Amen

    Melissa Adcox
    July 22, 2020

    Itā€™s a breath of fresh air knowing someone is putting our Lord first and making a difference in high places!! Keep being obedient! God sees and will always make a way for you!! ā™„ļø

Mary Beth Phillips
July 21, 2020

Lord, Thank you for putting a godly young woman into this position of influence. Give her strong in Jesus. Protect her and give her favor and may she be a Daniel and an Esther in this administration. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Rebecca Alves
July 21, 2020

Thank you God for putting Kayleigh in this position not only to STAND UP for President Trump but for Christians across our
nationšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø šŸ™

tom lowe
July 21, 2020


Meli Lea Morley
July 21, 2020

I am so thankful that God puts people in our lives to help keep us knowing that he is there for us always… thank you for another soldier in faith! I knew Kaleigh McEnany was a breath of freshness when I seen her for the first time take that podium! God thank you for the strength you give her each day to stand strong against those in the world that are working hard to take you down.

Judy Strange
July 21, 2020

This is remarkable. Thanks for making her faith known. I will add her to my prayer list.

Karen McMullan
July 21, 2020

May our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ undergird you daily with strength, confidence, peace, and power from on high. Asking the Holy Spirit to guide your steps and your voice. God bless your husband and child and protect them as well as you.
InJesus Name, Amen

The President, his family and All are blessed to have you in this position and you will be a testimony to many.
Thank you for being obedient to the call.
In Christ,
Iva, SC

Dannie Marie Mitchell
July 21, 2020

Will be praying for you!
You are brilliant and Iā€™m so proud of how quick and smart you are!
God bless you!!!
From Sacramento

Barbara Brunson
July 20, 2020

We know that God rules and puts in place the folks for His purpose. You are a credit and we are proud of you and pray for you and President Trump.

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Nancy Cohrs
July 20, 2020

Great testimony. A young lady that has a true calling from Jesus Christ.

Judy Summer - Munn
July 20, 2020

Kayleigh is a ball of fire not to be reckoned with. She is just where she needs to be.

Carol Marsh
July 20, 2020

Wow what a wonderful powerful message of true faith and belief in God. Thank you for your boldness and wisdom and your so right God has placed you for such a time as this. Godā€™s blessings and favor are upon your life.

Beverly Jann Cook
July 20, 2020

Kayleigh,I believe you are going to be utterly amazed at what great things God is going to do with you in your journey through life if you keep standing strong for Him and obeying His word. Psalms 91 is a chapter I quote to Him every day.It keeps me strong and gives me joy and a refreshing. I will certainly pray for you often. You are a breath of fresh air. Will be praying for your family as well. I know they must be proud of you.

Penny Pretti
July 20, 2020

I LOVE Kayleigh and have since I first heard her!!! We pray for Pres. Trump & Vice Pres. Pence every day…. we will now pray for Kayleigh daily. Thank you Kayleigh, for being so bold for Jesus!!!
Thank you God for putting her in this position!!! Thank you Pres. Trump for your part in making her your Press Secretary.

Penny Pretti

Bev Kiesler
July 20, 2020

How refreshing to have Kayleigh McEnany in the White House!
Thank you, Kayleigh, for being a voice for Jesus in such a high profile position.
May God bless you and keep you in His care.

Robert Dogoli
July 20, 2020

God Bless you, young lady. Amen

David Hudson
July 20, 2020

God has chose me in a position to help my country. I have plans that could help the doj Secretary of schools Secretary of Health of course our whole country. I have said that since I was 10 years old that all I was looking for was the greeting when I pass good and faithful servant job well done!

    Donna Broyles
    July 20, 2020

    Beautiful story!šŸ˜‡šŸ™šŸ»

    Carol Weber
    July 25, 2020

    This has bee my prayer since I first accepted Christ as my Savior and Lord back in March or 1977. I just want to hear those words, “Well done My good and faithful servant”

Jennifer Anderson
July 20, 2020


Deloris McClanahan
July 19, 2020

Praying for you to continue to have holy boldness that only God can give. I just love her and I, too, believe God put her in that place for a time like this. God bless you.

Jennifer Dreaden
July 19, 2020

Praise God! A true follower of Christ will amaze others! Praying for our leaders!

Sandra Upton
July 19, 2020

Thank you Father for Christian servants and leaders in our White House. Protect them. šŸ’œšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø

Tonya Gilliam-Isaiah 58 Ministry
July 19, 2020

Thank you Kayleigh for all you are doing for Godā€™s Kingdom Purposes; you have been called for such a time as this!! We are all praying for you, our President, and those who are for us and not against us. We are standing as the remnant called for today to stand guard in prayer and petition; a hedge of protection; a firewall around our nation, His chosen, and Gods Will to be done, today…
Blessing sweet sister, Tonya Gilliam

Richard Hannon
July 19, 2020

God doesn’t do things to embarrass people.

Sheila Helms
July 19, 2020

So heartwarming to hear this woman’s faith and love for our GOD!!! For her to stand up for all that is right and to have President Trump’s “back” in this cold, cruel world!!! May GOD bless her, President Trump and Vice-President Pence and their families and administrative staff!!! Much love to ALL!! THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO FOR US!!!ā¤šŸ™ā¤šŸ™

    Carol Weber
    July 25, 2020

    Just reading some of the negative comments against this woman of God and our President shows us just a small slice of what she and other true believers are up against on a daily basis..Lord, Please remind me to pray and intercede daily on behalf of Your servants, especially those in our Government right now! Thank You Lord!

July 19, 2020

Amen, way to go Kayleigh. Thank you for standing with your faith and not backing down. We need more people like you, not ashamed to speak about your faith from the White House no less. Hallelujah, God bless you and keep you. Keep up the good work.

Ross Antonakos
July 18, 2020

wow praise the lord-
the lord has blessed her

Larry Bentley
July 18, 2020

Just a blessing from God for us to enjoy and trust.God bless you Kayleigh.

Debra VanHorn
July 17, 2020

I believe God put you where your at

Debbie Chandler
July 17, 2020

Jesus, please keep sending us leaders like this!

Stanley Yokell
July 17, 2020

Utter nonsense.

    July 19, 2020

    This is so encouraging! I pray that she will continue to be bold in her faith with humility standing firmly on God’s word.

Guy Morley
July 17, 2020

What an inspirational witness AND woman! She is in a position of great importance and it is quite obvious that she is being led by the Holy spirit. Working in this den of vipers day in and day out has got to be one of the most difficult, high-stress jobs in the world. Kayleigh is obviously the right person for this job because it is just as obvious that GOD placed her there. And knowing GOD as I do through his Word, He would not place her there without equipping her. She reminds me of Moses after he accepted his assignment and came to realize that GOD would be with him every step of the way. I’m sure Kayleigh must have had her doubts at first. Who wouldn’t? Keep up the tremendous work, and please know that I will be praying for you regularly.

July 17, 2020

We love you Kayleigh! Stay strong and loving as you already are. You’re doing a phenomenal job and deserve the best! We are prayer for you and your family. May God’s richest blessings be bestowed upon you and your family. And may He give you the strength and courage to do all He has put in your heart to do. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

July 17, 2020

Thanking God for you!

July 17, 2020

You are an inspiration to all of us who listen to you! You are always well versed on every subject and you give it right back to the reporters. They are sometimes very grueling and you always have it covered. I am so happy to hear you are a Christian and that your faith has guided you in your life. God bless you and your family… will be praying for you!

    Donna Hicks
    July 18, 2020

    May God bless you Kayleigh!I always enjoy the way you stand up against the media. They try to trip you up, but you are always on your toes. Thank you for sharing your faith. You are an inspiration. Keep up the great work!

Mary Hussey
July 17, 2020

Thank you Lord, for this remarkable young woman who has come into the kingdom for such a time as this. Continue to give her wisdom and protection and Your favor! In Jesus name I pray.

July 17, 2020

Wow! How refreshing to hear such positive, and uplifting to hear this in today’s world!! Praying for all of those in the white house right now!

Audrey Sansgard
July 17, 2020

I Am so thankful for the Christian wittness Kaleigh is, in DC daily stsnding in the ever widening gap between what our diuntry was built upon and what is being pushed at us as citizens today. How awesome to see a young lady so sure of God and of her purpose. She needs prayer daily, evev hour by hour to hold the Light up and for Spiritual protection of her and her loved ones. Thank God for our willingness to pray..we are instructed ro pray. Jesus prayed while he walked on this earth, so how can we possibly think it is just a suggestion?

Brent Thompson Wodrich
July 17, 2020

This woman is just something else! I hope and pray I can find and marry a woman just like her someday – who carries the same presence and stands up for herself, the few in office who are truly doing all they can to run this country in the right way, the citizens under control who elect the government officials and most importantly, God – even when all eyes are watching. If Kayleigh were to run for POTUS, she’d have my vote in a second.

July 17, 2020

My heart was warm d to see this story about Kaylee. I pray for God to protect her as she serves Him in this important position šŸ™

Patrick McKelley
July 17, 2020

Too many times I see people of faith lay the worldā€™s problems at Godā€™s feet and then sit back and watch. Itā€™s a great thing to put your trust in God, but I feel we as Christians were called to represent God and speak out when appropriate. We need to do all we can to defeat the enemies of God, not just sit back and pray for it to happen. Kayleigh is one of those people!

Christine Lankford
July 17, 2020

Praying for you always. You are a light in this dark world. You remind me of David. You are a warrior.

Charlene Cochran
July 17, 2020

Sheā€™s certainly one of a kind! Love her! God certainly did put her in the White House! She is doing an awesome job.

Laurie Patterson
July 16, 2020

Praise God…He still has His hand on this nation! I join with the rest of the Christians around the globe who are praying daily for wisdom and clarity during these times. We wonder what we can do to make a difference when we are behind the scenes, wishing we could do more. I watch Kayleigh at that podium amazed at her poise, intelligence, and ability to stand her ground speaking the truth with dignity. After I read that she is a Christian, it all made sense…she,without a doubt, puts on the full armor of God before she begins! It’s all there..read Ephesians 6:10-18. I have never seen the strength & power of God’s full armor in anyone, as I have watching Kayleigh handle herself in enemy territory. I will lift her up to the throne in prayer so she may receive the rest & renewal to carry on… that only God can provide.

gale hoeke
July 16, 2020

What a gift to the nation! I know you are the precise person our presidet needs to back him up for REAL news. God is in control. I am not afraid.

Beverly Valliere
July 16, 2020

Kayleigh you are an inspiration for us all in showing courage and boldness. Continuing to pray for Godā€™s wisdom in your press briefings.

July 16, 2020

Sheā€™s like a Daniel in the lionā€™s den! Iā€™m so thankful for her bold, honest faith. Lord, continue to use her and bless her professional and private life.

Shirley Lemke
July 16, 2020

Praise God!! I have been praying for President Trumps salvation not knowing a Grace believer worked in the WH. HE has answered that prayer by placing that young woman there

Marcella Roark
July 15, 2020

Thank you Kayleigh for you’re outspoken boldness for the Lord. You are an inspiration to us all and I pray the Lord strengthen you and keep you and your family as you continue in your mission to serve through your current position ,God bless you

Patricia Wenzel
July 15, 2020

I did not know Kayleighā€™s story. Thank you for sharing this. So thankful she is a strong Christian and it is an honor to pray for her.

Yvonne Pendleton
July 15, 2020

You go girl. You are an Esther&Deborah for this time. Blessings.

July 15, 2020

Kayleigh,please know how much you are loved and appreciated for your role in moving our country forward in the right direction. Your cool with questions designed to trip you up and make you angry can ONLY be a gift from our loving God. Keep up the good work as we pray for you and lift your arms when they grow weary.

Fay Cormie
July 15, 2020

God Bless You!!! You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you (Phil 4:13) Thank you for listening to God’s voice!
You are doing such a ‘great job’
Love n prayers for you n our Presitent n our country!

Linda Akins
July 15, 2020

Thank you Father for putting Kayleigh there and for your mercy in that. Thank you for your Divine anointing and covering over her every moment of and every day and covering over her family.

Jamie hanson
July 15, 2020

Dear Lord,

Thank you for such positive role model working in the White House. Keep her safe and keep her inspired. I know she will do your work well.

In your sons name I pray, Amen

July 15, 2020

Her message brought me to tears God bless this child of God and her deep understanding not worried about what people think in the world of flesh about her but only what God is and will be proud of her on her way to heaven thank you for doing what you’re doing in our country today. may God bless your path all your day’s amen

jim oswald
July 15, 2020

I join a growing prayer shield for Kayleigh. God looks throughout the earth for those He can show Himself faithful on behalf of. She is one, and so are we as we interceed for the advancement of the Kingdom of God. Be storng and courageous Kayleigh.

Lois Taritas
July 15, 2020

God in Heaven and Earth, I thank you for Kayleigh and her deep Faith! We put a shield of protection around her!
We are praying for you, when you go into the enemys camp, the media. Thank you Father she stands her ground and so annointed by the Holy Spirit! You are Roaring in that place God has you planted for such a time as this!
We cover you under the Blood of Jesus! Gods richest blessings on you and your family!
We Love you Kayleigh!!!!

Anita McDonald
July 15, 2020

What an encouragement your stance is to many young woman in America! Praying that all He has for YOU will be revealed at every step you take. You have an Esther anointing on you to stand for HIM JESUS CHRIST OUR KING AND LORD OVER AMERICA. Thank you again

George R. Asay
July 14, 2020

I was blessed to have been listening to her press conference when she gave that clear testimony – – and on such a stage!!

Carolyn Grimes
July 14, 2020

Thank you for standing boldly for your faith! So proud of you!! Prayers for you and President & Vice President!

Constance D Murray
July 14, 2020

I promise to pray for you on a daily basis! I admire your ability to translate Gods love to a very hostile press. You are a ā€˜Messenger of love and a gift for Americaā€™. Thank You!

Constance D Murray
July 14, 2020

I promise to pray for you on a daily basis!

Nancy Barlow
July 14, 2020

What an incredibly strong young woman. She needs our prayers. She needs us to tell all our Christian friends to pray, to write her name down and pray in a personal way for her. To pray for her protection as well as protection for our entire party, beginning with Donald Trump.
May God bless America and may eyes and ears open to the Truth of His Word.

Tim Ramey
July 14, 2020

Kayleigh, you don’t realize how much my wife and I rejoice that you love Jesus. You wouldn’t have to tell us as it radiates from you with every press conference. You are sharp but, more importantly, you have the wisdom give to you by the Holy Spirit. Oh Kayleigh, we need more people in this world like you that let Jesus blaze through them! We’re praying for you, sister!

July 14, 2020

God bless you Kayleigh! So thankful for you being voice for the Lord in the midst of many enemies. May the lord give you speech & wisdom that the adversaries will not be able to contradict or resist Luke 21:15 nor the Spirit by which you speak Luke 21:15/Acts 6:10! May the Lord cause them to stumble over their own words & may they be snared & trapped by their own words. Unrighteous must shut itā€™s mouth.Job 5:16Father may you place more of your people in prominent positions & in our news media & politics. Father I lift up news media & politicians that You lead them repentance that they may know Truth & come to their senses & escape the snare of the devil having been taken by him to do his will 2Timothy 2:25-26. Set them free by opening their eyes, turn them from the darkness to light from the power of satan to God that they may receive forgiveness of sin & an inheritance with us Acts 26:18. Thank you Lord you desire that all men be saved!

Carol Miller
July 14, 2020

So happy that she realizes that God placed in this job. Iā€™m praying that she will remain strong šŸ’Ŗ

July 14, 2020

Trump quote: “I fully think apologizing is a great thing. But you have to be WRONG…I will absolutely apologize sometime in the hopefully distant future if I’m ever wrong.”

Jeses Hallelujah:
“Blessed are the meek,for they will inherit the earth.”

July 14, 2020

Trump quote “when I drink my little wine..and have my little cracker,I guess that is a form of asking for forgiveness.”

Jesus Amen
“This is my body given for you;do this in remembrance of me.”

Delilah Narvaez
July 14, 2020

Precious Kayleigh McEnany, we as a nation are so fortunate to have you as our Press Secretary. Your faith in Jesus Christ is certainly seen in the CBN interview. I’m quite sure you can feel the spiritual warfare in Washington DC. I promise that my prayer group and I will cover you in prayer. You are there for such a time as this.

Terry K Garber
July 14, 2020

May the Lord continue to use Kayleigh as she stands up for our President. May she have the courage and strength needed to continue this fight. What an incredible woman you are, Kayleigh, and how glad we are that God has placed you in the position you are in. God bless you and keep you!

Cheri Risch
July 14, 2020

Praise God, for your faith Kayleigh!
You are God’s workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works that He has planned & prepared for you to walk in. Ephesians 2:10 Praying that you continue to hear His voice and follow Him into those good works!

Mary L Roberts
July 14, 2020

Praise God for this wonderful christian woman in the white house. She is doing a tremendous job and is a great role model for christians everywhere. May she be a light that shines in the darkness.

Carolyn Watson
July 14, 2020

Kayleigh thank you for putting God first in your life. It has brought refreshment yo the dry parched souls of many Americans. God I lift this little lady to you. She is precious in your sight and you delight in her. Thank you for giving just a glimpse of you through her. God I ask that your warrior angels protect her day and night. Don’t let her foot slip. Be her shade by day and light her way in the darkness. Keep her sweet family by your strong and mighty arm. You’ve said the battle is yours so we turn that over to you because you are in our midst and you are mighty to save. On the mighty and saving name of Jesus amen

Pam Johnson
July 14, 2020

Thank God for young conservative believers who are well trained to speak and dialogue, defend and communicate truth and ideas in this culture! May she be a mighty voice used by God and truly hear well done!

Nancy Clark
July 14, 2020

What a fantastic interview! We are blessed to have Kayleigh McEnany as Press Secretary for our nation. What a wonderful role model she is for Christians everywhere. She is in my prayers.

July 14, 2020

Praise the Lord! What a wonderful role model you are for young women. We need young women bold in their faith in the times we live. I pray God continues to use you to serve our country. May he continue to give you boldness to proclaim truth. May he surround you with strong men and women of prayer and like values. Thank you for being a light for the Lord in this current darkness. May God continue to bless and protect you and your family as you continue on for his glory. šŸ’•

Jeane whiteside
July 14, 2020

So encouraged at her testimony of life serving the Lord in her family and in her job while heading up bible study and prayer. Our Warriors for the Kingdom. Thank you Lord. Bless she and her entire family for the sacrifice and service to our nation contend with those who contend with her. In that name we all love. JESUS. Amen.

Becky Pollock
July 14, 2020


Cathie Summy
July 14, 2020

You are spunky…..powerful……..truthful……faithful and ever pretty…….prayers for your divine protection, wisdon and endurance as you serve this magniciant county the USA…..

    Shirley Poyner
    July 14, 2020

    I loved you from the start, I felt in my spirit you were a Christian and know exactly how to answer the press in a stern but loving manner. Keep up the good work Iā€™m very proud of you.

Barbara Molter
July 14, 2020

Iā€™m glad she feels God put her in this position & I pray sheā€™ll have Godā€™s Wisdom, discernment, knowledge & strength! God will give her success!

Nita Morris
July 14, 2020

Praise God he put McEnany in this spot for this time in history. God is in control and God knows what heā€™s doing. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Lord for protecting this young woman and her family. Lord God thank you for staying by her side strengthening her life, her marriage, her family. May they all continue to walk closely with you. in Jesus name amen

Pat Werner
July 14, 2020

Great video!!! Wonderful to see such a strong, truthful young lady in the White House

Judy Bowles
July 14, 2020

Very thankful for this young Christian women to be in a position that she is great at.
I like her spunk and truthfulness.
Blessings to you Kayleigh.

Diana Mason
July 14, 2020

God Bless Her!

Patricia Billings
July 14, 2020

Kayleigh you bring a smile to my face…. the Way you turn it right back on the media is a breath taking. Something that should of been a long time ago. Your courage and tenacity is admirable. Your like Ester raised up for such a time as this….I’ll pray for wisdom and strength for a wonderful person such as yourself. God Bless you and keep you ! My love is with you! xo

Rosa Berumen
July 14, 2020

What a POWERFUL yet humble young woman.
God has placed her in this position for such a time as this.
Like when God place Esther in front of the King, to intercede for the jewish people.

Penny McCartney
July 14, 2020

Father, we thank You for Kayleigh. Thank You for her strong faith and her witness. Surround her and raise a standard around her, even greater than she already has. Help her to speak the truth in love to all she comes in contact with. Thank you she is salt and light in a dark and hard place. But, You, oh, God are a shield and buckler for her and we thank You that she us one of the Esther’s You have raised up for such a time as this.

Laura Shepherd
July 14, 2020

Kaleigh, you are doing a FABULOUS job! Thank you for your commitment and loyalty. We are thankful for you, and you are all BLESSING! ā¤

July 14, 2020

Heavenly Father, protect your daughter from the schemes of the enemy as she speaks on behalf of the President. Cover her with your Mighty Hand and continue to give her discernment, wisdom and boldness. Keep her mind, eyes and ears sharp. Be with her and family members at all times. In Jesus Name!

Jim Fox
July 14, 2020

As good as she is, why does she not stand against President Trump’s LGBT-promoting policies? WHY? Here’s why… It’s because if she did, she’d lose her job. If she did and Trump fell in line with Biblically orthodox policy, he’d lose 2020 election, no doubt, as well as raise the ire of lunatic perverts across America and the world. Your thoughts?

    July 15, 2020

    Jim, has she ever been asked a direct question on the subject? Did the CBN interviewer ask her about that subject?

Pam Starkey
July 14, 2020

Kayleigh I was so encouraged by your testimony and the huge sacrifices you have given up to follow your call. May our God continue to bless you and your commitment to serve for such a time as this.

Terri King
July 14, 2020

This was an amazing interview & I prayed now for her but will continue as the elections go forward

Phyllis Westall
July 14, 2020

You GO Girl!

Julianne Muench
July 14, 2020

I can’t tell you how much I respect you and what you do….you are an AMAZING Christian woman!!! Hold the course – I do believe you were put here for such a time as this.

Jim Reed
July 14, 2020

My prayers are with her and with our President and with our nation that we, as a nation, might realize just why we have a National Motto that proclaims: “In God We Trust.”

Rhonda Bond-Bushwty
July 14, 2020

LOVE this girl! Not only is she extremely intelligent, she exudes wisdom that comes from Heaven above. Kayleigh lives and proves Matthew 6:33
Love your boldness for our Lord Jesus Christ! Our coming KING!

Barbara Ann Redmond
July 14, 2020

I wanna be your
intercessor sis!
You rocked that interview … BOOM!

Jesus flows out of you POWERFULLY

FATHERā€™s Heart for you and
President Trump & our nation!!!

Rosa Mondeja
July 14, 2020

God is GOOD!!! He is faithful!! He is working out HIS plan in the White House!! Thank you Kayleigh for sharing your testimony and your obedience to God’s calling in your life! In the Name of Jesus, I plea the blood of Jesus over Kayleigh and her family. I decree and declare the power, wisdom, and discernment of the Spirit of the Living God over Kayleigh! May Kayleigh and her family be blessed coming and going! For the Lord says, Donā€™t be afraid, for I am with you. Donā€™t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand. ā€œSee, all your angry enemies lie there, confused and humiliated. Anyone who opposes you will die and come to nothing. You will look in vain for those who tried to conquer you. Those who attack you will come to nothing. For I hold you by your right hand. I, the Lord your God. And I say to you, “Donā€™t be afraid”. I am here to help you. (Isaiah 41:10-13). This is my commandā€”be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord, your God is with you wherever you go.ā€ (Joshua 1:9)

July 14, 2020

Thank you for standing strong. This interview encouraged me today. God bless you, keep you and make His face shine on you! Amen

July 14, 2020

I so enjoy your meeting with the press. They are such a difficult bunch and you handle them oh so well. May the Lord continue to bless you.

Gary S. Lurch
July 14, 2020

I am very grateful GOD has sent us her.

July 14, 2020

Courageous. Inspiring. I am grateful to God for placing you, a soldier of Christ behind the podium.

Marilyn Barnes
July 14, 2020

Please put me in your address book. I need some positive news to off balance the negative.

Audrey Wright
July 14, 2020

How encouraging! Love Kayleigh and how the Lord uses her. Stay strong, joyful and filled with His glory!

July 14, 2020

Heavenly Father,
Your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, came in to the world as a Light to be the Light of all men; the darkness comprehended not. Lord Jesus, in Your sermon on the mount, you commanded your disciples to be the light of the world.
May Kayleigh McEnany shine the Light of Christ as more than a conqueror, in the name of Jesus! May all the darkness in the media be confused, confounded, and put to shame, in the name of Jesus!
Abba Father, please light your candle inside Kayleigh and her family. May Your Holy Spirit guide her in all she does, says, and thinks, in the name of Jesus!
Father please keep Kayleigh compassed about with Your favor, mercy, and peace, in the name of Jesus!
I pray this same protection for all of Your children, I pray for a canopy of protection over the press room where Kayleigh works.
Thank You Father! Thank You Jesus!
Amen and Amen!

Deborah L Brister
July 14, 2020

Awesome! Praise GOD Trump 2020, and maybe someday the first female president. I pray James 1:5 each and everyday for you and Psalms 5:12 as you stand for truth.
Thank you for your voice in the White House.

David Ruleman
July 14, 2020

You are bold and courageous but you are not alone. You are always i our prayers. Thank you.

July 14, 2020

Kayleigh, your video ā€˜God put me in this place for a purposeā€™ was just so moving and beautiful… and I thank God for where you are in this given place and time~This is an anointed time for you and all of us in our country who hold true to the values we are founded on…I believe Godā€™s hand and guidance cover our nation, President Trump, and all of us who know and believe God is at the helm. To quote President Trump from his speech at Mt. Rushmore…we only kneel for God!
Be Blessed as you go forward and know you are being prayed for each and every dayā£ļø

Patrick and Shelly Doyle
July 14, 2020

God Bless you and so thankful you are there for our very precious President!

LaDonna Newton
July 14, 2020

I thank God for you. You are an inspiration.

Victoria Barclay
July 14, 2020

Wow! Kayleigh, thank you that you hear from our Father God, Jesus, Holy Spirit each and every day, and follow His/Their voice, – and not man’s/mans’. Thank you, Father, that You put an example in the White House in the form of Kayleigh McEnany. Thank You for her testimony that You are a voice through. Thank You for surrounding her with Your Word, with Your angels, with Your people and their prayers, that keeps her strong in You. Thank You for making time for You in her day that Kayleigh grabs a hold of. Thank You for inundating her with Your Word, Your wisdom, Your peace, Your presence, Your people – that You in her are not only her Pillar, …but You confound the enemy who is working through those she works with and is around who examine her. Father, thank You that her love for You puts a glow around her that attracts those You have Your eyes on. Father, thank You for all Your ambassadors in our government. Thank You for Your hand on them. Thank You that they are not ashamed of Your gospel and Your purposes. May others come to You because of Your servants’ purpose being “Well done, My good and faithful servant.” I seal and bind this prayer.
I apply the blood of the Lamb, of Jesus Christ, over this prayer, that the enemy not be able to touch it and misuse it in any way. Amen.

Tina Kesack
July 14, 2020

God bless you Kayleigh and your family!

Denise McGuire
July 14, 2020

What a wonderful testimony! Hang in there, your doing a great job!! Trump 2020! God Bless and protect all of you.

Jerry Sauls
July 14, 2020

It is always a great joy to read and hear about believers taking a stand for The Truth. Thank you Kayleigh McEnany for your deep dedication and commitment to our Christ. Blessings upon you as you and your family faithfully follow Jesus in this ever increasing resistance upon any everyone who obediently puts themselves in such a visible and necessary position. Peace, grace and mercy be upon you, Amen!.

Charlotte Tennant
July 14, 2020

I pray for your wisdom and clarity of thought when answering the media. Also peace as you execute your task at work and at home as a wife and mother. May God bless you in all that you do and say!

Lynn Bryant
July 14, 2020

Wow! What an amazing servant of our Lord! Bless her & annoint her daily to defend our president and our God !

Gloria Whitley
July 14, 2020

Kayleigh, we so appreciate you and your Christian principles guiding everything you do. Thank you for giving of yourself at such a crucial time in Americaā€™s history. We pray for wisdom, tact, special insight into asking your adversaries the question that causes them to think.

Gloria Hinojosa
July 14, 2020

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and give you His peace. His name is upon you. And beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be health, just as your soul prospers. Numbers 6: 24- 27 and 3 John 1: 2
Kayleigh, as you trust and rest in Jesus, you will always have eyes to see and ears to hear, in the Mighty name of Jesus and the Authority of the Blood of the Lamb, Amen. So Be It!āœļøšŸ™šŸ¼āœļø

Chuck Herpolsheimer
July 14, 2020

Amazing. So pleased with her bold testimony. Hallelujah

Pamela Waller
July 14, 2020

Dear Father, We place a hedge of protection around Kayleigh and her entire family. We speak health and safety, peace and joy over every member of that family and in particularly over her child. Surround them all with your presence and guard them all in their going out and their coming in. In Jesus’ Name

Peggy Starkey
July 14, 2020

Kayleigh McKnany is a magnificent Christ filled lovely articulate well prepared young woman of incredible Christ directed blessing of strength and courage… We need to listen to her honest fact filled exchanges, with a relentless commitment to truth and importantly spot on appropriate defense of our National Constitutional Strengths, that Our President has determination to stand by everyday! God Bless the United States if America, a country we Love and Protect!

July 14, 2020

Dear Father, We give You honor and glory today! And, we praise you! Thank You that You have Your people everywhere, for such a time as this in both public and private arenas! And, You have placed Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, in her very visible and influential position. LORD, please place Your hedge of protection and provision around and about Kayleigh, her family, her coworkers and staffers. Bless her relationship with President Trump and all in his Administration. Give her wisdom and grace as she goes before the press and general public. Strengthen her to do Your will and defend our President and most importantly You and Your Kingdom! In Jesus’ Mighty Name, I pray! AMEN!šŸ™ŒšŸ™ā¤

July 14, 2020

Heavily Father we praise you and thank you for the grace you have extended to America for we know we do not deserve it. We find comfort knowing that you are in control. Heavily Father thank you for sending your Son to save us. You have called President Trump and Kayleigh
McEneny for such a time as this. May your will be done in November.

    Shirley Rust
    July 21, 2020

    Powerful young women of God! That’s what the world needs now, God’s people Shinning fouth in Boldness! Amen

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