I Prayed have prayed
Father, give Vice President Pence Your supernatural wisdom and guidance. Guard him with your Spirit.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

(Excerpt from PBS News Hour and Twitter. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

What do you think of Pence’s letter?

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Anita Schoonover
January 8, 2021

Why aren’t we holding the courts & judges responsible for not even looking at a single piece of the plethora of evidence for election fraud? Shouldn’t they be held responsible for just ignoring the evidence, affidavits, etc.? The evidence & cases were all dismissed despite no one ever looking at any of it.
We are battling a spiritual war, no flesh & blood human battle. The enemy is the devil & he will not go down quietly. But the Lord Jesus is greater than the devil and when He has determined it is time to return to earth to reign He will come. We must prepare our hearts and continue to lift up those who do not know Him. For the Lord doesn’t desire for any one of His children to perish without the opportunity to repent & receive Him as their Savior. Praise be to the LORD of Lords and KING of Kings. Come, Lord Jesus, come.

January 7, 2021

I think VP Pence’s letter is spot on! Thank God for his faith and integrity! May God bless him and his family!

    January 7, 2021

    The salvation of America is not on VP Pence’s shoulders. God puts kings and rulers in positions of power.
    Many Godly people were praying. God heard our prayers. He is still all knowing, all powerful, and supremely wise! He is accomplishing His purposes and plans even now.
    It’s not a time for Christians to be ugly to each other. They will know we are Christians by our love!

January 7, 2021

VP Pence is upholding the constitution.
As a man of God, I believe, he will do what is right.

G white
January 7, 2021

Per John Eastman trumps lawyer and Mark Levin constitutional scholar. They have both said that the founders NEVER WOULD HAVE supported the Vice President certifying votes that were questionable or that were ‘under a cloud’. Mike Pence, as godly as he is is IGNORANT Of the constitution. A terrible conclusion that the Lord’s hand of judgement has come to the US. I believe due to the church’s failure to oppose the supreme courts unconstitutional ruling on abortion and prayer being taken out of the schools as well as any thing religious. We Christians have brought this curse on ourselves.

    January 7, 2021

    I agree with you. That is why I did not vote for Pence or Harris–they both are pro-abortion. i am disappointed in Pence for not standing by Trump. I do not support the Antifa/BLM rioters in Washington.

      January 7, 2021

      I meant Biden not Pence.

        January 7, 2021

        I gave president Trump to God. I know that He will protect him and his family. I don’t understand why he let Biden/Harris win? However, I will honor and respect the Lords decision. It is His will not mine.

      January 7, 2021

      I listened to Mark Levin & agree. But I’m not sure if it was ignorance, or something else that caused the VP to rule as he did.

January 7, 2021

I’m disappointed in a majority of these comments, you act as though God isn’t in control. Nothing happens that HE doesnt allow. Greater is He…. than he who is in the world. What he wrote goes against nothing in the bible. So, because a fellow Christian stood up for what he believed was the right thing to do, he’s a coward? That’s absurd! I also had hope that Pence would “bring it home”…. but God is working. And since God knows the beginning AND the end, I will trust what HE allows, instead of what I think should happen. Also, if you’ve studied revelations you’d know that there are some really bad things that need to happen before the end. God is sovereign over all things.

Cynthia Sinnette
January 7, 2021

The constitution is the foundation of our government. If individuals decide not to honor it, chaos can take over and our gov’t become a free for all. I pray for the heart wrenching decision Pence had to make, but agree that his part was to keep his oath of office, and the rest of the battle belongs to the Lord. Make amendments if needed, but do not destroy a foundation that has kept our nation strong for hundreds of years.

Brenda Walker
January 7, 2021

Thank you,Vice President Pence. Your letter was heart warming and reaffirming my belief that we do have Godly, people in Congress.
The slander, undermining President Trump,duties to the Constitution and We the People has been violated. This has been going on for the last four years and has divided our country into three groups: Republicans, Demoncrates, and radical evil. If President Trump would have been allowed to complete his campaign promises, USA would be stronger and united.
I believe the threat of exposing the illegal and evil actions of some members of Congress brought fear to them and they were determined to counteract with brainwashing techniques through lies, which destroyed the hope and trust of some American people.
God has a plan and we need to continue following His Word. It is sad to hear the lies, slander, and degrading opinions made against President Trump by some elected officials and especially the newly elected President and Vice President. How are we to respect them, with such demeaning actions and words against President Trump, who was also their Commander in Chief? Prayers lifted up to forgive them and the Holy Spirit to guide them must be practiced to carry us through this spiritual warfare.
God will bless you for your support of President Trump and We the People. You have served in your role with honor, loyalty, integrity, and Godliness. You and President Trump need to hold your heads high for your integrity you have shown these last four years.
God is moving and will bring forth the truth.

Respectfully yours,
B. Walker ED.S

Marnie Crothers
January 7, 2021

I totally agree with Nancee Morgan. I am totally saddened and disgusted with the fraud and corruption in our government.I feel Trump was heaven sent to guide and protect our nation through tumultuous times. He has done everything he can to help America, still he is betrayed and stabbed in the back by many. It is disgraceful that Pence didn’t stand up and do the right thing. A true coward. The only thing that constrained him was himself guided by the devil.The evidence of fraud was overwhelming yet most of them turned a blind eye. For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous:but the way of the ungodly shall perish. Psalm 1:6 Never in my life have I witnessed the lawlessness and destruction that has recently occurred in this country. We must pray without ceasing.

Nancee Morgan
January 7, 2021

Pence is a puppet republican who is a traitor to America! He slapped the citizens of America in the face, He poked God in the eye and he betrayed President Trump. He has aligned himself with a democrat/socialist/communist party, Biden, Kamala, Antifa, BLM. He is part of the deep state and the anti-Christ. I can’t believe he could stand and pray in the Whitehouse with President Trump. I wonder who else were plants by satan that were whispering in President Trumps ear while they were their on assignment by the devil himself. I am so shocked at the wickedness in our government. They are no different than any other 3rd world country. No body bothered to do anything when Antifa, BLM were rioting, killing, burning business. There was no security breach today it was staged for the media! There has not been a breach since 1814! Security is tight. The cops stepped aside when they went in. Thieves go through the back door and guest enter in the front door! We as Americans should stand and demand justice this is blatant Voter fraud and treason! Who bewitched the government, citizens and church in America? The anti-Christ Spirit has infiltrated the government, schools, citizens, democrat and repulican party and the church! I pray that Jesus will come and get us soon. The ugly just climbed out of the deep swamp and Biden and Kampala and the democrat party will be like Hitler on steroids!

    January 7, 2021

    Pence is dirty. Always has been. He is a pedophile. He and Ryan attempted assassination of Trump. He and Rosenstein are in cahoots. His is coming.

      Marnie Crothers
      January 7, 2021

      I read that Lin Wood had information about Pence, Judge Roberts and others participating in illicit dealings.

    Brenda Walker
    January 7, 2021

    I don’t agree with your commentsm about CO Pence, but I totally agree with everything else. If truth be known and We need to pray God will deliver it, the police officers were directed to do just what they did and Antics walked right through them. Proof of the evil grasping our nation.

      Brenda Walker
      January 7, 2021

      Typo. comments and Vice President Pence. (Autocorrect does not recognize initials)

    January 7, 2021

    It would be wrong for VP Pence to go against the Constitution and use his own authority to side with P Trump. Do not be short sighted and criticize the man who stands on the principle.

    January 8, 2021

    Amen. If you do more research you will discover more than you want to know about the Pences and others in the government. Most are using Christianity as a front.
    By now most of us know how President Trump sets up these criminals in order to expose them so the people will know. I still believe God is using President Trump for HIS glory. God is not done cleaning house, so as a “warrior” keep decreeing the word of God over America.

Karen Z
January 7, 2021

Mr. Pence, are you worried about the Constitution, or yourself? You will answer for this one day as you know there has been election fraud.

Patricia Seymour
January 6, 2021

This letter makes it clear that Vice President Pence did the right thing. He did his due diligence in studying the Constitution and following its instructions.

I agree that is is up to our state representatives to raise objections and see that allegations of wrong-doing are investigated.
We have been assured that they will do that.
We need to continue to pray for our President, and Vice President, and members of Congress.

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Mindy Finklea
January 6, 2021

Very well thought out and I respect his position and his resolve to follow the Constitution. I have no doubt he will act justly.

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January 6, 2021

Hebrew 11

to please God


January 6, 2021

Proverbs 24:10
If thou faint in the day of adversity,

thy strength is SMALL.

January 6, 2021

James 2:17

“So you see, it isn’t enough just to have faith. You must also do good to prove that you have it. Faith that doesn’t show itself by good works is no faith at all — it is dead and useless.”

Father God,
Increasingly, we need to pray for VP Pence more than ever. He has faith in you but he doesn’t know how to live it out so others can see you in him. Father God, reveal to VP Pence so he knows what good works you want him to do for America. Is his role in this Joint Session of Congress’ electoral vote count ceremonial as he said because “the Constitution constrains him” or is it because he doesn’t have the faith to do what “the Constitution does not contrain him in its Twelfth Amendment” because there was no precedence to do that before? Father God, I ask you to bestow wisdom, courage and strength to VP Pence he needs, give him the leap of faith that he needs today to do the right thing for the sake of the nation. Father God, justice of our nation is in your hand. I implore you to intervene and turn our nation back to you. I pray this in the precious name of our Lord Jesus, amen.

Linda Wolverton
January 6, 2021

I have seen the same spirit in Pence that was in Bush 43 so I did not trust him. I am not happy to be correct.

January 6, 2021

Shameful. He is a traitor and I am shocked. God is sifting those out who are not loyal and unfortunately Pence is one of them.

January 6, 2021

Mike Pence must be having some very serious cognitive issues or he’s either scared of his own shadow. Way too much evidence of massive widespread voter fraud that is easily proved well beyond any reasonable doubt. Come on Mike Pence, man-up and declare Donald Trump the next president. He won by the greatest presidential landslide in U.S. history.

    Mindy Finklea
    January 6, 2021

    He did not deny the fraud, he is just saying that he must follow the Constitution right now, as we would want any lawmaker to do. It is not his place to decide. It is for the two parties to discuss and decide when the evidence is finally heard.

Ann Howland
January 6, 2021

I agree with VP Mike Pence. The constitution should be upheld , no matter how we feel. There must be decisive proof of fraud and there just was not that proof.

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linda fauvell
January 6, 2021

For God’s sake vice president Pence stand up and use the authority granted you by the constitution and listen to the states that are contesting their electoral votes. You will go down in history as someone who does not have the courage to be a patriot and stand up for what IS RIGHT

January 6, 2021

Mike Pence was faced with one of the most important decisions in his life. A decision to do the right thing. Doing the right thing is not always easy. Sometimes it’s difficult and takes a great deal of courage. It takes moral integrity to do what is right.

To me, and 75 million plus American Patriots that voted legally in this 2020 election, doing the right thing would be very easy.

Mike Pence didn’t have any courage or moral integrity. He acted like a coward. I would hate to have to live with myself, if I made the decision to save America from tyranny like Mike Pence did. What a coward.

    January 6, 2021

    Correction. I would hate to have to live with myself, if I made a decision NOT to save America from tyranny. What a coward Mike Pence.

January 6, 2021

Re Mike Pence…i am forwarding this


Jane Meyers exposes Koch brothers puppet master behind Mike Pence….

Lord i pray for President Trump..please protect him & family.
Lord you are not limited by what is happening in the natural…Victory is still on the horizon in Jesus Name!

Daniel NC
January 6, 2021

Lord I grow weary of the seemingly unending parade of victories granted to the forces of evil. Lord, I beg for a glimmer of hope. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Terry Montague
January 6, 2021

He needs our prayers. May God forgive him in his error!
Shame on him!
History will judge him as a coward.

Tammy Saddler
January 6, 2021

Traitor! How can he do this KNOWING what the government has become? Shame on him. His last words? Oh my. How can he look himself in the mirror-he must have not been the man we thought him to be. No courage!
So help US now God!
Thanks, but no thanks VP Pence.
You go down as a coward.

estella vergara
January 6, 2021

Vice President has really did a number on America I truly pray that he will repent and ask for forgiveness
I am praying that Justice will prevail and I keep my eyes upon the Lord

January 6, 2021

Mike Pence has failed America and has made a decision not to stand for truth and justice. As a Christian, Mike Pence is commanded by God to take a stand against evil and he should have declared that he would decertify these fraudulent votes and states. It is sinful by God’s standards. God said in His word, that if a Christian knows the right thing to do, but doesn’t do it, it is sinful. Please tell Mike Pence this scripture below Mr. President Donald Trump.

James 4:17
17 Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.

If Mike Pence won’t stand for truth and justice, then please Mr. President Donald Trump, please enact the Insurrection Act for American Truth and Freedom. God bless you Donald J Trump.

    Laura Dominick
    January 6, 2021

    Amen! I, too, believe Mike Pence failed Americans today. Is there not even one righteous person left in our government? This election cannot be stolen from the American people because, if it is, America is finished as a free nation. Where are You, God? Your people are waiting for You to act in our behalf to make right this theft of an election. The worshipers of Baal will say their god is stronger – we need fire from Heaven.

January 6, 2021

We are praying for the VP to stand in courage, follow the Constitution and first and foremost, follow his conviction to serve God for the proper outcome. If the VP sincerely feels that there has been fraud, then we pray that he will do everything within his vested power to allow that fraud to be examined. He can, in good conscience, determine how long that should take as he conferences with other lawmakers.
As a citizen, I don’t think 10 days is enough. They should postpone any inauguration plans because there isn’t any part of this election that is settled as long as the fraud evidence continues to pour forth….as it has been. It’s like a leak in a dam that certain people try to plug but the water (contaminated) keeps finding its way out.
Lord God – guide the VP to do everything within his power to execute his duties within the framework of the laws that are given to him. Direct his conscience and heart to adhere to the highest law possible – your laws Lord. In your name we pray amen.

Keith Watts
January 6, 2021

It is your obligation to listen to and take into serious consideration the numerous accounts of documented voter fraud to determine which electoral college voters are credible and which need to be investigated for accuracy. Period.

January 6, 2021

In terms of duty belonging to us and results belonging to God, our duty should be supremely to God first, then the constitution. If there is truthful evidence of fraud , which coincides with bearing false witness and lying which clearly is against Gods commands, then how does Pence validate his stance? If He is to be a representative of Christ first, then the people, should he not stand against the sin of the people if he has been given that opportunity by God ? This is an honest question, not at all speaking against him. I am praying ferverently

    Brenda Dormann
    January 6, 2021

    Agree. As it is written “choose this day whom you will serve”
    LORD let your light shine and your Truth be upheld

Rita Mascaro
January 6, 2021

How can anyone argue with that? Our Vice President is intensely courageous, and law-abiding to the nth degree. Kudos to him.

Rollo Leimer
January 6, 2021

Lord, You are in control, You are the King of Kings. We pray for Vice President Pence that his ongoing work prompted by the Holy Spirit, would lead to a conclusion that You would direct. Give him courage, strength and peace in doing that which he needs to do. We ask this in the name of Jesus, King of Kings.


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