Vice President Mike Pence is launched (and then cancelled due to COVID19) a “Faith in America” campaign, appealing to Americans of faith ahead of the 2020 presidential election. . . .
“Faith in America” seeks to highlight the important role that Americans of faith play throughout the country, particularly as the nation reopens following the coronavirus pandemic. The campaign will emphasize how the vital roles churches play in their communities and in the lives of many Americans, according to the campaign. . . .
Pence has drawn criticism from the Left for his strong religious convictions, particularly on gay marriage and on abortion. During the Tulsa Oklahoma rally over the weekend, the vice president emphasized the importance of faith and religious freedom for every American.
Honored to hear from faith & community leaders today in Tulsa about how we can support the African American community. With over 1.6 million meals delivered & over 65 trucks a week traveling across America, the work being done at the @TulsaDreamCtr is nothing short of incredible. pic.twitter.com/JTGd5Kl7kM
— Mike Pence (@Mike_Pence) June 21, 2020
“Every day between now and November 3rd, go out and defend the freedom that’s always made this nation great,” Pence said.
“And while you’re doing it, have faith,” the vice president added. “Faith that in these challenging times that if his people who are called by his name will humble themselves and pray, he’ll do like he’s always done through the long and storied history of this land. He’ll hear from Heaven, he’ll heal this land – this one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. So pray for America, for all the American people.”
Excerpt from Life News.com. Article by Mary Margaret Olohan.)
In Texas, the Vice President spoke at First Baptist Dallas on Sunday. Here is an excerpt of his remarks on the same theme:
Just a few days ago, the President said these words. He said, “We will never stop fighting for the sacred values that bind us together as Americans.” We believe that faith and family, not government bureaucracy, is the true way of life. And the President concluded by saying, “We live by the words of our national motto: In God we trust.” (Applause.) . . . .
So how do we celebrate freedom? On the occasion of the approval of the Declaration of Independence, our first Vice President said that he was, quote, “apt to believe that [the day would] be celebrated by succeeding generations as a great anniversary… commemorated as a day of deliverance by solemn acts of devotion to God… solemnized with pomp and parade, with games and sports and guns and bells and bonfires and illuminations from one end of the continent to the other.” . . .
And I’m proud to report to you, as your Vice President, that from the first days of this administration, that’s exactly what President Donald Trump has been doing: protecting, defending, and celebrating freedom of every American of every race and creed and color. . . .
[W[e all know the tragic events of recent days. And let me say: There’s no excuse for what happened to George Floyd, and justice will be served. But there’s also no excuse for the rioting, looting, and violence that ensued. Burning churches is not protest. Tearing down statues is not free speech. There will be no tolerance for vandalism or violence in the United States, and we will prosecute those who do it to the fullest extent of the law. That’s how we defend freedom. . . .
This President and our administration celebrate freedom every day by upholding the ideals on which this nation was founded and defending them in each and every action.
And now we find ourselves in a challenging time in our nation’s history. We’ve gone through one of the worst pandemics in the history of this country, an economic downturn none of us expected, and, for a time, we saw chaos engulf the streets of many of our major cities. We’ve seen statues of some of our nation’s greatest heroes being torn down. And one can’t help but wonder that ancient question — that if the foundations crumble, how can the righteous stand?
And yet, in the midst of such trials, American Christians have hope. We remember the countless triumphs we’ve won, even in our darkest hours: victories against empires, against injustice, against diabolical tyrannies across the world. During these times, we do well to remember that the foundation of America is freedom, but the foundation of freedom is faith. . . .
It is the faith of the American people that has sustained us through every dark hour of this nation’s history. And it is the faith of the American people that will sustain us through these days. It’s that faith that has seen us through even greater challenges, guiding us in our relentless drive for a more perfect union, for liberty and justice for all. . . .
So in these challenging times, let’s — let’s hold fast to freedom. But let’s also hold fast to that faith. Let’s take to heart the title of Pastor Jeffress’s latest book, and let’s start “Praying for America” again. . . .
As our nation faces these difficult days, I believe more than ever that we stand in the need of prayer. In coming here today, I — I thought I — I wanted to encourage you: As you celebrate freedom in this coming week, practice prayer in a renewed way. . . .
I believe with all my heart, on this Celebrate Freedom Sunday and every day, that if we will but hold fast to Him, we’ll see our way through these challenging times, we will restore our nation’s health, we will renew our freedom, and we will inspire people across this land with our witness of the love and compassion and strength that comes in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
(Used with permission. From the White House.)
Are you thankful for a Vice President who urges us to pray and have faith? Leave a comment.
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Yes I am very thankful for leaders who want their nation to pray to GOD for guidance, strength, and
blessings. GOD is the COMMANDER in CHIEF of the universe and giver of all blessings. And I pray that all American leaders start every meeting with a prayer to GOD for His wisdom, leadership and guidance in whatever situation they are tackling that day, and lead this nation justly in truth, and give thanks to GOD when this nation is blessed by Him.
I pray that Americans turn to GOD and humble themselves, including our leaders, so that GOD may bless us!
It is wonderful to know that the man second in the free world is a strong Christian who stands on the Word of God and exemplifies its life-giving principles in his public and private life! I pray that his freedom tour can continue at some point, but I also pray that believing people in this country will heed God’s command and promise to turn from our wickedness, to humble ourselves, to seek His face, and to pray. Millions of us know this verse, speak it – but are we doing it? Have we done it collectively? Individually? If we are – if we do – God is beholden to respond the way He says He will – to heal our land. I think the proof of our faith in His Word at this time is to do what He says. If we do, if we are – we will see His hand moving to heal us. If we hang onto our pride, our denominational chasms, our worldly ways, our double-minded behaviors, Heaven will continue to be silent. It’s on us.
Thank you, Vice President Pence, for your stedfastness in faith, courage, example…for your firm encouragement and admonition, for proclamation of truth with grace and absolute awareness of the origin of true freedom and blessing! You are appreciated and prayed for every day, as is our President and all that concerns our nation.
Thank you Vice President Pence, for your bold faith in God & encouragement to pray for our country!
Heavenly Father, What a wonderful team You have put together to help lead our nation at this very difficult time. Never have I heard words of a spiritual nature proclaimed this often to the nation by both of our top leaders. We lift up our voices to You in response to our gratitude for these men. We ask You to continue to speak to their hearts and souls. We ask you to cover them with Your supernatural protection so that all evil intentions to destroy them would be thwarted. We ask Your forgiveness for falling away as a nation from obeying You. Justice has turned into a devious circus of performers who have committed acts of disobedience only to appear to have avoided Your discipline. Now, however, we are seeing millions of prayer warriors respond to this injustice, more than will ever be told to those who rely on the Mass Media. Hear those prayers, O Lord, and may there be thousands more who are seeing the results of our nation’s disobedience and are turning to you in prayer. We pray You will help us bring our people back to governing as our founding fathers intended for us. We must include You in every part of our lives and institutions in order to remain the salt and light that You want us to be and we want ourselves to be. Always with You as our Leader, we pray in earnest for these things. Amen
Thank you,Vice President Pence, for espousing what so many are already praying—that we, as a nation, would humble ourselves and repent before the Lord for being lukewarm In our faith, allowing the enemy of God to set up strongholds of hatred,deception, senseless rebellion, racism, anti-Christian beliefs and behaviors, and right being called wrong and wrong being called right. We are in such an upside down, chaotic place as a nation right now that only supernatural intervention can save us. And isn’t that what God wants us to see? He wants to be able to love on us. After all, we wouldn’t have come this far in such a short time with the quality of The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution our forefathers drafted if God’s hand had not been upon us. And the whole world is affected by what we in America do.
Lord, thank you for the godly foundations our forefathers laid. Thank you for our faith and the freedom to pursue it. Thank you for the freedom to vote into office righteous leaders. We know that righteousness exults the nation but sin is a reproach to every people. So God I ask that you would raise up your people to pray in one accord as you are praying Lord Jesus seated at the right hand of the father. Cover President Trump, his family, his cabinet, and governing leaders everywhere with wisdom from above. Open the eyes of their understanding to see your will and to know your ways. In Jesus Name. So be it.
What a blessing it is to read the heart felt message from our Vice President. It is so encouraging and comforting in these troubling times. God please hear our prayers for healing of our nation! Turn hearts to your truth. Revive our souls and hunger for You. Open our eyes and ears to your truth. We pray in the precious name of Jesus.
Yes I am thankful that you Vice-President Pence Is in the position you are in. Thankful that you are a fellow believer and thank you for all your hard work you are doing and for calling America to have faith and pray. Thank you thank you.
I am grateful President Trump picked you as his VP. We are blessed to have a Godly man of prayer in these dark times. I pray for wisdom and discernment to be imparted to you daily. God bless.
Thank you Vice President Pence, for reminding us to pray for our nation and to show the Love of God because of our own personal relationship with Jesus Christ, who gave His all for us. God bless you for standing along with our president to pray and protect our wonderful nation.
With Mike Pence in office we have a voice in Washington, but he is one person fghting the demonic realm over Washington. Lift him up, move with him and fight the fight over the forces of darkness that is trying to destroy America.
Humble yourself church and take action for this will be your last chance for freedom, next year will be the year of Antichrist system over all the world. Come back to the Lord, Church for His return is nearer than you think. Help Mike Pence with his campaign against the forces that is trying to destroy your freedom- pray for him, take action in your city and towns. If the rioters were allowed to burn everything and tear down statutes, then you do the exact opposite by sharing the love of Jesus withall your neighbors and friends. Help restore hope to the broken people around you, for doing it will help our vice president in his work.
Thank you Vice President Mike Pence for your brave stance in serving God and your Country. I much appreciate you.
Thank you Vice President Pence. In God We Trust. I already have a slogan: Pence for president 2025.
Thank you, Lord, for V P Pence, I pray for Your protection over him and his family and our President and his family, please Lord give them godly wisdom and to look up to You first and foremost, Lord God, you say in Your Word “Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you and you shall glorify me”. Psalm 50:15 Lord God We are in trouble now, too much unrest and rebellion many have become unruly and destructive, and even more people have lost their lives. Please Lord we need you now, the forces of evil are rampant causing chaos and sadly the protesters don’t even realize they are playing into the hands of the evil one, open their eyes and help them to see the path they are taking, help us Lord we pray, We need you. Father we are calling upon You, deliver us we pray and we always give You the glory no matter what In Jesus precious name we pray
LB, President Trump has offered each state the help of the National Guard to come in and clean up the mess like he did in D.C. It’s my understanding that these Governor’s are refusing his help. I would need to research our laws regarding Federal vs. State and who has what authority to intervein and when.
Also, by the time the November election comes around I believe so much more corruption will be exposed many people who are frustrated with Trump’s perceived inaction will be highly motivated to vote him in for another four more years.
As a word of encouragement and for further insight I highly recommend the book “Blitz:Trump Will Smash the Left and WIN” authored by David Horowitz.
I LOVE IT!!!!!! This kind of speech is what America needs!!! Vice President Pence is a VERY BRAVE MAN!!!! Thank you Vice President Pence!!! We need more speeches like this to turn things around!!! God is with us!!!!
I am thankful that We The People have a Vice President that prays in faith believing, and receiving from ALMIGHTY for Our good.
I am very thankful for a president and Vice President who lead with a heart and mind of faith. Thank you Jesus
Thank you Lord for choosing Mike Pence to be our Vice President. Protect him, sustain him, and lead him to do your will as he works for us in this USA. In Jesus name I pray. Amen
Thank you for all you do! Blessings to you and your family!
Thank you for urging and calling Church to pray, Vice President Pence! We are praying for our country, President Trump and Vice President Pence! In God we Trust! God bless America!
Thank you Vice-President Pence for acknowledging and calling us to pray for the United States as never before.
We thank you for reminding us as believers in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to share his love and compassion with all the Lord brings us in contact with. May your words ignite within us the spark that brings revival.
Thank you for calling us to prayer, Vice President Pence! God bless you! We are praying for you!
Thank you President Trump and Vice President Pence for fighting a fight of faith. We are praying for you both S we stay on the wall. We are in a spiritual war. The fight is with the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness. I stand with you and I declare 2 Chronicles 7:14 over our nation. I pray God’s will do over America.God knows he can trust you and President Trump to get the job done for the American people so I pray your strength and I declare victory in the election November3rd. God’s will be done on earth as it is heaven. As we pray and humble ourselves, seek his face and
turn from our wicked ways. God will forgive our sins heard from heaven and he will healed our land and nation. And america will be great again. We need God, and america has left God. God did not leave us.
God bless america, as we pray for the healing of our nation, cities, and regions
I stand with you in prayer!!!
My corporate prayer each night at 8pm ct, always includes my gratitude to God Almighty for our Christian President And Vice President. Thank you VP Pence
Thank you for all you do! I pray often for you, President Trump, and your administration. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus the author and finisher of your faith! He will see you through. Not by power, not by might, but by My Spirit says the Lord of Host! Amen!🙏🏽
So very thankful for a brave, courageous and bold man of God as our Vice President. God bless you and keep you and your family and our nation. 🙏👏
It is great to have a president and staff that believes in God and prayer….
These are trying times for sure! We cannot do anything on our own, but with God we can do all things. “For greater is He that lives in me than he who lives in the world.” Satan is prowling around seeking anyone he can devour. (1Peter5:8). Therefore, I will continue to pray for our nation and our leaders.
May God envelop the President and his cabinet, seek counsel and wisdom from our Almighty God, and not be afraid. May our Lord protect them and place roadblocks to the schemes and curses from the enemy. In Jesus’ name. Amen
I was just about to write when I read Wallane Moltzan’s comments. I echo those.
The body has many parts/varieties of responsibilities. Many of us are tasked & blessed to hold you and the administration in prayer at all times. We do our part, and, Mr. Vice President, thank you for doing yours so excellently well.
I am so thankful that God blessed us with a God-seeking, prayerful president and vice-president team to lead our nation. Only through the ongoing blessing of JESUS CHRIST can we remain a GREAT nation.
You are in my prayers on a daily basis for health, strength, wisdom and guidance as you seek God’s will for our nation.
I am thankful for Pence and I am sure he has much influence on Trump.Praying for the leaders in this country who follow Jesus Christ,s Comandments.
Awesome!!! I was greatly encouraged by Vice President Mike Pence’s message of Faith, Freedom and Prayer. As a believer, I believe in prayer and righteousness and justice for all. I want to encourage those who have read this message to pray as well. After all we’ve been through in the times we’re living in today. We must PRAY against violence and Hatred on all levels, people everywhere matters! . Pray especially for our Government leaders across this Nation, “The powers (authorities), that be are Ordained of God” We must pray for our Cities, States and local leaders and our families. We desperately need leaders and people with integrity, maturity, humility and respect to rise up and take their place in the world today. We need Godly Men and Woman to stand strong in their faith and Pray. He said, “For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words, of him the Son of Man will be ashamed…” God is LOVE. God bless you all and God Bless America!!!
I am soooo very thankful for Mike Pence and his ROCK-solid faith! We MUST join him and remain strong in our faith in the Almighty God of the universe who will see us through these tough times! II Chron. 7:14
I don’t think people realize that the reason this Administration is under attack is because they are not afraid to say God and they are not afraid to ask for prayer and the President ask for prayer and he has said “thanks for praying for him and his family because the prayers are felt.”
We thanks God for a President and Vice-President to honors God. And God is blessing and protecting them because He is a faithful God. May God bless and I thank God for the hedge of protection on this Administration and their families. In Jesus name. Amen
I pray for Michael Pence daily as I pray for our nation. God does hear as and is answering. We are one nation under God with liberty and justice for all.
You can see so many times in the Bible where people prayed and things changed. We can see so many times in our countries history and in our lives where people prayed and things changed. I am so thankful for President Trump and Vice-President Pence calling us to prayer. Do it, NOW! Keep doing it…get on your knees- Thank you God, that when we call on You You answer us!
I do thank VP Pence for calling out Christians to pray for a time as this. We put our hope in nothing else but Christ Jesus. I’d like to share with the faith community here an action call for prayer:
(A sister sent the following in picture format, source not mentioned but with a logo: God bless America):
Someone has said that if Christians really understood the full extent of the power we have available through prayer, we might be speechless. Did you know that during World War II there was an advisor to Churchill who organized a group of people who dropped what they were doing everyday at the prescribed hour for ONE MINUTE to collectively pray for the safety of England, its people and peace?
There is now a group of people organizing the same thing here in America. If you would like to participate:
Every evening at 8PM Central, stop what you are doing and spend ONE MINUTE praying for the safety of the United States, our troops, our citizens, and for a return to a Godly nation. If you have a smart phone – set an alarm to pray from 8 – 8:01PM. Please pass this on to your prayerful family and friends. Our prayers are the most powerful asset we have.
(Please do make sure you are setting up the right time considering the time zones and daylight saving time, etc)
I pray that God will raise up an army of prayer warriors to this call. This is not a hard task, but it calls for our faithfulness to Christ and to this mission on behalf of our country. We should not only pray until November 3rd but beyond.
Lord Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner. Have mercy on our nation and country! We have all sinned and fall short of Your glory. We don’t deserve any of Your grace. But we humbly cry out to You, Lord Jesus, have mercy on us! In Your most precious and holy name, amen!
This is a great start to unite the church in prayer. Unity oneness, faithfulness, we are called to be more than conquerors through Jesus Christ. This praying must become a movement, for the Glory of God. Let’s rehearse it till it’s fulfillment . Be doers. Thank you for the step of Revival.🙏🏻❤️🔥🩸
Absolutely blessed that Mike Pence is our Vice President. May God protect him spirit, soul, and body and may he continue to grow in the grace and admonition of the Lord. Pour out a greater measure of Your Spirit, oh God, on all the believers is our government. And may many who do not follow Christ at this time be turned to Him. We need revival!
Thank you for stepping up and leading us to pray for this wonderful country of ours.
May God guide all our leaders to do what’s right for our country.
May God bless, guard, and guide Vice President Pence! May no plans against him prosper. Every day I pray for him, his family, and staff. God tells us to “stand” and Mike Pence is doing that, but in these times it is hard That is why it is so encouraging to hear him proclaim faith and why he needs prayer. Thank you Father, for him and those in government who share his faith and courage.
Praise God for a Godly vice president. May God bless and protect you.
Heavenly Father, In the Name of Our Savior, Jesus Christ, thank you so much for all of your Saints who have submitted comments regarding Vice President Pence’s address. I say “Amen” to all their comments and prayers.
So comforting to know so many praying and trusting Your promises, which are ever TRUTHFUL, and never fail.
Continue to guard, guide, protect all our leaders who are on the front lines of the battle for freedom, liberty, and justice for all. Confuse the enemies of the Cross. Strengthen the Christian foundations of America. I pray Your peace and prosperity return so the jobless, the poor, the hungry, and sick will see your light at the end of the tunnel, and America will continue to be, “that beacon on a hill” that brings hope and comfort to the world. Thank you for VP Pence and his Faith in You. Thank you for raising him up for leadership at this hour, and for our President and all who desire to see Your will done knowing Your will is always BEST. Thank You for loving us, Heavenly Father, Triune God. Amen
We thank God for you and President Trump. You are in our prayers.
Yes I am grateful and thankful that our leaders President Trump and VP Pence remain strong in faith and prayer. I pray for them to continue in this fight because “If God be for us, who can stand against us.” This is the Lord’s fight and we stand for His word and we win!
Thank you Vice President- everything you have said is beautifully said and is of the utmost importance. God is talking to us everyday and everyone needs to listen. Love Paster Jeffers and watch him every Sunday – the entire Supreme Court and Dems and anti-Trump Repub. need to re-read the Constitution and live by it – not by how they feel they can change things – there is no Separation of State and Church only in VA’s own constitution in the 1800’s I believe – the Dem’s evilness is truly horrible – I so love God and know one day soon, sooner or later he will come and then we will have amazing change. Thank you for being such a wonderful Christian Warrior – all Christians need to prepare for his coming…
God Bless VP Mike Pence & IFA for encouragement to pray.
May our Heavenly Father guide and protect each of you and President Trump. May the Holy Spirit draw our president to his knees to acknowledge his sin in repentance asking Gods forgiveness and salvation. As our nations leader if a true change is seen in the character & demeanor of President Trump maybe it will help awaken America to stir true revival circling the globe. ❤️ + 🙏 4 🇺🇸
Thank you, Vice President Mike Pence! God bless you!
Thank you VP Pence for your unwavering faith in our precious LORD Jesus Christ and heavenly Father. May the power of Holy Spirit continue to strengthen you & Pres Trump. My prayers include you & our leaders making decisions about the course for our great nation.
I sincerely believe that the phrase in 2 Chronicles 7:14 “IF my people … shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face..” means first and foremost that we as Christians MUST first pray for FORGIVENESS, as in Daniel 9:3-10,saying in part “…we have sinned, and have committed iniquity, and have rebelled, even departing from your precepts and from your judgments …”. A few years ago Minister Joe Wright wrote a modernized version of that portion and prayed it before the sessions of the Kansas Senate. It resonated with me so strongly that I’m convinced that we will see healing for our nation only when we as a church repent not only for our current generation but also for our forefathers. And then accept his forgiveness and give thanks for his mercies to us. Forgive us, our Abba, for we have sinned… We’re entering into a new chapter inn this world and in our faith, and thank our Father for his non-ending love.
Thankful for these words of Truth! May we as Christians wake up and cry out to our Lord!
Thank you Mr Vice Present for your courage and boldness. I pray for protection for you, your family, the President and his family. I pray also that Our God continue to give you wisdom and discernment.
Prayerfully, Patricia
Prayer is the only thing that will bring wellness to America. God is in charge and the people have messed up. Pray for wisdom!
Thank you Vice President Pence for standing with our President for our beautiful country. By faith in God I believe we will win this battle with evil and restore the USA to the country God intended it to be. God be with you!
Yes, praise our awesome and mighty God for both or President and Vice President who acknowledge God And our need for prayer. Let us not forget that we must also proclaim repentance in addition to humbling and praying, that is part of 2 chronicles 7:14. I pray that the Lord will put this on the hearts of President Trump and Vice President Pence. I pray that they, along with all Christians will seek God with all their hearts, make their faith in Him be known with loud shouts and with trumpets like King Abijah and Asa did in 2 chronicles 13-15. We need the rest of the nation to know that it is God alone who can save And to Him belongs all the glory. In Jesus’ name, the only name that saves, I pray. Amen
According to the Bible in 2 Chronicles 7:14
If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
As believers we MUST turn from our wicked ways and stop the pointing of the finger at those who don’t believe. God wants a holy people….people who pray for the nation, the world, the believers, those opposing God, and the lost.
Dear church….wake up. Seek God and ask Him to convict you of your sins and the church’s sins. Listen. Turn and repent. Then He will heal your land. Then you can be the hands,ears, eyes, and mouth of Christ
Yes and amen sister. I was just praying about that. It seems like the turn from our wicked ways keeps getting left out. Also we need to lift up the name of Jesus so the nation knows which god it is that will answer our prayers. To Him be the glory.
Pence is right, Jesus is THE answer. Prayer all of the time is needed and easy to do. Let us pray!
You truly are a great model to Christians to stand publically and defend our beliefs. We are not to fight “flesh and blood” but ideologies that stand against our faith. We do this by prayer and faith Just as you pointed out. Thank you!
Praise God for our Vice President. We have a rich heritage in Scripture as a nation and we need our leaders to remind us of our foundations of faith and courage to do the right thing even when it is not popular. Grateful to the Vice President to taking a strong stance.
So thankful for Vice President Mike Pence’s Faith in action, and his encouragement to us all to pray for our Nation. God Bless you Sir!
When God’s Warriors Go down on their knees
The BATTLE is not over
Yes VP Pence we will pray and He will hold true to His promise to heal our land!
Thank you Mr Vice President for your encouraging words and for exhorting all Christians to pray for our country. Thank you for your own prayerful example that gives such blessing to your words. With deepest regard and prayer for you, your family and our President and family as well. God Bless America. Land that I love. Stand beside her and guide her through the night with the Light from above. From the mountains to the prairies to the oceans white with foam. God Bless America my home sweet home. In The Name of Jesus. Amen
Vice President Pence sounds like Esther and every other desperate believer in the Bible, calling us faith people to do what we are named-have faith-pray like there is no hope without God. Because there is no hope outside of God. There is hope if every believer will pray fervently “hotly” to the King of the universe.
He will hear and He will answer.
I stand with VP Pence on urgent, repentant prayer for America. If he were in my living room, I would ask him WHY our President is so silent in both speech and especially action on putting a stop to the mob violence whose agenda is to destroy America and establish fear and submission among its citizens. I pray nearly hourly, but I ask, WHY are the people who have been the President’s ardent supporters and prayer warriors are clearly not being protected? Why is America’s Constitution not being protected? Why the Administration is allowing this takeover by their inaction? Why dead silence except to urge prayer? Why no national address from the President? Why no action against this evil? Why? Yes, oh yes, I continue to pray.
I think there is a lot going on behind the scenes that we don’t know about. Also, it’s important to flush out the enemy. As the unrest and the mob increases we can begin to identify who the enemies are within our country. (AJ Barr is gathering intelligence and now acting by arresting various individuals)
By allowing these democratic states to ascend into more unrest and violence it becomes a strong witness to the people within those states just how “unsafe” they are under democratic ideology. Hopefully, it will turn some of the blue states red in the next election. (at least in certain counties) Long term democrats just might secretly vote for Trump because they fear for their lives.
Also, God will protect His own. We just need to exercise wisdom.
JoLinn, I appreciated your response. Perhaps some things are being done behind the scenes, I don’t know, since we are not being informed (though I realize they can’t safely inform us on everything). But as I see it, for every possible secret vote by a Democrat or Independent that could quietly shift to Trump/Pence in November due to this mob violence not being stopped, there are many, many more citizens who have been Trump/Pence supporters all along (whether vocally or secretly) who will now NOT vote for Trump/Pence because of their appearance of being unwilling, unskilled, or too weak to protect peaceful citizens, our history and our nations most basic freedoms. I know many former Trump supporters who are now so disappointed in him,so discouraged,so angry at his lack of action, that they say won’t vote at all. Mind you, they won’t vote for Biden, but instead, they will “just stay home”. This is an avoidable tragedy.
Thank you Vice President Pence for saying, “Yes!” To Jesus many years ago. I believe today He is saying, “Yes!” to you as you proclaim Him in your heart, your life and position as Vice President. Thank you!🌻
Yes. We support the Vice President and we support the President in our prayers daily. God Almighty will win this battle and will force the darkness to flee from this nation. God will make America great again in righteousness and mercies, in Jesus Name
Praise the Lord, Let the church arise in prayer and unity for our nation and leaders, enough is enough Jesus said we are more than conquers, let’s fight the good fight in faith, seeking Our Lord Jesus in prayer and love. Let The words of Jesus ring aloud “Father, not my will but Your will be done”. ARISE CHURCH! Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand🙏🏻❤️🔥🩸🔨
Father, I pray that each morning V. P. Pence and the rest of our nation will put on the whole armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-20). Love is an action word and if we love our God and our nation we need to be dressed to defend them. Lord I pray you place a hedge of protection around our president, Vice President, and their administration that support them. In the name of Jesus Christ my Lord, Amen
Amen! We absolutely need to pray for our leaders that God give them wisdom and for our nation. God appointed Trump and Pence to help this nation but they can’t do it alone. It’s so important that the church rise up, and pray, fast, use the authority that Christ’s given us, and remind the enemy that he’s already been defeated, that this is Gods country, and that he has no authority over it. This is a word that I received last night while worshipping…
“4th of July..day of independence. Oh great nation how you’ve fallen. The enemy is king of this nation. Your independence from me is your curse. You will not escape my wrath. But I do not leave u without hope. If my saints will humble themselves before me and beg forgiveness I will hear from on high and save your land. Proclaim me as your king.
My chosen ones. Blow your shofar and battle/pray every 3rd hour. Take a watch for 24hrs on July 4th.”
He’s not saying that the enemy is Trump. The enemy is Satan.
Each lady in our women’s ministry is taking a 3hr prayer watch. 12-3, 3-6, etc. We urge every Christian to join us. The enemy’s stronghold needs to be broken! The sleeping giant needs to wake and rise.
Praise God for VP Pence. Revival starts with praying leaders. Father God help us to remember that this great nation was founded on Freedom of Religion. Call this nation back to Godly values.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
Praise Him all creatures here below.
Praise Him above all ye heavenly hosts.
Praise God, Son and Holy Ghost.
With a full and grateful heart, Thank you Vice President Pence for your unwavering example of walking with our Lord.
Upholding – “One Nation under God.”
You are truly a Blessing.
Praying – unceasingly
Yes, I thank GOD daily for VP Pence, whom I heard pray in Indiana when he was just a Representative, and the ACLU heard him pray and had prayer in the name of Jesus banned from the Indiana State Legislature openings—-so Mike Pence gathered with more than 100 other Indiana Congressmen before the doors of the House Chamber BEFORE each session, and prayed together! He is a proven man of prayer!!!!
Which is why we so desperately need four more years of the Trump/Pence team: This is a praying White House…….under extreme attack by the enemy of our souls and of our Nation.
Dear V.P Pence, just know that our church pray for this administration believing God that mighty exploits are being experienced during you and our precious President Trump. Believing God for another 4 years and together we will Make America Great Again! We will celebrate this July 4th with pride for our great nation. God is for America, and we His people humble ourselves, and seek His face repenting from our wicked ways asking God to forgive us, and heal our land, In Jesus name
Thank-you soooo much Mr. Vice President Pence for standing strong .
Thank- you for speaking the truth in love, for encouraging people to vote, honoring God through supporting President Trump, we are sooo blessed.
We cover your backs through prayer, the Holy Spirit never grows weary and He is alive, well and moving in our nations and our lives!
We love you!
Lydia Miller
Continue to shine Your light on a corrupt and evil people in government, Oh Lord! Bless, protect and pour out Your wisdom upon President Trump, Vice President Pence and many others as they lead this country. In Jesus Name!
Father strengthen our president and the vice president in and on their walk to serve you, the people of this country, and declaring that we are blessed because of your name, Jesus. In Jesus’ name amen.
Wow! When is the last time we had a vice President that believed faith and prayer to the sovereign God was the answer to our nations problems? Thankful for our President and Vice President. Thankful that God appointed them for such a time as this.
I am very thankful for a Vice President who stands for religious freedom and for justice. I am praying for him–for safety, wisdom, courage and strength in these turbulent times. May revival come to our land. May God forgive our sins and have mercy.
Thank you, V.P. Pence. We have actually declared a week of prayer every night this week and are expectant a out what God is going to do.
Thank you for being bold in your witness. I am praying especially for strength and encouragement for you and that God will use you in President Trump’s life to encourage him to be gracious and walk the walk.
Thank you Mr. Vice President for speaking faith instead of fear to our situation and encouraging every American to pray!!
Thank you Vice President Pence! You, the President & your families are prayed for during these times ! God is our refuge & a very present Hope as we put our trust in Him. We thank God for our nation & your leadership during these tumultuous & uncertain times ! We look to Him – our firm foundation & pray a great awakening ! In the name of Jesus!
I am going to pray at Gettysburg National Park today. If anyone lives in the area and wants to come and pray together for our nation, COME! I live in Delaware and am driving two hours to get there, hoping to arrive between 10 – 11 am. SAINTS, ARISE!
Yes, I am very Thankful for a Vice President that Prays and Fasts! One that challenges our Nation according to the Word of God! If my people, who are called by name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn, from their wicked ways, Then I will hear from Heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will Heal their land. The Message Bible reads:14 and my people, my God-defined people, respond by humbling themselves, praying, seeking my presence, and turning their backs on their wicked lives, I’ll be there ready for you: I’ll listen from heaven, forgive their sins, and restore their land to health. This is not a Republican Word, Nor is it a Democrat Word, This is not a Black Word nor a White Word, This Is GOD’S Word To the Church! Let’s get busy Church, stop pointing fingers and obey God’s Word, your children and their children need truth and the truth is only found in the Word of God! Go vice President Pence! Run the Race for Jesus Christ!
I praise the Lord for our Vice President as he stands for Jesus is most difficult time. May God bless him and his wonderful wife, Karen. I pray for them almost every day.
We are extremely happy that our President and Vice President are praying and publicly speaking out which encourages the American people to exercise their faith and to pray
We need strong leadership that inspires us to action
Thank you Mr Vice President Pence for standing strong and true to who you are,. Thank you for your words of sharing your faith and hope for all of America. You are a wonderful Praying man of God and I am so proud to call you my Mr Vice President!
Father God, We acknowledge You as the One True God and there is no other. You are holy and sovereign and worthy of all praise and glory. You are faithful to Your Word. Your promises are “yes” and “amen”, therefore we put our trust in You. You are our Hope. Father, thank You for VP Pence and President Trump for they are men who boldly acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Their hearts are for You and for our great nation. Bless them with supernatural ability, power and favor to do all that is needed to make and keep this country great. Protect them and their families with Your Blood and innumerable guardian angels to keep them safe. Give them wisdom from heaven in making decisions that support our country, fighting for freedom of faith and family values that are established in You. Thank You Father for hearing our prayers. In the precious and mighty name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen
Father God, I give You thanks for Your Dear Son, Jesus, who suffered, bled, and died on that horrible cross to redeem mankind back to You. Without Him, prayer would not be possible. Without Jesus we would have no hope; for He is Our Living Hope. Help us not to put our trust in man, but in You. Help us to never forget where our help comes from. Help us to remember that in praying, our lives must reflect what we say. Help us not to pray vain words for the moment, but to pray without ceasing. Help us to remember that in praying, we must confess that we have sinned against You and we need cleansing. Help us to remember that You are Holy, Sovereign, Just, and True. Help us to remember that, as we pray, you desire truth in the inward parts. Help us not to be hearers only of Your Word, but doers. Help us to remember. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Oh Lord! we humble ourselves before You and pray; would You pour out the spirit of Contrition over our land; cut us to our very core with the weight of our sin, personally and corporately as a Nation! Forgive us for our great sins, that we have turned our back to You and not our face!(Jeremiah 2:27) Forgive us that we have done two sinful things: We have turned away from You, the Well of Living Waters, and have dug for ourselves wells that are broken and cannot hold water at all (Jeremiah 2:13) Have Mercy and draw us back to you!
I pray blessings and protection over VP Pence as he travels across this great land, anoint his words and his hands everywhere he goes!
Thank you Vice President Pence. Let us continue to pray and trust our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above what we ask or think. Let us continue to hold fast to Him putting on the whole armour of God that we may stand against the evil forces of this world.