I Prayed have prayed
Father, do not let us live in fear. Help us to make no provision for the enemy to attack and give our nation wisdom and discernment.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Editor’s Note: Watch these two videos below on how a representative from Dominion Voting System at Gwinnett County Election Central (look closely at his badge), whose job is to tabulate votes and certify results, as well as download data to a USB from the Election Management Server, put it onto a laptop and then manipulate the data accordingly.

(Excerpt from Neon Revolt. Photo Credit: Unsplash.)

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D.L. McClaskie
December 4, 2020

Praise God for exposure. More and more, Lord. God. But we must keep praying fervently for it and for the deception and confusion to be lifted off this nation even amongst His own.

“Today, we are inundated with a demon-possessed news media who is gaslighting, programming, and spewing venom onto the American people, even Christians, and much of the world. They hissssssssssssss like snakes, “Voter fraud? What voter fraud and corruption? We don’t see any of that. You didn’t just see them caught on camera pulling suitcases of ballots from under that table that appeared from nowhere after the voting stopped for no good reason and all the GOP republicans were kicked out for hours. Nothing to see here good little obedient unquestioning sheeple.””

…from this post The Prophets Who’ve Wavered on the Trump Reelection Prophecies Have an Unbelief and Possibly a Fear of Man Problem. Not a “Schizophrenic” God Problem.


Laura Dominick
December 4, 2020

How despicable! I thank God for all of the patriots who have recorded evidence of this massive fraud! May God protect them and give them boldness to testify. I am confident that the Lord has ruled in our favor in the courts of Heaven and that we will very soon be seeing amazing things happening in the natural. In response to the repentance and intercession of hundreds of thousands of the members of His body, He will root out the wickedness that has permeated our nation so that we can once again be a nation under God, proclaiming the Gospel to the world and making just laws in accordance with His revealed will. All praise and honor and glory be to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

    D.L. McClaskie
    December 4, 2020

    amen…in agreement. Lord, we thank You for victory over all the works of the devil behind this election fraud and corruption and for justice across our land and for Your truth, justice, and righteousness to fill it once again in Jesus’ name, amen.

December 4, 2020

Please watch the video shown 12/3 to Georgia senate by Trump’s legal team showing hidden ballots under a table. Praise the Lord they got the video which is real evidence. Lord expose what is hidden in the darkness.

    December 4, 2020

    An official from the GA Sec. of State’s office got on TV today and explained away the video, saying it was normal operation. The lead worker in the video says they did not tell people to leave. Unfortunately for her, on November 3rd, ABC news put a tweet on Twitter saying they were told to leave. This reminds me of Luke 16 when Father Abraham told the rich man who was in hell, They have Moses and the Prophets, let them listen to them. The rich man said, no, but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will believe. Jesus basically said, if the evidence of Moses and the Prophets does not convince them, then they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead. The hearts of people are hard and I pray continually for the American people to respond to God’s mercy NOW before it is too late.


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