God moved amazingly right in the middle of the Pray for America’s Leaders webcast on Thursday. Let me back up and tell you the story from the beginning. IFA hosted Marji and Autumn Stevens, to share the story of their grandson and son, Owen. Owen Stevens, as you may know, is the SUNY Geneseo student who was suspended for sharing his biblical view on marriage, and other topics, on his personal Instagram account. He was told that he needed to attend re-education classes if he wanted to continue his education program at the University. Owen stood firm for his values. Even while he receives death threats and is harassed by students and faculty, he maintains his faith and shows resolve. (Read more about that here.)
Watch this interview with Owen Steven’s mother and grandmother as they discuss the difficulties their son and grandson has faced for speaking out on his personal Instagram account about his conservative views on gay marriage and transgender identity. In the middle of the interview, their phone line was interrupted–you will see the circling signal on the screen. What we didn’t know at the time was that Owen was calling at that moment to ask for prayer and let them know that he was being ambushed at the university by hostile students. Because of the breakup of the signal from Marji and Autumn, we went directly to prayer for the Stevens family. Unbeknownst to us, that was just what Owen needed–a team of intercessors interceding for him at that very moment. We at IFA did not even know that this had happened until Owen’s grandmother, Marji called us after the webcast to let us know what had happened and what God was doing AT THAT MOMENT. He made it safely to his car. God covered him in a miraculous way. God used the IFA community to cover him in prayer.
Please continue praying for Owen and his family. Pray for their protection. For strength and courage. Owen has asked us to pray for the spirit of “wokeness” to be dissolved. And to pray that the vision God has given him for his future would come to fruition. God moved in a mighty way, our intercessors praying on the line were used by God, and Owen’s story is an inspiration to all of us to hold firm to our biblical beliefs no matter what the cost. Pray for more of us to speak up and stand firm for truth and godly values. Share your message and prayer for Owen in the comments below!
(Photo Credit: Dreamstime.)
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Owen-Stand strong! I am so encouraged by your bravery. You have every right to your opinions and my prayers are with you.
I pray and agree in all these prayers to protect Owen and this family.
May God bless you and protect you Owen as you step out in faith and trust Jesus to spread the truth. Thank you for what you are doing and know that this is the time to push forward. May the Lord Jesus help each believer to be strong in our witness to others as we could be raptured at any time leaving so many of those on earth to a very evil and difficult time on earth. We have not seen anything like it will be when all believers are gone and only evil exists. I trust you Lord Jesus that many will give their hearts to you before its too late. Amen.
Owen, I couldn’t be more proud of you and what you are doing. I pray that you continue to stand strong for the truth, with Jesus at your side and angels surrounding you always.
God bless and be with you and your family every day. And my the blood of he who saved us all be with you and your family through this time.
You are a true warrior.
Owen we thank God that He chose you to be a college student “for such a time as this.” We pray for our King to surround you with grace and protection.
A beacon is what you are and it pleases Him!!!
This is truly Awesome! God is in control. Praise His name. This young man has a special calling on his life.
God is faithful. Amen
Father thank you for Owen and his family members who are taking a strong stand for Godly values in this hour. I pray that when he opens his mouth, that his words would be full of grace and truth. I pray for angelic protection for him wherever he goes. Let this dream of a school become a reality for him. And I pray for thousands of other students to be encouraged by Owen’s example so that they too will choose to stand up for free speech and freedom of religion. Our nation was founded on Judeo Christian principles and those principles stand today. Thank you Lord for protecting Owen on the day of the broadcast. You are mighty in all Your ways.
May God’s peace that surpasses all our understanding be with this family and friends; Let God be glorified in this situation and evil be cancelled out; for God is stronger than any man or anything man made; they will know God is alive and stands up for the righteous; May the God of all the earth have His will done on earth as it is in Heaven; We ask it Father God for all creation is yours; in Jesus Name; the Name that is above all names, at which darkness flees. AMEN!!
Praying and believing for God to bring this vision of Owen’s born in the midst of his distress, to fruition. You have said in your Word Lord that if you ask anything in prayer, believing you shall reciee, and you exalt your Word above even your name. your glorious Holy and exalted name, that is the Name above all names.
You call this young man your “friend” and not servant for he obeys your commands and exalts your name publicly, so your Word says that if we do this you will also exalt us before the angels.. Father in Heaven, hear today our petitions for this young man and for your Holy Word which is the truth, Jesus.. you are the Way the Life and the TRUTH and so we ask for your great and glorious and hallowed Name to be lifted high in the government and in particular the education system throughout America and even throughout the whole world.
We know that the god of this world has blinded many and so petition that those spirits including wokeness which oppress your Word in education systems of the world to be bound today, we bind and cast out every opposing spirit of death, every occult shield of protection over these places of learning be brought down including pride, rebellion, deception and antichrist and everything that is modelled on the enemy of mankind from these institutions of training and learning and that the Holy Spirit be loosed and consciences be softened and heart opened and awakened to the fear of God.. descend Holy Spirit of the Lord upon all who attend and bring many who are called to a revelation of sin, righteousness and justice. May all who participate in places of learning be set free to learn indeed that the fear of the Lord is wisdom and be encouraged to buy the truth and sell it not, and get wisdom understanding and the knowledge of you Most High, the Creator of All Things. Thank-you Lord, to you belongs all the glory for You have made Owen and you promise to keep Him through his hour of testing so we thank you Lord for his faithful witness and look to you to help him accomplish every purpose you have called him to attain while here on earth, bless him, bless his family with the peace that surpasses understanding. Keep them under the shadow of your wings and Give wisdom understanding and knowledge and your Holy Spirit without measure to do Your will for the redemption of their souls is precious in your sight.
Owen, Stand firm in Psalms 140-143, for you are not alone; including THE ALMIGHTY, as written in these chapters, and in our prayers.
Thanks for your example for all of us to follow!
Lord, thank you for this student who is standing firm for his beliefs. Let him be a beacon for You through out the world. May you protect him and give him great peace amidst the dangers he faces from the crowd at his university and the misguided authority in the school’s administration. Raise up his frightened peers to also have courage to stand up for their values as well. I thank you for all the young people across our nation who are standing strong in you, Lord!
PRAISE THE LORD! Father, We thank and praise You for giving Owen the courage to fight this battle. His story makes me think of David when he went out to fight Goliath. No person stood with him. Even his own brothers made fun of him. He went forth with God giving him the wisdom, strength, and ability to take down Goliath. David did not depend on Saul’s armor or advice from others. He depended on God.
Father, here is another young man standing for YOU in the midst of mockery, hate, and threats. I know You are with him. I pray that just like David’s stand for You and his victory over Goliath emboldened the soldiers to fight, may others at the University be emboldened to join Owen in this fight too. Bless Owen for being the one willing to stand for You and Truth. Deliver him from evil and bless him as he follows You. Amen
Psalm 143 a psalm of David amid the attacks of the enemy…
v8-12 “Let the morning bring me Word of YOUR UNFAILING LOVE, for I have put my trust in YOU. Show me the Way I should go, for I lift up my soul to YOU.
Deliver me…teach me…lead me in uprightness. Revive me O Lord for YOUR name’s sake; for Your righteousness sake, bring me out of trouble. In YOUR mercy, …(show YOURSELF GOD), for I am YOUR servant!”
Whether one is facing statist, woke officials or facing ignorant mobs, we need stand for truth. Thank God for Owen’s stand for truth. Heavenly Father, Please strengthen him and guide him in the path You have called him to. Give Christian young people a place to advance their education. As for Christian colleges, please cause them to take a stand for righteousness.
This is really scary for our kids and our country! This sounds like a communist agenda and our colleges are full of this. Owen is an outstanding young man who is standing up to this sad agenda taking over our great country. Unfortunately it is late in their game to start fighting against this agenda which is obvious with our young people in America today.
Perhaps we can recognise our sin of being asleep on the watchtower, amongst our many sins and repent and call upon the Mighty Name of the Lord as King Jehosophat in 2 Chronicles 20 did and still find ourselves, as the people of God of those days did in receipt of God’s grace and mercy, for God did honour that petition and caused the enemy to fight themselves. Let us take courage and overcome our fear and what our eyes behold and instead fix them firmly on the Lord of Hosts, who promises to do the fighting for us, if we will but ask, and if we are struggling to believe, even that is provided if we would humble ourselves and pray and turn form our wicked way He would hear our petitions and answer us from heaven..
so Dear Lord will you heal our unbelief and our lack of vision and forsight and forgive us for being asleep at the watch and for not praying for protection for our places of education and government, yes we have neglected to do all you ask us to do and have allowed the darkness to creep into our homes so once again.. we ask for cleansing and healing and forgiveness and plead for mercy. O Lord do not forsake us in our trouble. Like in times gone by, thinking of King Jehosophat, we call upon you to help us for the enemy has invaded and is attempting to rob, steal and destroy the minds and hearts of our children.. our future is in jeopardy and we have no power except to seek you Lord. Forgive us Lord for our sins and remind us individually what they are so that we may change, we have broken so many of your commandments corporately as a nation and individually as well and we have failed to hold your name High and defend the weak, the widows and the orphans.. we have not kept justice and righteouness always before us as we were distracted by seeking the praise of men rather than the praise of God etc etc. We have allowed the enemy to creep in through the door which our sin kept ajar as you warned Cain it would do. Help us O Lord Most High, we plead the precious blood of your dear Son jesus as our mercy and grace and that you would cleanse us and restore. Let your kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven, All Glory Honour and Praise belongs to you, Most high God. Amen.
Glory to God! Lord, please continue to glorify yourself, and take down your enemies and all their strategies to destroy in this family. In all our families! We declare you will complete what you have begun in all of us! We ask for protection of Owen and his family. We also ask for protection for every person standing in every way for biblical values all over this world. Jesus, lead on!
Praying for you Owen and for revival to come to your campus! Keep interceding and standing in the gap for the students AND administrators! So proud of you and you are entering into the sufferings of Jesus! You are blessed!!!!
I have added Owen and family to my daily prayer. May we all stand up for the truth. He has encouraged me to speak up for the word of God even more. God Bless him and the USA.
I’m praying for you and for more young prayer warriors with your courage and your discernment! We need them! God bless you.
Prayer for Owen,his family, the vision and destiny, that Father You have birthed in Owen. Propel,God, Your Love,Your Purposes,Your Salvation for millions in our country, and worldwide, Father God. You oh God,Your Will be done in Jesus Name Amen 🙏
Thank you Lord for this young man of courage. Protect him and continue to divinely direct his every step. Lord, speak to the hearts of the school leaders and other students and expose the hate and turn it to respect and support. Only you can change the hearts of those bent to stand in the say of Truth. Save them like you did Saul/Paul and so many others of us!!! In the powerful name of Jesus, the savior of the lost, Amen.
Heavenly Father, thank you for Owen and his courage you have given him. Use this for Your glory. Protect Owen and be with him as he stands for Your truth. May it be a magnet to those around Owen to come along and stand in agreement with him. Uphold him with Your righteous right hand. May you confirm his vision to go forward with teaching the truth to others.
Glory be to the Father and to the Sun and to the Holy Spirit!
Lord in Jesus name empower Owen to press on for the high calling of God! Protect him by the blood of your Son JESUS. Send laborers into the field to surround him to hold up his hands like you did for Moses. Let him feel your loving arms around him daily. Speak your word “for your servant hearth”. In the mighty name of Jesus I pray.
Dear Heavenly Father, I lift Owen up in prayer. Thank you for protecting him and giving him the courage to stand firm for his Christian believes. Please help his message touch others and I pray your blessings on him. In Jesus name. Amen.
Dear Lord I pray for this young man and his family that they be protected from the evil ones. That he continue in his studies and reach his goal of a school where his biblical values could be on full display. I pray this through your son Jesus. Amen.
I would like to follow Owen on social media but there are several people with the same name.
I would like to follow Owen on social media too!
Father, as Owen stands for Christ, may You stand for Him. Give him the words, wisdom, courage and discernment to walk this path fully. Thank you for his testimony, and may we all endure to the end whatever the cost. Amen
Stand firm, Owen. Our prayers are with you as you stand up for freedom and Jesus. May God raise up many more young people to stand up for Biblical principles.
Thank you, Owen, for standing up for the righteous of God! I am so proud of you, and I will surround you with my prayers of protection and continued boldness. May the Lord Jesus richly bless and keep you.
I pray that if there are any other persons, faculty or students, who share Owen’s beliefs that they will be given the courage and boldness to come forward and stand with him. I am asking the Holy Spirit to call them forward so Owen will know he is not alone there.
God bless you, Owen, and your whole family! The Lord said, “Those who honor Me, I will honor.” The Lord is raising you up as a general in His Army, and you will be speaking forth more of His Truth and His Light to a generation that has been blinded by the enemy yet is hungry for the Truth and for the example of true heroes to follow. You are shattering the powers of darkness with the Light of Jesus and the Word of God. The anointing of the Holy Spirit is upon you!
Praise for this godly young man, Owen, standing for kingdom business truth. Sing over him with songs of deliverance, Father. Thank you do a godly mom& grandmother upholding him in prayer. Protection over all of them as they move forward in grace& mercy to those so clueless at how the enemy is using them in this chaos. Bring change in NY& this college in the stand Owen is faithful to make for your glory, Father. In the authority of Jesus, use Owen & others who will join him in this battle. The battle is Your’s Father’s.
How wonderful it is to know that there are young people in the world today with old-fashioned values, and who refuse to allow any bullies to make them change those values. The world needs a lot more people like this young man, who are not afraid to speak the truth and stand up for what is right. The Bible says, “Love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you.” We all need to keep these wise words in mind, and live by them. The world will become a much better and much less hostile place if we do.
Thank You Lord for delivering Owen from violent people like you faced also. Strengthen Him and his family, and all of us to stand for truth as you have spoken in the Bible and the Gospels message of Salvation and the Kingdom of God that is at hand! His future adn destiny is secure because of your Promises. Each step you ordain adn it will lead upward to the full light of dawn like Proverbs says.
Amen Owen for sticking with your faith in God even through the bullying.
It is so refreshing to me to see that there are still young people out there that still believe
in God. Keep on doing what you’re doing.. It is your calling..
Dear Lord
Thankyou for Owen Stevens life and dignity standing for what is right incuding our freedoms.
Let his resolve and confidence keep growing. Surround him with your faithfulness, protection and be his rear guard. Go before him and fight for him. Draw the millenials out and help them to keep holding the line. Remind each one who stands with you Lord they are not alone.
God Bless you beautiful loving God filled family!!!! You are a beacon in the darkness, that needs to be revealed. Upstate, N.Y. encompasses some wonderful people, some of the best I ever had the pleasure of meeting during my time living in Syracuse, N.Y.
Owen is a hero for justice, and good works. Continue to STAND FAST Owen and may God Bless you!!!
May our Blessed Father and Lord continue to protect and guide Owen to be the shining light of Yeshua in his school and with the multitude of young people who don’t know our blessed Savior!!! Use Him Lord fir your Devine purpose and plan to bring many millennials into the Body of Believers! Raise them up Lord to be warriors for You!! Hallelujah!!!
Lenin, stalin, hitler, satan! That is who these university people are emulating! Do they not understand that one day they will have to answer to the KING OF KINGS and the LORD OF LORDS? FATHER GOD please help these people to come to YOU in the NAME of JESUS. Protect Owen and all of our children that call on YOU and YOUR SON JESUS CHRIST! In the MIGHTY NAME of JESUS!
Praise God for answered prayer!! I was online for the live prayer on Thursday and when we temporarily lost contact with Owen’s Mom and Grandmother, I was frustrated. But our God heard those prayers and worked mightily, perfect in His timing. Owen, you are a brave soldier and I pray the full armor of God on you as you face opposition. May God continue His watchful eye on you. In Jesus’ name I pray for full coverage of Owen and his family. Amen.
Lord, I pray that Your hand would uphold Owen Stevens and his family. I pray for Your divine providence (protection, legal support, financial, etc.) for them. I pray that he will be the light of Christ for those individuals who are against him. My the Lord be glorified through this situation.
Thanking God for this very courageous young man! May our Jesus use him mightily among the youth.
Protect him Jesus in every way. Protect those around him as well.
May other young people join with him in spreading Your truth and Your Holiness among those that are deceived by the lies of satan!
Fill him with wisdom, equipping him with Your love for his persecutors. Guide him with Light from above, that he would live and move in tune with Your Spirit.
And Jesus lay him on many hearts that we would support him daily in our prayers.
In Jesus Name,
Father, we pray the Blood of Jesus over Owen and his family. We say NO weapon formed against them shall prosper! Thank you, Lord of Hosts, for protecting all our children who are sticking their neck out for freedom of speech and biblical values.
Continuing to cover the entire family in prayer.
I will continue to pray for Owen and his family. I too want to pray that many young people will become emboldened to stick up for Jesus in this cancel culture!! A book I’m reading now is by Erwin Lutzer, “We will not be Silenced.” Very good book!!! We Christians must not be silent!
Stand firm! I am praying for you.
Thank you, Owen, for taking a stand for Christian values. You are a courageous young man and I pray your example will translate in helping more young men and women to become warriors for Christ. May the Mighty God of heaven bless you and place the protection of the angels around you. I will lift you name in prayer and believe you are a spokesman for your generation. Many blessings to you.
You are victorious in Christ. Don’t give up and trust in the Lord. I am praying for you. Thank you for standing in the truth for all Christians.
Archangel Michael, I request in the name of Jesus, that you will be this young man’s personal body guard. The life of Owen will not be aborted or terminated before he has fulfilled the mission he has been assigned by the Lord of the Angel Armies before the foundations of the world. May the schemes of the enemy and those colluding with the elemental forces of darkness against Owen, may they boomerang back towards them. I pray for their repentance and I also pray that the Lion of Judah continue to roar in this young man’s life. May he be strengthened in you and may the spirit of David, the giant slayer, rise up to new levels within him. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Owen, well done thou good & faithful servant ! (God’s words of Love, Grace, Mercy, Lovingkindness over you)
Father God, Continue to raise up more “Owen’s” in our world who Love You and want to share Your Voice to others through TRUTH.
Put Your strong arms around him to undergird him as he is being attacked! Remind him of the “Armor of God” that You will provide as he fights the battle of evil.
In Jesus Name, the Victor & Triumphant King of Kings;
God please Bless and Keep this Stevens family in Your care while standing for righteous behaviors according to Your Will and Word!!!
May God’s protection be upon Owen and so many others who stand up for God’s righteousness, Dear Intercessors, bless you all in Jesus’ Holy Name.
Those who do wickedly against the covenant he shall corrupt with flattery; but the people who KNOW their God shall be strong and carry out great exploits. Daniel 11:32
You are that one, Owen. Your name means “young warrior.” It’s also my grandson’s name. Keep drawing your strength from the Lord so that you can fulfill His destiny for you.
Who is like our God! Ready to provide, before we can ask or think!
Owen, thank you for “counting it all joy”; indeed, the joy of the Lord is your strength, as is His peace which passes all understanding.
It is as we thank Him that we may enter His gates, and as we praise Him, that we may enter His very courts, where we can abide under His Almighty shadow!
As we abide in Him, and His words abide in us, we can ask what we desire, and it will be done for us. His promises are Yes and Amen.
Just as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego knew, our God, whom you serve, Owen, is able to deliver you not only from the burning fiery furnace, but also from any evil decree.
Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved, for His name is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe. Jesus is the name above all names!
So, give thanks to the LORD, for His steadfast love endures forever!
God bless and keep you, Owen.
Abba YAH loose Your Seven Spirits of The LORD into this situation.
God is looking for soldiers and you are a great example for others. Keep soldiering on, GOD is with you.
God has blessed you Owen and your whole family. God has enlightened you with the truth and given you the courage and strength to do His work.
I was recently called into a meeting at work along with my department coworkers. We were each handed a letter and had to listen about a coworker who was out for the week and would return the following Monday. Jonathan would return to work as Astrid and had written this letter to all employees. She is a transgender woman and would now be called and/or referred to as she/her.She demanded respect and acknowledged that some might not like it.
I walked out of the meeting after I said, “And I was forced to take down something on the outside of my office cube referring to God?’ My mind was racing in so many directions and I could not concentrate. I left work about an hour later and drove directly to my church. I spoke with my Pastor, had Holy Communion and prayed. I did not return to work until Friday of that week. I never thought my body would react in the way it did. I was physically sick and searching for answers. The only answer is that it is wrong. Very simply wrong. I try not to judge, but, no one will change my mind. God’s Spirit is within me.
I am 63 years young and see that Satan is very much at work.
Thank you for standing firm in your faith. AND, you have an awesome Mom and Grandmother 🙂
So thankful for the Lord’s work in Owen’s life. The Congregation of God, of our Lord Jesus, stands behind you Owen.
God Bless you and your family and all of us praying. Lord give us wisdom to Hear You and make the right decisions to do and uphold the truth of your family ordinances for Life.
Lord I lift up Owen to you and pray that more young oriole will stand firm in their faith. Thank you for his protection and the protection of others as they seek to do your will and not succumb to worldly views and values. We thank you for being the good God you are and the big God that fights on our behalf in Jesus name, amen.
*young people, not oriole, lol
Hi Owen,
I was really struck by your story, and at first I hadn’t heard which college you were going to, and when I heard it was Geneseo, I was so grieved to hear about something like that going on in that area. (I’m a Houghton College alum, 2012). I will be praying for you – your courage and resolve are amazing and inspiring. Hold fast to the Lord. He loves you mightily. <3
Father God, thank You for Owen. Thank You for how much You love him. Thank You for rescuing him from a crowd of students on Thursday and for interrupting the broadcast signal so everyone could pray immediately. Lord, please continue to cover him and infuse him with life and courage and joy and peace through the power of Your Holy Spirit and the blood of Jesus. Let him know that You will never leave him or forsake him. I pray this in Jesus' mighty Name, amen.
Father, restore these colleges, universities, those who teach to remember who made them, how the schools were first founded. That there was beginning where Christ was honored. People knew that You were to be the center. Now Lord we are seeing, hearing how many have turned against You. Father, we pray for repentance, a turning from wickedness! And a turning to You, revival coming, salvation. Open the eyes of the blind, open their ear to hear Your voice. Keep Owen and others protected who are standing firm, send Your angels to surround them, encourage them, be strong in the Lord and in Your strength. Father, I pray that this will be a marker, a corner stone of faith. Father, we pray in agreement that revival will spread over this campus and others,
Covered with Your armor, Your blood. Bless all those who are being persecuted for righteousness sake.
Bless You Lord
God is working 24-7. We just need to ask Him.
I prayed and I wrote the Dean a letter. For those who are interested: Dean Mary Ellen Zuckerman
1 College Circle
Geneseo, NY 14454
The President of the college is Dr. Denise A. Battles
God bless you! Thank you so much for your unwaivering stand for the Lord. May God protect you, and bless you, and keep you, always, in the palm of his hand. May you be protected spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally, by the mighty hand of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Owen, you are standing, in the gap, for many, many, children and young people! Thank you, thank you!
Owen- I thank God for you and standing firm to your values. I pray that more young men and women have the same Kingdom mindset! I am praying for you and your family. May God bless you richly! Psalm:91
Lord, in the name of Jesus, put a hedge of protection around Owen, his family and his friends. I bind and rebuke the “woke” spirit and break it’s stronghold over this Country! I loosen the Spirit of love, peace and hope, for the ability to take a rightful stand against all of the enemies forces. Father, I thank You, that You are our refuge and our strength than we can run to in times of trouble. Remind Owen of this and establish a refuge he can run to in any time of need. Give him the strength to see this through to an outcome that will be shouted from the rooftops in honor of Your Glory and Your restitution of not only his job, but of his reputation. We give You Praise and Thanks in advance. So that no one need worry, but have the peace that surpasses understanding in Christ Jesus, knowing You are in control. Also knowing that You watch over Your Word to perform it. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ! Amen
Lord, bless this young man and his family. Keep Your hedge of protection and blessings around them. Use this to raise up many others to stand up for God’s morals and calling.
I join with all of the IFA warriors for the Owen’s family asking God for protection, peace and security as they face these “unamerican” attacks for taking a stand for Truth. I also pray for the family of God across the USA that each and every believer will take a stand against such acts of lawlessness, speaking out and not stepping back from such, just as Jesus, Paul and millions of others have over the last 2000 years. May the Peace, Grace and Mercy of Jehovah God be upon everyone in the Name of Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen!
I pray for your safety and the continued support of God’s protection in the name of Jwesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
Thank you Owen for your courage and steadfastness. You will be honored forever for that.
Dear Owen, Marji, Autumn, and all the family,
Your testimony and the IFA prayer responses and God’s covering upon you, encouraged me today as I also face trials of all kinds of my own. You reminded me of our homeschool’s theme verse from 2020 that has now extended into 2021 found in Philippians 1:27-28. “stand firm in the one Spirit, striving together as one for the faith of the gospel without being frightened in any way by those who oppose you. This is a sign to them that they will be destroyed but that you will be saved — and that by God.” (As we recite this scripture together, my 8 year old daughter always repeats the last part in her upbeat rhythm, “and that by God, and that by God”) All glory and praise to God as He works in your life, my life, and in the lives of the people of our country, and world!
Our Lord always provides what we need. Thank the Lord for this young man and his family. God be with him as he goes through this challenge. Lord help this college and its staff to learn the truth.
Father, thank you fir Owens boldness and courage to speak out! Lord continue to fill him with boldness and courage as he stands for your truths and principles! I ask for a hedge of protection and for your wrap around presence over him and his family! Father raise up more like Owen in that university to stand with Owen and join him . Thank you Father for the intercessors who covered him and for getting Owen safely to his car! Praise you Lord!
I think of Joseph and how God prepared him to become the leader He needed him to be to keep & preserve God’s covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the nation of Israel. From being comfortable with his father’s special attention, to being sold as a slave, to Potiphar’s house to wrongly accused by Potiphar’s wife to Jail. Then being in charge of the jail leading to being specifically in charge of Pharaoh’s cupbearer and baker to interpreting their dreams. Then 2 years later the opportunity to interpret Pharaoh’s dream and becoming Pharaoh’s second in command was a what seemed to be a long arduous learning curve. But, God was “with Joseph”, teaching him, preparing him for the future. May Owen be encouraged as he goes through the learning curve and waiting on God’s perfect timing for God’s plans for him. God is “with Owen” for His good purpose. Thank-You Lord for working in the lives of your young people. Thank-you for that Hope. In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen
Father God, I ask you to protect my brother Owen from the evil one. Put a hedge about him to keep him physically safe. Bless him greatly for his stand upon Your Word. Use what he said and did to lift up Christ and bring glory to Your Name. By your power, destroy the “woke” culture at SUNY; free the faculty and students there from bondage to politically correct thinking in the Name of Jesus. Convict many there of their sins; show them the evil of their hearts. May Christ be lifted up constantly so He can draw many to Himself. Give courage daily to Owen, and may he not shrink back ever, from proclaiming Your Truth. Help us all to remember this is warfare, and we, as well as Owen and his family, must constantly put all the armor on to equip us to fight in Jesus’ precious Name. Amen
God bless you! Thank you so much for your unwaivering stand for the Lord. May God protect you, and bless you, and keep you, always, in the palm of his hand. May you be protected spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally, by the mighty hand of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Owen, you are standing, in the gap, for many, many, children and young people! Thank you, thank you!
Praying for Owen that NO weapon forged against him shall prosper and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. Also praying for New York State that the leaders would be set free from the deception of the enemy. We declare that NY and the SUNY system would awake to God’s truth and that the roots of the enemy would be taken out in Jesus’ Name.
Owen, I thank God for you speaking the truth in love! I don’t know if you are familiar with Revelation 12:11, “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.”, but I know from personal experience that when you plead the blood of Jesus over yourself and your loved ones, there is miraculous protection when you do that, and I hope you will begin to pray that every morning and evening over yourself and your family and loved ones. I will be praying for you and all your fellow SUNY Geneseo students, that ALL of you guys will have the freedom(and courage!) to speak the truth in love concerning what God says about marriage and God-given gender in the Bible, because I know you are not the only student there who believes that in that. Love in Christ, Geneva Goodell
Lord, thank you for providing intercession and protection for Owen. He showed his courage and spiritual strength in the midst of people who are still in the darkness. Please bring them into the light so they can seek you and truth. And continue to walk with Owen and fill him with the Holy Spirit’s wisdom and counseling.
Lord, please confuse the strategy of the demonic realm attacking Owen. Make one lie prove another wrong until they kill each other and fall to the ground in Jesus name, amen.
We support you in your beliefs and support you with prayers of protection.
We thank you for your voice, and testimony and may God be glorified.
We thank you for your actions of fighting for this Nations freedom of religion and free speech as we, as a nation, do not want to be put on the watch list of countries who persecute Christians.
Pray for the persecuted Christians around the world. We ask that they will be delivered from every evil work and cause the things that happen for the furtherance of the gospel.
Dear warrior,
When our son was diagnosed with leukemia in 1988, Holy Spirit literally highlighted the following verse from Scripture because I was too scared and crying too hard to know what to pray. It’s Mark 5:36. “Don’t be afraid; just believe.” I have prayed it thousands and thousands of times–sometimes with every breath I draw. Take it for your own, at least for now, with my blessing. The rest of the story: our son survived and is a godly husband, dad, and father of three. Bless you, mighty warrior. In Jesus’ Name.
I personally am very proud of this young man. Who knows who he is in Christ Jesus and who has every right to share his opinions on godly God-fearing marriage and what it is to be a man. The Father God knows exactly what He is doing when He creates every boy and every girl in the womb of a woman.
The fact of the matter is ianything else aside from that is a perversion. The Father God loves who He created. He loves the fact that we are created as a boy as a girl and will grow into wonderful men and women in Him who are strong who are over comers who have the ability to stand in the midst of a storm when other people cowering and back down.
Harassing this young man and threatening his life because he wants to share his Godly values is completely unacceptable especially in the United States there is no room for that in this Great United States that the Father God himself has created!
“ They will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you and will rescue you,“ declares the Lord.”(Jeremiah 1: 19).
“ I will make you a wall to this people, a fortified wall of bronze; they will fight against you but will not over come you, for I am with you to rescue and save you,“ declares the Lord.” (Jeremiah 15: 20).
“Then the Lord will appear over them; His arrow a flashlight lightning. The Sovereign Lord will sound the trumpet; He will march in the storms of the south, and the Lord Almighty will shield them. They will destroy and over comer sling stones. They will drink and roar as with wine; they will be full like a bowl used for sprinkling the corners of the altar. The Lord their God will save His people on that day as a shepherd saves his flock. They will sparkle in His land like jewels in a crown.” (Zechariah 9: 14 – 16).
“ and I tell you that you are peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” (Matthew 16: 18).
There is so much more in the Word of God that the Father God has given us. His Word is alive, it cannot be set aside, it cannot be broken it will do what He sends it out to do. Allow me to tell you a really great story that I enjoy reading again and again.
I am paraphrasing here, but there’s a story of a young man that was in the Navy. He and his mother had made agreement that once a day at a particular time she would be reading Psalms 91 from their home in America and he would find a quiet place on the ship and read the same scriptures Psalms 91 at the same time that his mother was reading them.
One day while the sailor was in a quiet place in a ship a place where he could stand while he was reading Psalms 91 and see the water around the ship he noticed something very unusual. He noticed what looked like the water trail of a torpedo in the water that was coming right at the ship. Even with that he continued reading Psalms 91 and he said he witnessed the fact that the torpedoe suddenly made a turn and went away from the ship. He said there was a second torpedo that followed the first one but this time as he was continuing to read Psalms 91 the torpedo started going back-and-forth and acting really funny is if it was in balanced itself and suddenly went off in the other direction away from the ship; neither one of the torpedoes struck the ship.
This young sailor couldn’t do anything about the torpedoes, his mother couldn’t do anything about the torpedoes, and the other sailors on the ship couldn’t do anything about it, but the Father God could and He did!
This young man has every right to be as strong of a Christian as he wants to be. It’s his life it’s what he wants to pursue he doesn’t want perversion he wants the truth of the Word of God and he has every right to pursue it in the United States of America and no one has the right to force their ideologies on them to the point where they physically threaten his life, threaten his education threaten, and his future. You don’t have the right! I remind you this young man is paying a tuition to go to that university. He is studying the courses he needs to study to do well in every class, he is paying his tuition as it goes along.
That university has a responsibility to him to teach him the coursework just like they would teach everybody else without trying to force their perversion on him and then threaten his education and his future because he doesn’t bow down to them and say and do what they want him to say.
You know very well that’s wrong and that will not be tolerated in the United States of America or at any university any time anywhere no!
If the other people on that university grounds have chosen and it is a choice, to follow a perverted lifestyle, then that’s their business. But if they want to attack a question for his point of you because maybe they don’t like reading it or seeing it. Then I would suggest at the University provide him with some security. He is they have security in his dorm room he used to have security going back-and-forth the classes to protect himself because he’s people are not bothering to restrain themselves with their own perverted points of use. And because they are unable to control themselves they are acting out in a violent manner when it’s not welcomed.
I have no doubt that there are a lot of people watching this right now and keeping their eyes on it. And I also have no doubt that by this time the University has received so many phone calls and emails to put this to a stop from very responsible Christians across this nation.
I am so happy that we have a very strong generation that’s coming up in this nation that has strong strong Christian values and strong roots in the Word of God!
Remember Owen the reason they come against you so hard is they have been brainwashed by Marxist professors. They do not have the anchor, in Jesus, you have and most likely they do not have parents that know, live and teach the Truth. The Lord told us following HIM comes with a cost.
No weapon formed against you will prosper as long as you stand strong. GOD BLESS YOU AND KEEP YOU AND MAKE HIS FACE SHINE UPON YOU AND GIVE YOU PEACE.
I have prayed for brave warriors like you. I thank God you have followed His call! Take courage! God’s army is bigger than anything or anyone. He will uphold you with His right hand.
Praying protection over you and your family! God has an anointing on you to stand up for what is right is His eyes. You are a blessing to our country and world. Be blessed. And be bold.
Owen the LORD hears our cries for help HE also has given us authority to bind up the enemy with HIS authority and power. So I want to give you this to say next time someone comes at you and attacks you. Say I rebuke in the name of JESUS I bind you devil in JESUS now be gone. You also need to know our LORD has given us dominion over EVIL and angels charge over our lives. I ask the LORD thank you JESUS for releasing your WARRING angels over Owen and his family and friends to protect them from EVIL attacks. You Owen are doing good works for the LORD as in HIS word of 2 Corinthians 6: 1 As GOD’S fellow workers urge you not receive GOD’S grace in vain.2 For HE says :
In the time of my favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you! I tell you now is the time of favor, now is the day of salvation.
Owen I want you to know I too have been persecuted in this world for speaking out about our LORD’S will and ways but HE always covered me in HIS protection.
Susie ( A Prayer WARRIOR )
Thank You Father God for watching over and for protecting and providing for Your son, Owen, and for his family. Thank You that You are well pleased with him. Thank You that he is like the young Shadrach, Meschach, and Abendigo in that fiery furnace. And, You, Lord Jesus, were in that fiery furnace with those brave young Hebrew boys. You kept them all safe, as You continue to keep Owen safe. And, the boys came out unharmed. Their captors were the ones who were destroyed in that furnace. You Are Faithful to all of Your promises. You keep Your Word. In Jesus Name, amen and amen.
Awesome testimony!
We bless you, Owen.
You have wonderful parents and grandma.
May God crown your head with many beautiful jewels. You will receive your reward for being obedient.
God sees, He knows and in His care, He comforts us when we get back lash.
God has power to shut the mouths of the lions.
In Jesus name we silence the voice of the enemy, that is coming against Owen.
Keep shining for Jesus.
Pray for us that we will be strong too, to be a witness for Jesus in all things.
Americans rise up and walk out your faith before evil men, that they may see truth. We have something worth standing for! Lydia Miller
Amen and amen! Owen, Joshua chapter one is for you. 🙂
Thank you Owen for being willing to be the lightning rod for the future of public education. If the purveyors of this philosophy used the same logic in building an airplane, it would crash if even getting off the ground. God’s laws cannot be broken without a crash to those breaking them. Thank you for being the prophet to your school. May God our glorious LORD give you wisdom and continued boldness in taking a biblical stance.
A blessing from generation to generation to generation…He promises for a thousand generations! Thanks be to God who never said it would be easy but He would be faithful to His Word. His chesed love prevails. Thank you so much to this family for their commitment to God, one another and freedom.
Be resolved Owen that Lot and his family were removed safely out of a wicked situation. In Jesus name,We stand fast in prayer for you and your family’s safety in Jesus name! You have the Holy Spirit in you as counselor and guide. The holy angels encamp around you. Many sons will be brought to glory because of your stance for the master. Thank you Lord for your great awakening of fear and reverence for your name. May God be glorified in Owen’s life. Amen!!!
Stay strong in the Lord Owen! Keep the armor of Ephesians 6 on. We will be praying for you!
Yes and Amen! Owen, you are a brave witness to Jesus Christ, and an inspiration to all of us. Keep standing for the truth.
As a 1985 SUNY Geneseo graduate, it literally makes me sick to hear of the cancel policies of my alma matter.
I pray that the Lord God will always be with Owen. I heard a Pastor this A.M. that he said that Jesus wants us to endure and persevere through all this turmoil. If we stay firm in God’s Word and pray we will have victory. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.☦️
Be brave. Be bold. We will cover you in prayer, Owen. We pray for more to join you in exercising
liberty and justice for all.
God, you hear our prayers for Owen. Owen is speaking the truth. We want all to be speaking the truth. God help us to all come boldly to you. To never be afraid of who you are and who Christ is. God protect all of us who love and follow you. God, please make Owen a light for all at that University.
We ask and know you will deliver him from the evil that tries to attack him.
In Jesus name we pray. Amen
Amen and amen! Owen, remember who you are in Christ. Who He says you are. And remember that people who behave this way are lost and they are scared. They don’t know what to do with you because they are scared. They see your conviction to stand for Christ, and I believe they respect you for not going along with the crowd. Keep standing. You are making an impact. God plus you is a majority. We are all praying for you and for your family. And, we are here for you. I am proud to call you my brother in Christ. 🙂 God bless you, dear one.
Thank God Almighty for your courage, conviction, and integrity, Owen. You provide an outstanding example to Christian people in our nation. I pray a hedge of protection will cover you and your family. Keep fighting the good fight of faith. I pray , Lord, that You would wake Christian people of faith, and cause us to stand up for what You would have us to stand strong for. May we rely on Holy Spirit to guide us in this endeavor. I pray for revival to break out in this nation, and let it begin in Washington, D.C. In Jesus’ name we pray.
God bless you Owen Stevens. Hold fast to your faith (Hebrews 10:23). And may the one, true God of the Bible continue to bless, keep, guide and protect you.
praying for Owen Stevens and his family that God will give you continued strength
Precious Heavenly Father, please continue to Bless, guide and protect Owen Stevens as he stands for what is right in your eyes. Instead of being “woke” open the eyes of these foolish ones at the University to the foolishness that they are promoting. I pray for Owen’s fellow students that you would open their hearts to receiving the good news about Jesus and his love for all of us, in Jesus mighty name, amen.
Thank You, Lord for Owen.
Thank You, Lord that you undergird and protect Owen and his family.
What a blessing they are to You, Lord, and to all of us who love You.
We stand in agreement in the name of Jesus for Your name to be glorified.
Lord Cover the Owen’s family with the Blood of Jesus. Thank you Jesus for Owen and his family for boldness to stand up for Biblical values continue to give them strength and boldness. God Bless him and his parents and grandparents. I also pray for this university and all educational system. that they their eyes be open to come to Jesus. I pray against ” wokeness” loose truth. Lord I bind that Spirit of hate and call forth the Spirit of love and truth. I continue to pray for you and your family. Jesus Is Lord. In Jesus Name Amen.
I agree with u in this prayer. Amen.☦️
It is so refreshing to hear about a student speaking the truth with courage in the face of persecution! God richly bless you and give you more grace to continue to speak the truth! You are an example to us all.
We declare that no weapon formed against Owen will prosper and that Gods full will for his life will prevail, in the Mighty name of Jesus. Amen
Dear God please put your protection around this family. Help us as Christians to stay strong and take a stand to help with this movement God please wake up America and let’s stand strong against al the evil that is going on. In Jesus name we pray. Amen
All your children shall be taught by the Lord and great shall be the peace of your children.
Matt. 18: “10 “See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.”
“He is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine…” Brothers and Sisters, let us fight the Good fight professing the name of Jesus Christ in all we do!
Thank you Jesus for bringing your Heavenly Protectors upon Owen.
Dear FATHER GOD thank YOU for YOUR protection over YOUR youth warriors. YOU got this LORD. YOUR warriors are rising up in YOUR NAME and will have VICTORY!!! Let the prayers of the older warriors put a ‘HEDGE of PROTECTION around them. PRAISE BE TO GOD
I am so proud of you Owen! And, also of your grandmother and parents for raising such a Godly and brave young man of God! Godly character is so obvious in you all! I am praying for God’s angels to surround each of you with protection and may our Lord’s favor be upon you all. Thank You Lord, thank You for breaking through the prayer time in Your perfect time to bring protection for Owen. You are truly working for our good in these trying, difficult times. Owen, you are an inspiration and encouragement for us all!
God bless you Stevens family for your great courage in standing for truth! May the Lord bless you and keep you, make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The lord give you peace!
Dear Heavenly Father,
I pray a protection of angels and all of Psalms 91 on Owen Stevens family!
In Jesus Name,
Father God, thank You for answering our prayer instantly. Thank You for protecting Owen. Lord, You are El Shaddai, the Host of heavens armies and nothing is impossible for You.
Lord, I ask You to guide Owen with Your counsel and direct his steps
We prayed for men such as you this morning in our Men’s Prayer Group, S. side of Indianapolis. We lift up warriors & men of courage each week. THANK YOU for being a strong Man of God and now bowing to Molik!
I love your encouragement to Owen as a Godly man. Thank you, brother. You and your men are an inspiration to all of us. God bless you and yours. I feel like you are a mentor to many. Thank you.
Thank You, Almighty God, for Your protection over Owen. Continue to guide and direct him with Your wisdom as he stands on Your truth. I pray he continues to pursue a career in education. We desperately need godly men like Owen to reach our children!
Hang in there, Owen! I so appreciate the stand you are taking. You know what’s right, please continue to stand strong in it. There are angels surrounding you!
Lord God, I praise You and thank You for Owen and his family. Standing firm to Your Word is becoming difficult as the enemy has a strong presence in our educational system. Thank You for building up young, courageous believers who are willing to hold fast to Your Word! Soften the hearts of educators and administrators. Grant them discernment to see what is going on. Quicken their hearts that they must turn to You. Restore all ground taken by the enemy and bring Righteousness and Truth back to schools! Lord, we ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior! Amen
Father God Bless Owen I pray for standing up for Godly Values Protect and Bless his family from wiles of enemy and those that are wanting to attack him give them a Revelation of how powerful you are to know you I Ask
There IS power in prayer as we serve a crucified Christ a Resurrected Christ Alleluia Amen
Baruch HaShem – Praise G-d for providing safe passage for Owen. It just shows that God is faithful in protecting His children. I give credit to IFA for praying in time of Owen’s need but I also believe that God with or without IFA’s prayer protected Owen because Owen is His son. In Yeshua’s name, glory be to G-d. 🙏🏼
Lord I ask your hedge of protection around Owen and his family. Use him as your witness to bind evil that is trying to take over America and those like Owen. Lord, we in America need your help. Amen
i understand you are asking God to work in this persons life.
God is always with us. HE promised to never leave. please i hear this said all the time. dont be offended but dont waste breath or time asking God to be with us. HE IS.
I understand how you feel, Sandra. However, when people who acknowledge God
ask these things what they are really saying is that it is their will to acknowledge
God in the matter. I don’t think God is offended, but I have learned when I ask those things,
to immediately thank Him as this is evidence of faith in Him.
Please consider God’s Word to us in Psalm 50.. yes God is with us, we would not “be” if he was not..but he does require that we order our conversation aright or righteously if we want to approach Him in prayer and have our requests heard and answered.
The onus is on us to our bit..do what we know pleases God (righteousness) and approach our heavenly Father God in the right spirit. In John, Jesus said to his disciples “I call you friends and not servants .. if you keep my commands.” We must see ourselves as the ones in need.. God doesn’t need anything from us but he desires our submission, dependance and.. friendship basically a wonderfully imbalanced relationship, where he brings everything to the table for our benefit and our cup runs over with His blessings..all for the asking..which is impossible for prideful unregenerate man.
This is the best part of that Psalm 50 and relevant for our cry to protect the voice of Owen Steven and His family
And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me.
So we do call upon you Lord and thank you for you protection of your servant’s and friends in this Owen family, they are truly hidden from all harm when you protect them.
Owen, you are the head not the tail! You are covered by the blood of Jesus and your entire family!
Praise God for Owen . I’m praying for no weapon formed against him and his family to prosper. May more of us be bold and not back down and stand for truth. May the favor of the lord surround him and all of God’s plans come to fruition for him.
God bless and protect Owen as he stands up for Jesus and for his bravery. We need more Owens, please give him an army. Please all pray for Owen.
As I was praying I had a vision of a torch bearer. So, I thank you, Lord, for Owen. Thank you for his vision, his strength and his determination to stand for truth and to be a light in the darkness.
Send your army angels to protect him and every Christian student standing for truth in America. He is not alone but has Almighty God at his right side and multitudes walking the same path to freedom.
May your will be done, O Lord, on earth as it is in heaven and to you be the glory!
In Jesus Name
Have you seen a lighthouse built on a rock in the middle of the sea standing strong in face of crashing waves that threaten to put out its light.
Saw a film recently about lighthouses and was fascinated to learn that a particular engineer who was a man of faith in God designed a lighthouse that could stand up to the tremendous forces that the sea hurled at it and was enable to withstand those pressures. It was constructed of carefully selected pieces of granite stone.. only granite which was birthed under much pressure and heat and has been shaped carefully like an interlocking puzzle, and then the men who risked their own lives to build it.. was able then to stand firm under the height of the storm and continue to steadily shed its light of warning so that sailors could negotiate ferocious the surrounding reefs and bring their vessels laden with valuable cargo and the infinitely more precious souls of men might arrive safely at their destination.
I can liken our brother and his family to this lighthouse which we are called to be.. a city on a hill which cannot be hid. And the sea is the world hurling its weight about and seeking to drown out the light and put it out so that wickedness might have its evil way.. but they are lies and webs of lies which the besom or broom of the Lord will blow away with his breath.
Owen and all who would walk in the way of Jesus faithfully are being shaped and made of the ROCK which will one day grind the “world” to dust.
So much better to build have built our lives upon that rock, which the builders rejected but is become the head of the cornerstone. No sea on this earth will demolish what God builds, the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church.. God’s building it and though the enemy will come in like a flood we will raise up a banner against him.
Continue to be the bearer of that LIGHT that saves men from their sins Owen! and know that many that turn men from their sin will be like the stars in the heaven. God bless you.
Lord I pray Psalm 91 and Ephesians 6:10-17 over Owen and his family. Lord thank you for Your protection and for prayer warriors standing in the gap for Owen and Your getting him to safety. Praise Your Amazing Grace Lord. Father open the eyes and heart of the faculty and students that ignorantly attack Your TRUTH and commands. I pray for repentance and revival to break forth at this University Lord. What Satan means to kill and destroy I pray it brings You Glory and Praise. In Jesus name. Amen
I declare that Owen is covered by the Blood of Jesus and that His Blood is a wall of protection around Owen and his family
defeating the enemy at every turn.
Owen knows he has a future designed by You. May his every need be met – spiritually,
financially and relationally. May he have favor like a shield wherever he goes. Let other students on the campus rise up with Owen and may conviction come upon the university
leadership to stand up for him.
May someone rise up and offer Owen a full scholarship to
complete his education.
Bless him and his family in Jesus Mighty and Holy Name. Amen.
So proud of Owen and others who stand up for righteousness!! Praying for him and our country!
Thank you Owen for being the warrior God needs at this time! May Heaven’s armies strengthen you and help you. Remember David prevailed with God’s help. Bless you.
Lord,protect this young warrior. Place mighty angels all around him and his family. Lord destroys the enemies agenda to silence your Children. Let the Holy Spirit engulf us with the resolve of this young man and let us be victorious for your Glory. In Jesus name.
prayed for the school staff. John 20:23 Romans 8:1 2:4 That eyes can be opened. Ears to hear.
If their hearts are so deceived and hard. We pray confusion into the enemies camp! Hidden things be revealed in the precious name of Jesus Christ our Lord, blessings, doug
Well first of all— GRR!!
Second of all- YEA Owen for being bold and courageous jist like Joshua and Caleb!!!
We know that no matter what man can do to you, God says He had a HOPE and a FUTURE for you, so we declare in Jesus name that word of God over you!
We also declare in Jesus name God’s word that says -“No weapon formed against you will stand because it is not from God! Let’s do the whole verse from the amplified version: Is 54:17..”But NO weapon that is formed against you shall prosper, and EVERY tongue that shall rise against you in judgment you shall show to be in the wrong. This peace, righteousness, security, triumph over the opposition is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,(those in whom the Ideal Servant of the Lord is reproduced): this is the righteousness or the vindication which they obtain From Me (this is that which I impart to them as their justification says then lord).”
Father ,we pray for strengthening of Owen in Your truth. We pray for Protection over him spiritually and physically and also protection of his family and possessions. Please release your angels as ministering and protective spirits, in Jesus name.
Father we also would pray for the hearts and minds of the folks that do not have Your Holy Spirit and truth residing in them. In Jesus name, we pull down these evil strongholds and ruling principalities and powers and imaginations that have risen so strongly against Your people. The blood of Jesus covers us, Your mighty right hand protects us. O Lord we ask the the souls of these people to come to the true knowledge of Who You are and for them to receive You Lord Jesus as their Savior.
Father I would also request the Your church would come out of the place of fear and speak truth in love . Ten of the men spying out the land saw
GIANTS; Joshua and Caleb saw opportunity for You Lord to move and receive glory. O Father forgive us for living in fear and unbelief of the One we serve. Be glorified in Owens life and testimony. I like his pray of-“dissolve the spirit of ‘Woke”. In Jesus name we command it to dust and ashes across our land!
O Father, raise your dry bones , return flesh and sinew to them and BREATHE once again LIFE into them. Raise up Your army across this land joined with the angels of heaven’s host to speak truth and to return to You and to bring many souls into Your kingdom! Lord , You are a God Who hears, Who sees, Who loves and acts on behalf of Your people. Thank You for hearing our prayers. Make our hearts pure and cause us to walk in a spirit of humility, but also strong TRUTH. If we do not speak, who will?
Thank You Lord for hearing our prayers….
O that You will be glorified yet again in this land!!
Wonder-full! God is looking for more “Owens” to stand up, step up and speak up. “Owens” of all ages – even the children – to speak the truth in love. Father, we bless Owen and his family. Continue to protect, provide and guide them.
Lifting Owen and his family up to our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ! Praying for Owen & this generation to be covered with the blood of Christ. Binding all attacks in Jesus’ name and loosing Holy Spirit to come in full measure to fill and anoint Owen. Praying a hedge of thorns & wall of fire around Owen. Keep Owen from harm or evil and keep Owen from being a source of harm or evil to others and to himself. Father, please dispatch your warring ministering angels to fight the unseen battles and to be there in Owen’s time of need. LORD, your Kingdom come your will be done in this matter on earth as it is in Heaven – AMEN
Owen, you are bold, you are brave and the Lord delights in you!
God bless you and thank you!
Thank you Lord that you are raising up a generation of believers who love and follow you. We lift up Owen to you and we ask that you surround him with your protection and your peace. May he continue to serve you with a fierce faith for righteousness and truth. May you encourage him by bringing others who love you and who can minister and support him. May you shape him into your likeness and help to increase his faith and love for you Lord. Thank you Lord for using Owen for your kingdom and glory! We pray in Jesus precious name. Amen.
Praying that Owen continues to go where God calls him and to speak with the boldness of a lion. That Owen will walk by in safety as the enemy falls into his own snares. There are huge angels of protection around Owen. Owen is the first of many students who will be speaking out on campuses. That there will be revival on his campus and many others.
Praying for Owen and school and universities. 🙏🙏🙏
Thank you, Owen, for standing up your beliefs without caving to the other students who go along with the crowd. You are very brave and I know the Lord is going to use you in mighty ways.
Dear Lord, thank you for Owens faith and strong stand for your truth. Thank you for protecting him from immediate attack and getting him out of harms way. I pray you will put your protection continually around him as he completes his degree and take him successfully on his journey in this life. May yourplans for him be upheld and may Owen be a voice here on earth to draw others to You.
Father God: We ask for your protection over Owen as he is in an environment in his school in which he faces challenges of free speech and toxic ideology. Father, these antagonists’ minds have been indoctrinated including the board, the administrators, the teachers, and the students. Use Owen to be the catalyst that has sparked the beginning of changed minds and hearts of the enemy. We pray Deuteronomy 1:6 – Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” We pray Proverbs 16:7 – When the LORD takes pleasure in anyone’s way, he causes their enemies to make peace with them. So Lord, we lift up Owen and all his enemies. These prayers we pray knowing You are the Almighty who reigns and can use Your will to accomplish great things! Amen
May God raise up more courageous students like Owen! The blood of Jesus cancels the assignments of the enemy against Owen and other courageous students and turns this for the good of the Kingdom of God. Praise God for protection over Owen.
Lord Jesus, give Owen and all of us the Spirit that functioned in Elijah to confront the prophets of Baal and Asherah in our season. May we take our positions on Mount Carmel and not hide in caves and wait for the Obadiahs to bring us water and bread.
We are living in the day of great delusion. The truth is not accepted because this generation says they have their own truth. Could this be the Great Apostasy? It’s in the churches as well. The grandmother is correct. In the churches a great many, debate and free speech is no longer toleratefd. The world has come into so many churches. Satan has gotten a foot hold. How many of us know that the churches we attend are accepting the lies of Satan such as Gay marriage, transgenderism, and all the things that the word of God says are abominations. The bible this past generation has been dismantled, rebuked, questioned as the authority of God and perverted.
Scripture makes it clear. “Woe to those who say that evil is good and good evil.” We are living I believe in the last days before Christ returns for his church. I’m grateful for all the prayer warriors. I pray for eyes to open and folks to be saved. But the apostasy? I see it is here. God deliver us. Protect Owen and all those who are standing for your truths oh Lord!!!! Open the eyes of the blind. There is only male and female. In the beginning God made male and female and for this reason shall a man leave his parents to cling unto his WIFE (female). Jesus (God) designed family and only God has the right to set the guidelines of how his creation performs.
Deliver oh Lord from our enemies. Maranatha!
2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 (KJV)
3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 (KJV)
10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 (KJV)
16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
Praise You Father, for Marji and for Autumn and for Owen! Praise You for protecting Owen and for giving him conviction to speak Your truth! Praise You for bringing these intercessors into Your work! Praise You for loving them and teaching them! We praise You for raising up Owen, Your mighty warrior! Raise up more warriors–more prayer warriors and more young people full of Your Holy Spirit. Bless them mightily. Shine on them and make them bear much fruit, everlasting fruit. Because of Your loving work in our lives through Jesus,
I have and am praying for this family also wen all the Lords brave soldiers in Jesus name. I pray against the lies of Critical Race theory and the demon spirit wokeness to dissolve. Help us all to be brave and also do our part. Thank you father for protecting Owen with your angels. We are in perilous times. The universities have become the modern day Sodoms and Gormorrahs. Deliver us Oh Lord from our enemies. In Jesus name. Amen.
Dear Father, In the name of Your Son, Lord Jesus, thank you for Owen and that he was led to share his faith publicly even in the aftermath of great hostility. Please protect Owen and his family, even now! Please strengthen Owen; give him boldness and wisdom in the Lord! Guide his way, dear Lord. Thank you also for the intercessors who were praying on his and his family’s behalf! Amen.
Praise God…..he is the Jehovah Nissi (our banner) and Jehovah Jireh (our provider). He sees all and is a just in time God!
Dear God, please give protection and courage to Owen and his family, and help his stance for your truth be strengthened and may it continue to expose the lies and deceit and evil that wants to try and squash godly values and families alike..! your word dear God will prevail, and truth will set us free..! in JESUS NAME..!!
May God bless you and keep you, Owen. You have an amazing heritage in Christ through your Mom and Grandma. Jesus said they persecuted Him and they will persecute us as well. You are a forerunner of what the future looks like for true believers.
The Lord is well pleased with you. Keep your heart in cheer and joyfully run your race for Jesus! May many come to Christ through your witness.
Grace & Peace.
Thank you Owen for taking on this battle. There are many more that are on your side than are against you! Will pray for God to keep you strong in this battle and bring others your age to come along side of you and stand for Godly truths.
We stand firmly with you and your family and we are in agreement for those lieing spirits to be shut down and removed in the Name of Jesus! And we pray for God’s divine protection over you. For the enemy to trip over his own plans they will not prevail in the Name of Jesus! No weapon formed against you shall prosper in the Mighty Name of Jesus Amen! God asked us to be bold, God loves you and will not forsake you. This battle belongs to God….and NOTHING is impossible for Him! So keep putting Him first and you will be victorious with God! Keep up the faith and giving God the Glory, Honor and Praise in Jesus Name! I plead the blood of Jesus over all of you🩸🩸 He will protect you Lord we love you for what you have done for us, what you are doing for us and what you are going to do for us I pray in Jesus Holy Mighty Name Amen!!
1 Peter 3:14 But even if you should suffer for the sake of righteousness, you are blessed,& do not fear their intimidation & do not be troubled. 2Tim 3:12 Indeed, all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.
I’m praying for God’s protection & blessings for you!
God bless Owen & his family for STANDING UP FOR HIS GODLY TEACHINGS & BELIEFS.
Continuing prayer for the Spirit of the Lord to move on campuses across our nation to bring revelation of truth to our young people who are moving into places of influence and decision-making. Father, please strengthen the Calebs and Joshuas and Owens to boldly walk with Your Spirit in the battle against deceit and bondage for our young people. In Jesus’ overcoming Name.
Loved your prayer! Prayed with it this morning. Very encouraging!
AMEN a thousand times a thousand times over!! Father, let Your Glory be strong in and around these mighty warriors on every American campus. Open their eyes to see Your Kingdom coming forth through them. Make Your Light in them give them immense confidence in Your Power that their boldness be multiplied a million times. Let them see Your Glorious Angels around them to protect them and to help them as they stand firm in their faith in You and in Your Righteousness. Let them personally experience Your Great and Mighty Power and Truth as they SHINE LIKE LASERS TO BREAK EVERY CHAIN being placed on the minds of those around them. Let Your Perfect Peace which passes all understanding keep them for they are the children of The Light and Your thoughts are to do them only good and to givem a future of HOPE.