Here are updates of what is happening in some of the states. We all know that we cannot come off the wall, but must continue to fast and pray regarding the election results.
There are numerous areas of concern over what has transpired. Below are some reports Iāve received from both boots on the ground individuals and conservative news in the last few hours:
1.The ballot count in Arizona will resume today at noon EST. As you know, the count was suddenly halted in Arizona on election night. As it resumes, there are now lawyers for President Trump present. Why was the counting halted in the first place? Weāve NEVER seen that type of action happen. Consider who calls a halt in the middle of a game? The team that is losing. This should concern us all. It happened in Pennsylvania as well.
Here are areas of concern in which to pray over the Arizona count. In Phoenix area they have absolutely confirmed some people were given sharpies instead of pens to vote. It was conservatives who raised a flag regarding this to complain that the voting machines were not counting their votes. Pray that these votes are counted.
In Maricopa county and other counties outside Phoenix, areas which are more conservative, their votes came in AFTER the state was given to Biden. Those are the votes being counted today with cameras in those rooms and overseers to ensure the integrity of the process. Pray as these votes are finally counted.
Pray that there will be no more delays and for integrity as the counting of the votes continues and is concluded.
2.In Wisconsin there have been 7-8 counties which have had more votes submitted than there are registered voters, which indicates certain fraud. On top of that, the entire state recorded an 88%-90% voter turn-out. which is also another high indication of fraud. Not to mention the 4:00 a.m. drop of over 100,000 ballots which were 100% for Biden and 0 for Trump. Logistically that is not even possible except for fraud. Pray for an investigation and for truth to come out regarding what has happened in that state.
3.In some locations, President Trumpās oversight team has been refused admittance into the room. This is not only illegal, but goes against the agreed upon process. Also, some of the rooms where votes are counted have boarded up the windows so what they are doing inside is completely hidden from those who are instructed to be overseers. We need to pray for transparency in the count along with honesty and integrity. And that every fraudulent ballot will be exposed and discarded. That only legal ballots will be allowed to be counted.
4.Riots have already been unleashed in Chicago, New York City, and Portland. There are reports of over 500 activist groups on call to release chaos the minute the election results are in. This is starting and will continue as it was all a part of the plan. Do not let it shake you. This is not a time for fear, but faith.
One of my friends, Pat Highland, shared a prophetic word she received this morning, āThis election is like the birthing process. The ābabyā has been in the wrong position, but is turning shifting today and will be birthed. We are seeing that shift take place. This is a birthing of truth.
Do not be discouraged intercessors as nothing has changed from what the Lord has spoken regarding this election and His deliverance of our nation.
The Holy Spirit reminded me yesterday of the story of Honi, a fierce intercessor in the days of the first century church.
At that time there was severe drought in the land and people were dying. The situation was desperate. Honi walked outside with a six-foot staff in his hand. With the staff he drew a circle in the sand and stepped into it. As the onlookers watched he dropped to his knees, raised his hands to heaven and prayed,
“Lord of the universe, I swear before Your great name that I will not move from this circle until You have shown mercy upon Your children.”
As his prayer ascended to heaven, raindrops began to descend to earth…but it was only a sprinkle. Honi stayed in the circle and refused to stop praying.
“Not for such rain have I prayed, but for rain that will fill cisterns, pits and caverns.”
The sprinkle then turned to a torrential downpour. Again Honi stayed in the circle and continued to pray,
“Not for such rain have I prayed, but for rain of Your favor, blessing and graciousness.”
The rain then changed at that prayer and became a calm, peaceful soaking much-needed rain. (To read the account go to: āThe Circle-Makerā by Mark Batterson p. 11-13.)
Intercessors, that is where we stand…in the circle…unwilling to move as we declare, “Lord it is not for this for which we have prayed, but for an election that will reveal Your glory, that will remove unrighteousness from our land and restore justice. Lord, we declare a clean sweep for righteousness!”
Karen Hardin is a literary agent, author, and intercessor. Her work has appeared in USA Today, World Net Daily, Intercessors For America, Charisma, CBN.com, The Elijah List, etc. To order her new book: āINFECTED: How to Stop the Global Spread of Rage, Deception and Insanityā click here. To join the city-by-city prayer movement to save our nation go to: www.city-by-city.org. For additional information on her ministry, business or to sign up for her prophetic blog go to: www.karenhardin.comĀ or you can contact her atĀ www.prioritypr.org. (Photo Credit: White House Flickr.)
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amen to that Bill
Heavenly Father, we praise Your holy Name! You are the author of all Truth! You have allowed much fraud to be uncovered and seen. You know where every wicked and deceitful scheme has occurred. You bring what is hidden to light! Many know the truth about the fraud which has been committed–pierce their hearts with conviction, so that they cannot hide the truth they know. Bring conviction to the hearts of people who know about the corruption, and do not allow them to remain silent. Remind people involved in fraudulent voting practices that You alone are God, and that You see all that is done in secret. Remind judges who are ruling that You alone are the final judge and that You hold them accountable for their rulings. Give a righteous fear to those who have in the past given respect to evil authority; give a righteous fear to those who have sought promotion through corruption; give a righteous fear to those who are afraid of reporting what they know about fraudulent voting practices; give the church a righteous fear of associating with and promoting political leaders who love unrighteousness. We pray for our court judges! Please let their rulings correspond with Your rulings in Heaven! Cause judges to do Your perfect will. Help the Supreme Court of our land to rule with righteousness. I lift up Chief Justice John Roberts–let his heart be drawn to Your Truth only. Thank You, Lord, for exposing lies, for securing justice, for upholding the causes of the needy. Surely the righteous will praise Your Name and the upright will live before You–Psalm 140:13
Amen and amen!
No one whose hope is in You will ever be put to shame, but they will be put to shame who are treacherous without excuse. Psalm 25:3
O Lord, I say to you, “You are my God.” Hear, O Lord, my cry for mercy. O Sovereign LORD, my strong deliverer, who shields my head in the day of battle–do not grant the wicked their desires, O LORD; do not let their plans succeed . . . Psalm 140:6-8
Lord we light Your divine Torch of Truth ablaze with the Holy Spirit to expose all fraud and hold each participant, especially George Soros, fully accountable to judgement. Enlighten with discernment and revelation those called to oversee the ballot audits and to investigate the integrity of the ballot machines and make right what was corrupted. We declare the upholding of righteous election results in every state with victory for President Trump and all other God appointment leadership positions rightly filled for Godās glory. In Jesusā name. Amen!
Thank you for the update and thank you intercessors for sharing your encouraging stories, visions, biblical verses, and prayers. Your words have been a tremendous comfort.
I pray for supernatural blessings, perfect health, Godly wisdom, peace, and comfort over our President Donald J Trump, VP Mike Pence, Rudy Giuliani, Jay Sekulow, their families, and all those that are working with them to support exposing this corruption.
I pray for blessings and peace over the intercessors to remain encouraged. I pray that our prayers and praise be sweet to our Lords ears while He does His mighty work in the US!
If you voted absentee in Georgia it is important that you check the status of your ballot NOW to make sure it has not been rejected. You can do so at https://www.mvp.sos.ga.gov/MVP/mvp.do. If it has been rejected you have until 5pm EST tomorrow (Friday, Nov 6) to fix your ballot. Instructions for how to do so can be found at https://democrats.org/ga-ballot/.
I received this from my friend on Facebook. Please pray that Republicans are also aware that they can do this. The large counties of Fulton and Dekalb are largely Democrat – That is one reason that President Trump’s lead is getting smaller and smaller. We really need military ballots to arrive to counteract the votes around Atlanta which is heavily Democrat. Chatham County is Savannah and there is some legal case there about voting. Thanks.
Thank you for that important information.
We continue to stand in prayer for righteousness and truth to prevail and only legal ballots to count and illegal ballots to be exposed and removed from the count.
Father God I stand in agreement with prayer warriors I stand in faith that what has been spoken shall come to pass President Trump will come out victorious in this battle satan is a liar and a deceiver and I call his bluff in The Mighty Name Of Jesus you shall not triumph Amen and Amen
What is happening in health care in our state is similar to this report.
We’re getting same old information about uptick in cases but it’s hard to determine factual evidence. We’re told hospital beds could be full by the end of the year yet they’re allowing people from other states o come here for treatment. They continue with the same old mindset and refuse to use low cost treatment that’s proven effective. Then use those figures to threaten us with lockdown and force our kids to stay home with total online learning with full approval of the union even when mill levy money has been approved.
The saving Grace is I got so angry I had to stop, confess My sin, Repent and accept the Lord’s reset for my life. Seeking only him and His desire in this situation.
It is challenging to not become angry and take offense at the lies and injustice and things we have had to endure because of it. You took an important step in recognizing your own need to forgive and shake off the offense to be free of its control. People all over are being infected just like that and then we become ineffective. You broke free. Now the key is staying free to stay effective. Praying for His grace for you as you juggle it all.
I am learning about God’s Love and how important it is to see from His eyes what “is and need ..needs to be addressed.” Thank You. May we walk in Freedom.
Heavenly Father,
Let thy presence be known and thy watchmen carry the whole armor. In the name of Jesus Christ
Yes we do Lord Jesus! We agree and we stand upon your Word knowing that it shall not return to you void, but it will accomplish what you have sent it to do. Let Your Justice roll down..we rejoice in your goodness and give you all the praise for great Victory for righteousness in the U.S. even beyond what we could imagine. We thank you for Mercy in Jesus name. Amen.
I don’t know how appropriate this comment is, but I just wanted to share it, for whatever it’s worth. I don’t claim to be a prophet or anything, but this morning i “saw” something. I was awake, but my eyes were closed. Inside me, I saw a bucket. It was tipped on its side and out of it were spilling some crumpled papers. Not too many at first, but then as the bucket sort of dragged backwards, there were more and more crumpled papers spilling out , until it looked like a long “hedge” of papers. It kept its tubular shape as it came out of the bucket. The hedge was much bigger than what the bucket could possibly hold. That was it. A few minutes later, with eyes still closed, i saw a mighty, rushing river, and then a huge, powerful waterfall. This is all I wanted to share.
What do you think it means?
Help? Someone? With this spiritual gifting…
Not sure but while I was praying about this I thought of Psalm 46 and the river of God. verse 4 “There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God.” And then also John 7:38 “Out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.” So just personally I am thinking that as we pray, and pray especially in the Spirit with tongues, we are releasing the river of God that flows from our innermost being. The mighty rushing river washes away all filth and brings cleansing. The crumpled papers may represent something in the voting process. God, come with your mighty rushing river and wash away all wickedness. We release it. Let the mighty rushing river sweep across this nation and cleanse us, restoring light and truth and righteousness in Jesus name.
I’m no Kevin Zadai but I have been doing a bit of studying on dreams and visions, and have prayed over what you saw. I think Sharla’s comments below are accurate, as well. If you remember any colors of anything, what material the bucket was made of, what the “weather” was when you saw the river and waterfall (were they in a sunny/cloudy/stormy background?), those things could add more detail to the interpretation.
I definitely think the crumpled papers are votes that someone was attempting to discard and not count, and they are being poured out & brought to light so they can be authenticated and counted. My little Christian dream interpretation book says that rivers can be several things-“The river of life, the presence of God, move of the Holy Spirit, and/or coming into your promise land.” It says that floods are “the overflowing of goodness and/or judgement of sin.” It does not mention waterfalls specifically, but a waterfall is just a river going over a mountain. So, the same qualities of the river apply to it, and then it says a mountain is “a place of prayer,refuge, heaven, meeting with God,and/or an impossibility, or obstacles”, and I think they both apply.
My interpretation would be this: Intercessors have met in a place of prayer with God, and because of that He is pouring out the river of life, and a powerful move of the Holy Spirit; also, the obstacles America needs to overcome (and specifically the obstacle in the way of proper resolution of this election) are being flooded by that river with overflowing goodness, yet also judgment for the sins of the country, and in the specific
case of the election, judgment of any fraud.
Hope this helps!
I would just add, whenever God gives you an interpretation of a dream through another person instead of to you directly, pray about their interpretation and let God witness to your spirit whether that the interpretation is correct. Sometimes there will be a back-and-forth as the interpretation may lead you to remember more details of your original dream or vision that could be further interpreted. God bless you for sharing!
This resonates with my spirit. Thank you.
There has been a distinction and a distance between God and his people We have forgotten to get on our knees before the Creator of this earth, this Nation, We have become to proud and turned out eyes and heart toward earthy thing. America’s future depended on the prayer of its people…. we need to knee before the Lord! There is a God who waits patiently, for His children to return to him, and be the intercessors He needs with his plans for America.
“Our Heavenly Father, we kneel before your throne, praising you for the creator of this earth, hear our prayers and heal our land. My Lord we are in desperate need of the forgiving, and healing from you, I join together with other prayer warriors that your hand would sweep across our sick nation with a great revival of conviction of sin and commitment of obedience. In you son’s precious name….Amen! “
God is too faith to fail his children. The battle is of the Lord
United we stand, trusting the One and Only I AM to bless the USA and to stop the enemy in his tracks!
Father God, these are wonderful posts. Thank You for Intercessors. Thank You for the Watchmen/women on the Wall who are diligently working to bring fairness and truth to this election. Energize them spiritually, physically, mentally emotionally in face of this huge task against the attempts of the Democrats in some
arenas to hide truth. Thank You for Governor Guilliani’s work on behalf of our nation. Grant all involved in
seeking truth about votes, wisdom, and let not one vote that is illegal, be counted, and every vote that is legal be counted. I pray, Lord, Mario Murillo’s prophesy is correct. I pray open doors in every case for those who need to see ballots first hand. Please remove any obstacle to the process of validating questionable votes. Praise Your Name, Lord, In Jesus’ precious Name. Amen
My apologies to you and fellow intercessors. I did not understand your context being Arizona’s situation that no more delays would occur there. I pray that the delays needed will be orchestrated by the Lord in all states where a recount is necessary and that no delay will occur when its of the enemy, in Jesus name!
Both Jenny and Nita, two powerful women of God, from two different ministries, are saying that we’re looking at two weeks before
all this is straightened out. We need to pray for all delays in every state where there has been substantial corruption, especially
Nevada which is the KEY state, and secondly, Georgia. The Holy Spirit was on me this morning heavy with the His burden to expose
all major attempts to steal this election in every ballot counting center that has participated. That the Lord will convict those involved in caving into the threats and pressures of the left who are threatening and have threatened people in the ballot collection centers. We need to also pray and spread the word for manual recounting of each ballot in the centers and for President Trump
to call for manual recounts as there are ballot counting machines programmed to change the ballots to Biden, thanks to G. Soros.
I’ve asked the Lord to reprogram these machines in every precinct where they have been placed. Stealing the election involves
many counties, precincts, states. You are right on to pray all of your aforementioned excepting the delay issue. I believe in this situation that delay to address fraud wherever it has occurred is necessary for recounts to happen, especially since these two sisters have come up with two weeks time frame.
Heavenly Father, I ask your name be hallowed, your kingdom come, your will be done in exposing all fraud that needs to be
exposed, and that every delay that needs to happen which needs to occur that justice may be done! Please replace election fraud with justice. We decree that your light will shine into the hearts of all the perpetrators involved in Jesus name. We call forth justice and righteousness, honesty and manuel recounts where needed.
I suggest we request the President to call for manual recounts, which would expose the machine fraud. Could this be a action
request, Dave?
We should pray for full audits of the votes. Audits can uncover fraud, while recounts are simply a recount and can include fraudulent ballots. Lord, please expose all schemes of the enemy and render them powerless over this election. In Jesus name, amen!
Thanks Melinda. Amen to full audits! Yes, Lord we pray and we decree that all schemes of the enemy will be exposed. Our Father, we also ask and decree that full audits will be initiated wherever you choose and we beseech you to intervene with a quick response to our requests and decrees, that election fraud will be uncovered across our land,
in the name of our Lord and King, Jesus Christ!
Abba, send your angels with fierce, piercing eyes to reveal any and all fraud in these states and prevent future fraud. Strengthen them and place the blood of Jesus on their spears. We sound the battle cry and arise and chase the enemy. One of us can chase a thousand; two – ten thousand! Enemy, you will scatter seven different ways before us. We chop up Leviathan into a gazillion different pieces and throw them into the wilderness to be fodder for the jackals. We command the enemy of anarchy, tyranny, deceit and fraud to leave every state, every place where they have wrecked havoc to destroy our land. We rise against you. In the mighty, Holy name of Jesus you must go! Out! You have no authority over this election in the name of Jesus. Abba, release the spirit of truth and justice for all. Bring glory to your name. We declare President Donald John Trump shall be re-elected for a second term and many more schemes and plans of the enemy will come crashing down! Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth goodwill toward all men! In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Sovereign Lord – we bow before you. You alone are the great I am. It begins with you and ends with you still occupying the throne of the universe. Nothing and no one can ever change that.
As your people stand united across our nation and the world, we publicly proclaim and decree that you are the victory. No matter what it looks like or seems, you are and will always be the God of the impossible. Let that truth sink into the marrow of our souls Father God. We proclaim that even now, in the midst of uncertainty and trouble…You are at work and in control. We believe in you and what you have promised to do. And it WILL BRING GLORY TO YOUR HOLY NAME because the God of the impossible is bringing what looks to be impossible into reality.
Thou art worthy of all honor, praise and reverence!!
Bless, protect and give a mountain of wisdom to those fighting for godliness and righteousness during this election time. Let truth, facts and the rules of law be brought forth in every polling precinct in our nation. Send your warring angels and your Holy Spirit to do battle against corruption and compromised individuals. Expose EACH AND EVERY INSTANCE of falsehood in any form.
Thank you Lord for hearing our prayers…amen.
Father, As we join here to intercede in the Heavenly halls of justice, please strengthen, guard, gird and fill those who are fighting in the earthly halls of justice.
Expose the lies and the schemes.
Send the Angel Armies for protection and for Truth.
Bind the demonic machinations aligned against You.
Only by your Providence can we prevail.
May your shikinah glory light the way for us and for all glory and honor to be Yours
Father God,
We content for the soul of America. We pray for every vote to be counted. Let your light expose corruption and fraud concerning the votes and election. Let the truth dispel every lie. We do not trust in chariots or horses, but in the God of Justice the Lord of heaven of earth. Father we will contend until we see your victory.
In Jesus name,amen
I agree with your prayer but would revise the statement to say we pray for every legal vote to be counted and not one fraudulent vote to be counted in Jesus name Amen.
Blessings and unity in Christ Jesusā¼ļø
Sovereign Lord, I lift my prayer to you regarding the vote counting and appearance of fraud in Pennsylvania and Arizona. God take out theses deceptive demonic spirits who have come to steal this election from your righteous candidate President Trump. Give victory to the side of integrity and truth! Bring the evil fraud and corrupt people to account for thier crimes against the American people and the candidates that will show your Glory across this country and to the entire globe. Praise you for your power and unmatchable strength. Let your wisdom and truth cover these states today. I thank you for VICTORY over the enemies of your sovereign will.