Tucked deep into the massive $3.5 trillion spending bill that progressive Democrats hope to ram through Congress is a new plan to put what one writer calls “crippling” fines on businesses that fail to enforce vaccine mandates to the extent the Biden administration wants.
The spending proposal before Congress has the support of a majority of House Democrats, but has so far not won over enough Senate Democrats to allow for passage there, even under a procedural gimmick that would allow the bill to pass with all Republicans opposed…
The bill now features, on page 168 of its more than 2,400 pages, a change in the schedule of “crippling” fines for employers who are adjudged to have put employees at risk jacks up financial penalties by up to 10 times the level in current law, Forbes’ Adam Andrzejewski wrote…
…Texas Republican Rep. Chip Roy…called for pushback…
Those businesses should openly rebel against any such rule. https://t.co/v52ZNgTrGh
— Chip Roy (@chiproytx) September 9, 2021
Andrzejewski, a Forbes senior contributor, explained…
“… OSHA could levy draconian fines to enforce Biden’s vaccine mandate, a move that could rapidly bankrupt non-compliant companies,” he wrote.
‘The crippling change…was inserted by design and, likely, with the hope that no one would notice before Democrats ram the bill through Congress,” he wrote…
"If this OSHA change becomes law, the Biden administration will force American businesses to choose between vaccinating their employees, testing them weekly for Covid-19, or going bankrupt under crippling OSHA fines."https://t.co/BFA8sf3bm5
— Reinstate #DNCFraudLawsuit attorneys (@ai_jared) September 29, 2021
“If enacted, it could bankrupt a…host of companies that do not believe they should have to comply with the Biden administration’s mandate…”…
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(Excerpt from The Western Journal. Article by Jack Davis. Photo Credit: Drew Angerer/Getty Images).
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Heavenly Father please hear our cries for help we desperately need you to intervene this is truly our Red Sea moment many of us will not comply with these mandates, LORD JESUS you know that these jabs are harmful and contain aborted babies which we are totally against, ABBA please intervene swiftly and with justice. This evil regime has got to be stopped and only you Heavenly Father can do so and NO man will get the glory ALL the GLORY to you LORD JESUS CHRIST ALMIGHTY. Thank you for hearing our cries for help we love you in CHRIST JESUS ALMIGHTY NAME AMEN 🙏🏽
We need You Lord, protect our nation form such careless spending. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on You, Lord.
Father, in the name of Jesus, we ask that You would stop this Bill, this mandate, from passing. Your Word says our weapons are not carnal, but mighty through God, to the pulling down of strongholds! Protect Your children Father and protect those businesses that would be destroyed by this ungodly Bill. We lift up our eyes to You, Lord, from where our help comes from. Our help comes from the Maker of heaven and earth! We ask for Your mercy and forgiveness for allowing ungodly people to get into our government. Forgive us of complacency and for taking our freedoms for granted. We will NOT do that again! Raise up godly men and women for every political office in this land!! Lord, stop the enemy from stealing our elections and help us to do our part, as You lead us!
Father i know your word says nothing can by any means harm me so even if i had to get the vaccine it would have to answer to your sovereign protection over me, but mandatory vaccine mandates are just wrong. Please intervene and put a stop to these immediately, Thank you for always hearing and answering us.
Heavenly Father, I declare that any ungodly, unconstituational attempts to remove freedom from “We the people” will not prosper, and will fall to the ground and die… in Jesus name.
THIS administration, is at war with the American people, our freedom , our livelihood and our existence as a sovereign country. The so called ‘build back better” phrase is not meant for America. They will use all gov entities to bring us down and weaponize against us. The IRS,OSHA,HHS and so on. This country as founded in providence by God on Godly foundations will cease to exist under this lunacy and demonic actions coming against us. God help us with his wisdom of all powerful mercy.
Dear Lord, I really pray that this bill will NOT pass and become law. Protect our freedoms and Lord, we cannot trust these bills being put forth. I pray You would show Your mercy and stop these bills from being passed. Makes you wonder, what else are they hiding and trying to slip through? The enemy is working triple time and we really need Your intervention now, Lord. Jesus name I pray, amen.
Dear God we cannot trust any bill that is put forth, the enemy is steeping heavily in these bills, they are flooding us with bill after bill! I pray for your wisdom to be instilled into the minds and hearts of our lawmakers, dear Lord, we do not need ANY bills to be put forth, we need to let our country to normally recuperate from the results of the country being shut down during the pandemic. Please let us act as if this pandemic is gone, because it will be soon gone, in Jesus’ name.
And yes, thank you for letting us be aware of the secretive items being put into these bills. Protect us Lord!
Pull down the enemy! Replace him with you and your ways!
Thank You for drawing this information out to the public. The minions of deception and deceit are working overtime for the enemy knows his days are numbered. Grant to those who pursue righteousness endurance and focus. May they not grow weary and may truth and righteousness prevail. We ask in Jesus Name! Maranatha, come quickly Lord Jesus!
The Demon Dems are pushing through as much destruction as they can in all “bills”, “acts” and legislation as they can this week ! We went from, nudge, to push and now we are at shove ! The CR-FY-21 is a mis-named deceptive act deadline today known as “extending government funding and delivering emergency assistance act FY 22” When in fact goes into FY24, and the emergency funding is billions of $for the Afghan and other “migrants”, to give them housing, voting rights thru driver’s license Id’s, health care, welfare assistance, and cash payouts the total $dollar amount is beyond a trillion. Ag program funding that benefits CA-aka Pelosi territory, the list goes on and on. More debt, more benefits for everyone but, Americans. God helps us.
This is a precedent-setting piece of attempted legislation. It would give our Federal government way too much control over the people of our nation. Its defeat would send a strong message, that these communistic measures will NOT be tolerated in America. The Globalist Elite, which are the people behind Biden and his handlers, need to be defeated in any way possible. Dear Lord, please, by Your great mercy and grace, do not let this evil piece of legislation pass and become law. More importantly Lord, convict the radical left of their sinfulness, and set them free from bondage. In Jesus’ name.
Father, open our eyes to see the dangerous policies.
We ask for wisdom on behalf of our politicians, give them a revelation from your heart.
Continue to expose this deceptive evil.
Jesus we need your mercy , grace and protection!
First Father I want to thank You for the due diligence of the people who are invested in reading these documents and for Your hand in revealing the hidden things that are inserted into this long winded, double-speak “bills” that are designed for our destruction.God You are SO SO GOOD🙌🙌.thank You for the secret weapon of believing staffers You have placed on the hill that do the work to educate their bosses to what these wordy documents truly contain and what it means for us, the citizens. Father, I pray first for these arrows that You have sharpened for this target, keep them straight and strong, as iron sharpens iron, May they continue to build each other up and feel the prayers of the intercessors strengthening their resolve. These people are our first human line of defense. Protect them and empower them, Holy Spirit continue to reveal truth to them so they can open the eyes of their Congress people and senators. Father, next we ask You to open the eyes of the senators and congress, pierce hearts and reveal truth, change them if they are willing to change and cause them to stand for righteousness, truth and LIBERTY. Freedom is Your construct Father, by Your design this nation has stood for freedom because YOU ORDAINED IT. Father, You said the government would rest upon Jesus’ shoulders, hear the cry of Your people today, we plead the blood of Jesus over the USA, we humbly seek forgiveness and have repented on behalf of ourselves and for the wickedness of our nation. We know that blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord and we ask You to come back and take Your rightful seat of authority in this place, with David, I proclaim over this nation: we will walk with You in complete freedom, for we seek to follow Your commands (Ps. 119:45)
Father, help is, Your Ecclesia to truly govern righteously, through Spirit led intercession, allow us to bring Your kingdom here to earth. Be glorified and magnified through the prayers of Your children🙏🙏🙏We thank You, we love You, we honor You, be exalted in the praises of Your people King Jesus🙌🙌🙌
Thank You, dear sister Dawn,
I am in full agreement with this prayer. Lord, please hear our hearts and continue to move Your hand. We love You! We praise You and we thank You for Your faithfulness to all generations! (Ps 119:90, Ps 100:5)! You are a good, good Father! We trust in You! In Jesus Name!
Amen, Lord! We stand in united agreement for Your passion and heart for our country. We declare Your will of righteousness and just judgments to prevail in our land and its leaders. Our prayers join the prayers of our founding fathers and the patriots who love You and this land, to be the scepter of justice and a shining light to draw all nations unto You. We reject the wicked agendas attempting to derail Your plan for this great country that You have entrusted to us. Strengthen Your godly heritage to stand, resist and fight this good fight of faith! May the cry of righteous decrees outweigh the evil works of darkness and break off the curses that have delayed Your mighty move of power. In Jesus’ name we glorify You! Amen.
Glory Lord! You are Sovereign! thank you for exposing the folly and evil roots of this bill! thank you for the two ‘hold out Congress members! give them boldness to continue standing steadfast and give favor for more to follow their example. Father bind the spirits of deception and strife, loose Your Holy Spirit over our country, especially Congress and White House to receive Your love, power and SOUND MiND, and a holy fear of You Most High, Almighty God, Jesus, Messiah, there is no one like You! And You alone will get the credit! As You deserve!
Dawn May our precious Lord continue to fill you as his Holy Spirit surely led you in this prayer.
Our God goes before and behind us. May we every acknowledge his goodness grace. Love and Praise his name forever.
Lord May your Word fill this World for so many yet need to come to you.. You are calling. Breakdown that which binds or hinders them from knowing your Son…there is power in His Blood. Amen