For almost two weeks eleven families have waited in hiding for a chance to escape Afghanistan. The group consists of around forty people, all Afghans, who have worked with a Christian organization doing ministry in Middle Eastern countries for several years.
The families have little choice but to wait. At least some of them know their names are on a list the U.S. State Department gave to the Taliban. It included both names and addresses of faithful allies who assisted the West. We now know that the list also included the names of some of the Americans who had done ministry in the country. No one on the list is safe, especially those living in Afghanistan.
The families had been instructed to travel to a city in the northern part of the country where it was learned a small airport was still allowing several international flights to land and take off.
Each day since mid-September, the families have waited for news that a plane was available. Since the banks within the country are all closed, they have had to rely on a network of people working behind the scenes, to provide them with needed food, housing, and necessities during this endless waiting game for survival.
Monday the news grew grim as our own State Department recommended the Taliban apply normal international travel guidelines to all travelers requiring passports and a visa. They also instructed surrounding countries not to receive any refugees without proper documentation.
Earlier flights out of the country filled with young Afghan men seemed to have had no such requirement, not to mention visa applications were frozen once the Taliban took over. The State Department is certainly aware that this new requirement makes escape via traditional routes an impossibility.
Another question to the new requirement is even if visa applications were being accepted, how do you obtain a visa, when you have no idea where you are going except just to get out? Additionally, Afghanistan stopped issuing passports two years ago. So even those who were lucky enough to already have passports, are unable to get them renewed if they have expired.
Muhammad and his wife are Afghans also needing to escape. Muhammad had worked for the last fifteen years to assist teams of Christian medical doctors who came to work in Afghanistan. He said he always knew this day would come. He just never expected the situation to digress so quickly.
One of the American doctors Muhammad had assisted was working diligently to help him find a way out for him and his family. He heard of the open airstrip and contacted Muhammad. “It is probably your last opportunity to leave,” the doctor instructed them. “You need to decide. If you choose to go, you will have to find a way to get there on your own.”
Just the week before, Muhammad and his wife were tipped off of a raid in their neighborhood. They were able to escape. But it appeared the raiding party was searching for them.
Even knowing they were being hunted, their decision to leave wasn’t easy. They would have to leave behind many family members including Muhammad’s mother-in-law who was very ill in the hospital. Plus, although both Muhammad and his wife had passports, their children did not and none of them had visas.
To leave or to stay was a risk, but in the end, they decided to try to make it to the open airport. They made their way as quickly as possible to the small city over twelve hours away. They arrived safely and joined the other families who had already been waiting a week and a half for the hoped-for plane.
But last night, their hopes were dashed as the Taliban tightened their control over the airport enforcing international travel guidelines. The waiting families were instructed that now there were only two options left and even less safe.
They now must choose to either attempt passage through a risky route to a neighboring country where at any point along the way they could encounter Taliban and be apprehended or killed.
Or they could stay in the small city where they had already been waiting. They were given permission to stay one more week in hopes that something would change. However, if no plane or change came within that week, they would be required to return to their home or go to another place of hiding.
Contrary to official reports, there are still many American passport holders who were deserted by our government and left behind. But it is true that there are many Afghans who could have left, who have chosen not to, in order to share the Gospel to their needy nation. They know that with this choice they will mostly likely die as a martyr and have counted the cost.
How to pray:
- For the ongoing safety, protection and provision not only for these waiting families, but for the many others like them in hiding and desperate for escape.
- For God to blind the eyes of the Taliban and any others seeking to harm them and stop them from escape.
- For routes of escape to open either through traditional or untraditional means so that our Afghan allies, who were promised our help for their service, will be able to get out safely. Also pray for the remaining American citizens left behind and Afghans seeking escape from the cruelty of the current regime.
- For the brave men and women who have chosen to remain behind to share the Gospel. Pray that even within the Taliban, that eyes will be opened and hearts changed. We pray for revival and that these ministers of the Gospel will be protected as they share the love of God to those who remain in the country, terrified of what will happen from this hostile regime.
- For strength, wisdom and favor for the ministries, ex-military and government officials working hard to break through the road blocks which the U.S. State Department has enacted against those needing rescue.
- That the sympathy to the Taliban, shown by the Biden administration and our State Department, will be reversed and that we will do the right thing to assist the people that we put in crisis.
Are you concerned for the plight of those left behind? Share your prayer for their safe passage in the comments below.
Karen Hardin is a literary agent and writer. She is the author of “Infected: How to Stop the Global Spread of Rage, Deception and Insanity” and “God’s Justice after Injustice.” Her work has been published in USA Today, Western Journal, World Net Daily, Intercessors for America, Charisma, and more. She is also the co-founder of the prayer movement to take back our cities and nation.
(Photo Credit: Paula Bronstein/Getty Images).
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Praise the Lord
Praise the name of the Lord
Praise the Lord, for the Lord is good For I know that the Lord is great, and that our Lord is above all God’s
Whatsoever the Lord pleased, thatdid He in the heavens, and in the earth. In the seas, and all deep places,
He causes the vapors to ascend from the ends of the earth He makes lightning s for the rain, He bring the the wind out of His treasures
Who smote the firstborn if Egypt, both of man and beasts
Who sent tokens and wonders into Egypt, upon Pharaoh. And upon all his servants.
Who smote great nations, and slew mighty kings.
Sihon King of Amorities, and Og king of the Bashan, and all the kingdoms of Cannan
And gave their land for a heritage unto Isreal his people.
Thy name , O Lord, endures forever, and thy memorable thur out all generations
For the Lord will judge his people, and he will repent himself concerning his servants..
The idols of the heathen are silver and gold,, the work of men’s hand.
They have ears, but they hear not, neither is there any breath in their mouths.
They that make them or like unto them: so is every one that trusted in them
Bless the Lord
May God provide a supernatural escape for people that want to get out of Afghanistan and their children
May Jesus crush His enemies underneath His feet NOW
Father, You have seen what this State Dept., and this administration, have done to stop Americans and Afghan Christians from getting out of Afghanistan. We ask you to open doors for these people to get out of harm’s way. Father, help the church to wake up and speak up for those left behind. There is too much silence and indifference! Touch the hearts of Your people and let us pray for miracles to happen for them. Father, bless and protect, those that are helping the Americans and Afghan Christians. Make a way out for them that only You can do.
We ask for Your justice to come to those who are deliberately leaving these people behind. We ask You to deal with those who are deliberately putting “roadblocks” in the way of organizations and others who are trying to get them out. Father the evil ones may think they will not be held accountable, but we know, You have seen every wicked deed that has been done, and Your justice will prevail!
Dear Lord, I pray for a safe route of escape for those left behind. Hide them in the shelter of Your wings, blind the Taliban, scatter the enemy, and give these people left behind Your hope and encouragement. Lift every restriction and give them safe passage to the country You have chosen for them. In Jesus Name and Authority, amen!
Holy God, You see the evil and deception of our current administration. They clearly have chosen the seduction of the enemy and have made evil choices that govern their purposes. What else’s could it be? This is just another example of their quest to destroy America and those who desire the freedoms we have had for so long. Oh God, how long will You extend mercy over this perverse and selfish generation? How long will we wait before You will receive Your bride? While we wait, grant us endurance, peace and the power to stand firm on the Truth of Christ! He is our hope and our freedom. What can man do to us for our eternal lives are secured in Christ! Keep us fixed on Him. Encourage us and give us the power to move forward in sharing the gospel when prompted by Your Spirit. Help us to love what You love and stand against what is evil. Give us courage and boldness in a world that seeks to destroy all that is holy! Please rescue those left behind in Afghanistan and provide ways of escape. But God! But God….You are on the Throne over all things! Nothing is beyond You and nothing is impossible for You! You reign forever and our lives belong to You! In Jesus Name we stand, In Jesus Name we are secure and in Jesus Name we pray with confidence and assurance in all He has done! I pray for not only the physical safety of these precious families but also for their spiritual strength. That they would know Christ and the peace of His presence with them! Amen
Dear Heavenly Father please protect in all ways the ones who are wanting to leave Afghanistan. Find a way for them to escape, use your miracles and armies of angels to confound the enemy and provide safe passage out, in spite of the State Department .
Please provide protection for those Christians who remain there. Answer their prayers in showing your love to Taliban members and others who are there.
Oh God we ask that you clean up the mess that our government made there. Save the innocent people and children involved, for they are not to blame.
And please forgive these government leaders for the wrongdoing that has been done in this situation , after they have been convinced of the wrong decisions made here. Please remove the evil from our State Department and replace it with your righteousness.
Thank you 🙏
It is truly heartbreaking to see the wickedness in our own government, and to realize the hour that we are in is daunting, but Father Your Word has told us this day would come and I pray Your body here on earth would rise to the occasion and fall on our knees in intercession for these dear ones that have been left to be fed to the lions. Father , we ask for Your miraculous intervention, close the eyes of the Taliban, give grace to the ministries that You have equipped with the military intelligence and the heart to serve Your purposes, I ask You to open the pocketbooks of Your people so the funding that is required would flow freely into the hands of those providing the services needed. Father, move the hearts of those protecting , assisting and directing these operations. May all the glory and honor for the salvation of these many people come back to You so ALL will see HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD🙌🙌 everyone will say “Come and see the incredible things God has done, it will take your breath away!! He multiplies miracles for His people” (Ps. 66:5)🙏🙏🙏🙏
Father, we ask for Your hand to protect those trying to escape, cover those who stayed as You direct and deal with the enemy according to Your plan. You are greater still!