Headline Prayer LIVE is streaming live Headline Prayer LIVE live at 12:15 PM ET
I Prayed have prayed
Father, we are distressed with the state of our nation. It seems upside down. We pray for a greater measure of Your discernment, Your strength, and Your Presence to displace the darkness.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Former President Trump on Monday said that his Mar-A-Lago home in Florida is “under siege” by a “large group” of FBI agents.

“Nothing like this has ever happened to a President of the United States before. After working and cooperating with the relevant Government agencies, this unannounced raid on my home was not necessary or appropriate,” Trump said. “It is prosecutorial misconduct, the weaponization of the Justice System, and an attack by Radical Left Democrats who desperately don’t want me to run for President in 2024, especially based on recent polls, and who will likewise do anything to stop Republicans and Conservatives in the upcoming Midterm Elections.”

“Such an assault could only take place in broken, Third-World Countries. Sadly, America has now become one of those Countries, corrupt at a level not seen before,” Trump said, alleging that the FBI agents broke into his safe.

“What is the difference between this and Watergate, where operatives broke into the Democrat National Committee?” he said. “Here, in reverse, Democrats broke into the home of the 45th President of the United States.”

A source familiar told Fox News that FBI agents went to Mar-a-Lago and looked in every single office, safe, and grabbed documents and boxes without going through them on the property. They took boxes and documents to go through them later.

Reporting by Fox News.

From Washington Times:

The Justice Department and FBI did not respond to requests for comment by The Washington Times.

The raid prompted a furious outcry on social media by allies of Mr. Trump, who accused the FBI of a partisan double-standard.

“How many times has Hunter Biden’s home been raided by the FBI?” tweeted Charlie Kirk, president of Turning Point USA. . . .

Numerous reports from the Jan. 6 special committee have made clear that federal investigations are closing in on Mr. Trump’s inner circle and on Mr. Trump himself.

Former Obama White House adviser David Axelrod said the raid suggests that the Justice Department is developing a strong case against the former president.

According to The Blaze:

“Nothing like this has ever happened to a President of the United States before. After working and cooperating with the relevant Government agencies, this unannounced raid on my home was not necessary or appropriate,” the [President’s] statement continued.

“It is prosecutorial misconduct, the weaponization of the Justice System, and an attack by Radical Left Democrats who desperately don’t want me to run for President in 2024,” he added, “especially based on recent polls, and who will likewise do anything to stop Republicans and Conservatives in the upcoming Midterm Elections.”

He went on to say that the FBI broke into his safe and compared the raid of his home by the FBI to the burglary of Democrat offices by Republican operatives during the Watergate scandal.

From Fox News:

Trump was in New York City when the raid was carried out, Fox News has learned. An FBI source confirmed that FBI agents from Washington, D.C. who are on the bureau’s Evidence Response Team conducted the raid and notified the Miami Field Office just before.

Per standard protocol, FBI Director Wray and Attorney General Garland were aware of the raid even if shortly before and would have been fully briefed. . .

The Justice Department has been investigating the discovery of boxes of records containing classified information that were taken to Mar-a-Lago after Trump’s presidency concluded. That matter was referred to the Justice Department by the National Archives and Records Administration, which said it found classified material in 15 boxes at the residence.

Federal law bars the removal of classified documents to unauthorized locations, though it is possible that Trump could try to argue that, as president, he was the ultimate declassification authority.

It was not clear whether the FBI search was connected to that probe.

This story is unfolding. Check back to Headline Prayer for updates and additional related stories and for prayer direction.

How are you praying about this shocking news and unprecedented situation? Join IFA to pray about this issue Tuesday August 9th at 12:15pm ET at IFApray.org or call in at (667) 771-7909.

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Marta Gallegos
August 10, 2022


Kris Fray
August 10, 2022

Lord God of Heaven and earth. I pray whatever it takes that You would bring our Commander and Chief, President Trump to You in prayer seeking Your timing and will for pursuing his and our enemies. Please send a messenger to share 1Samuel30 1-8 with him so that he can win this battle and recover all for America. Show him he needs to be strengthened in You for this battle and bless him and his family for taking on this war for and with us. In Your Mighty Name Jesus Amen

August 10, 2022

Looking for a Hamen exposure with the plans the evil deceivers of our government are doing be turned around and done to them

Glenda Lewis
August 10, 2022

Father I ask that the enemy of darkness will be exposed. I ask that those who have joined forces with him will also be exposed. You see everything that is going on, it is no surprise to You. Father we need You. We are desperate for You to hear our cries. We know that You hate injustice. We know that You abhor lawlessness come to our rescue. Daily teach us how to pray. Remove the spirit of lethargy from Your people. Wake us up, give us strength to fight the good fight.
Show us how to pray for this attack against President Trump. Show us Your heart on this matter. Let us not grow weary in well doing for in due season if we will stand we will be victorious! Remind us daily that our war is not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers and rulers in dark places. Open the eyes of our hearts that we can pray in a way that every battle the enemy sets up against us we will defeat by the power of the blood and the word of our testimonies.
You are faithful, You are trustworthy, You will not let injustice go unpunished, but You will destroy the enemy of our souls.
Be with the Trump family as they go through another witch hunt. Father keep them safe and secure from any onslaught that the enemy is trying to set up against them. Make them strong and resilient. Father the enemy would like nothing more than to destroy President Trump, but Father I believe You have an amazing plan for America. We trust in You and Your faithfulness to America. Let Thy kingdom come, and Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven! IN Jesus name Amen.

August 10, 2022

Please pray for President Trump and his family after the FBI illegally raided his home! They broke so many Constitutional laws and USA laws on the books that they should be held for treason! FATHER GOD we decree that the trap they have set for us and President Trump, they will fall into it themselves in JESUS NAME! We bind that same demonic spirit that was on hitler and stalin and marx and lenin and now on the democratic liars in our government and command them to go into the deep and not return in JESUS NAME! FATHER GOD please raise up Americans and others across the world to denounce this action; and to put these imposters out of office immediately in the matchless NAME of JESUS CHRIST! Amen!

Evelyn M
August 10, 2022

When are those who seek to destroy Trump going to understand, destroying TRUMP won’t kill our thirst for the restoration of our republic governed by virtue of our constitution, which is and always shall be, revered and revelant to the lives of the people who will endlessly seek out life, liberty our pursuit of happiness.

August 10, 2022

Raiding President Trumps home is totally disgusting! The left will do anything to try their best to eliminate President Trump’s comeback to the White House. They know he is for America, the American people, and will bring our country back to true democracy and freedom. He has done so much good for our country and isn’t a participant in the “agenda” of socialism. The current administration is filled with hatred toward President Trump because he has been a president making America dependent on no one, being a national and world peacemaker, putting the American people first, and they know that he won the 2020 election fair. The American people understand that January 6 was instigated by our own corrupt government institutions. I am praying for the citizens of this country to stand up for righteousness.
We have seen what happened to people on January 6th how they have been kept in solitary confinement not allowed to even have representation or visit, our election and how it was stolen, gas and food prices, the mandates of the vaccine, denying us religious exemptions, nursing shortages as so many walked away rather than be vaccinated, and the list goes on.
How many times has Hunter Biden’s home been raided by the FBI? I assume the answer is “none. So many other things being ignored – Hillary Clinton, BLM/ANTIFA rioters, protestors outside justices homes, Jeffrey Epstein’s client list, and this list goes on and on.
Spiritual warfare at its best. I pray that the evil will be exposed. Please protect President Trump and his family from all these attempts to eliminate him from leading our country again.

Mary Sieg
August 10, 2022

Holy Father God in Heaven, we repent of being unfaithful, we repent for not speaking out against the repulsive corruption of our culture, we repent for not pushing back harder against the murdering of our little babies. We come before you humbly, Lord to ask that you extend your grace and your mercy to us at this desperate time. Please protect our President Donald J. Trump – who is the rightly elected leader of this once great nation. Place a hedge of protection around him and his family to thwart off the attack of this viscous enemy. Hear all our prayers, Lord. Guide our steps, our actions, our words, our thoughts as we feel helpless right now. We pray Psalm 91 over President Trump and over all of this country. We pray for supernatural intervention to stop this demonic assault on our beloved country…..Your beloved America. We know you love us, Lord. We ask humbly that you would honor the covenant that was made with our founders so many years ago. Do not let their blood and the blood of many to have been shed in vain. We plead the blood of your precious son, Jesus Christ, over this land. We thank you, Father God, for Your mercy and goodness to us, for allowing us to have lived in freedom for so long. We pray you will not turn your back on your servant – Donald J. Trump, or on your children who lift up prayer to you at this time. Give us direction, Lord. Give us courage, wisdom, knowledge and understanding. All of this we humbly ask in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

Shpend Shyti
August 9, 2022

President Trump needs our support in such unprecedented attack.
May Lord Bless President Trump with special protection.
May Lord protect USA from evils who want to destroy America and American people.
In Jesus Almighty Name, Amen

Kathy Burke
August 9, 2022

Jehovah-Nissi May your Banner be over President Trump and his family. Surround them with your heavenly hosts as those who seek to harm him are ravenous for his destruction. Lord May your blessing upon him be so numerous that all will know they come from your hands alone. I bow to you and repent of my own failings to act and pray as you desire. But to you Jesus do I belong and turn for my strength and shield. To your will and plan. To bring Praise to our father in Heaven. Amen

Gary R. Driessen
August 9, 2022

This is my prayer, O Lord removed all the Wicked people who are in office, the FBI, exposed them and all their plans, that they will get caught for their crime in Jesus Name. Praying for justice, we need an Holy Spirit Revival in this Country.

August 9, 2022

I pray Psalm 43 over President Trump and his entire household. I pray for the Holy Spirit bring each one of them the peace which surpasses all understanding. I pray for salvation for the president and his entire household. I pray for their victory against all of the schemes of the enemy. On earth as it is in Heaven. In Jesus’ name.

1 Vindicate me, my God,
and plead my cause
against an unfaithful nation.
Rescue me from those who are
deceitful and wicked.
2 You are God my stronghold.
Why have you rejected me?
Why must I go about mourning,
oppressed by the enemy?
3 Send me your light and your faithful care,
let them lead me;
let them bring me to your holy mountain,
to the place where you dwell.
4 Then I will go to the altar of God,
to God, my joy and my delight.
I will praise you with the lyre,
O God, my God.

5 Why, my soul, are you downcast?
Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God,
for I will yet praise him,
my Savior and my God.

Reta Aronson
August 9, 2022

Our hearts are saddened at the abuse of power orchestrated against former President Trump and all who believe in his leadership of keeping our country and the citizens of the USA safe,sovereign and free ..With the help from our Lord ,the many Patriots who believe,and the belief in decency,honor and in all that is good I humbly pray that the evil that we have witnessed in this abuse of power is an outrage in the highest order witnessed in my lifetime and all who have participated are punished to the fullest extent of the law and removed from power.

August 9, 2022

In moments like this, the headlines & the “darkness” of political power abuse grabs our attention. As Christians, let me encourage you to see beyond what is happening with a few, short points that may/may not cause us to refocus. The raid is designed to:
* Cause distraction & diversion from prayer. Listen to the still small voice of God & what He continues to ask – what you need to pray for.
* Pres. Trump is the real president – there was fraud & we presently have an illegit person in the WH & other offices. Don’t forget or steer away from that fact.
* Pres. Trump’s legal team brought a $72 million dollar lawsuit against Hillary, DNC (Dem party), etc. for multiple reasons {look it up please}. The suit has progressed well based on facts & merit. The raid is part of a “revenge volley” against Trump for bringing suit.
*Research the judge that signed the order. Bad connections, (Epstein) devoted Dem, Obama money donater.
*Multi billion dollar boondoggle legislation passed. Laden with pork & waste spending (roughly 85-90% waste). Much of this money will get lost & no accountability for diverting funds. They want you to forget that they forced this upon us. They promised not to raise taxes – they broke that promise.
*Midterms & primaries – they want you to be completely discouraged & give up. Discouraged voters stay home. DON’T be discouraged or stay home. FIGHT BACK. Ask for the warrior attitude that King David had.
* Planted evidence possible. With this many compromised FBI agents (hand picked for raid), they could plant evidence. ~Pray against this being done or it’s success~
* They’re sending a warning shot to anyone supporting Trump, honesty or law & order. They want you to believe that the Biden administration “is the law”. They want you to believe the days of due process are over.
Now, There are many other considerations but this is a starting point. Ask God to show you other things at work behind this.
God is all powerful and he is merciful. He is also JUST and He will enact justice against those who call themselves leaders (in any capacity), then abuse the authority they were given or elected to. Our God is loving & patient but He refuses to allow people to make a mockery of His mercy & patience. The arrogance of those who call themselves leaders but then abuse, violate & use the law for personal or corporate/political gain – “much more will be required of them” (accountability).
While this looks dismal, remind yourselves – God is constantly revealing corruption – the more we ask & pray, more will be revealed. And the present administration has shown that they are the most crooked administration in the history of our nation. And God has just begun revealing the depths of their depravity & lawbreaking. Remember, they planned for years to steal the election. They did…so anything illegal on the other side of that criminal act is “fair game”. Once a national election is stolen, “anything goes”. Laws become secondary to personal gain & political agenda.
PRAYER ~ Lord God – have mercy on those who have willingly agreed to this corruption. Allow Your perfect justice to be exercised on earth. We ask for it to come forth. We need law, order and stability again Father… that will be built as we depend on You again – daily. We commit anyone, in our present leadership, into Your hands…. anyone that doesn’t know You or has lost their way or has allowed compromise to be their god. Allow them to be broken to the point where they must turn to You. Take everything from them if it helps them to call upon You. Take their “perceived power & control” – for those that are willing & turn to You, replace it with life from the living God. Amen.

Nancy Bryda
August 9, 2022

The government has overplayed their hand and they are and will fall into a pit of judgement according to the court of heaven’s verdict. I did call the offices of my Connecticut representatives, both senators and my representative and communicated my disapproval of government weaponization against its own citizens for political purposes, I would encourage all reading this to call and complain about the criminal activity in our government to your representatives. This is out of the communism play book. I declare righteous anger will be channeled into the appropriate actions as directed by King Jesus. The demonic forces in our government are bound and we are running at the beast like David ran at Goliath because he defied the Lord. The ekklesia is weaponized against the forces of darkness in our government and we are territorial takers and dread champions.

Janice Richards
August 9, 2022

Psalm 21:1
Though they intend You harm, the schemes they devise will not prevail.

Judith Shults
August 9, 2022

Dear Father in Heaven, please hear our prayers. Forgive us the many sins that our country has been involved in. It seems we were not paying enough attention or ignoring things we should have dealt with years ago. Thank you for the many revelations you have made known to us. We ask that now you lead us in the right direction to put an end to the chaos and oppression we are under. And we ask for protection and wisdom for President Trump and his family, and those aiding him. In the name of Our Lord Jesus. Amen.

August 9, 2022

Father we are distressed but we know you are sovereign over this nation and all the nations of the world.We know that Donald J Trump is your chosen one for this time.We pray for his protection and his family.We pray that what was intended for evil that you will turn it to good.That everything that’s been done in the dark will be brought to the light.We pray for our country and all these fighting for our democracy.Let us keep our eyes on you for our help your word says you never leave us or forsake us!!I believe that and that your angel armies are in battle now for our freedoms.The battle is yours Lord!!!We wait in prayer for your help in Jesus mighty name I pray !!!

Jennifer Shetler
August 9, 2022

Oh God, Our Almighty father, we ask you divine intervention on this attack of presidents Trump’s home and On his person. May your angels guard and protect him , his family
And all those that are targeted by the evil intentions of the FBI and other leaders in our country. May the efforts of these people be sorted turn back and they they fall into the pits they’re digging to harm the reputation of this former president. May this effort to unseat him be stopped and those who are unjustifiably targeting him be judged accordingly. You are our sovereign leader and President Trump knows this. Bless him and keep him strong so that he may fulfill your plan for him in his life.
in Jesus name amen.

Joanna Faith
August 9, 2022

We know our great nation was dedicated to God in the 1609 by Reve-rend Robert Hunt when Jamestown was settled.. We know in 1620, the Pilgrims thanked God for a safe landing and wrote the beautiful May-flower Compact to advance the Christian faith. We know our first 1776 Continental Congress prayed to God and honored Him in the Declaration of independence as our Creator. We know there were great spiritual awa-kenings in
America each century each century: 1700’s, 1800’s, 1900’s. The last was the 1969-1973 Jesus People move-ment. We pray for another great move of Almighty God during this time of evil attacks against our Constitutional freedoms and rights. The lies, agendas and attacks against to our great USA loving President Trump has been immoral, evil and despicable since 2016 up until this month.
As an pastor’s kid, Spirit filled intercessor, at times when I pray, I see 1-2 second visions, that show God’s view. I have seen over 100. They include: 1. Earthquake in DC. 2. God searching DC gov buildings for any good people. 3. Pup-pets in DC , strings cut. 4. Dominos falling. 5. Draining the swamp, crea-tures exposed. 6. His spotlight on scampering rats. 7. God’s whirlwind of justice moving through DC offices, houses. 8. Evil structures fall into fire. 9. The removal of masks. 10. Aslan standing over New England roaring towards the west. I love Psalm 37. God sees the plans and actions of evildoers. He also hears the prayers of the righteous. We know our God will have the last laugh over evildoers. We know President Trump has be-come a strong Christian since 2016. Pray for God’s Protec-tion, Presence and His Peace during this time for him and his family. Pray for Light over darkness, Truth over lies and God’s justice over evil forces. No weapon formed against us shall prosper. Creator God has been loved and honored in America for over 400 years. He fights for US.

August 9, 2022

I pray for President Trump and his family. Please put a hedge of protection around him and his family. If they did this to him and violated his personal property, they are capable of anything.

Father help this nation to purge this corruption from her midst.
Father you don’t find pleasure in evil. Father we need justice and those who have done evil in your eyes need to be judged and pay restitution to this nation.

Please humbled these wicked government before you and remove them from power, as you did with Nebucanezzer.
Please favor your children as they run for political offices and put godly people in positions of authority. In Jesus mighty name we pray.
We decree: America will be saved from corrupt and oppressive government and will be restored back to being a moral and godly nation.

Linda Corbett
August 9, 2022

That all of President Trump’s and this nation’s enemies who are attacking be swiftly stopped and brought to justice! Lord, God, You know! You overturn! You take vengeance! No weapon formed against his man will prosper. Every tongue that shall rise up against him in judgment shall be condemned!

Mrs. F.
August 9, 2022

Given the FBI’s decades long history of politically-motivated domestic spying in order to titillate or otherwise please whomever is president, MAL’s entire interior and grounds should be swept for every possible type of technical surveillance. This includes bedrooms.

Lord Jesus, we pray that you would crush the head of the serpent and hang the Spirit of Haman on his own scaffolding.

Beverly Kooiman
August 9, 2022

“It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of an angry God”. He says “touch not my anointed” it will be an ugly pit they fall into when they have finished digging. May the light of truth shine into this travisty and bring God’s will forth I ask in Jesus Name. May what was meant for evil be turned into good by our Mighty Just Judge.

Kathleen Matherne
August 9, 2022

I see this as an attempt to cause the same drama they caused at The Capitol on January 6th.

In the beginning, God said and it was so. As God has said through His Prophets, it all be so – His Will – His Way – His Time. We stand firm in our Faith in The Lord Most High, Creator of all!

August 9, 2022

If nothing else they and their hearts are now ex-posed for all the world to see! and if they will not repent then God have mercy on their souls! because as you sow you shall also reap! you don’t have to serve God for true justice to happen such as this it is a law of the universe he has set in motion a long time ago! I am very Sorry, Mr. Trump they would stoop so low! no one deserves that!, and all you were trying to do was the right thing, by having the true America Stand Up and Fight For what is Right and for Our Freedom! Father Have Mercy on our nation and save our nation once again, for your Glory!!!! Amen

Carrie Funk
August 9, 2022

Dear President Donald J Trump,
You have been and always are faithful to God and to the United States of America. Thank you evermore. I pray to our Father God to protect you and your family from all dangers and guide you in decision making. Dear Father God, spread Your eternal love all over those who hate and change that hate into love. Guard your loyal children from evil. We know that you are all powerful and that nothing is impossible to you. Therefore, I ask you to intervene and stop these terrible actions against former President Trump and against Republicans and loyal followers everywhere. Please heal this nation of the evils hurting it now. Give us peace as we love You always. In Jesus’ precious name I pray.

Linda Coletta
August 9, 2022

I am praying that the Lord will call Hillary Clinton to account for her misuse of classified documents and stop this witch hunt and abuse of our former President. He had the right to declassify anything he wanted to, unlike Mrs. Clinton. This is clearly a tactic to try to further discredit the President so that he won’t be able to run in 2024. I have never seen such persecution of a man in my life, and I pray that the Lord will strengthen him and his family so that they can withstand these unlawful attacks by satan via the dictatorial government that is now in place. Lord, PLEASE, stop these evil people! Convict them of their misconduct so strongly that they cannot help but cry out to you and repent. We trust that you have a plan to save the remnant of our country that still calls on your name. Help that remnant increase in number and strength so that we can take back our country for you. Give us victory, Lord, in the Name of Your Son Jesus. Amen

Stephen Swanson
August 9, 2022

This was the opening battle of Fort Sumter.
Nothing will ever be the same here.

August 9, 2022

In the mighty name of Jesus we come against the darkness sent against President Donald Trump and his family. We say
No weapon formed against you shall prosper, And every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, And their righteousness is from Me,” Says the LORD.
Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

We decree:

1. Those who compete with God, disregarding His Word, saying their ways are better, you must go in Jesus’ Name. You will utterly and completely fail. You will be replaced.

2. Those who call evil good or good evil, you must go. You cannot overrule us.

3. Those who have polluted this nation with Baal’s doctrine — be disgraced! Become detested and replaced.

4. What was stolen from God’s house and God’s people must be returned. And those who stole it cannot lead us.

5. Those who toasted Baal in departments and systems all over this nation will now see the writing on the wall. Enough! Enough! Enough! The hand of God will now interrupt your parties.

6. Babbling confusion and panic is coming to Baal’s leaders.

7. Dominoes will fall. Files will be found and opened, exposing evil. An avalanche Christ Himself will start. Knees are about to knock as their wickedness is exposed.

8. America will re-connect to its covenant roots. They will produce righteousness that exalts a nation again.

9. America shall be saved.

In Jesus’s name we stand in agreement .. so shall it come to pass. Amen

August 9, 2022

Lord God Almighty, We pray for you hedge of protection over President Trump, his family, and supporters. There are arrogant and prideful men that are seeking to destroy our nation and those that stand for righteousness. Lord I pray that you will destroy and thwart the plans of the enemy. I pray that the glorious light of Jesus will reveal all evil and wickedness. Strengthen your people, give us a spirit of courage and boldness to speak truth. Go before us Lord, for the Battle is The Lord’s. It is not by might nor power but by My spirit says the Lord.
We lift up your name Jesus–Your are our Savior and Redeemer. WE BOLDLY DECLARE THAT THE USA IS ONE NATION UNDER GOD. NOW AND FOREVER. AMEN1111

Susan CC
August 9, 2022

As my heart grieved this morning, I read my morning Psalm which was 27, “My Stronghold.” The last verse was a lightning rod to my spirit. I share:

Wait for the LORD.
BE COURAGEOUS and let your heart be strong.
Wait for the LORD.

As well, I share my letter to several of our leaders.

Dear _____ ,

Abortion is not a constitutional right. The border crisis is real. China is buying up our country along with Bill Gates and other upstanding “global leaders.” Hillary has never been brought to justice nor has Hunter. Antifa rules, lawlessness abounds…child abuse, drug abuse, human trafficking, education is a thing of the past as is gender. We have good and just laws why are they not upheld? I am reminded of Proverbs 6, which lists the things the Lord hates:

haughty eyes
a lying tongue
hands that shed innocent blood
a heart that devises wicked schemes
feet that are quick to rush into evil
a false witness who pours out lies
a person who stirs up conflict in the community

This list characterizes the leaders in our current administration and these behaviors are destroying our country. I no longer follow a political party as currently, none represent my desires as a citizen of the United States of America. I hope and pray there is an awakening among our leaders who say they care, as well as those who only serve themselves. And I do…I hope and pray daily, for all of you making the decisions that affect us, both for good and for harm.

Susan CC

    August 9, 2022

    I was just reminded that we all need to pray daily to put on …. THE WHOLE ARMOR OF GOD Ephesians 6:10-19

Janis Wade
August 9, 2022

This was my first reaction to the news of the FBI misconduct! We must bombard heaven for divine protection and intervention in this travesty! Cover the Trump family and his supporters! God help us reclaim our nation and correct it’s course in Jesus Name!

Bruce Hill
August 9, 2022

This raid is the most despicable abuse of power. This is the way socialism works.. Just one more reason the American people need to overturn the House and Senate this November.

August 9, 2022

Our Dear Heavenly Father, I pray what the enemy plans for evil you will turn into good. I pray for your divine intervention in this situation. Our country is in sad shape and our only help comes from you. I pray for President Trump and his family that you will strengthen his resolve and that he will lean on your for understanding.

August 9, 2022

Abba Father, I am praying at the moment for Melania. Please drench her with Your Shalom. I ask You for the blood of Jesus to wash over her thoughts and emotions.

Janet M Craig
August 9, 2022

Father I just want to praise You because You can hear and see just what the enemy is trying to do to our former President Trump. He had brought us so far in having a great nation under Your guidance. Father there is nothing too hard for You to stop the enemy from destroying this Man and his family. We know and You father Know that the enemy is trying to put the blame of all that has happened here in the U.S.A. because of all their underhandness to destroy our country and remove Your Name out of our schools, community, and churches. Lord I ask that You guide Your people to do everything You ask them to do to bring about right relationships back to You. Only You Father God can save this nation by the power of Your Son Jesus Name and by the Blood that He shed on the cross.
In Jesus name Amen

Stella A Nobles
August 9, 2022

Although thy enemies and Satan himself think they are going to break the Christians and President Trump and his supporters; who are also Christians, will not succeed. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are supreme and are at work in the background destroying your evil schemes. America belongs to the Lord! WE STAND WITH THE LORD, PRAYING! His Will Be Done, AMEN!

August 9, 2022

Heavenly Father we beseech you our nation is under attack the people are no longer free. We are under tyranny led by Psychopaths trying to destroy our country. Praying for discernment is insufficient. Heavenly Father we need your divine intervention now more than ever. Every day evil destroys this country. Truly good people are destroyed and the evil is prospering at a rate that we cannot allow.

August 9, 2022

God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. With that in mind let us remember that President Trump nor we can help America by ourselves. Let us humble ourselves in repentance and prayer for what America is becoming. Let us confess any apathy or consent to validating wickedness in our society and/or leadership positions. Let us cry out to God as did Israel during times of persecution and danger for God to intervene and help. Let us look to God in Christ for encouragement and courage to stand for what is right and just in Gods sight. Last but not least let us give God much thanks and praise just for who HE IS, In Jesus most precious name, amen.

August 9, 2022

Folks, this is not punitive against President Trump. It is pre-emptive, just like the attacks on SCOTUS justices are pre-emptive. They are afraid that something is about to happen they cannot control. So, hit your knees and start praying for the breakthrough that this nation needs.

    August 9, 2022

    Amen❣️The Power of God is at work in this nation. We need to become pro-active in our assault against the Evil one and followers as they are many! But… size of the army doesn’t matter because he is a DEFEATED FOE per God’s holy word. Christians let’s unite as God’s army! Goliath’s of this world are defeated and captured! Let’s walk around Washington DC seven times if God so directs us. Let’s hear God speaking to us and be obedient! Amen. God is Alive and He reigns!

Sheryl Washington
August 9, 2022

Lord, we pray for the state of our nation, and we pray for the Trump family. We know that no matter the level of attack or wickedness in high places, none of it is stronger than Jesus and his shed blood. If God be for us then who can be against us! If God says that President Trump will rule again then no Devil, no Democrat, no human flesh will be able to stop the will of God! Lord spread a blood blanket over this nation and over your people in Jesus Name!

Beverly Steckler
August 9, 2022

We must DO SOMETHING! Praying is key a the first step always but we must be ready to fight for our rights and stand against evil! A protest is at least, warranted here! If this can be done to a President think what they will do to us if it continues!

Dianna Green
August 9, 2022

I AM PRAYING FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP AND THIS NATION. May GOD Have Mercy on Us all! 2 Chronicles 7:14

August 9, 2022

The leftists are desperate. A righteous wave is building that will wash away their godless agenda. Lord continue to give us boldness to declare the Word and the truth, and vindicate Trump in this spiritual battle. Restrain any hotheads who would try to fight this physically. No weapon formed against him will prosper. I break curses against him in Yeshua’s Name! Is.54.14-17. Back off satan!

Kay Daves
August 9, 2022

I believe that what the enemy means for harm will work for the good of God’s people. I was praying about this issue and feel that Holy Spirit said “Donald Trump’s eternal well being is my biggest concern. I am doing what is best for him in my kingdom.”

I don’t like any of this, and I am deeply sorrowful about our antichrist government leaders. However, I believe that in God’s time, He will judge. It is hard to wait, but with His grace and mercy I will continue to wait on the Lord for His justice, His truth, His righteousness, and His love.

August 9, 2022

Psalm 5
My voice You shall hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning I will direct it to You and I will look up.
For You are not a God Who takes pleasure in wickedness, nor shall evil dwell with You.
The boastful shall not stand in Your sight; You hate all workers of iniquity; You shall destroy those who speak falsehood; The Lord abhors the bloodthirsty and decitful man.
vs8 Lead me O Lord in Your righteousness because of my enemies; make Your way straight before my face.. . .
vs10 Prounounce them GUILTY O God! Let them fall by their own counsels; Cast them out i the multitude of their iniquities for they have rebelled against You.
But let all those rejoice who put their trust in You . . . because You DEFEND them.

Billie J Minor
August 9, 2022

Vengence is Mine, saith the LORD! I will repay. Pity that our FBI chooses to be sold out to the causes of the Left. They have disgraced themselves before the world and brought shame on the institution of Justice. They have arrived at a whole new level of DECADENCE with this act against a former President of these United States.

August 9, 2022

Abba Father, keep our country free and safe so that we can pray and not hide our prayers like other countries must. We pray for our nation, for evil to end, for God-fearing people to be voted in office without evil cheating to stop them, and for truth to be revealed in every area of our government. God bless us and our country and restore peace through Jesus Christ and Biblical values again to our nation. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, Amen

Davene Meehan
August 9, 2022

It is the strongest assault yet. The unrighteous are the ocean sending wave after wave of ungodliness against our country. But God is our rock AND our salvation. We are not afraid. We are waiting for the Lord who is our strength.
We pray for our nation. We pray for all those fighting to keep her on a Godly path. We pray for all those being attack by the ungodly. We lift them up. Have mercy on us and guide us.
Let us be still and listen. Let us act in confidence. Let us praise our Savior.

Jacquelyn Y. Miller
August 9, 2022

There is a word from God which says, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” (Galatians 6:7). God’s Word is Truth. This word is for everyone, great and small, no matter what position or standing. When you really care about someone, you give them the Truth. Sometimes it may hurt or offend, but it is the Truth that sets men free. We cannot plant discord, name calling, vengeance, revenge, etc. and expect to reap a harvest of something opposite. We cannot say and do what we want and expect there to be no consequences. Every action brings about a result: either positive or negative. As Followers of Christ, we cannot take sides. The Word of God is what we are to stand for. Jesus would never condone the behavior that His Body is tolerating. Our entire country is in in deep trouble. We are called to pray; but pray for the things that are set in God’s Word. Forgive US, O Lord, for we have sinned against You.

    August 9, 2022

    As followers of Jesus Christ we SHOULD take sides as Jesus did, but forgive others. The church cannot compromise with EVIL. Compromise incorporates evil and evil agendas.

Daughter of the King
August 9, 2022

God PLEASE do something!!! They are setting him up before the next election because he is a God fearing born again Christian. Please Lord Please God Please Holy Spirit intervene and show the truth. I believe they will put things into his files to incriminate him on horrible things. Lord we know you’re still on the throne but we are still here. We pray 2 Chronicles 7:14 over this nation. We repent on the horrible things such as abortion, homosexuality and other sins this nation has embraced. God we are begging you I am begging you to restore this nation to its Christian roots. In Jesus name we (I) pray. Amen

August 9, 2022

A vey ridiculous story! THOSE were personal papers belonging to Trump which he did not want to go into the Archives! THERE were agents at his home going thru those boxes in the past few moths. What were they looking for? HOW ABOUT GOING TO BIDENS HOME TO SEE WHAT HES HIDING.? Pray the Truth will prevail!

    August 9, 2022

    AGREE! The boxes stolen by “FBI” were NOT classified material according to Patriot sources. It is customary for presidents to take documents with them upon their leaving office. Get the TRUTH on Patriot media b/c you won’t get it in the marxist mainstream media. The list of the wicked and corrupt is LONG indeed and yet none of them ever investigated or raided.

Michael Combs
August 9, 2022

You have to side with Trump on this one. Liberals controling our FBI, gutless night raid and that’s why America is losing faith in our goverment.

Joann Robbins
August 9, 2022

Stephen, IFA Let us decree a thing and it is so, says The Word. Two or three and more agree and touch with our faith. “We decree it stops Now!!!!!” In the mighty Name of our Lord and out Savior, Jesus Christ of Nazareth

    August 9, 2022

    ” 13Make them like tumbleweed, O my God,

    like chaff before the wind.

    14As fire consumes a forest,

    as a flame sets the mountains ablaze,

    15so pursue them with Your tempest,

    and terrify them with Your storm.

    16Cover their faces with shame,

    that they may seek Your name, O LORD.

    17May they be ever ashamed and terrified;

    may they perish in disgrace.

    18May they know that You alone,

    whose name is the LORD,

    are Most High over all the earth.” Psalm 83

      Davene Meehan
      August 9, 2022

      Psalms is a treasure of beautiful words for crying out to God when being beset by an enemy, as David so often was… Thank you

Dr. David Pope,
August 9, 2022

Defund the FBI

Jo Benson
August 9, 2022

Praying Psalms 35 (TLB) over President Trump (and for his family and staff). They have touched God’s anointed. His aunt ask God to bless and anoint her generations during the Hebrides Revival. Yes, President Trump’s aunt was part of this revival.


August 9, 2022

Father God we know You are protecting President Trump & his family. We thank You and give You Praise, Worship, & adoration for what You are doing also by exposing all corruption in our country. Turn back the evil they are trying to do to President Trump back on them. In Jesus Christ sweet Name we claim this, Amen

August 9, 2022

From the threats against Sen. Cruz and the assault upon our President to the heartless financial bill attempting to be passed, I cry out to the Most High. He has answered in this way:
“You are beginning to see the depth and desperation of evil that once hid cunningly. Now it is emboldened – -but only for a time! The collision is imminent. Light will NEVER be overcome by darkness. As your eyes look upon the wickedness, understand that MY goodness is limitless. MY power is unequaled. You say “greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.” But I want you to know, I want you to remember, and to declare GREATEST am I. I have NO competition. KNOW WHOM you serve!!! KNOW that I will not be mocked. Know that though it seems overwhelming, I AM the OVERCOMER; I am Jehovah Nissi!! It is time to draw in to Me. It is not time to fret. Your nearness and worship are more powerful than anything the enemy can launch. I will soon show this to you. HOLD TIGHTLY to your joy for it is your strength. ”
We serve the Great I AM.

August 9, 2022

Dear God, we implore you to renew the goodness of what used to be America! the evil that has been allowed has to be decimated Now! Please Lord overcome Satan for us.and let us get back to the free and benevolent Country we were

August 9, 2022

Heavenly Father, God of mercy and grace. Our sustainer, as we seek your face and guidance please shed a light on this evil and darkness. Help us get this nation back to you Lord. For only you can overcome this evil. We need you more now than ever before. Help us to make the right decisions and say the right things that line up with your word. Give us perseverance to withstand what’s happening. May we commit fully unto you and your will be done.

Sherry Williams
August 9, 2022

Gracious God, in Your mercy This enemy has come in like a flood Raise up Your mighty standard against him. Is 59:19 NKJV

Nancy Rife
August 9, 2022

Lord, I pray that those who are trying to take our president down would be caught in their own snare. In Jesus name, amen

Stephen Swanson
August 9, 2022

I am grieved. The first shots of Fort Sumter were fired last night. Things will never be the same. No Fox News.
Only Sean Davis @seanmdav and prayer.

Rebekah Golson
August 9, 2022

This is soooo wrong!! O Jesus please help our nation turn back to you!!
Time for Biden and his gang to go!!

Barbara P Moody
August 9, 2022

This is absolutely disgraceful. The Justice department in our country has become corrupt. Hoping and praying that American citizens raise their powerful voices to protest this misuse of power and demand that the entire justice system be replaced by people who love our Constitution and love what America used to be…,,,

August 9, 2022

If these slime balls can get away with this with a former president, imagine what they can do to us regular folks? I think it is high time that the FBI be abolished and what little relevance they have be performed by local and state authorities. At least then there would be a political mix in the application of justice. We don’t have a republic anymore, we have an authoritarian dictatorship catering to a far left media and special interest agenda. Why don’t they just be honest and put George Soros in charge. Don’t worry, this will all go away once they have discredited him and his supporters before the next election- at least that is what they think. They may very well find out that there are really many more of his supporters than there are for the senile old guy in the White House.

Elizabeth Crouse
August 9, 2022

Never have we experienced such evil. Biden needs to go

Arlice Edell Davis
August 9, 2022

This is totally wrong! Drain the swamp.

August 9, 2022

Dear Lord,
Meet us in this dark hour. Only you can stop this corrupt evil that has taken hold of our nation. May we be bold & stand for truth. Guide our emotions, as they run high. Channel them in the right direction.

    Nancy Berkey
    August 9, 2022

    I pray for God’s protection over President Donald Trump and his family. I pray for our Republic to be restored to it’s greatness. I pray God will give President Trump a victory over this and the evil these people are trying to put on Trump will backfire on them . I pray this corrupt govt will be removed and replaced with godly Christian people who care about the Constitution and true citizens. In the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.☦️🙏

August 9, 2022

Father, protect President Trump from these attacks on his character and false accusations coming like bullets. Bring out the truth, and convict the guilty. Bring Your favor upon President Trump and all who support him. Bring honest voting at this next election of 2022 and 2024. We need truth and righteousness to rule, not deceptions and lies. Turn the media around and show them the truth. Clean up our FBI. Give strength to the brave Americans who stand up for Your righteousness and come through. We give this terrible battle to You, Lord. The battle is the Lord’s (I Samuel 17:47).

David Esteban Ortiz
August 9, 2022

@“Former Obama White House adviser David Axelrod said the raid suggests that the Justice Department is developing a strong case against the former president.”

I think it suggests no such thing. This current “Justice” Department has already proved itself incapable of justice and as being essentially allergic to the truth. Such a corrupt institution, one wholly given, as we have seen for some time, to deception and lies, is hardly able to develop “a strong case” against anyone. I entreat and call upon the Majesty in Heaven to see and to judge in His righteousness.

August 9, 2022

Heavenly Father, we pray for President Trump and his family, for divine protection, Godly favor, wisdom and Godly knowledge. Isaiah 54: 17 no weapon formed against you will prosper, every tongue that rises against you will be refuted.!! Let the gavel of the Lord Almighty and His Righteous Justice be displayed against the evil corruption in Washington DC. Cleans this Nation and bring us into Your will. Let the Kingdom of God be established in America and the world! in Jesus name!!

Marsha Hill
August 9, 2022

Lord God, Put Your hedge around this home instead of the fbi surrounding them.
May we all be reminded of Micah 6:8
yet have big mouths against all the injustice.
We thank You, in advance!

Mary Diecidue
August 9, 2022


August 9, 2022

If those boxes held classified information (under lock and key)….what did they do about Hillary Clinton’s private SERVER which held classified information open in her home. I have been praying so hard about this. That there won’t be “other things” added to these boxes as they are scrutinized….as “other things” have been added to evidence before. The president and first lady Melania must feel totally violated. “Lord wrap a bubble of protection around the Trump family as they have been persecuted by the press and political enemies (republicans and democrats) for over seven years. How long before evil is thwarted, Lord; how long?”

August 9, 2022

God is still on His Throne!. He WILL have His way on the evil that has descended on our Great Country, and the evil will fall back on the heads of those who perpetrate it. We hav a VICTORIOUS WARRIOR on our side! His Name is Jesus!

August 9, 2022

CHRISTIANS are put on notice! It is time for all conservatives to get to the polls, to oversee election tallying of ballots in order to secure truth, honesty, integrity in America from this day forward. The FBI Director and the Attorney General are corrupt to call the raid “legal” and to allow it to be done. Wake up America! God has put us on notice! Holy Spirit descend on our nation like the world has never seen. Jesus said, “I Am THE WAY, THE TRUTH and THE LIFE, no one comes to the Father except through Me!” Amen Lord Jesus! Holy is Your Name!

Dan Pounders
August 9, 2022

Agree the Left leaning FBI is on a witch hunt to find any evidence that Trump has done anything wrong while turn a blind eye to the Real crime families the Bidens and the Clintons

August 9, 2022

Lord we pray Ps. 72 over our rightful president Donald J. Trump. Nothing the enemy does will stop him from taking his rightful place.
They are panicking and doing everything to distract and prevent your will for our President and this nation, but “his enemies shall lick the dust” v. 9. Bring more terror to his enemies.
We pray divine protection for our President, his family and team. And let the enemy restore what they have stolen from him 7 times.
We thank you that you are working and we Praise you for the victory even before we see it. Amen

Gary A De Weerd
August 9, 2022

This is a spiritual war,people need to wake up.This is good and evil being played out in front of the American people……

August 9, 2022

The corruption in Congress and Washington DC government -FBI, DOJ, and probably every department needs to be STOPPED. Term limits for Congress people so being “bought off” isn’t so rampant. Most importantly we need to elect godly men and women. We need laws that are God’s laws. FBI has allowed people who have committed crimes in government never be arrested or prosecuted. Today we have corrupt prosecutors, DAs and probably judges too. We have people killing babies and calling it “women’s rights”. For shame those who think raiding President Trump’s home is OK and I hope God’s Holy Spirit spreads across the USA like we have never seen before, that we will have honest elections, that God’s people will enact their right to vote!

August 9, 2022

Oh God HELP us! We are in dire straits. We need You to intervene, urgently, in Jesus’ name, amen!

J Pyle
August 9, 2022

What Satan has meant for evil MAY OUR ALL POWERFUL GOD turn for HIS GOOD. LORD…EXPOSE…EXPOSE…EXPOSE the demonic plans of those who are evil & plan deceptive plans against all that is TRUE…RIGHTEOUS & JUST! We pray…Believe & ask that YOU intervene on behalf of your Chosen Ones to help right the wrongs & bring America back to YOU. May we be again a People who Call on YOU…Believe on YOU & RETURN to YOU as we seek YOU with all our hearts, souls, mind & strength. May we stop relying on those in charge & seek the ONLY ONE who is Capable of restoring America to be ONE NATION…ONE PEOPLE & ONE FAITH in GOD ALONE! Jesus Christ…Hear our Prayers for America…President Donald Trump & all those who stand in TRUTH against the enemy of Lies, Deception & Corruption…May all their evil schemes come to naught…in the all powerful name of JESUS CHRIST!!!

Humbly Praying…Amen & Amen

August 9, 2022

Father, Almighty God, praise be to You. We lift up Donald Trump and ask for a hedge of protection around him. No weapon formed against him shall prosper, just as You promised. Use him mightily for Your glory. Protect him as You protected David as he was fleeing the evil Saul.
In Jesus’s mighty name,

August 9, 2022

The invasion of President Trump’s home has so incensed me that I have had it close in prayer since hearing of it last night. We are guaranteed freedom from unreasonable search and seizure. The federal government had no right to invade Mar A Lago looking for papers that President Trump already told them he didn’t have. This morning, as I started to pray again, the thought occurred to me (from the Lord, I believe) that the cabal has wanted a civil war in the U S. from the beginning because this makes it easy to inject their will while we are distracted with fighting each other. It has been their pattern for 400 years of trying to bring down this country. In recent years the most notable examples are critical race theory, pandemic isolation, summer of rage in 2020, and the current abortion protests. None has brought them the desired results because Pres Trump has held them back by strictly following the law of the land. In their thinking, HE MUST BE ELIMINATED! This is why prayer is so important. Our power is not in arms. Our power is from above. While I support the 2nd Amendment because God does at times call us to defend against evil, if we want victory, we must prevail in prayer first. Nowhere in Biblical narrative was victory achieved without knowing God’s will in the matter. As our leader, Pres Trump has steadfastly stood against his enemies without war. And he has increasingly called for “hope from heaven.” He is voicing God’s will and heart. That statement is not said lightly. He is God’s man to prevent a cabal takeover during a bloodbath of infighting between 2 groups who want a quick solution to our battle. I believe we are quickly reaching a point of no return to continue in an America we know and love or an America that will be communist in practice and experience. It is necessary to have ALL HANDS ON DECK in this matter. Man YOUR stations!

Steve Olson
August 9, 2022

I served this nation as a warrior for twenty nine years. NEVER have I seen such corruption and wickedness in our government. The Lord rebuke this administration. The Lord rebuke those elected officials at all levels of government that war against Him and seek the destruction of America. The Lord rebuke those appointed officials in influential positions that are working to take away the freedoms and liberties that He has ordained for the nation He has birthed. The Lord rebuke those who use their wealth and influence to finance groups using intimidation and bullying to create fear and manipulate those that oppose their radical agenda. The Lord rebuke those in Congress who use lies, deceit, and abuse of power to attack those that seek truth, the restoration of justice and the return to the rule of law. The Lord rebuke those who continue to attack Your servant, President Trump and rise up to defend Your servant against the forces of darkness so prevalent in the government of the United States. The Lord rebuke those agencies who are weaponizing their power to advance the agenda of satan and cause their corruption and abuse to be exposed for all the world to see. The Lord rebuke all who plot and scheme to corrupt and pervert justice and truth in America. Lord, raise up Your people, Your army of prayer warriors and intercessors to stand in the gap and advance against the gates to hell to reclaim the government mountain of influence. Holy Spirt, fill us with Your power; equip and guide us into the battle for the soul of America. Lord Jesus, lead up into the battle and lead us into victory against the forces of darkness.

    Melissa Bolger
    August 9, 2022

    Thank you for that prayer. I just prayed through my tears. I would just add Lord rebuke the press that is complicit in spreading the deception. Dear Lord bring the revival you have promised that will even touch the evil doers. We need you Lord.

    August 9, 2022

    Amen. I agree.

    August 9, 2022

    AMEN!!!! Army wife agreeing in prayer!

Claire Taylor
August 9, 2022

Lord Jesus We ask that You protect President Trump, all his family members & USA Christians mentally, physically and spiritually under the shadow of Your wings. Continue to expose the lies of the enemy to us as well as those who are blind to the devil and his schemes.
Let believers stand up and speak up for Your truth no matter what the cost. Guide President Trump and put Your Words in his mouth. We thank You Jesus for the courage for him and us to stand up to biblical principles and defend our country. In the Mighty Name of Jesus-Amen ✝️🙏🏻🙌🏻🔥

August 9, 2022

Lord, please,return this nation to a sane, civil way of living. This is so over- the-top inappropriate and wrong on the part of the FBI and is symptomatic of the terrible government overreach that has become acceptable in our land.

Linda k Rice
August 9, 2022
Antoinette Hills
August 9, 2022

O Lord God, You know the end from the beginning. We thank You in advance on how You will TURN AROUND what the devil meant for evil and use it to EXPOSE! PURGE! and CLEANSE! these institutions and their orders from the dark world. Quicken the Body of Christ in our response and activity to this most reason chess move of the devil. Cause Donal Trump and his family to stand strong, keep their wits and turn with all their hearts to You. Quicken our representatives in all of government on their response to this.

We look forward to how you will MAKE A SHOW of the devil and his cohorts!!
You are the amazing MIGHTY WARRIOR in all of this epic battle. Hallelujah!

August 9, 2022

Sorry to say that it is time for Citizens and Americans to rise up to take these evil demons down. If we don’t do something about this invasion, it will only escalate from here. We will be lost as a country. We all also need to pray more and often about this. The Democrats have hurt Trump so badly for years that would have made another man insane. Trump is strong and a true man of God and can handle a lot, but I wonder how much more can he take? He needs us yesterday and needs us badly. Pray and pray for him and his family. Thank you!

August 9, 2022

Lord Jesus, You are Onmipresent, and Onmiscient, and You understand and know it all. We love You and adore You. As we humbly bow before You, we ask that You please, as a nation, forgive us of our sins and hear our prayers. What we just saw happen to former President Trump and the FBI raid is breaking our hearts. This man loves America and tells us in the Save America rallies that “we bow to God and God alone.” He is right. Protect America, protect President Trump and his family. May Your glory be seen through all of this, here and around the world. Now more than ever, we need Your wisdom to move forward. Show us, Reveal to us what it is You would have us to know, and do, so that You may be honored and glorified. We love you so much, Heavenly Father.

August 9, 2022

Father God, Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in heaven! Protect the Trump family. Give President Trump discernment on how and with who to fight back. I pray that he call on You and Your earring angels for help! Bless him Lord with your truth and strength!

Karen Ellard
August 9, 2022

Last night after hearing the news about the Mar -a-Lago raid, praying on a prayer call and taking Communion with my husband, I then wrote to my two senators and one representative in our state about this asking them to stand up and do something about our evil FBI and DOJ. I also intend to write our state attorney general asking him to do everything in his power to hold our federal Institutions to the rule of law, which they have broken over and over. Breaking in to and raising President trumps sacred space is totally wicked. He has done nothing wrong. This is all bogus charges because these officials are filled with hatred toward Trump because he has been a righteous president and they know that he won the 2020 election fair and square. The American people fully understand that January 6 was instigated by our own corrupt government institutions and some elected officials who are rotten to the core for the purpose of distracting our lawmakers while they were dealing with the shaky certification event. I am praying for the citizens of this country to stand up and say you have gone too far this time, and we will not stand for it. I pray that our unity and boldness will greatly impact the situation. I pray that our prayers will cause the ‘prison doors, the unjust prison doors’ in this nation to opened, the shackles and chains to fall off of innocent people, and for righteous leaders and righteous institutions to stand up and deal thoroughly with the wicked Who sadly and fraudulently happen to be at the very top of governmental leader ship in America currently.

Pray, pray, pray, and then pray some more. Make your voice heard to God, make your voice heard to leaders in our nation to stand up in the face of wickedness and call it out and deal with it.

Join me as we prophetically pronounce and declare a scripture over America in our current evil government situation. Numbers 23:23 that: there is ‘no witchcraft that can succeed against this nation’ of the United States of America. We declare that America shall be saved by the grace of God, and by the blood of the Lamb.

August 9, 2022

I’m not even a big Trump supporter but am appalled at this over reach of the FBI. Are we as private citizens next!! This is a dangerous and very slippery slope. God please protect our country

August 9, 2022

Psalm 3:3 but thou O L-rd art shield for Trump, his glory and lifter up of his head, he is not afraid of 10k of people, that have set themselves against him round about. Arise o Lord smite all his enemies upon their cheeks and break their teeth of the ungodly. Salvation belongs unto L-rd, thy BLESSING upon Trump family. Amen

August 9, 2022

Deliver us from evil. Please Lord…… Watch over and protect President Trump and family

August 9, 2022

Lord, You control all things! Please whatever You are wanting us to learn by this teach us. But please be with the President and his family. Remind them and us to always keep our eyes on You. Though now we can’t see it, this will lead into something stronger and bring glory to You. Let us remember to forgive those that use evil to push themselves ahead of the game. Or so they think but really in the end they will fall very short of what they want to do. In Jesus’ name: Amen!

Joy P
August 9, 2022

“As I was on the road, approaching Damascus about noon, a very bright light from heaven suddenly shone down around me. I fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to me, ‘Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?’
Acts of the Apostles 22:6‭-‬7 NLT
Father God awaken all Your Children, in Jesus’ name. Ministering Angels deliver my prayers. Amen.

Nancy Harvey
August 9, 2022

Prayers continue.

Rita Schmidt
August 9, 2022

I pray that President Trump will be protected from any evil which is devised against him. Also that he will fully rely upon the Lord, not himself or another entity to lean upon. May His faith grow through this horrific testing time. May God give him the strength and the stall worthiness of King David. May he truly seek God’s face, His wisdom, His protection, and His Spirit. In Jesus’ name. Amen!

Stephen Swanson
August 9, 2022

Good. You moved it back to front and center.

Lisa Bashore
August 9, 2022

Father, we thank you that you removed the President and his family from this scene for their protection. We also thank you that you take what the enemy meant for evil and you turn it for good. Thank you God that every evil plot of the enemy is being exposed and overturned so that it backfires on them. This evil will not stand! In the name of Jesus Christ,

Mary D
August 9, 2022

We are desperate. We are People, called by Your Name and we seek Your face. Father thru Holy Spirit tell Your annointed to Call for a National Day of Repentance and Humiliation. Send the Word to those around him! We need to do this and it was done many times in our Nation’s History. As David , Your Annointed One, a man after Your ❤️ cried out while being pursued by his enemies, You heard, You surrounded him with like minded people who were loyal. Father, give us and Your Servant eyes to see and ears to hear! Only You could have done that! You Are and Do Amazing things! In the Incredible Name of Your Beloved Son, Yeshu!

Pat Marrs
August 9, 2022

Lord we turn to you as we have no place to go. I say this with humility. We feel betrayed and even abandoned by what we see. We know that we are not but our hearts our troubled and saddened. We have seen what happened to people ion January 6th how they have been kept in solitary confinement not allowed to even have representation or visits.
Our election and how it was stolen.
Gas and food prices .
The mandates of the vaccine
Denying us religious exemptions .
Nursing shortages as so many walked away rather than be vaccinated. And the list goes on .
We have seen Roe vs Wade overturned and we see the enemy going crazy as the sacrifice of children is no more !!!

We ask Lord Jesus and all the angels snd saints, The Holy Spirit and our Father in Heaven to protect us and protect President Trump!! The blood of Jesus covers our country!!
No weapon formed against us shall prosper and every tongue that rises against us
Lord you shall condemn
This is the inheritance of the saints.

August 9, 2022

Don’t be cast down. I felt the Lord that say He knew what they were planning and that what the enemy meant for evil He will turn for good. Everything they do will be exposed and the enemy always overplays his hand. We stand and declare that no weapon formed against President Trump will prosper and that the plans and purposes of God for your nation will triumph. We ask for a shield of protection over everything pertaining to his life, family, health and his substance., in the mighty name of Jesus. My spirit tells me this is going to backfire majorly for them, hallelujah!! We will stand and see the salvation of God. The whole world is watching this.

Frankie Hutchens
August 9, 2022

This may or may not use anything to do with Trump running in 2024. He is the President of the United States; he did not concede. Its more outrageous behavior from the cabal. It’s another coverup. All of us should know by now, when the cabal is doing dirty work in one corner it’s to take the focus off what they are doing in another corner and an indication to keep our eyes open on all four corners. The Biden’s mess with Ukraine that Joe knew about and his son orchestrated is a hot topic and Pelosi’s computer regarding her part in the January 6 fiasco.
Dear Lord God,
You do nothing before letting your prophets know, and it’s been prophesied this month would be a “HOT” month.
Lord, we, your servants, especially our rightful President Donald J Trump need You and Your almighty powerful intervention. Your ways are higher than our ways and we can only have faith and pray for you to intervene to fix the mess the cabal has created. It’s also been prophesied the wicked will be replaced and America will be saved. Lord, Trump and his family need your strength, wisdom and discernment to endure the senseless attacks and relentless destructive behavior we hear about near daily. I pray the same for your servants. Remind and fill us with your word and may the love, peace and joy we have in you exude in our lives. Deliver us from evil oh God. I pray for those who are destined for sheol, especially those in the cabal, to have another chance to come to know you before their ultimate destruction. I pray in your precious, yet powerful name. Amen

Marsha Bashor
August 9, 2022

Oh God, oh God, they want to destroy this President , and keep him from running again. They will do anything!! They have no consciences!! He has done good for our country and they want to destroy him. But you O Lord have him, you will fortify him, you have put your seal of approval upon him.
We ask you to restore him, to prove the case that his election was stolen. Bring out the truth about the 2020 election in spite of the evil going on about him. Please protect him from anything further, no indictment Lord we pray!!!
I agree with all the prayers and scriptures these Intercessors have quoted. Psalm 35, Psalm 91, etc. thank you Lord for the opportunity of having him as President and thank you that he has fought off the evil opposition. He was the right man to have in office to expose all the corruption in our midst, our own government! How corrupt this country’s government is!!!
I pray your mercy upon us Lord God, only you can cleanse DC. Remove them and save them in Jesus’ name!!!

Thelma Fletcher
August 9, 2022

Father God, thank You, that no demon, no devil, and no person can stop what You have started in President Trump’s life. Thank You that every plan of satan will be utterly destroyed and come to nothing in the Mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

August 9, 2022

Lord Help! No doubt if former President Trump took official documents to his home he is guilty of a serious crime. If the FBI did the search illegally they did a serious crime too. Poppa God, corrupt governments are not new to You. In Jesus name we bind the enemy of injustice, rebellion,, pride, everything that does not bow in worship to You and loose Your Holy Spirit. We speak justice, repentance and restoration for Your glory Lord to Washington DC and every state and city government, politician and person in our nation. FatHer forgive us, Your children for not grieving and repenting for our sins, the finger pointing, the taking sides of party over Your truth, will and way. We forget You sometimes used wicked nations to give just punishment to a rebellious Israel.
Oh Jesus, we so desperately need You to sort out our nation, we have so many needs that need not just attention but to be corrected. Please help us repent, really return to You.

August 9, 2022

Heavenly Father we plead the precious blood of Jesus over President Trump and his family and all around him that are working to save America. We know that this is a battle against Evil. We know your will be done on this earth as it is in Heaven! Father we pray you gives us strength and courage to Stand firm in our faith still this indignation passes! To God be the Glory !

Elizabeth Crouse
August 9, 2022

Unreal evil. They want to be sure Trump does not run. This is a free country and our homes are ours.

Allena Jordan
August 9, 2022

Father, deliver Pres. Trump from evil. You know what the plans of his enemies are. You know their secret thoughts. You know the trap they plan to set in order to “disable” him. I pray Psalm 35 over President Trump.
The first 8 verses:
Contend, O Lord, with those who contend with me (Pres. Trump);
Fight against those who fight against me (Pres. Trump).
2 Take hold of buckler and shield And rise up for my (his) help.
3 Draw also the spear and the battle-axe to meet those who pursue me (him); Say to my (his) soul, “I am your salvation.” 4 Let those be ashamed and dishonored who seek my (his) life; Let those be turned back and humiliated who devise evil against me (him). 5 Let them be like chaff before the wind,
With the angel of the Lord driving them on. 6 Let their way be dark and slippery, With the angel of the Lord pursuing them. 7 For without cause they hid their net for me (him); Without cause they dug a pit for my (his) soul.
8 Let destruction come upon him(his enemies) unawares, And let the net which he (his enemies) hid catch himself (them); Into that very destruction let him (his enemies) fall.
Lord, I am so concerned that evil will attempt to “plant” documents in Pres. Trump’s filed in order to have a reason to accuse him. Lord, they didn’t even inventory the files while in the home. Father, I ask You to “seal” and protect the contents of those boxes from any nefarious activity. Please exonerate Pres. Trump. Thank You. In Jesus’ Name, for Your glory and for the coming of Your Kingdom. Amen.

August 9, 2022

God we pray for your to be done, just as it is in heaven. Protect Donald J. Trump, our President and his family. Be with him again as evil doers try to erase him and his legacy.
We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior. Amen.

August 9, 2022

It just never stops!!!

Daniel Radtke
August 9, 2022

Once again an attack on a president searching for a Jay walking offense and still can’t find one. While Obama paid millions to cover up his history and all his info prior to his run for president. Who also took files from his archives. I surely hope Obamas home will be raided due to this example by the Republicans. George soros and globalism is destroying this world. Time to stop them both.

Ruth Mcdaniel
August 9, 2022

We are now a 3rd world country. what has our country come to?

August 9, 2022

This is not the time to stick your head in the sand. The inmates have taken over the asylum. Pray, pray and listen to hear what God would have you do.

    August 9, 2022

    Father God, please show us how to act and when! Amen.

August 9, 2022


    Shannon Bell
    August 9, 2022

    Lord I pray for justice for our former President and should be President Donald Trump! I pray protection over him and his family! 🙏🏼🙌🏻

Maria M Fillyaw
August 9, 2022

We pray for your hand upon our country and our justice system dear Lord. May righteousness in Jesus be our guide and Triumph over evil in our country. In Jesus powerful name Amen

August 9, 2022

My times are in your hands; deliver me from the hands of my enemies, from those who pursue me. Psalms 31:15
I plead the blood of Jesus over President Trump and his family deliver him from his enemies and be his fortress from those attacking him in Jesus name!

Marvolene pelfrey
August 9, 2022

This is out rageous, and a TREASONOUS Act. The Dems. In D.C. should be charged with TREASON ,,, AND PUNISHED for this CRIME!!!!!.

Judy Mogk
August 9, 2022

God bless President Trump and his family and keep them safe from these awful animals out there, like these Democrates. They do anything to stay in power God bless our country. Amen

August 9, 2022

The scepter of the wicked shall not remain over the land of the righteous. Psalm 125. Father, we look to You to restore America to righteousness. We thank You that You can take what the enemy meant for evil and turn it to good. We plead the blood of Jesus over this nation that Your Kingdom would come and Your will be done on earth as in heaven. You are exposing evil so it can be judged by You. We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against power, rulers and principalities in high place. Let God arise and let Your enemies be scattered. Protect President Trump and his family. Use this time to have him seek you. May all violent responses be bound and let freedom ring through out this land! We ask this in the mighty name of Jesus.

August 9, 2022

Lord, there is more and more darkness being revealed, but You have overcome that darkness and will return this evil back onto the evil doers, as You have promised in Your Word (Psalm 37). We look to You to vindicate President Trump, Your child, while protecting him and his family and those working with him for our nation’s freedom. We praise You and exalt Your Holy Name, Jesus. You are the all powerful Almighty God Who works all things together for good for those who love You and are called by Your Name. We entrust all concerned in Your care – Your righteous right hand, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

August 9, 2022

A gut punch. Rally through it knowing GOD is on the throne , he is all knowing. Loving his children in immeasurable amounts, he will not forsake you. ARMOR up and STAND tall. Follow his lead and don’t be drawn into the enemies camp.
God loves you, we love you, and as Robin Bullock would state” God is Absolutely Good” ❤🙏

August 9, 2022




August 9, 2022

Can unjust judges be allied with you,
those producing wrong in the name of law?
21 They band together against the righteous
and condemn the innocent to death.
22 But Adonai has become my stronghold,
my God is my rock of refuge.
23 But he repays them as their guilt deserves;
he will cut them off with their own evil;
Adonai our God will cut them off.

Roseann Davis
August 8, 2022


1He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
Will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.
2I will say to the LORD, “My refuge and my fortress,
My God, in whom I trust!”
3For it is He who delivers you from the snare of the trapper
And from the deadly pestilence.
4He will cover you with His pinions,
And under His wings you may seek refuge;
His faithfulness is a shield and bulwark.

5You will not be afraid of the terror by night,
Or of the arrow that flies by day;
6Of the pestilence that stalks in darkness,
Or of the destruction that lays waste at noon.
7A thousand may fall at your side
And ten thousand at your right hand,
But it shall not approach you.
8You will only look on with your eyes
And see the recompense of the wicked.
9For you have made the LORD, my refuge,
Even the Most High, your dwelling place.
10No evil will befall you,
Nor will any plague come near your tent.

11For He will give His angels charge concerning you,
To guard you in all your ways.
12They will bear you up in their hands,
That you do not strike your foot against a stone.
13You will tread upon the lion and cobra,
The young lion and the serpent you will trample down.

14“Because he has loved Me, therefore I will deliver him;
I will set him securely on high, because he has known My name.
15“He will call upon Me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble;
I will rescue him and honor him.
16“With a long life I will satisfy him
And let him see My salvation.”

Our Lord, our God, our Father, praises and honor are Yours. Glory to You alone! We trust You and we pray You would be with President Trump and his family. That You would protect him and his family that nothing will come of this atrocity of breaking into his home and his safe to President Trump or his family. Let his enemies fall into their own trap and let our President Trump be found guiltless in this maneuver . Thank You our God as we come to You under the blood of Yeshua making this request for his protection and his family’s protection. Thank You our God. We are trusting You for President Trump. Amen and Amen

Renee McMichael
August 8, 2022

Father I pray that you would use this abuse of power in our corrupt criminal justice system for your will to be done. Please lift the United States from this dark and decisive state. Raise up righteous leaders who can bring us out of this time.

Pat Marrs
August 8, 2022

Lord please help President Trump
We cry out Grace grace !!
We ask Lord for your help as we have no place to turn but unto the creator of the universe.
We feel helpless and just tried of the things that we see. We know you can do more than we could ever ask or imagine and that’s what we are believing and asking !
More than what we could ever imagine ! The blood of Jesus to cover President Trump and his family and his property !!

August 8, 2022

Spiritual warfare at it’s best. Father God we pray that the evil will be exposed. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Please protect president Trump and his family from all the attempts to smear him. Save our country Lord. I ask in the precious name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

August 8, 2022

Father God, You are on Your throne and as long as You are we do not need to fear. It looks as if things are falling apart but we know that nothing happens that You do not allow. So help us ,Father, to remain faithful and diligent in the face of thus blatant tyrrany. Stop the persecution of this man. Hold these fear filled and vile hearted people to account. From killing babies, to supporting all manner of perversion to allowing and advocating pure evil….stop them as we beg forgiveness on their parts and ask that you bring them to You to be saved too. Help us Lord. And come, Lord Jesus, come!

Marta Gallegos
August 8, 2022


August 8, 2022

Thank you Father, for speaking to the hearts of people in Florida to show support of former President Trump and his family. Our country is so broken tonight.

Stephen Swanson
August 8, 2022

This is big.
Little written prayers won’t suffice alone

This is a travail situation.
President wins convention poll.
Next day he’s raided.

Betsy W
August 8, 2022

It warms my heart to see the Floridians begin to show up at Mar-A-Lago in a show of support for President Trump. Dear Lord Jesus, we cry out to you for justice.

Cynthia Butler
August 8, 2022

The raid of President Trump’s home is unacceptable. This is the Biden administration using law enforcement to attack an opponent. This action will farther divide our country. The Justice Dept has overstepped their bounds. Every American should be appalled by the actions of the FBI and the Justice Dept. Every Citizen needs to contact their congressmen and vote in the November election.

Stephen Swanson
August 8, 2022

Like a hit in the solar plexus.
Can’t watch TV.
He wins the vote at convention yesterday.
Today he’s raided.
How are we going to get rid of these people?
Can’t count on elections anymore.
Grave situation.

    August 9, 2022

    But God reigns Supreme! May His will be done on earth… in the USA… as it is in heaven❣️🙏

Jessica Renshaw
August 8, 2022

>“How many times has Hunter Biden’s home been raided by the FBI?” tweeted Charlie Kirk, president of Turning Point USA. . . . < I know this is a rhetorical question. I assume the answer is "none."


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