I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray that the UN would stop propagating unbiblical policies. Preserve our religious liberty and freedom of speech, Lord.
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This would have disastrous implications on our religious freedom. We have to pray that this draft does not pass.

From LifeSiteNews. The United Nations (UN) is considering the adoption of a treaty that would defend homosexual lifestyles and may lead to the addition of so-called ā€œhomophobiaā€ to the classification of a crime against humanity.

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AĀ documentĀ titled ā€œDraft Articles on Prevention and Punishment of Crimes Against Humanityā€ is the unofficial treaty that has removed a long-accepted definition of gender as male and female, leaving open the possibility of defending the truth about gender and sex to qualify as a crime against humanity in the form of targeting LGBT people.

The draft treaty proposes changes that are both consistent with and in opposition to the 1999Ā Rome Statute, which established the International Criminal Court and includes persecution on the basis of gender as a crime against humanity. However, the statute also states that ā€œthe term ā€˜genderā€™ refers to the two sexes, male and female, within the context of society. The term ā€˜genderā€™ does not indicate any meaning different from the above.ā€


Contrary to the long-accepted treaty, the draft under debate in the current session has removed this definition of gender and emphasized the broad classification of a crime against humanity as a means to include LGBT people as populations to be protected.

AccordingĀ to the Center for Family and Human Rights, or C-Fam, the European Union and the United States are ā€œpushing the General Assembly to adopt the new treatyā€ while other countries, including Morocco, many nations in the African Group, Egypt, the Russian Federation and Pakistan rejected the proposal. The Holy See also criticized the treaty, stating that it ā€œregrets the ILCā€™s (International Law Commission) decisionā€ to remove the true definition of gender from the draft.

The draft treaty, which was originally published in 2019, is currently under debate in the UN General Assembly. A decision about whether the treaty will move forward is expected by the end of November. …

What do you think of this draft? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from LifeSiteNews. Photo Credit: iStock)

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Kathy Warrington
November 28, 2022

God made us male and female. The problem is not a gender problemā€¦.. it is a rejection of God problem.
Proverbs 9:10 tells us that ā€œthe fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge of the holy one is understanding. Romans 1:21-32 tells of those who reject the knowledge of God and refuse to worship Him, being given over by God three times, (a digression) to a reprobate ( depraved, corrupt, worthless, morally rejected) mind to do evil, unnatural things, worshipping created things rather than God, doing every lustful thing their evil hearts could think up.

Mark Pratt
November 27, 2022

Homophobia is a distraught trait.. why would you be afraid of someone’s sexual orientation. Are you afraid of someone’s genetalia?
Or are just making propaganda of what they might do or invoke in other humans? If you stand with the living true GOD, you shouldn’t have to worry about such things

November 27, 2022
November 27, 2022

It’s not just religious liberty and freedom of speech – it is communication in all its venues, manifestations that would be crushed.

Remember: Xi removed his predecessor from the Chinese Congress before the entire planet – Will Xi stop at removing anyone from anywhere at any time?

Marsha Bashor
November 17, 2022

This Respect for Marriage Act has moved forward , but it is not completed yet. Dear Lord I can only pray to you that this act fails and falls apart. Please cause it to fail forever and ever. Please stop the damage this administration is trying to do before January 1,2023. We know this is totally against what you intended in the beginning. Please God come back into our schools in the form of prayer to begin the day. Move upon the people to want your Ten Commandments posted back where they were taken down. We need you Lord God to be our God in this country!

Zoe Ella
November 17, 2022

There is a difference between ideas/action and populations. Populations may need to be protected – e.g., refugees from war, or from assault and battery – but ideas do not need protection by being censored or even outlawed. It is reprehensible to think it is OK to kill one’s spouse, but one is free to say that. One is not free to do that. Those who are persecuted because of their beliefs or ideas themselves need to be protected. People, we should not physically harm nor engage in deleterious talking (such as gossip or harassing) LGBT people, but other than already existing bans on assault, this is not a population that needs to be protected, especially by elevating it to a nobody-can-disagree-with-it status. May God protect us from persecution by sex-infatuated authorities.

Kelly J
November 17, 2022

Not only should we stop this treaty, we need to say NO to all of the treaties made by the UN and WHO. We need to get OUT of the UN and WHO. Bill Gates is one of the biggest funders of the WHO. The UN and WHO are being mightily used by satanic forces.

The ultimate goal of the NWO being brought forward by the UN and WHO is depopulation by far, and neutralization of sex and absolute controlled slaves of the few globalists. The changing of the DNA will allow for this ownership. Confusion of sex also is part of this agenda.

48 states have pending legislation that will allow full control by these satanic psychopaths in response to any thing they deem as a “pandemic”. This could be as little as a broken fingernail, and still be considered valid. We MUST make our states say NO to this legislation.

Darlene Estlow
November 17, 2022

Father, we look to you to defeat this draft. Raise up leaders to vote against it. But we also ask that you would prepare us to suffer as your children, as you predicted we would. May our hope be in you and not in this life. May I be willing to suffer for you, Father. I know you are bringing a third great awakening. We are seeing it. Raise up churches that will teach and love them that they may walk according to your word and be faithful to you.

David Ortiz
November 17, 2022

Here is what I think of this “draft”:
It is an ASSAULT. An attack out of Hell itself.
I call upon our God to rise up and to bring upon these evil ones the day of retribution He has promised. His holy justice demands it. And our sufferings need it.

November 17, 2022

The destruction of the family isn’t simply a goal of the American left, it is a global initiative. This is a cosmic battle for the planet, not just a single nation. My prayer is that Jesus will come and take us home. Homosexuals and Gender Dysphoric people are God’s children but have left home and have chosen to reside with Satan or have been misled into doing so. They are poisoning governments, school systems, and destroying lives as they continue to recruit more politicians and people in positions of power, like the UN.

LBGT behavior is an aberration and an affront to God’s law. We are all sinners, but codifying or legalizing sin doesn’t change the fact that it remains a sin and as such separates us from God. The true crime against humanity is the LGBT agenda.

Lord, we are suffering under the weight of sin, this LGBT initiative exacerbates that weight especially because of how children have become targets of sexual degenerates, groomers, and militant LGBT activists. They are cultists who have formed their own religion, a religion dedicated to the destruction and perversion of humanity. Only you can wash all of us clean of our sins, whatever the pain, whatever the cost, please Lord, cleanse us all and bring us to you. Jesus, in you we find our peace, all that is good and righteous, yet we remain sinners. If I cannot break the bonds of sin and I know and love you, how can those who do not or care not to know you stand a chance? It is only through you we can be redeemed. Lord, it is into your hands I commend the world. Bring us revival or bring us home. Amen.

Barbara Janicki
November 17, 2022

First it was acceptance, (as it should be of the person, not the behavior, like Jesus modeled for us) – then it was acceptance of the behavior – then it was normalization of the behavior- now it is celebration, elevation and promotion of the behavior (gay “pride” parades, flags, gay pride month etc.) – now it is indoctrination and recruitment of the young – and now it will become criminal to have an opinion that does not endorse, promote, celebrate and agree with a lifestyle that others have chosen? So we’ve gone from acceptance of individual people to the criminalization not of any LGBT activities but of anyone who does not celebrate, promote, elevate these choices – of anyone who has a different opinion. To make it illegal for anyone to have a dissenting or differing viewpoint, belief or opinion is definitely the death of freedom and the beginning of tyranny. God’s eternal, unchanging truth is the antidote to the deceptive lies about who we are and who we were created to be – only God’s truth sets us free from all the confusion and destruction of lives these lies bring about. Lord, help us repent, return to You and invite You back into our daily lives, our public lives and our public policies. http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

Allena Jordan
November 17, 2022

Lord, turn the people of the United States before it’s too late. Those in high places are choosing an ungodly path for this nation. They do not reflect the majority of people in the U.S. Father, stop them in their tracks. Do not allow this statute to go forward or to be adopted. I call forth Your mighty angels to stop this movement. I call forth Holy Spirit to convict people of this sin. Lord, let the people of the world know that You are God, that there is no one like You and that You rule and reign throughout the universe. By the blood of Jesus I pray. Amen.

Jeff Reese
November 17, 2022

With the authority I have to use Jesus Christ’s power, I declare that this possibility of an evil law giving foothold to ungodly definition of gender and targeting as criminals anyone who opposes this ungodly definition, is STOPPED!
Thank you Father.

Debra Shipp
November 17, 2022

Father, in the name of Jesus, we command the wiles of Satan be removed from our families, our children, and our nation. Lord, this evil will be over one with your righteousness. Thank you, Father for your grace and your mercy. In Jesus’ holy name. AMEN!


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