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Father, we thank You for protecting Congressman Zeldin. We pray that You would continue to protect him as he campaigns, God.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Rep. Lee Zeldin, Republican candidate for governor, was attacked at a campaign stop, although the suspect was released shortly after. Some suspect that tweets put out earlier by current governor Kathy Hochul encouraged this attack.

From Fox News. A man who allegedly attacked Rep. Lee Zeldin, R-N.Y., with a sharp object at a campaign stop in Perinton, New York, Thursday evening was charged with a felony and released from custody within hours of his arrest, the Monroe County Sheriff’s Department said.

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The suspect, identified as David G. Jakubonis, 43 of Fairport, N.Y., was charged with attempted assault in the second degree….

Zeldin, who is the Republican candidate for governor in New York, predicted the alleged attacker would be released.

“His words as he tried to stab me a few hours ago were ‘you’re done’, but several attendees, including @EspositoforNY, quickly jumped into action & tackled the guy,” he tweeted early Friday. “Law enforcement was on the scene within minutes. The attacker will likely be instantly released under NY’s laws….”

From Breitbart. New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) sent out a press release urging her supporters to “RSVP” to her Republican challenger Rep. Lee Zeldin’s (R) upcoming campaign stop, just hours before a man rushed the stage at one of Zeldin’s events in a failed attack….

However, as people like GOP strategist Arthur Schwartz and New York GOP Chairman Nick Langworthy pointed out, Hochul’s campaign sent out a press release just hours before the failed attack on Zeldin that blasted out the time and location of several of Zeldin campaign’s upcoming stops.

Hochul claimed that Zeldin and his team would spread “dangerous lies, misinformation, and his far-right agenda at these campaign events….”

“Governor, you seemed to suggest there should have been vigilante violence by inaccurately describing that campaign event as filled with ‘far-right extremists,’” Andy Ngo tweeted. “That is the same language and dog whistle used by Antifa militants to urge comrades to injure or kill targets.”

How are you praying for Congressman Lee Zeldin? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpts from Fox News and Breitbart. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Mary Theresa Costello
July 25, 2022

Keep him safe under the Shadow of the Almighty wings. Protect his family. We pray that he will not compromise his convictions. He will win the election. Bring righteousness, justice,peace to New York. In Jesus’s Mighty name amen

Marsha Carol Watson Gandy
July 24, 2022

HEAVENLY FATHER, Thank YOU for protecting Congressman Zeldin. We ask for YOUR DIVINE PROTECTION on he and his family, pets, homes, transportations. Guide, Guard, Protect and Defend them—–and all of us and our families, etc. who are praying for them. In the precious and holy name of JESUS CHRIST, YOUR only begotten Son. Amen

MaryJo Coleman
July 23, 2022

Dear LORD,
I ask for a bubble of protection for Mr .Zeldin! Keep him from those who hate and can be boughten off! LORD WE NEED YOUR SUPERNATURAL POWER TO SUCCEED IN THIS WORLD. You are Holy! Thank You KING JESUS!

pat dipalma
July 23, 2022

i found it most astounding that the attacker got that close to the candidate without any intervention from others on the stage!!! yet Gov. Holcolm had 90 police at the Belmont Stakes horserace recently!!! Susan Rice had a myriad of bodyguards after her announcement of a DVD being the cause of the deaths in Benghazi of her own people!!!!

Matthew Stachmus
July 23, 2022

Father God thank you for protecting those who have the courage to run for office at such a difficult and toxic time in our nation. The Enemy knows that fear is like a virus and iseasily spread…too bad for him that courage is also contagious for those who have placed their trust in you. In GOD we Trust. Amen.

Elba G Vazquez
July 23, 2022

I think that New York has an irresponsible Bail system that is allowing dangerous people back on the streets with little consequences. This individual had blades in his hand and was aiming for Rep. Lee Zeldin’s neck! In essence attempted murder! How could he be let loose? Lord thank you that he was not able to hurt nor kill Rep Zeldin. We peay that you set a hedge of protection around Rep Zeldin and his family. In Jesus’s name we pray.

Susan J
July 23, 2022

The devil just overplayed his hand. Isaiah 54:17 “…no weapon forged aainst you will prevail,”
Look at the exposure of the enemy’s plan again. More intercessors have heightened awareness now.
More prayers pour out for “the servants of the Lord,” protection.
More intercessors, more activation in the heavenly battle…be encouraged and pray to continue in the fight!

Nancy Eggert
July 23, 2022

Please pray for me as I teach America’s children with my highly trained staff in every State. The devil has tried to kill me, but God is preserving me for this work.

July 23, 2022

Of course they released him! He attacked a Republican.

Marsha Bashor
July 23, 2022

Dear Lord I pray for protection for Lee Zeldin and all the men and women of God who are running for governor, or Senator or house representative, and all offices in our states, Doug Mastriano in PA, and others. Please guard them and their families in all their ways.
Please change the laws in New York and other states so that people who want to attack and be violent to those they oppose, be arrested and put in jail for their actions, so they cannot get away with evil acts. Restore law and order to our nation as a whole. Let the enemy be defeated in Jesus’ name. Thank you🙏

Betty Beardsley
July 23, 2022

Father, I come to You in the Holy Name of Jesus and covered with His precious blood . Father, I ask for TRUTH to be made known throughout the USA and the world. I ask for mercy to cover Your people wherever they are and in all circumstances. I pray for JUSTICE to prevail. You Father God are our only HOPE for protection and deliverance, and I ask as Jesus told us to do in the prayer He gave to the disciples:” …..deliver us from evil.” “Let Thy Kingdom come and Thy Will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”
Send forth Your mighty angels to protect Congressman Lee Zeldin and all others who are standing strong for You. With praise and thanksgiving I worship You the ONE, AND ONLY GOD. Amen

Barbara Janicki
July 23, 2022

This is so egregious – a public assault with a weapon and the offender is out immediately while January 6th people present with no weapons and no attack, just ushered in by capitol police, are still in jail? Campaigning is now “spreading misinformation”? No diversity of viewpoint or ideas is allowed? Prayers for all to be able to campaign in safety. No one should be silenced by fear and intimidation. Praying that God fearing individuals will fill positions of leadership locally, in our states and at the federal level. Praying that “government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.” http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

Frankie Hutchens
July 23, 2022

Lord, I pray you so greatly overwhelm Governor Kathy Hochul with guilt for her part in this attack against her opponent, Congressman Zeldin that she accepts responsibility for her behavior and drops her governorship. Thank you and in Your Precious Name. Amen.

July 23, 2022

I pray that New Yorkers will recognize the evil in Kathy Hochal and elect Lee Zeldin as their next governor. Restore integrity to New York and safety for its citizens, remove tyrannical persons in power.

D Nick
July 23, 2022

Father thank You that Your Holy Spirit is there to forewarn us of the evil strategies, and tactics. For those called by Your name, those who give You the Glory, and seek You, protect them, move them from time or place of evil attempts and may those through which the evil one works be cast into utter confusion allowing nothing of their attempts be successful rather bring them to the saving knowledge of Jesus of Nazareth. In Jesus’ name. Amen

E Chandler
July 23, 2022

I pray God’s PROTECTION over Congressman Lee Zeldin and other Congressman and women that is on the campaign trail standing for RIGHTEOUSNESS and TRUTH and that are CHRISTIANS. I also lift up there families as well because the enemy is mad and he is trying to come after whoever he can get. I also PLEAD THE PRECIOUS BLOOD OF JESUS OVER THEM AS WELL and that the ministering ANGELS BE CAMPED ALL AROUND THEM.
I also want to include the SUPREME COURT JUDGES (AND THERE FAMILIES) that are standing up for RIGHTEOUSNESS AND TRUTH and are CHRISTIANS as well in this prayer. AMEN 🙏🏽…. PSALM 35, PSALM 91, PSALM 70 ISAIAH 54:17 GOD did not give us a spirit of fear but of LOVE, POWER AND A SOUND MIND. AMEN !!

July 23, 2022

Thank You Father, God for not allowing this man to carry out his plan against Rep. Zeldin. In the name of Jesus Christ, please send your angels out to protect ALL those running for office against any of this type of violence. Amen

Karin Muska
July 23, 2022

I pray for continued protection of Lee Zeldin Lord. Please thwart any violent action toward him or any people associated with him. Pray he is successful in his campaign and will lead New Yorkers in a good and Godly way.

July 23, 2022

Father God,
Thank You for the angels You have assigned to each believer. We pray they will be strengthened, equipped, and shielded by our prayers to accomplish every assignment You give them. Thank You for allowing us to partner with You through prayer.

We lift up Lee Zeldin and ask for a cohort of angels to guard and protect him, his family, and staff from all attacks of evil, and that those agents of darkness will be completely overthrown in the Name of the King of kings and LORD of lords, Jesus Christ. Amen.

July 23, 2022

God is rising up new candidates to serve under his leadership and follow his agenda.
Demonic forces WILL NOT stop his plan. Continue to pray a hedge of protection to surround them.

July 23, 2022

God, protect those who are Yours who are running for offices.

john arslanian
July 23, 2022

these tactics by the Dems are like Nazi tactics.


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