I Prayed have prayed
Dear Heavenly Father. We lift up the nine Supreme Court Justices to accept Your divine creation covenant of only two sexes – male and female. May they seek Your truth, righteousness and wisdom and rule accordingly in this case.
Reading Time: 5 minutes

On February 7, Trump’s Department of Justice (DOJ) notified the Supreme Court that it was withdrawing from the US. v Skrmetti case challenging the constitutionality of states banning transgender care for minors.

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A Brief Recap of Skrmetti

In 2023, Tennessee passed a ban on transgender care for minors. Known as SB1, the law prohibits the use of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormone therapy on minors claiming to be transgender. SB1 went into effect on July 1, 2023.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and Lamda Legal immediately sued the state to stop the ban from going into effect on behalf of their clients, three Tennessee families with transgender children, and a Memphis physician. Their challenge was based on the Constitution’s Fourteenth Amendment’s equal protection clause.

The U.S. District Court in Tennessee then put the state’s ban on hold. But in the Fall of 2023, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit reversed the lower court’s ruling reinstating the ban.

That’s when former President Biden’s DOJ asked the Supreme Court to review the decision of the Appeals Court, and requesting the Court to expand the definition of discrimination based on sex to include transgender “healthcare discrimination”, based on the Fourteenth Amendment

On December 4, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the case from the U.S. Solicitor General, along with an ACLU attorney for the petitioners, and Tennessee’s Attorney General for the state. The Court’s decision is expected to be handed down by June 30 2025.

But now there’s a new Trump twist in the case.

New Administration. New Position

Last Friday, Trump’s DOJ determined that SB1 “does not deny equal protection on account of sex or any other characteristic.” The DOJ also made clear that a Trump administration would not have intervened to challenge SB1 or petitioned the Supreme Court to reverse the decision of the lower Court of Appeals.

But here’s where the situation could get tricky.

Because the Supreme Court only accepted the Biden administration’s petition which focused on the equal protection clause, and not the petition of the parents and doctor, the Supreme Court could dismiss the case outright since the U.S. is no longer a party to the case and the parents would have to refile a new petition to the Court.

In other words, the case could start from scratch.

So, while the U.S. has withdrawn from the case as a petitioner, the Trump administration is urging the Court to still rule on the case instead of dismissing it.

The DOJ’s letter to the Court argued…

“The United States believes that the confluence of several factors counsels against seeking to dismiss its case in this Court. The Court’s prompt resolution of the question presented will bear on many cases pending in the lower courts.”

The Trump DOJ’s new position may be due to the fact that after oral arguments on December 4th the six conservative justices on the court appear likely to uphold Tennessee’s ban on puberty blockers and hormone treatments.

Half of the nation’s states have bans on transgender treatments for minors, as well as bans on transgender student athletes playing on teams not aligned with their biological sex, i.e. biological males playing on female teams.

Lawyers for the families condemned the government’s withdrawal stating, “this latest move from the Trump administration is another indication that they are using the power of the federal government to target marginalized groups for further discrimination.”

Tennessee’s Attorney General, John Skrmetti replied to this latest Trump move with this statement, “we commend President Trump for abandoning the previous administration’s effort to enshrine gender ideology into the Constitution and prevent the people’s elected officials from resolving these important contentious issues… We look forward to receiving much-needed clarity when the Court issues its decision.”

Impact of the Supreme Court’s Decision

The Trump administration’s withdrawal from the case comes as no surprise to many, and falls in line with his campaign promise to stop the “transgender madness.”

Since his inauguration, Trump has issued executive orders:

  • declaring it US policy that there are only two genders – male and female;
  • cutting funding for hospitals that provide trans treatments for those under age 19, as well as removing federal funding, including grants, to hospitals conducting transgender research;
  • banning biological males from participating in female sports, including high school and college, or risk of losing their federal funding;
  • refusing to grant visas to transgender athletes at the 2028 Summer Olympics in L.A.;
  • barring biological male prisoners from being confined in women’s prisons;
  • forbidding the use of Medicare and Medicaid funds to be used for transgender treatments, as well as prohibiting trans treatments from military or federal employees health insurance;
  • banning new trans recruits from joining the military and requiring the Pentagon to determine a policy for current trans service members based on readiness and standards.

Even with the Trump administration no longer promoting the radical trans agenda and returning the country to common sense, and 59% of voters supporting a federal ban on transgender care for minors, the Supreme Court decision could have as big an impact on the country as Roe v. Wade.

First, if the Supreme Court agrees to continue deliberating the Skrmetti case without the U.S. as petitioner, their decision regarding the equal protection clause applying to transgender healthcare could have significant ramifications. For instance…

If the Supreme Court rules in favor of Tennessee’s ban, all the current 26 state bans would remain in effect, and would resolve the question of what state’s can and cannot do in regulating transgender issues. Children would be protected from this evil ideology that intends to separate children from God’s good and perfect design for their lives.

But if the Supreme Court rules for the private petitioners, then the Skrmetti case could become the precedent case for future LGBTQ+ lawsuits whereby gender identity would be considered a protected class deserving of the same civil rights as protected rights based on race.

Biological males will be allowed to play in girls’ sports, use girl’s bathrooms and lockers rooms, enter women’s prisons, and no state could ban the trans treatments of minors.

Plus, if these bans are declared unconstitutionally discriminatory, this ruling could be the basis for more lawsuits, such as: increasing indoctrination of the LGBTQ agenda in public schools and libraries; and the removal of children by the State from parents who do not support the transgendering of their child.

What’s more… ALL of President Trump’s Executive Orders regarding trans issues will be null and void. In addition, any effort to pass a federal law banning transgender treatments to minors will be moot.

Let’s PRAY!

So let us continue to pray for the Justices to discern God’s wisdom and decide righteously so they may please God and not the transgender lobby.

Let us pray that the Court’s desire to protect children from medical and physical harm will outweigh any other consideration.

Let us pray for the spiritual and physical protection of the justices and their families from the enemy.

Let us thank God for President Trump’s boldness in restoring God’s creative covenant of two sexes and his repudiation of the devil’s evil schemes to harm our children and our nation with his demonic transgender lies

Let us pray for a very decisive decision that will put a halt to the transgender assault on America’s children.

Yes, if you cry out for discernment, and lift up your voice for understanding, if you seek her as silver, and search for her as for hidden treasures; Then you will understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God (Proverbs 2:3-5 NKJV).

This is what the Lord Almighty said: ‘Administer true justice; show mercy and compassion to one another’ (Zechariah 7:9 NIV).

For additional prayers and scriptures, check out the article “Pray for SCOTUS Arguments in the ‘Transgender Case,’” published last year on IFA’s Headline Prayer.

Add your own prayers and scriptures in the comments below.

Belinda Brewster analyzes cultural, political, and world events from a biblical worldview. Belinda’s passion is to equip, support, and encourage parents and grandparents who are courageously battling against the spiritual and cultural forces impacting children and grandchildren. Photo Credit: Pacamah – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=132331248.

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February 14, 2025

My dear friends, brothers & sisters, how in the Name of Jesus did 9 human beings have SO MUCH POWER over the basic laws of God and morality governing human existence since the creation of the this world – NINE HUMAN BEINGS – this entire ridiculous ludicrosity has to STOP – no panel of 9 human beings is going to tell me what is what when it comes to God’s fundament laws governing human life and creation -they have no right to dictate and change what has been present in human society for millenia, since ancient civilizations.

We need an overhaul of this entire system and we need to organize, riot In the sense of strong outraged protest and fight for it – enough has not become MORE than enough.

February 13, 2025

Lord your word says if my people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray seek my face turn from their wicked ways then will I hear from heaven forgive their sins and heal their land. We here band together humble ourselves , we do repent of the evil that has infected our land. We are doing our part we’re seeking your face, Father do your part cleanse America of this transgender evil ideology so harmful to the children. Strengthen the Supreme Court justices to take up this case and protect our children and so many other government departments and organizations affected by this evil ideology. It goes against everything you and your people represent.! Thank you Father for the changes that are happening. Protect and strengthen those who are standing firm against evil in Jesus name, amen.

Sheila Dun
February 13, 2025

I pray that the Justices will operate in the wisdom of God and be bold enough to stand with the truth, and I pray that they will be protected from any abuse, verbally or physically, for their stance against transgenders.

February 13, 2025

i found a sad quote that seems to state our national crisis clearly:
Most middle class Americans worship their work; Work at play; and Play at worship”

The only spelling correction my phone texts won’t remember is Gid or Hod should be God. This is a picture of how messed up our reliance on these programs on gadgets has become!!!! wake us up God to your Reality!

    Funmi Emeka
    February 14, 2025

    I thought it was only my phone. Absolutely annoying.

February 13, 2025

Father let the weight of your presence fall on these Supreme Justices When they are called to make a decision for your righteousness. Let there be no compromises with the works of darkness. May your truth of common sense prevail. May the fact that you created male and female seep into their hearts that they know that they know your word has to be the final Word. Your Word is life and truth. There is a very horrible price to pay when we come against your Word. Have the final Word in this court case.

February 13, 2025

Our Father in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name, THY KINGDOM COME, THY will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Genesis 1:27 “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them”.

Brian Lynch
February 13, 2025

Thank You Lord! I pray that this is but a beginning to the Supreme court shutting down the evil and preposterous challenges to President Trump’s agenda of returning sanity and common decency to our nation and its government. Thank You Jesus.

Patricia J.
February 13, 2025

Lord God, I thank You for Your mercy.
Take the blinders off of the eyes of those who make our laws and educate our children(even some parents). They have failed for the lie of the enemy of our existence.
Forgive us of our ignorance and heal our land.
I pray for our president and his administration, as he try to bring back common sense, justice and righteousness to our government. In Jesus name, amen. 🙏

February 13, 2025

Why do you not end each prayer in Jesus The Christ’s Name? Jehovah I am that I am… Jesus God Almighty

Does IFA believe that Jesus The Christ died and shed his blood for the atonement of sins? Buried and Rose from the grave on the 3rd Day.

Vicki Rowland
February 13, 2025

Oh mighty God, I pray all of the Supreme Court Justices might receive Your words, treasure Your commands, incline their ear to wisdom and understanding and spend serious time considering all the ramifications of these horrendous mutilating procedures that are in store for these precious children and cry out to You for discernment and clear understanding; O Father, may they fall on their knees before You and seek discernment and understanding as silver; search diligently as though searching for hidden treasures so they will understand and fear You O Lord, and find Your clear knowledge and wisdom on this issue. In the name of the One who put His hands on the children and prayed, the name of Jesus.

Bennadine Johnson
February 13, 2025

Father we ask for your Devine intervention we ask that each Supreme Court Justice will rule with your Word and Your Plan for all children. Impart great wisdom to these men and women and protect children now and in our future in Jesus Mighty Name 🙏🙏

James Tucker
February 13, 2025

GOD! Please help these judges and this country put a stop to all this confusing little kids into believing there is another sex than male and female. The pain put on these kids from parents, teachers, school administrators and politicians are only that an assault on our values as humans to protect our kids from harm. These kids don’t deserve to be put through this sexualized assault on their childhood. Kids starting at age 4 doesn’t know what adults are doing to them so they just go along with it maybe because of the attention or they themselves are going other confusing things in there lives like parents breaking up. So lord put your ideas into these judges heads so our children are not harmed anymore and please show these people that harm children with brainwashing techniques, pills and surgery the evidence they need to abolish this insane process. AMEN.

Tracey Powers
February 13, 2025

Father in Heaven, in the Mighty Name of Jesus, we ask that You would intervene and bring protection to our nation’s children from the evil one and his plans to twist their minds and harm their bodies! Please let the children who have been so harmed by the transgender ideology be allowed to speak to the Supreme Court Justices and tell of the nightmare they have endured at the hands of evil, unscrupulous people. Many young people are now speaking out against what has been done to them causing them a lifetime of pain and medical issues because of their transitions. Please let them tell their story to SCOTUS. Break the hearts of the Justices with the truth of what has happened to these children. Let it be a unanimous vote to stop this evil abuse of our children! Let every child who has been abused in this way find peace and salvation in Christ our Redeemer and Lord. Let the people who have been deceived by the enemy of our souls find Your truth and love Your ways. Deliver us from evil, Lord, for Yours is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory forever!

Ron Glenn Deere
February 13, 2025

It is written in Genesis 1:27 and 5:2 that the Lord made mankind male and female. Nevertheless, there needs for a while to be the dealing with the homosexual nonsense to deal with sin brought about cases causing suffering.

karma Sweet
February 13, 2025

Our country was founded on the Bible’s 10 commandments. Homosexuality is not a real thing . God never created anyone like that. He only created men and women. So it’s a sin tendency that has to be overcome. People have accepted it like it’s normal and it’s not! We must get back to what our Creator created! These people need therapy and counseling and lots of prayer and love but to accept what they think they are is wrong! Lord Jesus help us to have Your heart and mind when making laws and upholding them. Help us to love people by helping them to get away from the mindset that homosexuality is alright. Help us to help them to be normal. And yes, there is a normal when it comes to sexuality. Help us to know how to help these confused and mixed up people Lord.

Marilyn K. Steiner
February 13, 2025

Amen. Thank you for this article defending just two genders.

Susanna M M Mcfadden
February 13, 2025

I feel jesus accepts us all. But noo e should be asking kids in school u eqnan be a boy or girl? Noo e should be havin to b forced to marry same sex couples or lose our pastor job. We should have rights and the government shouldnt have to pay for ppl who wanna change the sex God wanted them to be. We were born a man or women for readon . Were his creation. Im praying for rights to be restored. Accept all what thwy wanna be but forcing us to put trash in kids that do t evwn know theirselves this day n age isnt right. Its their choice but also our choice to not use gov mo ey for surgeries.just my oppinion.

Anthony Puccio
February 13, 2025

God is so good

Herb Johnston
February 13, 2025

Lord, I agree with all my Heart, mind, soul and strength with Belinda Brewster’s prayers….
Lord-, I pray for the Justices to discern Your wisdom, Lord, and decide righteously so they may please You, Lord God, and not the transgender lobby.
I agree and pray that the Court’s desire to protect children from medical and physical harm will outweigh any other consideration.
I thank you Lord God for President Trump’s boldness in restoring Your creative covenant,Lord, of two sexes and your rebuke,Lord, of the devil’s evil schemes to harm our children and our nation with his demonic transgender lies

I pray as well for the spiritual and physical protection, Lord,- of the justices and their families from the enemy.
I pray Lord, for a very decisive decision that will put a halt to the transgender assault on America’s children.
In the mighty Name of Jesus, Amen

“God created man in His own image;
in the image of God He created him;
male and female He created them.”
Genesis 1:27..and Genesis 2:20 – 24

..20″The man gave names to all the livestock, to the birds of the air, and to every beast of the field. But for Adam no suitable helper was found.
21 So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep, and while he slept, He took one of the man’s ribsf and closed up the area with flesh. 22And from the rib that the LORD God had taken from the man, He made a woman and brought her to him.
23And the man said:
“This is now bone of my bones
and flesh of my flesh;
she shall be called ‘woman,’
for out of man she was taken.”
24 For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh”
25And the man and his wife were both naked, and they were not ashamed.

I decided to leave the footnotes in🙏✝️😊

2 a Cited in Hebrews 4:4
4 b LORD or GOD, with capital letters, represents the proper name of the God of Israel and the one true God, transliterated from the Hebrew as YHWH; here and throughout the Scriptures.
6 c Or mist
7 d Or a living soul; cited in 1 Corinthians 15:45
20 e Or the man, as in verses 19 and 21
21 f Or took part of the man’s side; similarly in verse 22
24 g LXX and the two will become one flesh; cited in Matthew 19:5, Mark 10:7–8, 1 Corinthians 6:16, and Ephesians 5:31
Berean Standard Bible (BSB) printed 2016, 2020, 2022, 2025 by Bible Hub and Berean.Bible. Produced in cooperation with Bible Hub, Discovery Bible, unfoldingWord, Bible Aquifer, OpenBible.com, and the Berean Bible Translation Committee. This text of God’s Word has been dedicated to the public domain. Free downloads and unlimited usage available. See also the Berean Literal Bible and Berean Interlinear Bible.
Bible Hub
Genesis 1

Dona Schmidt
February 13, 2025

Thank you for this article, Lord, we ask You to bring many into the court that will support male and female.
. Biblical values. People who altered their lives and now regret that decision. Bring Your truth, wisdom and discernment into the court . That the USA will not accept this demonic agenda to promote altering the sex of a minor,

Rich Swingle
February 13, 2025

Thanks so much for this excellent article bringing clarity and focus to our prayers!

Lord, we pray that a righteous ruling will stop the madness!

Mildred I Suren (Puerto Rico)
February 13, 2025

Dios Padre, Oramos por el corazón del presidente , él desea hacer lo justo, lo recto delante de ti Dios. Cuida su salud y sus emociones. Dale revelaciones y estrategias para cumplir tus designios. Protegerlo del hombre malo y la mujer perversa, descubre cualquier lobo vestido de oveja que se le acerque. Te lo pedimos en el nombre de Jesús ,AMEN

Deloris Cole
February 13, 2025

Abba, Give dreams and visions to the Supreme Court justices. Show them the harm that would come. Show them how it would rape the spirit and traumatize biological women to have to share locker rooms of those women recovering from sexual abuse or rapes. We need a safe space for biological women and men who have been sexually abused and molested to feel safe.

February 13, 2025

LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, We praise you for righteousness being established in our nation. Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne. We pray for our Supreme Court to judge righteously in this case in the holy reverent fear of the Lord. We pray for the safety and protection of all children from this evil mutilation and ideology. We are one nation under God. Our eyes are on you, The hearts of kings are in your hands and we trust the justices hearts are in your hands as well to move them to administer true justice and protection for the children, making it the law if the land. We also pray you raise up righteous judges once again in America and may all unrighteous judges be put to shame. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen!

February 13, 2025

A law to allow sin does not make sin righteous and God cannot be mocked. “Anyone who causes a little one to stumble would be better off having a millstone tied around their neck and thrown into the depth of the sea “ .. Matthew 18:6 To allow moral decay and claim it’s an adults right to do immoral things to a child is opposite of the Constitution’s original Godly establishment. That is why slavery was undone as it was moral shame on this country.
We pray that the Supreme Court upholds the right of the states to ban transgenderisms push on our children or it will open a Pandora’s box of lawsuits.


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