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I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, thank You for the people of Louisiana voting for the right of the unborn to life. We pray that You would change hearts, minds, and laws about abortion in America.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Louisiana voters passed an amendment to the state constitution Tuesday evening establishing that there is no constitutional right to an abortion.

The New York Times reported that 62% of Louisiana voters supported Amendment 1, “Love Life Amendment,” an amendment stating that nothing in the Louisiana state constitution protects the right to abortion or abortion funding. Louisiana also has a trigger law automatically banning all abortions if Roe v. Wade is overturned, according to NBC News.

“We are protecting our state’s taxpayer dollars and reaffirming Louisiana’s pro-life stance. We also believe that our people should have a say in this,” said the sponsor of the measure, Democratic state Sen. Katrina Jackson, NBC News reported.

“We’ve been working hard to get the word out about what this amendment does and what it doesn’t do,” added Louisiana Right to Life Associate Director Angie Thomas. “This amendment will make sure that Louisiana’s current pro-life laws are protected and can’t be undermined by a couple of judges.”

(Excerpt from the Daily Signal. Picture Credit: Getty Images.)

Earlier this year a Louisiana law requiring abortionists to have hospital admitting privileges was struck down by the Supreme Court. It’s inspiring to see that people in Louisiana keep fighting for life, passing laws and spearheading efforts to stop abortion. This is a great example for all of us.

Here is what God’s Word says: Rescue the perishing; don’t hesitate to step in and help. If you say, “Hey, that’s none of my business,” will that get you off the hook? Someone is watching you closely, you know—Someone not impressed with weak excuses. (Prv 24:11-12 MSG) Lord, help us to rescue the perishing–to get involved in trying to save the unborn, help the mothers, and stop abortion.

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Robert Rader
November 9, 2020

I am sure Biden and Harris will fight this! I am glad there are some people in the U. S.with some moral values!

Noemi Moyet
November 5, 2020

Praise God!!! God bless and protect the leaders in Louisiana. Thank you for choosing life!! God, I pray that you give us righteous leaders throughout our nation who will take a stand for life and do the same!!

November 5, 2020

Praise God. May this become a wave across the United States of America!!

November 5, 2020

Praise God! God bless Louisiana! And God bless America!

    November 5, 2020

    Thank you Lord for the state of Louisiana leading the way for the nations.

November 5, 2020

May the church arise and take back what the enemy has taken. When aligned with our Creator we will do exploits and with His strategies we will put to flight the armies of the aliens sent by the enemy of our soul.
I declare that America will choose Life for the Lord is removing the veil over the eyes blinded by Satan

November 5, 2020

Glory to God! Lord, thank you for Katrina Jackson, Senator LA. And thank you for Right to Life working so hard to bring Life, Light and Your Truth to LA. Thank You Lord for all that pursued righteousness.
Father, may other states follow this path to choosing Life

Ty Ford
November 5, 2020

God has spoken and the hearts of the people of Louisiana have opened and embraced His words and love for His children. When we listen, we will hear

November 5, 2020

Lord we praise You alone for this bill has passed and I pray Lord for each state to take back the ground we lost to Your enemies. Father in the name of Jesus I pray for this to become the law of the land in every state of our nation. Send forth those that know You to prepare the Bill’s, may You be a lamp unto our feet as we spread the message of hope and love for life. Amen

Harold LeBoeuf
November 5, 2020

Give thanks and pray the rosary.

November 5, 2020

God bless Louisiana!

November 5, 2020

Father God, in the midst of chaos, we thank you that your Light is shining. We thank you and ask for blessings for your people in Louisiana who have listened and understood your Word. Praise God!

May this be an example and a turning point for our nation… to stand for Life for the unborn.
Let us repent and weep for all the millions of babies lost to the evil of abortion. It has been an ugly scab that has festered on our country for decades. Lord, we pray for forgiveness and healing. We pray that the precious blood of Jesus wash us clean. We give You all the Glory, Abba Father. Amen.


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