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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, I need a second wind. Other intercessors need a second wind. Give us Your strength when we feel we have nothing left to give.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

“Pray for a second wind” the Lord whispered to me during a moment of utter exhaustion. I felt I had nothing left to give, but that is where the second wind makes its entrance.

It’s when the finish line is within sight, yet the runner is exhausted with nothing left to give. Even though they can see the end in sight, it seems impossible to reach. 

Then something changes. A shift takes place. 

Suddenly, supernatural strength pulses through their body. They begin to run with ease and maximum performance, crossing the impossible with every stride – exuberant as they step over the finish line.

This is the phenomenon of the second wind. 

In distance running, it is where an athlete, who seemingly has no reserves left, suddenly finds the tenacity to press through to the finish line.  Some scientists have said it is the result of the body finding its perfect balance.

In other words, a second wind, is the renewed strength to continue through the difficulty even when it feels impossible to complete.

We are to pray for a second wind.

The Lord said, “My people are weary, but take heart, the end is in sight, receive a new wind of my Spirit and run across the finish line – a provision of a second wind is available to you even now.”

1 Corinthians 9:24 says, “Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it?”

Click the image to download the companion prayer guide.

When this pandemic, election, and freedom battle began a couple years ago, none of us thought it would last this long, did we?

Most thought we would stand firm in faith and see a move of God within the first few months.  Certainly, long before the passing of two years.  

We are in a race; the Bible makes it clear. We must continue in that race until we reach the finish line. If God is saying, “pray for a second wind” that’s good news. That means the end is in sight.  

Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God (Heb 12:1-2).

We must run the race with perseverance, which is an expression of our faith. A powerful one – when we choose to run with endurance, we will see breakthrough, if we refuse to give up, according to Galatians 6:9, which says, “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.”

For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise (Heb 10:36).

Jesus told his disciples to always pray and never give up (Lu 18:1.) He is saying the same thing to us today.  Yes, there have been times of disappointment as we prayed and times of weariness but like the disciples, we cannot give up.  We must continue to stand in faith and pray.

We see this principle in the life of Elijah. Six times, Elijah sent his servant to look and see if there was any evidence or answer to his prayer for rain. Six times his servant’s report was negative.  There were no signs of answered prayer to be seen. Elijah could have certainly given up, but he didn’t. The Bible says in 1 Kings, Elijah put his head down one more time and prayed. The seventh time, when the servant returned, he saw signs of God’s hand at work.  A cloud the size of a man’s hand.  It was a small sign.  It was certainly not the rain Elijah was praying for—but it was enough.  A tiny cloud, a minute sign, yet it was evident God heard his prayer.

We too are seeing small signs of the hand of God in response to our prayers. Evil is being exposed.  People are standing up for their freedom. More and more prayer is taking place across our nation. These are signs!  These are evidence of prayers being answered. Therefore, we must continue to persevere. We must keep our hearts and our heads bowed in prayer.

We have a promise from God. A promise of a second wind.

But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up [close to God] as eagles [mount up to the sun]; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired (Is 40:31, AMP). 

Perseverance and endurance are vital, as is our continual hope in the Lord. Romans 5:5 tells us that God’s hope never disappoints.  As we continue to hope in God and his Word, He will strengthen our hearts. He will impart to us a second wind. He will open our eyes to see the finish line and strengthen us to run with endurance. 

He has already given us the victory.

Today, allow God to open your eyes and see the finish line.  Hear Him saying, “Receive my second wind and finish the race.”  His hope will not disappoint. We will not only finish the race, but in Christ, we have already won.

How did this encourage you? Let us know in the comments below!

(Author Kim Potter is a writer and the founder of A New Thing Ministries, which sends a daily teaching to thousands of people all around the world. Her articles have appeared on The Elijah List, Charisma, Spirit Fuel and iBelieve.com. Kim’s message is one of hope. She speaks to the heart of those who have grown discouraged or disappointed by the circumstances of life, imparting hope. To receive her daily inspirational writings, go to www.anewthingministries.com. Photo by Luke Stackpoole on Unsplash.)

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Theresa Kimbro
October 24, 2022

Pray for my son.. his relationship with God and with me!

Allena Jordan
October 24, 2022

And this old hymn came to mind: Faith is the Victory!

July 17, 2022

Lord .. help us to be good stewards of the manifold Grace of God, Your manifold Grace, and deliver us from the fears that so easily beset us. Amen 1 Peter 4:10

Bonnie K Berg
July 15, 2022

I am reminded of the words of Jesus to the 7 churches in the book of Revelation –
Chapter 2:7 – To him who overcomes
Chapter 2:11 – He who overcomes
Chapter 2:17 – To him who overcomes
Chapter 2:26 – And he who overcomes and keeps My works to the end
Chapter 3:5 – He who overcomes
Chapter 3:12 – He who overcomes
Chapter 3:21 – To him who overcomes

Clearly, we must be ready to stand firm and be overcomers!!
Thank You, Lord that You have warned us from the beginning knowing that there will be times when we must become overcomers. Thank You for showing us the way by overcoming evil at the cross and rising triumphantly over death!

Joan Lemoine
July 15, 2022

I am 100% against this evil bill from hell. I believe Biden is breaking not only God’s law but the law of the land that the Supreme Court voted on. Biden wants to talk about this 10 yr. old little girl that was raped twice, but HE DOESN’T WANT TO ADMIT THAT IS WAS “HIM” THAT LET THIS ILLEGAL INTO THIS COUNTRY IN THE FIRST PLACE, THAT RAPED THIS 9 YR OLD TWICE!

March 9, 2022

Thank you Kim, Sooo Encouraging!!

March 2, 2022

That was so good and such a timely message to each spirit. We must ride up together, never giving up and remembering that we are stronger in numbers lifting our songs of praise to the Lord.

February 28, 2022

Prayers continue for those who can and should protect our babies, Always!

February 28, 2022

In 1992, my son was killed in a car accident. He was 7. Going through his things afterward… I found a note he had written. It was from a small pad of paper with a soccer ball printed on it. It read… “Dad. Run the race and never give up.”
Over the years, I have given up a little, but never all the way… but have always gotten back up and started over. Once Andy wanted to know why I didn’t run for president. I can’t live up to that, but as an intercessor I support leaders and presidents. Together we all can opposes thugs and the deepest forces of darkness. With Jesus working through us, His angels surrounding us and released through Christ’s power flowing through us, nothing will be impossible for us. His kingdom come, His will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Dot Spence
February 28, 2022

Thanks ! I needed this today.

Hare Corina
February 26, 2022

Thank you, we need to be reminded of God’s promises. Yes running a race can be difficult but when you know the finish line is near, or you are rounding corner to the halfway mark, that moment fills you with that perseverance to keep going. Which by the way that was my word from God for this year, perseverance. Keep pressing toward the mark.

Tialuga Seloti
February 25, 2022

So timely and encouraging as I am about to throw the towel in. A second wind should be my prayer instead.

February 25, 2022

Thank you. I needed that.

Robert Woleben
February 25, 2022

This helps me to keep on praying under all circumstances.

February 25, 2022

I loved this article. The Lord healed me of Systemic Hives brought on by a covid rash . I, however set my immune system up for this diabolical attack by forgetting to seek God for my second wind. How thankful I am that He was gracious, patient, kind, and merciful to teach me this lesson. My prayer for all of you fellow intercessors out there will learn from my mistake the easy way by heeding this message today, letting go and letting God do what only He can do, in faithfully answering all of our persistent, fervent effectual prayers we have prayed in the name of Jesus for His glory, honor, and fame.🙏❣️

Nancy Baker
February 25, 2022

Romans 15:13 says He is the God of all hope, and He fills us with joy and peace as we trust in Him. And we pray for the power of Holy Spirit to surround your life with His superabundance until you radiate with Hope!!

Dianne Edinger
February 24, 2022

I just discovered this beautiful site thru Dutch Sheets Ministry. I pray millions of people will get on board and pray 24/7 to the finish. God bless this world, that only He gets the GLORY. Amen

Marta Gallegos
February 23, 2022

Thank You I thought it was just me I’ve had bouts of crying and felt very depressed But I immediately go to Praying in the Spirit before I have myself go into Peace. Thank you for this information.God Bless JESUS IS LORD 🙏

February 23, 2022

Thank you Kim for this uplifting reminder of God’s providence and provision. People have faced many struggles and persecutions over the past 24 months, the Israelites wandered for 40 years. We may feel angry, frustrated, even weak in the face of many cultural and governmental onslaughts. Whether Covid, inflation, threats of war, riots, crime, sexual lunacy in our schools, authoritarianism, tyranny, wokeism, the rights of the unborn, or outright lies being proffered as truth. We know it is the Lord who prevails. It is the Lord who carries us. It is the Lord who hears us. And, it is the Lord who will give us that second wind when we need it most. In His time, not our time and why not, He’s offered us eternity with Him. What could be better? Let’s keep running!!

Jean Edwards
February 23, 2022

What encouragement in prayer! He is the air I breathe! I receive my second wind and run the race with the joy of the Lord!

Catalina Rodriguez
February 23, 2022

CataFather as well I pray for a second wind
Strength within my Spirit and the things that I do in my daily life!
I thank you Lord for the Second Wind only you can do this I Love you Lord,I Love Jesus I Love you Holy Spirit!


Catalina Rodriguez
February 23, 2022

My Sister’s and Brother’s in Christ!
I had been feeling very weary for quite some time and not reading my word not even praying God had open this yr to start Bible College.
He has given sleepless nights and prayed or stay to Listen to to his Spirit.
And even read the word.
And He has renew ny Spirit yesterday I mentioned 2 of my Sister’s in Christ and told them we need pray late The witches in Arizona want to quite down especially us Christians and we started
to pray all the way to pass midnight 02/22/22 I had not prayed Like this for a while I prepared the atmosphere first to Worshiped the Lord then led by the Spirit of God and start to fight in the Spirit against schemes of Satan.
Giving God all the Glory being grateful being part of “Interrsseors of America ”

Love and Blessings to all!
Catalina SATX

February 22, 2022

Ms. Potter, truly GOD led me to your writing on the need for a spiritual second wind blessing from GOD!!! Thank you for your ministry to encourage GOD’S people!!! It’s timely and needful!!! May GOD bless you 🙏🙏🙏 for your service to HIS people to HIS glory!!! I especially like the feeding you provided through the various scripture offerings!!! I am so spiritually full, I am about to burst!!! But in a good way!!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!! And Amen because our Father says that I will never leave you nor forsake you!!! He is always with us!!! His Holy Spirit comforts us through our distressed times!!! Thank you Holy Father for caring for me and all your children each and every day, all day long!!! A=M=E=N, A=M=E=N, A=M=E=N!!!

Connie Coalwell
February 22, 2022

Thank you for sharing your heart and Holy Spirit insights. They are such a blessing blessings and a great encouragement.

Ingrid Farrell
February 22, 2022

Prayerfully we are in the battle for as long as we are in the body. We are the faithful servants of our Lord and Master. Awakening of individuals to confront pure evil and demand better action reminds me of this quote from Winston Churchill‘s journal on December 7, 1941:
No American will think it wrong of me if I proclaim that to have the United States at our side was to me the greatest joy. I could not foretell the course of events. I do not pretend to have measured the marshall might of Japan, but now at this very moment I knew the United States was in the war up to the neck and in to the death. So we had won after all!”
He continues, “England would live; Britain would live; the Commonwealth of Nations and the Empire would live. How long the war would last or in what fashion it would end, no man could tell, nor did I at this moment care. once again in our long Island history we should emerge, however mauled or mutilated, safe and victorious. We should not be wiped out. Our history would not come to an end. We might not even have to die as individuals.
We serve on the side of Christ Jesus our Lord. We will all die one day, let us die serving.

Judy Pike
February 22, 2022

Thank You for sharing the message!
Seeking to Serve OUR SAVIOR Daily & Always!

Toni Kushner
February 22, 2022

This was a word of encouragement for all. I have to admit the feelings of being over whelmed with prayer requests can be weighty if I allow them to be. And if I’m honest with myself sometimes I hear myself saying to the Lord, why they just cannot learn to pray themselves. This always leads me to confession for my selfishness and a call to the Lord for refreshment. God has placed a call to intercession on many and it is a gifting of God, but I have also learned He calls me to die that He may live and touch the life of another for His Glory. If we persevere in His call to prayer, He will give us the Grace to lay down our lives for the life of another or maybe for a country or the salvation of a people we do not even know or have deeper relationship with this Sovereign God. I have learned the call to intercession is a work not of might, nor power, but a work of His Spirit in me and My heart is that He will give me the motivation to keep on and the humble spirit to take the prayers of His people faithfully to Him. He is a faithful God and will help us to the finish line.

    February 22, 2022

    Love this! Thank you for sharing that, Toni. Much food for thought. Praise God!

Cassandra Ruecroft
February 22, 2022

Thank you from a weary intercessor!! Wonderful encouragement!

Gloria Robles
February 22, 2022

Blessings Kim, this was such a refreshing article and a great reminder for all believers. 💗 Thank you for this.

February 22, 2022

Thank you for the reminder that we are human, we get tired, we admit it and the God of the universe refills us so we can continue to affect change in His name.

Marlene Falvey
February 22, 2022

I have had so many answers to prayer, and still many unanswered. But I know God hears every one and He is faithful. He is teaching me to trust Him, to read His Word, to walk with Him and not in my own way. As the world gets darker, we have to become a brighter light to those who don’t know Jesus. “Yet though He slay me, still will I trust Him. Job 13:15

Donna Spiegelman
February 22, 2022

It definitely encourages me to not give up on this country we live in to turn back to God!

Nancy Wigley
February 22, 2022

Love this post not sure if I needed a 2nd wind or maybe just a little boost today! But I love the power of the 2nd wind! We need it !

February 22, 2022

I realize it may be against the rules to include links in a comment, but I felt this time it might be important. I made a music mix called SECOND WIND a couple of years ago, and the address below will take you to the title song. May it help provide inspiration for all who are struggling through this spiritual war. Thank you so much for this wonderful site where we can gather and pray for a better future. Much Love to you all.


April Sullivan
February 22, 2022

Thank you so much for this ministry. It is opening my eyes to more prayer points and the goodness of God. While on a 21 day fast with the radiant Israel Team for righteousness to arise we were told my grown daughter with four children has advanced breast cancer with little hope and they do not have insurance as her husband is self-employed. The past week or more has strengthened my resolve to pray more and I’m continuing to seek the Lord. This trial has already restored relationships. God is so good please pray for strength and healing for Kathleen if you think of her. Thank you church of our Living God, Jesus. Jesus reigns and we declare victory in all things and for the broken-hearted and the defense-less!

February 22, 2022

This article was so encouraging. It’s difficult to keep believing for something that doesn’t happen and seems impossible, but if we know who God is and His character we can trust that He will answer, and this article points that out.. Thank you for this wonderful message, I’m passing it on.

February 22, 2022

Thank you for this article, very encouraging. I was just saying to a friend, that these past 5 years for me has knocked the wind out of my sails. I have been feeling within myself an exhaustion even thought I am going to work every day, etc.

Several major experiences coupled with these last 2 years. Nevertheless, God is my hope, my only true hope.

Salem Zahn
February 22, 2022

While reading this inspirational article that is so timely for this day and hour of our spiritual journey I recalled a time in Marine Corps boot camp. It was our final fitness test before graduation. I was not a strong runner and besides that I had injury to my upper leg muscles. Excruciating pain with every step I took. We had a time limit to do the run in and I was nearing he finish line but the time was getting short and the pain was unbearable. Something kept pounding my brain with the thought of failure and getting kicked out of the Corps. But a couple of drill instructors saw my plight and saw that I was going to give up and rushed beside me and immediately offered up words of encouragement. They were normally mean and that surprised me and motivated me to not give up.
I made it through because of Devine intervention from an unlikely source of encouragement. That’s just how our Father in heaven works out things in unusual ways. Unexpected ways. Just like the footprints in the sand scenario. He carries us when our burdens are just too much to bear! Thank you Lord Yeshua/Jesus for always giving us the second wind as we anxiously await Your Second Coming! Lord come quickly!i In your Holy and Magnificent name we pray! Hallelujah and Amen

February 22, 2022

After having nearly died in the hospital with a terrible attack of c-19, and still in recovery 5 months later, praying for complete healing of my lungs, your message put a whole new meaning to “second wind”. I’m praying for a second wind in my lungs and a second wind in my prayer life, goals and endeavors for the LORD! Thank you for such a timely message, anointed and blessed!

Heidi Frankland
February 22, 2022

I agree that this is on His heart for His people. Yesterday I was walking around my house praying, and the Lord led me to pray for a second wind for His people. There were other words He gave me as well, which all fit in with what Kim wrote here. Thank you, God! Yes and amen!

Angela Wilson
February 22, 2022

I’ve been engaged in a study on Elijah for the last few months. Elijah needed a second wind after he killed the prophets and was threatened by Jezebel.

The Word states that we are human just like he was, and yet God used him for great exploits and miracles. God also sustained him when he was ready to give up.

I thank You, Lord, for the sustenance that you give to the weary, and those who are losing hope. Thank You for wisdom, perseverance, and endurance – even physically. We need You always! In Christ’s name amen 🙏🏽👆🏽

C and C Nelson
February 22, 2022

I was a competitive runner for 30 years and a coach for 20+ years. I can relate well to this article. We must keep our eyes on the finish line. That line is often the promises of God’s word. It’s often the examples that God’s word has of His many miracles and acts as He intervened through the start of creation to now.
Thank you for reminding us that we must continue to pray, believe and have faith in God – even when the finish line seems far away. Concentrate on the race and the discipline we must use to run that race. It’s not easy but He is alongside us…..to help us to the finish line. Each time we run a race, we get stronger, more disciplined and wiser. We become more than participants – we are part of a team. It doesn’t matter if it’s an “individual race”. We are still part of a bigger picture. Championships are achieved through many individuals working with each other for a goal. It’s no different in the kingdom of God.

February 22, 2022

This is a great prayer, really encouraging. Through this prayer I recognized the error of my heart and the sin of disappointment, where my expectations or desires had not been met. This is wrong, Father is Sovereign. He is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. His ways are higher, His thoughts, plans and actions are higher than our ways. I seriously repented of my heart position. May all these things be used for His Glory!

    February 22, 2022

    Kari, How is disappointment a sin? Never heard of this. Thank you!

Sandra Chank
February 22, 2022

Timely prayer and reminder that God is always listening. It seems that daily a new crisis arises in this world and even in my private life….and as an intercessor, one more thing to bring before Him. I wonder if He gets tired of hearing from me? Of course my view is one of a person in an earthly body. He is Spiritual. Thank you God that You are not weary of conversation with Your children.

Barbara Janicki
February 22, 2022

I surely needed this reminder as so many of the things I have been praying for have not come to pass as yet or even am I seeing that “cloud the size of a man’s hand” as Elijah saw. Easy to get discouraged, but we walk by faith, not sight. And we pray in faith, believing for what we do not yet see. thank you for reminding me “not to grow weary, for at the proper time . . .” Our calling is to pray without ceasing, leaving the results to God. http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

Lois P Willis
February 22, 2022

Thank you for this most encouraging word! My grandson died recently- so young. We all are exhausted on so many levels. He is with Jesus now.
We must re-apply our eyes now to the One Who is God of the living and the “dead”. Nothing must stop the intercession of the Church.
I will be waiting upon the lord
Today for the second wind!!
So lovely to have one another fighting together in the army of God!! You all strengthen me!!

    Sandra Chank
    February 22, 2022

    I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.

February 22, 2022

Dear Kim Potter,
Your word of reminder to persevere and wait upon and trust in the the Lord is very inspirational to me. I’m currently in recovery from a major surgery of 10 months ago. Physical limitations and limitations from medication have deterred me from intercessory prayer as I undertook before. I know that Holy Spirit has been calling me to return to that level of prayer!🙏 I’ve been frustrated! But, thank you; I needed your article to encourage me (and other burned out intercessors) to keep praying! May God bless you! In Jesus’ Mighty Name I pray! AMEN

February 22, 2022

I so needed this, as I’ve been feeling extremely weary and battle worn. I’ve been having such a hard time gathering my strength to keep pressing forward, exactly what I need is a second wind to finish strong!!

Melissa Pepper
February 22, 2022

I needed this encouragement this morning. Thank you! Praying for a second wind.

February 22, 2022

Great article.
I am reminded it’s God will be done not mine.My humanness and pride get in the way.
Tired,isolated,and at times unsure if I am praying Gods will.
God will lead the way and help us run the race in faith through our righteousness in Christ.

Fran Chandler
February 22, 2022

Thank you for this “second wind” and for your teaching. Galatians 6:6 KJV Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things

Miriam Johnston
February 22, 2022

This is a war we can not lose for the sake of our children and our nation and the world Awesome message of HOPE! Thank You beautiful warriors of prayer and faith in our King Jesus Christ.

Lenne Alto
February 22, 2022

Yes I became hopeful and encouraged. And God is speaking via nature. It is a windy day and other. Things that will remain in my heart. Thanks for these words worth reading and thinking about.

Allena Jordan
February 22, 2022

Open the eyes of my heart, Lord, I want to see You high and lifted up…

Michelle C.
February 22, 2022

For two years I have sensed a system being deployed upon us. It has many parts and has certainly felt planned all along.

We will need to pray for and obtain a second wind as we are nearly emotional exhaustion.

I read 1 Kings today before reading this post. The timing is right for a move to freedom.

May God bless us and may we forever call upon the Holy Spirit to strengthen us during this difficult time, in Jesus name.

Barbara Guadagnin
February 22, 2022

[email protected]
IFA…Thank you for conveying care and relationships ship to us.
This “second wind” as your article calls it happened to me. I prayed with everything I had for the December 1st Supreme Court Dodd hearing. I even downloaded and professionallyarranged pics of our 9 justices on a 4″x6″ format… I printed 90 combined pics to handout as a prayer request …leading up to the final decision.
Then WHAM…Breyer retired and I simply fell apart…feeling defeated by the constant *junk” (pardon my choice of words)…
My feelings of despair and being defeated lasted …oh, I don’t know…maybe 2 days. Then something came over me! …I felt STRONG for the battles…and truly my spiritual and quiet time is “clicking”… the many “categories” of pray topics have taken order… not so chaotic.
Thank you for being a place for me…for intercessors. The value of what you do and the “professional” integrity is beyond measure.

Mary D
February 22, 2022

AMEN! ThankYou Kim. I could feel the Battle intensifying in 2016, and it has only continued! At one point the physical and emotional tension was at the point that I thought this just can’t last much longer! BUT My Spiritual eyes were just starting to really be opened. I love Declaring and decreeing Gods’s Word, something many of us had never learned until this time. He is teaching us to Walk by Faith not by Sight! 2Cor 5:7 He is gently leading us to understand that we don’t have the whole picture and that Western Civilization/Culture has saturated our world and many Churches and it is not His Kingdom.
I, like all who love our great God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, want to Praise and give Thanks to the ONE Who is above it all, Who Sees, Who has every answer…….especially when I’m discouraged, caught off guard, weary, or angry at others, and the utter injustice and nonsense of what we are seeing!
BUT. Faith is starting to grow as we see Only God has what we want and desire. Spurgeon said. TO TRUST GOD IN THE LIGHT IS NOTHING! TO TRUST HIM IN THE DARK, THAT IS FAITH! We are learning to Trust. FAITH IS RISING, HOPE IS FILLING❤️

Lynn Taylor
February 22, 2022

“Lord, I Need A Second Wind” was a wonderful spiritual uplift and reminder of where we’ve been and how far we’ve come. We all receive hope to persevere and hope to keep praying. Thank you God for carrying us and giving us a second wind.

Rob Wogsland
February 22, 2022

Thank You, Kim, for this timely message of encouragement. We are now seeing signs of God’s Hand moving on many fronts. Strongholds of the enemy are falling as we keep praying. We can sense the finish line ahead. Just like His Word says, He is faithful. He is never late, we are just impatient. The battle is the Lord’s and He has already won it. The Lion of the tribe of Judah never loses. Father, thank You for giving us Your second wind.

February 22, 2022

AMEN…May we all be re-filled with His Second Wind….

February 22, 2022

I was just praying yesterday and telling God how tired I am in the battle. I read my email this morning and this was in it. Praise God! He knows we’re all weary. Press on in Jesus name. Lord breathe fresh strength on us.

February 22, 2022

Praise God! Just yesterday I said to my son, “I need a second wind”. Thank You Father! For affirming that this is available, we ask You for our second wind. Thank You for Your great care for us as we persevere in prayer. Love You, Father.

Suzanne Roberts
February 22, 2022

I was recently reading Dutch Sheet’s book, :”Praying for the Lost”. At one point he says:
“I love the concept embodied in the word “destruction,” or as the KJV says, “pulling down.” These words are translated from the Greek word, kathairesis. This important and powerful word has a couple of pertinent meanings. One of them is “to bring down with violence or demolish” something.2 God’s plan is for us to become demolition agents, violently tearing down Satan’s strongholds.

…Explosives placed by experts to demolish this major structure in less than 10 seconds. Since the phrase “divinely powerful” is the word dunatos,3 from which we get the English word “dynamite,” I like to think that this, in some ways, can also be a picture of our intercession. Unlike a detonated physical building, we don’t usually see the answer to our intercession within seconds—we may be strategically placing the dynamite of the Spirit for days, weeks or months. But every time we take up our spiritual weapons and use them against the strongholds of the enemy, we are placing our explosive charges in strategic places. And sooner or later the Holy Detonator of heaven is going to say “Enough!” There will be a mighty explosion in the spirit, a stronghold will crumble to the ground and people will fall to their knees.”

I think that summarizes beautifully what this article said.

February 22, 2022

2 great words of encouragement, thank you.. Thinking about Russia/Ukraine over the last few days I thought of the times when God had turned back armies. The second wind article is great reminder, even if we are exhausted we can still wait. Once again thank you.


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