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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we ask You to place Your hedge of protection around Texas and all of our American communities. And we ask You to bring an end to Covid-19 in the U.S. and all over the world.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

A crisis is mounting in Texas, where the Biden Administration’s liberal immigration policies are causing problems for local law enforcement and bringing Covid into these communities.

Hidalgo County Judge Richard Cortez is calling on the Biden administration to stop releasing COVID-19 positive illegal immigrants into Texas.

“We have been doing well as a community in slowing the spread of this deadly virus,” Cortez said. “But ill-conceived policies by both the federal and state governments are beginning to have serious consequences on Hidalgo County. I call on federal immigration officials to stop releasing infected migrants into our community.”

“We now face a potential crisis because of the federal policy of releasing infected migrants into our community,” he added.

Cortez’s remarks come on the heals of the Biden administration releasing thousands of illegal immigrants into American communities. According to a report from Axios, the administration has released roughly 50,000 illegal immigrants into the United States without a court date. Moreover, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has also recorded over 21,000 COVID-19 cases within their detention facilities…

What are your thoughts and prayers regarding this challenge? Please share in the comments below!

(Excerpted from The Federalist. Article by Shawn Fleetwood. Photo Credit: David McNew/Getty Images).

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Alberta t Snyder
July 31, 2021

I believe we should breath as free Americans Father you know what is best and if we were not born with a mask than we do not need to wear one

Santos Garcia, Jr.
July 30, 2021

The disconnect is glaringly apparent. COVID-positive illegal aliens are being housed in hotels with all the amenities paid for by our tax dollars. And worse they are being flown around the country and dropped off into communities that have not rational way of dealing with them. This administration is corrupt to the core!

Biblical Christians and our relentless prayers are the only spiritual exercise that will topple the forces of darkness arrayed against our nation. satan is seeking to force his antichrist kingdom upon the planet prematurely! He is using the World Economic Forum [https://www.weforum.org], the U.N., and the willing European Union to force a NWO totalitarian agenda on our planet. America is the ONLY nation that they must destroy and compel to join the ‘world community’.

We rely on the Resurrection Power of our LORD Jesus Christ to impel our prayers with Divine Justice, in Jesus’ Name- AMEN! https://zionsgate.wordpress.com/2013/03/29/the-power-of-his-resurrection/

Herb s Johnston
July 29, 2021

the prayer I pray is for truth to be revealed, and for the church to stop hiding behind poor interpretation of romans 13, being taught under critical thinking,(not crt)and get involved in their civic duty as much as possible, of course realizing the final solution is Jesus return,, BUT, we are not to be just sitting or standing on the roof in white robes awaiting his return doing nothing.. Thank you Lord Jesus

Herb s Johnston
July 29, 2021

It has already been shown that vaccines are nothing more than poison and that masks are useless to slow any spread. The cdc is not a government agency, but a private corporation, easily manipulated. At this level of contradictory information, escalating the level of confusion becomes easier and easier ,and is clearly the primary function of these agencies being manipulated by The Biden administration and china and globalists working diligently to undermine America

    Carole Ann Neve
    July 31, 2021

    What about the COVID testing as well? One week in November 2020 at the hospital my elderly mom was fine with the COVID testing negative. The next week she tested positive at a nursing facility and they placed her for approximately five days in the COVID unit with no symptoms. I told the nursing facility that my brother who is my mom’s Power of Attorney should get a refund because the nursing home gets paid for COVID patients. The nurse was going to pass on my message to the administration at the nursing home. The facility has been trying to send a $1,300.00 bill off and on. My brother told them he is not paying it until he knows what it is for. Maybe it was for our mom’s stay at the COVID unit in the nursing facility? If you only have Medicare with no assets, the people really pay a lot to stay at a nursing home.

July 29, 2021

Talk about major hypocrisy! They urge us to get the vaccine and mask up while letting thousands into the country that are infected, not even checking or testing them. This is enough to make your blood boil! At the same time, it’s not surprising, really. Lord, we ask that You bring an end to COVID in this country and around the world. Only You can fix these insane problems. Forgive me for my occasional outbursts. In Jesus name, amen.

Sophia Franco
July 29, 2021

Biden Administration is so out of touch with true hard working Americans. And we cannot count on the mainstream media to report facts anymore. So there is no true journalism anymore.

July 29, 2021

Federal overextension of immigration policies are causing this disaster to take place. In essence, the Biden administration has said to every state in our nation that “you have no rights”. The fact that TX (and other border states) cannot force infected illegal immigrants to go back where they came from should tell us that the feds have exceeded the powers that were given to them by the people.
If we haven’t figured out yet that Joe B. is merely a puppet and that those pulling the strings in the shadows are running “silent”. The Major Players in this game were at the forefront of the public eye before. The fact that they are strangely silent now tells us they are busy with things that are destroying this nation. Biden ‘completely’ sold out to these people in exchange for his long pursued goal of a title. He doesn’t care about Americans or the nation – we must accept that fact. His only concern is that he and his family stay protected, comfortable and in power.
*Lord we again fall at your feet asking that our nation and the people would return to you. We turned our face away from you Lord for decades and we are suffering the consequences now. Forgive our individual sins and our national sins. We don’t deserve your mercy and help but we desperately need it. We humbly ask that you would soften the hearts and minds of those in government who continue to make horrible decisions. Move upon their lives and bring them to a place where they see the emptiness of what they are doing. Cause them to see that they need you Lord. For those leaders who still love you and follow your ways, strengthen them and grant them increased wisdom to know what to do. Guide them in knowledge and give them great fortitude to bring forth their decisions. Show them your favor Lord. Amen.

Susan CC
July 29, 2021

Father, Your word says, “A man who has no control over his spirit is like a city that is broken into and without walls.” President Biden is that man. Because of his lack of spirit and control, disorder, disunity and ungodliness are flooding into our cities. Your word also says, we who live in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I ask that You provide refuge and safety to all involved in the border crisis. I trust in You alone. I pray You will deliver the border cities from the traps and diseases that are being forced upon them. I pray you will shelter the entire region with Your wings, demonstrating Your protection. I humbly pray You will be a refuge for all involved. It is in the Name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

Proverbs 25:28, Psalm 91

Laura K
July 29, 2021

This is an appalling decision that has been made. What will it take to bring commonsense back into this Biden administration.

Lord God we need Your help as never before to see us through this evil regime and everything that it entails. Come Lord with Your power into this and other dreadful decisions made I pray.

July 29, 2021

From the start of the United States, once the government was set up, immigrants were not allowed to come in until they were legally processed. We need to go back to the wait in Mexico policy.


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