The Intercessor’s Pain: Misunderstanding
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The Intercessor’s Pain: Misunderstanding
Have you been accused, misunderstood, or maligned falsely? Have people judged you without listening to you, made assumptions without asking questions, or misinterpreted your words or intentions?
If so, this is, unfortunately, part of the intercessor’s pain. But you can still respond in a godly manner — and your heart can heal.
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The sad truth about those who have set themselves to seek God more than they seek other people is that many will not understand them. Those who have walked the halls of heaven will rarely be understood by those who have not.
Encountering eternity, abiding in Jesus, and living in the eternal for days, years, decades on end — this changes you. And people who have not done this cannot possibly understand. They don’t know you, and they don’t know your walk with the Lord. They do not know your time with Him, or that the floor of your prayer closet is stained with your tears. So they cannot understand — but they think they do.
The fact that people misunderstand you may mean that you face false accusations. It may mean that true friends are few and far between. And it may mean that people misjudge your heart and motivations in very hurtful ways.
We cannot control how people treat us. But we can control how we respond.
Similarly, we are not responsible for the ways others treat us. But we are responsible for responding rightly. And though we should always ask the Lord to search our hearts and to convict us of any sin — helping us make things right with God and man in view of any sin He reveals — we must never allow people’s misunderstandings or false accusations to undermine our knowledge of Christ or our identity in Him.
And by this we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before Him. For if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things. Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence toward God. And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight” (1 John 3:19–22 NKJV).
And Titus tells us:
To the pure all things are pure, but to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure; but even their mind and conscience are defiled (Titus 1:15 NKJV).
Beloved, the heart of man is deceitful; only God can know it. But when Holy Spirit searches our hearts and does not convict us of any sin, you have to remember that it is before your own Master that you stand or fall — and that you will stand.
People’s misunderstandings do not define you. They do not define your heart, your identity, or your ministry. They do not define your intentions, past deeds, present deeds, or future potential. People will think what they will, but you have to stand before God and think only His thoughts.
When you face misunderstanding, ask God to search your heart. But do not, under any circumstances, allow the pain of misunderstanding to pull you down from the rampart or to pull you off your seat in heavenly places with Christ Jesus.
Even if you’re hurting, remain in the halls of heaven. Forgive, bless, and pray for all who have hurt you. Keep seeking the One Who knows you best and loves you most. As long as you maintain clean hands and a pure heart before God — making right anything the Lord shows you if you have hurt anyone or sinned — then people’s misunderstandings will come and go, but your identity in Christ, which is based on His blood and His word, remains forever.
Is this word for you today? Have you experienced the pain of being misunderstood? If so, take a moment to pray for those who hurt you. Be sure you have forgiven them from your heart. Then, leave a comment below to encourage other intercessors who are going through the same thing!
This article is one of a five-part series. Find the other installments at the links below.
Part 1. The Intercessor’s Pain: Delay – Intercessors for America (
Part 2. The Intercessor’s Pain: Travail – Intercessors for America (
Part 3. The Intercessor’s Pain: Servitude vs. Sonship – Intercessors for America (
Part 4. The Intercessor’s Pain: Rejection – Intercessors for America (
Jamie Rohrbaugh is the author of the ebook How to Become an Intercessor: You Can Shake Heaven and Earth. She is the founder of From His Presence, a ministry dedicated to equipping God’s people in prayer, the prophetic word, living supernaturally, inner healing, and kingdom wealth. Her writing can be found on YouVersion Bible Plans, in Charisma Magazine, and on The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and various other ministry outlets. Download her free prayer tool, Praying the Names of God: 555 Biblical Names of God and How to Use Them in Prayer and Worship, here. Photo Credit: Canva.
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The Ten Commandments speak so much to us each regarding Laws! So much! We can’t even obey those at times. Goodness gracious! I do Love you Lord Jesus for your love and mercy and forgiveness!
Thank You for Loving us so much that you walked amongst us and died so we may live! You’re so awesome and amazing!
As long as’I’ am aware of my wrongdoings, and seek forgiveness and forgive others; I can be content. We all forget God has the reigns at times and don’t ask Him what He wants us to do or how to handle certain situations. We need the’ one gift God has given us all, to remind us who’s in control! “The Book of Life”!
Amen and Praise God for His Love for us all!
When people wrong us, if they don’t know they have wronged us and never ask for God’s forgiveness, will they go to hell?
Theresa I believe the Bible says there is not one good among us. Forgive me for not having the exact scripture. Only Christ is perfect.
We pray for one another when we have hurt others or they have hurt us. Hopefully God opens our hearts and we can repent and ask one another for forgiveness. Believers will not be going to hell. Only because of Christ who died and took our place so we would not perish. John 3:16.
Otherwise we would be going to hell because we are not clean and we are not righteous without Him taking our place.
If someone is not a believer in Jesus Christ than yes, they can expect to go to hell.
We hope through our prayers and through our love and teaching to make a difference in non believers lives:)
Hope this helps.
God Bless your walk with Christ this new year.
This is very encouraging for me to always keep in mind how I respond to others… To do those things that are pleasing in His sight like His where does say in 1st John 3:19-22… Please pray this for me if you are inclined to do so in the mighty name of Jesus…Amen
If I have judged others I ask God’s forgiveness and if others have misjudged me I forgive and ask for God to forgive them.
I cannot honestly say whether or not I know for certain that I have judged or wronged by others do to misunderstanding necessarily but I have aften felt like it and feared being misunderstood or people seeing me as different or weird. In this article I relate but I have myself to blame as well as potentially others who may or may not have. I do find this article encouraging though because what ever the struggle may be I am reminded that I’m not alone which is something that I have often felt through out this year in particular. Just knowing that there are other intercessors who like me have struggled with something similar to what I’ve been struggling with. Another key to this that I think has been a struggle has been making sure I keep my cup full and focus on God not really so much on my struggles and for me to limit my distractions.
Dear Heavenly Father I am thankful to not only be apart of Intercessors For America but also that I’m not alone. God I pray you search my heart and remove all the negative feelings that I have been feeling. Lord I’m sorry for giving into my fears of rejection and really just focusing more on my struggles versus focusing on you God. I realize that I have made myself an Idol by giving into my own self worship. I realize that I have given into the want to please man more then you God by giving into the fear of what man may or may not think of me. God if there are those who do misunderstand me I pray that you would forgive them for they rely only on their understanding and not yours. I pray for rest and peace for 2023 that God that in 2023 I would be able to focus more on you and lean more on you. That God I can finally put the storm behind me and stop worrying but to take that worry and turn it into trusting you God. You are way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper and councilor. Help me believe it God. If there’s anything I do know through out my season it’s been the need for counciling and Lord you are the greatest councilor and best part is you are free and only ask that I abide in you. Father I am optimistic and look forward to 2023. I pray that this year will bring healing, restoration, and well you know what we need Lord and may your will be done in all mighty Jesus’ name I pray Amen.
Sean thank you!
Another beautiful prayer from you for the new year:)
God is in control. We are human. We fall and get back up!
Persevere with your brothers and sisters in Christ and see what God has in store for those who love Him.
I bet it’s an abundant life!!!
God bless your walk this new year:)
God bless you Sean… thank you for your prayerful expression of what many of us feel at times.
Remember, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.”
I Peter 5:8 NKJV
I feel that some attacks by our family members or friends may come in the form of verbal abuse, and this verse is important, because sometimes we just need to avoid those people. If Satan is using them, I say we stay away from them! Pray for them, but stay away. There seems to be more narcissists in the world today than I have ever seen before.
Jamie, thank you for this message!
Thank you, Jamie, for putting into words that which I have experienced for a long time. As an intercessor, I do feel misunderstood by those around me. Wrestling with God over this only makes me stronger, and more committed to remain in intercession. Please continue to grow me as an intercessor. May I never think that I have arrived, but to stay the right size, and to do Your will. Amen.
We all are misunderstood, and must work through it in the spirit. And what a blessing when we can come out the other side, steadfast and rooted in the love of Christ!
A daily battle…flesh vs. spirit. Victory in Christ!!
If you really look up the classification of Gifts in the bible there is no group of intercessors, it’s a false teaching Our prayer life in the spirit is to build us up in God period Have a beautiful Day
Romans 8:26-27
We, who are continuously interceding and watching, rarely quit residing in this place. We are bold in prayer and blessed for it.
The War Room!
Father God as I was reading today and praying I found these words to share my heart with others to stand strong and receive Gods gifts of blessings he showers over us. Be blessed United States of America Intercessors.
“Father, in the name of Jesus, we take our place of intercession over the United States of America. We plead the blood of Jesus over this land, humbly repenting and beseeching You to shower blessings over us, by Your mercy and kindness. “Matthew 16:19—19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be[a] bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be[b] loosed in heaven.”. Father God you have given us tools to fight the enemy with as we unlock your blessings from your throne room; then you bind the lies, curses, the hurts that the enemy has thrown at us these last few years by the sinful attacks on us and our America.. Even you Father God has been mocked and this Hurts because of what you do for us and what you did on the Cross for All of us, by giving us a Savior your son Jesus. I understand the mocking and the words of hurt from others but I remember your Covenants and your promises and your love when I pray. I try my best to spend time reading your words and using Decrees to build a stronger prayer life by using your words. I feel we are so blessed to be able to speak words on IFA and the other organizations that have come forward to shine Gods words over America. We are truly Blessed in America to stand for Freedom using Gods words to defeat the Enemy, Satan, devil, the demonic principalities that is Trying to devour us. Jesus Blood is what protects us as we use His words with His Covenant Promises, and the Decrees that connect us with The Holy Spirit to Jesus. It is a win- win situation especially when you use the Gift of speaking in Tongues. Another great gift God has given us is His True) Prophets to listen to, that gives us directions, warnings, how to pray, remind us to pray against Fear. I am going to quote a message I read felt it needed to be shared because we need a massive shaking concerning our churches, Pastors, Ministers- “ You are blessed to step into the most incredible move of Holy Spirit awakening and reformation the world has ever seen“ God is moving, I feel His Spirit of Love that is beginning to flow from many areas, the Churches we depended upon have let many down, so God is moving in a different direction to spread His words and break the chains of bondage so His Children’s Faith can be restored. When you feel the Love of God well up inside of you – you never want to let that feeling GO. God is promising Restoration, that is one reason to get that Warrior Spirit and fight the enemy with every thing we can throw at him. I keep remembering the wall of Jericho it took (7) times around before it fell. We have more than (7) tools God has given us to get Victory over this planned evil season we have been living in, we will not see the wall fall unless we use the Tools God has given us-so put on the whole armor, forget the mocking, the hurts, the tiredness; we have Authority. Father God I love you and thank you for Grace and your love, your forgiveness. The prophets words say you are coming to do some cleansing, freedom, Victory will prevail. God is our Lord of Lords. Be blessed
Years ago, I remember reading a story about a pasture full of young horses, care free and playful. One day, the Master selected one horse and removed her from the pasture. She was reigned in and put through disciplined training. From her stall, she could see the fun the other horses were having without her, even calling out to her to return and becoming upset when she didn’t. At long last, the day came when she was harnessed and fastened to a small wagon filled with the Master’s provisions for others. From there, she went wherever her Master directed, carrying out His missions to and fro, always steadfastly returning home with Him, while the other horses could do nothing but gaze on her closeness to, and affection for, her Master, who loved her and cared for her as His vessel of choice to accomplish His day by day mission.
…. I returned to the playful pasture and discovered it held no satisfaction for me. NOW, I know where I belong and will answer the call from my Master once again.
Simple but beautifully expressed our position as intercessors.
Thank you.
Since people falsely accused, misjudged and maligned Jesus who was perfect, they will also treat his followers. Read Matthew 5: 10-12
10.Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
11. Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and utter every kind of evil against you falsely because of me.
12. Rejoice and be glad for your reward will be great in heaven. Thus they persecuted the prophets who were before you.