I Prayed have prayed
Father, we thank You for stripping power away from this ungodly, divisive ideology. Continue to emphasize and encourage true equality, Lord.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

As fake diversity and inclusion fade away, true diversity and equality can take their place. Thank You, Lord!

From David Heinemeier Hansson. The acronym for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion entered the common corporate lexicon with overwhelming force in 2020. Executives everywhere quickly learned they needed a passable position on DEI to stay employed, and a cottage industry of consultants sprung up to provide it. There were endless proclamations of “doing the work”, some employees were told to “be less white”, and sympathy statements for public protests abounded. It was a near total victory over existing corporate culture in America.

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The rout turned traditional concepts of meritocracycolor blindness, and equality of opportunity into something “problematic” and “toxic”. It spawned a constant churn of denunciations and cancelations. Both for transgressions against the new orthodoxy committed in the moment and for those in the distant past. An ideological inferno had been lit.

This stunning cultural conquest was enabled and accelerated by so many influences it’s difficult to list them all. The aftershock of Trump, the riots in the wake of George Floyd, the grand isolation experiment of the pandemic, the writings of D’Angelo and X. Kendi. To name just a few. All winds for a moment seemingly blowing in the same righteous direction. …

But since those heady days of 2020, things have changed. The DEI hegemony has gone from virtually unchallenged to come under severe stress. Let’s look at four reasons why.

First, the Supreme Court is poised to repeal affirmative action at American universities next year. This thanks to a lawsuit brought on by Asian-American students who’ve been discriminated against at Harvard in the service of preferential treatment for other races. It’s a case that goes to the heart of DEI ideology: That to correct wrongs of discrimination in the past, we must apply reverse discrimination today. …

Second, many of the ideological allies of the DEI movement, like the official Black Lives Matter organization, have been swallowed by scandals. …

Third, the DEI movement has lost control of Twitter, which served as the main instrument to run ideological enforcement in the corporate sphere. …

Fourth, and finally, is that tech workers – from whom the DEI movement drew its most active and engaged disciples – no longer hold as much power over their place of employment as they once did. … All the major tech companies are now either doing layoffs in mass numbers or have instituted hiring freezes. …

If these four factors do indeed bring forth the waning days of DEI dominance, I think it’s important to try to extract some good from the worthwhile aspirations of a misguided movement. Divorce the specific tactics, and especially the ideology, from the valiant drive to promote equal opportunities for all. You can sign on to that mission without even accepting the premise of DEI. …

It’s been a crazy couple of years in the throes of zealotry. Most companies and executives could well be excused for ducking their heads during that time, as previous principles of equality were being torched by a radical rebellion raging. But it’s now due for them to raise their heads again and simply say “I don’t believe that’s true, we’re not doing that”.

Are you thankful for the downfall of DEI? If so, share this article with your friends and family!

(Excerpt from David Heinemeier Hansson. Photo Credit: Canva)

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Darlene Estlow
December 5, 2022

Father, we give you praise that this is diminishing and truth is coming. Father, give your people courage in these days to stand against evil. May we look to you and embrace the truth of your word.

Priscilla Meyenburg
December 4, 2022

My words today which I stand on: We know this country was founded on Judeo- Christian principles. We Know the Truth, we stand for Truth and will never be deceived! We will never stop fighting! We will never, ever give or give in! We will take our country back. We will honor THE ONE TRUE GOD, The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob! AMERICA SHALL BE SAVED! A declaration I say daily! A watchman DECREE was presented to us by FPARMY to say daily as we pray.

Priscilla Meyenburg
December 4, 2022

“ Pray with me:”

“Father, please continue to give our nation mercy, even as it mocks and rejects You. Were it not for Your mercy, we would have perished already. We believe that You will honor the prayers and repentance of a remnant and cleanse this nation. We believe You will restore America to her purpose and destiny. We will continue to partner with You in this, believing that as the all-wise God, You will prevail.

We ask You to judge the wicked acts that have taken place in our land. We ask You to judge evil laws and do whatever it takes to bring America to her knees. We ask You to remove from power those who promote and honor evil above Your righteous ways. Finish the work of breaking off of us the control of principalities and powers. Bring us back to You. We know this will require a revival of unprecedented proportions, but You have said this will occur and we stand fast in our faith for it. All this we pray in Christ’s name, amen.” Sharing a great prayer that says it all and cries out for Victory and where we stand. “ I don’t believe that’s true, we’re not doing that”. Words of simplicity but so powerful when you insert the name of our Father God/ Jesus who left us a Gift of The Holy Spirit as he ascended to Heaven. A gift of Major value to our lives and promises of a Love that never will be Matched. He said my Grace I give you.2 Corinthians 6-1,2– At the acceptable time (the time of grace) I listened to you,
And I helped you on the day of salvation.”
Behold, now is “the acceptable time,” behold, now is “the day of salvation”— I love you Father, I honor you as I learn something new everyday. I know I fail many times, but I know one thing you always pick me back up. Jesus is the only way we can win these battles. 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️✝️🇺🇸

    Susan CC
    December 4, 2022

    Priscilla, you saved the best for last… “Jesus is the only way we can win these battles.”
    I agree:
    “Were it not for Your mercy, we would have perished already.”
    “We believe….You will prevail.”
    “We ask You to judge the wicked acts… evil laws
    “We ask You to remove from power those who promote and honor evil above Your righteous ways.”
    “Bring us back to You.”
    “…we pray in Christ’s name”
    “I love you Father, I honor You.”

    Dear Abba Father, God of ALL, we believe Jesus who said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” Thank You for putting this truth on Priscilla’s heart. May this truth pierce hearts of those who deny You. May this truth pierce hearts of those who openly defy You. Yes Lord, Jesus is the answer for the world today. May this truth humble countless today for Your Glory Father and our good. In His Name I pray, ישוע המשיח, Jesus Christ, Χριστός. Amen


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